10/7/2012 4:15:05 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
This was the most disgusting thing I ever attempted to find pics for.
I googled "christian porn" expecting to get some funny cartoons and church signs to post here.
What came up was sick!
Pictures of priests paddling, fondling, sucking & "doing" little boys and a bevy of almost purely, gay pics.
Here u will find only the few comedy pics I found.
Feel free to add any u like, just leave out the gay pics. Its repulsive and will hopefully get your profile deleted.
Since bugbrain can't post here the above warning really isn't needed, but I posted it just in case.

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10/7/2012 4:19:31 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009

Just so bugbrain don't feel left out

[Edited 10/7/2012 4:20:26 PM ]
10/7/2012 4:39:59 PM |
Christian porn |

44, joined Jun. 2011
I'm sorry for laughing - but what possessed you to google "christian porn"?? Any google search containing the word "porn" will give you results ranging from funny to disgusting all the way to disturbing...   
10/7/2012 4:49:37 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
It was just a really weird discussion that came up with the neighbors wife last night.
She keeps her porn at my house, or at least some of it.
She wanted to watch 1 and just as I was getting up to put the movie in. A christian commercial came on the tv and the conversation started from there.
I actually even said to her that the discussion would make for a weird topic in a religion forum I post in, sometimes online. That also lead to the other thread I just posted.
10/7/2012 4:54:11 PM |
Christian porn |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
It was just a really weird discussion that came up with the neighbors wife last night.
She keeps her porn at my house, or at least some of it.
As if this portion of the reply alone is not peculiar enough? What kind of life to you lead there Crowley? Most people can only imagine. 
10/7/2012 5:01:10 PM |
Christian porn |


48, joined Dec. 2011
So this is the light of Jesus 

[Edited 10/7/2012 5:03:13 PM ]
10/7/2012 5:03:31 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Well technically its just a common law marriage.
She's my age and he's in his 70s. Its a sugar daddy type thing, as far as I can tell.
It started with her coming over to borrow things that she never actually left with, or wanted. Despite spending hours at my house.
I'll let your imagination tell u what happened during those hours, asha.
I also found out shortly after the "borrowing" that he's severely diabetic and has gotten violent with her when he forgets his insulin.
Those occasions lead her to spending 2or3 days with me.
She's hinted at wanting to move in, but I always tell her that my favorite part about being single is that my dates go home.
10/7/2012 5:07:59 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
So this is the light of Jesus

yam there was a picture of a christian dildo that was similar to the light switch, but it was extremely inappropriate and probably would have gotten my account deleted.
10/7/2012 5:12:59 PM |
Christian porn |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
I have a vivid imagination!! 
10/7/2012 5:19:54 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
I have a vivid imagination!!  

10/7/2012 5:26:44 PM |
Christian porn |


48, joined Dec. 2011
yam there was a picture of a christian dildo that was similar to the light switch, but it was extremely inappropriate and probably would have gotten my account deleted.
I think porn again christians use the dildo. I'm living in Dildo too
10/7/2012 5:47:29 PM |
Christian porn |

Saint Albans, NY
25, joined Jul. 2012
There is no Christian porn look how sick you are to actually search such a thing.. Porn is a sin and so is masturbating no born again Christian would do that stuff...
10/7/2012 5:49:28 PM |
Christian porn |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Here come de judge: Flip Wilson
10/7/2012 5:54:17 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Bombedass I bet u spank it while reading the bible.
10/7/2012 6:59:36 PM |
Christian porn |

Saint Albans, NY
25, joined Jul. 2012
Nah I used to watch porn and beat off that stuff corrupts your mind you should stop..
10/7/2012 7:00:13 PM |
Christian porn |


48, joined Dec. 2011
There is no Christian porn look how sick you are to actually search such a thing.. Porn is a sin and so is masturbating no born again Christian would do that stuff...
Aside from all the mental masturbation you do you ain't getting laid by any woman. You got nothing left but masturabtion.
The fact is the biggest consumers of porn live in the Bible Belt. The reason is because Christians are sexually dysfunctional due to their perverted obsession with sex.
10/7/2012 7:10:39 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Maybe that's why an extremely large majority of porn actors & actresses wear crosses/crucifix's on set. EVEN THE JEWISH ONES
10/7/2012 7:17:53 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Nah I used to watch porn and beat off that stuff corrupts your mind you should stop..
that explains why u always make yourself look like a hypocritical, moronic, judgemental, piece of fecal matter!
u don't read what's posted u just assume and all this time I thought you'd become completely retarded from smoking sherm.
Now I'll assume u never smoked any sherm
10/7/2012 9:21:56 PM |
Christian porn |

Saint Albans, NY
25, joined Jul. 2012
Lmao no i used to get laid watch porn and beat off... And really sex without love is just sex its meaningless and porn is stupid tome now and so is beating off its bad for your mind and spirit and it says so in the Bible.. I know people who get p*ssy all the time and yet they still watch porn and beat off. Its all really sick if you look at if you look at it, you look like an idiot beating off to porn. And where you get that info that most people who watch porn are Christian you talk pure nonsense most of the time..
10/7/2012 10:31:47 PM |
Christian porn |

Saint Albans, NY
25, joined Jul. 2012
Um clarenc you are misinformed because if you sin you God doesn't disown you.. If you keep repeating the same sins over and over while claiming to be a Christian then you lose your connection to God.
10/8/2012 12:28:58 AM |
Christian porn |
Glen Echo, MD
24, joined Jun. 2012
Yeah, I have a former gigolo buddy who is unbelievably influential with women give me this one jolt of wisdom.
Why not have your own personal porn star: your girlfriend or wife
Why not have her or one of her friends play with your....is this not why God created woman?
Porn is another way man throws his energy to the wind thus creating the weaklings/effeminates we see today...yes, I believe lots of the effeminates are so because of straight porn, for they're denying the natural use of their bodies and that of woman (Romans 1).
Remember, while they're watching an image of someone that isn't really there, they're still ALONE (the reality).
"It is NOT GOOD that the man should be alone..."
[Edited 10/8/2012 12:30:31 AM ]
10/8/2012 1:16:25 AM |
Christian porn |

Mountain View, AB
55, joined Aug. 2009
Welcome to the home of the Christian Porn movement...
Filmed procreation. Porn the way God intended.
The Christian Porn Framework
Only married couples engaging in sexual acts. All sexual partners in a Christian porn production are husband and wife, both on and off screen. All actors are married in real life and portray married couples on-screen. The depiction is their having sex with only their wedded spouses.
All sex is portrayed within the context of a Christian marriage. It is apparent through the actions,behaviors, and speech of the characters portrayed that they are Christian, lead a Christian lifestyle, and have a marriage in which their faith is central. This is depicted in a variety of ways, with scenes showing a couple praying together, studying the Bible, attending church or church functions, and generally relating to one another as loving Christian spouses outside of the bedroom.
It is instructional. Part of the mission of Christian pornography is to graphically educate married believers in how to achieve more sexual pleasure, intimacy, and closeness in their relationships. Various sexual techniques and positions are dramatized so that couples can learn how to incorporate them into their lovemaking routines. In their on-screen roles, the actors model both correct sexual techniques and appropriate sexual attitudes, by being respectful and treating one another’s bodies as the sacred gift from God that they are.
Both husband and wife receive their due benevolence.This is in keeping with the scriptural mandate of I Corinthians 7:3, which says
“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the
wife unto the husband.”
This means that both sex partners are shown getting equal pleasure and sexual
attention from one another.
No extramarital sex, unless it illustrates the downfalls of adultery. The spouses in a Christian porn production never have adulterous relations, unless they (and their partner in extramarital crime) suffer and are punished fittingly for their sins. (In deference to modern conventions, the punishment is not always mandated by scripture, i.e., being stoned to death.)
They are uplifting and inspirational, focusing on strengthening Christian marriage and Christian faith. Christian porn has an overall positive message. Of course, its primary message is to demonstrate the sacred use of sexuality and sensuality to reinforce the bonds of Christian marriage. But in all other respects, it affirms Christian values of community, family, faith, honesty, and charity. It shows that having a joyous
and fulfilling married sex life is one of the fruits of following the path of righteousness.
No profanity. Although exclamations of pleasure are acceptable, as are the natural sounds and vocalizations of lovemaking, Christian porn contains no profanity or swearing. The participants address each other lovingly and respectfully at all times. Of course, it goes without saying that the actors do not take the Lord’s name in vain, nor that of his Son.
10/8/2012 1:16:39 AM |
Christian porn |

Mountain View, AB
55, joined Aug. 2009

[Edited 10/8/2012 1:17:39 AM ]
10/8/2012 5:19:20 AM |
Christian porn |

Cedarville, NJ
51, joined May. 2011
This is funny
[Edited 10/8/2012 5:20:15 AM ]
10/8/2012 5:52:51 AM |
Christian porn |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
This was the most disgusting thing I ever attempted to find pics for. 
I googled "christian porn" expecting to get some funny cartoons and church signs to post here.
What came up was sick!
Pictures of priests paddling, fondling, sucking & "doing" little boys and a bevy of almost purely, gay pics.
Here u will find only the few comedy pics I found.
Feel free to add any u like, just leave out the gay pics. Its repulsive and will hopefully get your profile deleted.
Since bugbrain can't post here the above warning really isn't needed, but I posted it just in case.

Well coparal punishment was still allowed when I went to Catholic Elementary School back in the 60's. They didn't paddle us though. That's a southern thing. Back in my day we still had Nuns as teachers not like today were they are all lay people.
The Sisters would use the yardstick on the shins. Either that or kneeling on the hardwood floor while holding the big bible straightout from your chest then taking it back to your heart till the bell rang. Surprisingly enough this was worse than the yardstick which was ussually over guick.
They would also grab you by the ear or the hair right by you ear or both if they got a good handfull. We actaully became so used to it by 6th grade we could give a shit. That's why in Jr High School if you stayed in Catholic School you were taught by Preists. Who were ussually at least in my Parish very well read educated men. They were also some tuff rugged characters.
We had two that were really cool but you didn't f**k with these guys. They were teachers and vice principles and taught gym to the elementary school kids. So as an elementary school kid you got sent to their office when you were bad, or you had them as Gym teachers.
One had been a chaplain during the Korean War the other had been in some Union Organizing dust ups back in the day. He had scars on his knuckles and was supposedly a brawler that stood collar and all in the front of the union picket lines.
I remember him after Mass as a kid talking to groups of the dads and they would be laughing like someone told a dirty joke. These characters weren't child molesters. As a matter of fact the old Army Chaplain guy was a bit of a ladies man. The moms used to bring this guy food for the rectory all the time and he even had a lady friend. They would go to Iannones for dinner ever now and then on a week day. The weekend would have been way too scandalous.
They were good guys. They looked you in the eye when they talked too you and made you feel bad about bein bad. They taught us to get in front of the ground balls to plant our feet and put our shoulder into a left hook and to dribble pass and shoot the ball. I would say Catholic School also taught me how to read and write. My handwriting is impeccable.
10/8/2012 6:55:07 AM |
Christian porn |

Saint Albans, NY
25, joined Jul. 2012
.. God put women here for them to.be our other half not for us to be having meaningless sex... He said it is not good that man should be alone.. So he made him a helper, key words a "helper" that's why he said it wasn't good for him be alone he needed help tending to the garden of Eden.. And in addition for him to be by himself meant that he could never multiply you misinterpret the word of God cause you are not a child of God..
10/8/2012 7:25:26 AM |
Christian porn |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Its a sugar daddy type thing
I'm diabetic. I'm a splenda daddy.
10/8/2012 7:27:02 AM |
Christian porn |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Um clarenc you are misinformed because if you sin you God doesn't disown you.. If you keep repeating the same sins over and over while claiming to be a Christian then you lose your connection to God.
Sin can be a path to God.
10/9/2012 12:17:38 AM |
Christian porn |
Glen Echo, MD
24, joined Jun. 2012
Young man, being someone who has been studying by charge Genesis 2 almost daily since you were 5 years old, because of my involvement in the ELCA ordaining of sodomites issue (against it), I think I have a tad more authority than you might on this issue of marriage and idolatry and what is meant in Genesis 2 & Leviticus-Deuteronomy. Granted, you shouldn't need 15 years of daily study to know what He means....sometimes true, but cases like the above, it was necessary (life or death of millions of souls).
IT'S TOO DEEP TO GO INTO HERE but NOTHING I said referred to meaningless sex...you'd have to know some things about what I meant (would take pages) and what makes a wife (you won't find good explanations in popular culture---think Asia and Africa, where the Hebrews lived, not the pagan Roman perversions that were added & we call today "sexual morality".
Read Romans 1...laying aside the natural use of the woman...Paul wasn't referring to being too proud to ask for help in growing the watermelons, but refusing to enjoy hers, because of the pagan (Platonic, or what we call today PC) idea that woman should be seen OUTSIDE the idea of being, yes I'm gonna say it, a "sexual being", just as we are. This is why we have the problems of confusion we have today.
To conclude, we're on the same team and the same page. My point was for men and women to get together again and by any means for a man to leave the porn alone or it can kill his manhood. There's a lot to this whole porn thing than is NOT being talked about in public..a VERY SINISTER WORLD that is best left alone. The porn is a distraction, while the destruction is done. The ancients warned us, up to the 19th century educators. Solomon said of your woman/women: 'Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets, let them be for yourself alone and NOT FOR SHARING WITH STRANGERS...May her breasts satisfy you at all times...why be intoxicated by a strange woman and embrace an adulteress...(prov 5) Make sense now?
10/11/2012 3:44:54 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Wow! I was sure this thread would have hit the chopping block on its 1st day and here it is, 4 days later.
10/11/2012 4:16:17 PM |
Christian porn |

Salem, OR
64, joined Feb. 2012
Little things amuse little minds.
10/11/2012 4:19:12 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
That's made obvious by your post.
10/14/2012 3:46:56 PM |
Christian porn |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
This thread should have gone viral!
10/14/2012 10:10:49 PM |
Christian porn |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Christian porn sounds creepy. Lesbian porn is the only porn that seems right. That porn is beautiful. Especially when they start calling eachother dirty little sluts. They have these type of lesbian porn now where it's cougars seducing young chicks. It's f**king hot. Also black chicks doin white chicks or asian chicks doin white chicks. Or asian chicks doin asian chicks. All that interacial lesbian stuff is hot.