6/19/2013 10:35:55 PM |
Stuck on the Elevator..Part 3 | Page 30 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Is that why you're here on the computer? Pretending and wasting your young life?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/19/2013 10:36:09 PM |
Stuck on the Elevator..Part 3 | Page 30 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

6/19/2013 11:06:31 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I'm dog-sitting a rather difficult dog and cannot leave her alone. I have friends and am happy. I'm sorry that you have difficulties moving forward after the death of your loved one.
I have a lot of respect for Zippy and I will not engage in your bitterness.
Hope to catch you on the elevator, Purple. I'm dog-sitting week and a half.
Are dogs allowed on the elevator, Zippy?
6/20/2013 12:27:56 AM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
I sure have a lot to shell zoe.
I have shelled 5 lb tonight so far.
hey zipp not here so she won't even know zoe
6/20/2013 12:29:17 AM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
I'm dog-sitting a rather difficult dog and cannot leave her alone. I have friends and am happy. I'm sorry that you have difficulties moving forward after the death of your loved one.
I have a lot of respect for Zippy and I will not engage in your bitterness.
Hope to catch you on the elevator, Purple. I'm dog-sitting week and a half.
Are dogs allowed on the elevator, Zippy?
That makes you the better person zoe
6/20/2013 3:07:29 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
zoe just bring the pup up to my apartment cause sometimes there are wood chuck's on here .. lol
darn you brother now i can not make my rueben
6/20/2013 8:19:05 AM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Thanks Rf.
Purple, the dog may be small but she is scrappy. She will chase away that woodchuck for you.
6/20/2013 10:21:44 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

6/20/2013 10:22:05 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
6/20/2013 10:31:05 AM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
hey zipp not here so she won't even know zoe
Zippy knows everything. Even when I don't have time to post, I still jump on here and there to read.
Yes Zoe, well trained dogs are allowed and all dogs must be on a lease in all the public areas. Hmmmmm, maybe we can use them to scare off the woodchucks!
Off to work now ....


[Edited 6/20/2013 10:31:52 AM ]
6/20/2013 10:54:18 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
oh Zip ..... this is no laughing matter
Haven't you heard? Tony Sorprano died!
Shame on you Zip for making lite of another human's demise. I am sooooooooooo distraught.    

6/20/2013 11:00:16 AM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
I'm from Jersey...of course I've heard.
And all my respect and sympathy go out to every soul grieving over his loss as well as to all those grieving over any other losses of loved ones.
In fact, his obituary and life story are located in the display case in the lobby for all those who wonder who he is.
On to work now...before I'm late.
Remember, keep all pets on leashes...even woodchucks!
**I actually thought your RIP was meant for the vator being so dead lately.. 
[Edited 6/20/2013 11:01:49 AM ]
6/20/2013 11:16:10 AM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Zippy?! Is this the face of a well behaved dog?! lol

6/20/2013 6:11:22 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
The dog looks like he has his "I'm cute. Give me treats face on."
I bet he can get into major mischief if he gets bored. And I doubt, that because of that, you will not give him a chance to get bored. He looks like he is fairly easy to entertain, though.
6/20/2013 6:47:30 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Oh yes, she is major mischief but more at her home than here. At home, if you ignore her, she will find someone's sock and chew a hole in it. My favorite was when she looked up and had a chewed up postage stamp stuck to her nose, lol.
6/20/2013 8:06:46 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
I sure am glad zip said dogs can ride 
someone please bring me a bowl of water
6/20/2013 8:26:02 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
You better not chew up my stamps.
6/20/2013 8:37:56 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
Better stuck on doggie nose then freshening up quick and going for your annual pelvic exam and having a bunch of stamps stuck down there!
Had a woman come in for an exam one time not realizing she had gotten stamps stuck to herself. I darn near choked trying not to laugh.
6/20/2013 8:41:53 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
roff roff hey don't pull my leashe that hard
6/20/2013 8:56:30 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
OMG~ Kitty, your visual made me laugh hysterically!
Rf, we won't choke you but will keep you on a leash so you can carry all the stuff we are going to make you buy for us.
6/20/2013 8:59:30 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
oh my and I was thinking of asking purp if she had some
shoes she need to throw away. Or do I have to go dig in the trash to find a new pair
6/20/2013 9:08:57 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
No, no, no Rf! That's not what we mean when we say trashy shoes, lol

6/20/2013 11:26:09 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
oh heck was hoping
6/20/2013 11:33:32 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
**I actually thought your RIP was meant for the vator being so dead lately..
Surely you jest.................  
6/21/2013 12:50:24 AM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
purp you coming out tonight
6/21/2013 12:52:15 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
let's ride this babe 'till the cables fray ... anybody down wid me on dat????  
6/21/2013 6:17:49 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
no but im out this mornin lol..
im getting rid of some shoeas alright..but im sure they wont fit zoe and kitty i have big feet lol..
but whoooooooo whoooooooooo..i seen were zip said we get to have pleasure while riding the vator.. 
6/21/2013 7:13:15 AM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Good morning Purple!!!
I hope you explained to Rf that trashy shoes doesn't mean their in the trash.
6/21/2013 12:36:20 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I guess RF is just not a city boy! Work shoes and horse shoes. Some folks also have barn shoes, too.
6/21/2013 12:49:34 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
... "Barn Shoes" are known worldwide as MUCK boots!
And mean MUCK, in the case of "barn shoes" only means one (1) thing.
Wanna guess what that definition is?  
6/21/2013 2:42:08 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I believe the lady is refering to bovine and equine excrement. That is the least offensive way I could come up with quickly to say moo and whinney chit.
6/21/2013 2:56:23 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
As long as it doesn't stick to the bottom of my shoes, I am happy, lol.
6/21/2013 5:17:44 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
As long as you take your shoes off when you're walking across my rugs, I'm happy. 
6/21/2013 5:22:08 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Ever step on a vomited hair ball with your bare feet? Cold, wet and squishy.
6/21/2013 7:19:15 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I have cats. What does that tell you?
Actually solved the hairball problem with mine. The short hairs get a pat of butter every two weeks. The long hairs once weekly. If the cat won't touch butter, a teaspoon of mayo in the same time frame works wonders. Greases up the digestive tract a bit and the hair goes through with the rest of it. Have done this for years. Old vet suggested it. Works. Rarely get hacked up hair balls any more.
They also sell medication to prevent the hair balls. They all contain peteoleum products. I'm not putting petroleum products in anyone's stomach!
6/21/2013 8:02:20 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
he knows the difference lol..
the trashy ones get the wrong kind of attention sometimes arggggg.
i dated someone along time ago that had a foot fetish..who the heck wants to clean house in tallest shoes you can find arggggggggg..
6/21/2013 8:29:07 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I had one cat that never threw up hairballs. My current cat love vaseline. I use it on my hands and she goes bonkers for it. But then she likes cotton candy.
6/21/2013 8:54:46 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
My current cat love vaseline. I use it on my hands and she goes bonkers.
Yer a naughty person. 
(ps - momma said you'll go blind if you keep doing that.) 
[Edited 6/21/2013 8:56:44 PM ]
6/21/2013 9:18:02 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Hey, I was accused of not being an angel, I might as well go all the way.
6/21/2013 9:20:37 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
I might as well go all the way.
Like this will this be your first time going all the way? 
6/21/2013 9:24:15 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Oh, when I visited Purple, I took this picture

6/21/2013 9:30:34 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
When i visited Purple she wasn't home.
So I stole her tv, stereo, and furniture. 
6/21/2013 9:44:09 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
You're slipping CT. You left a half eaten sammich. Not like you to do that. You also left the case of Mountain Dew! Amazing!
6/21/2013 9:45:19 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
 eveing everyone
6/21/2013 9:46:18 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
You're slipping CT. You left a half eaten sammich. Not like you to do that. You also left the case of Mountain Dew! Amazing!
Wasn't me.
A half a sammich maybe.
A case of Mt. Dew left behind? Will never happen. 
6/21/2013 9:51:51 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
The locksmith will be here in the morning. Everyone's getting new locks with all these robberies and inside jobs I'm hearing about. OoOPps...
6/21/2013 9:56:29 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
Will Smith will be here in the morning. His daughter is going to whip her hair back and forth for everyone.
Uhhhhhh. Yippie? 
6/21/2013 9:57:20 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yippie Zippy ---- smart lady
Lock the barn door after the mare got bred!  
[Edited 6/21/2013 9:58:31 PM ]
6/21/2013 10:01:09 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
The locksmith will be here in the morning. Everyone's getting new locks with all these robberies and inside jobs I'm hearing about. OoOPps... 
how many locks do I need to change zipp.
I will send you the bill later
[Edited 6/21/2013 10:01:22 PM ]
6/21/2013 10:05:14 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Definitely Purps, Zoe's, Cups ....and double locks on my door. Leave CT's without any. I have to make sure he's not hiding anything in there other than Mtn Dew. lol
Oh wait, I have to check your closet for Purp's shoes too before you put the lock on your door. 
[Edited 6/21/2013 10:05:42 PM ]
6/21/2013 10:09:35 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Just buy me another shotgun, Zip ~~ you can do a 'write off' when you do your taxes.  
6/21/2013 10:10:37 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
No guns allowed in the building..other than mine. 
You can ride shotgun though, the next time we need to do a food/alcohol run. 
6/21/2013 10:11:37 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I just kind of come and go. I don't have an assigned spot. So I've got no lox. No bagels either......
6/21/2013 10:12:00 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I just kind of come and go. I don't have an assigned spot. So I've got no lox. No bagels either......
CT did you eat those too?
6/21/2013 10:13:14 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
now you know I have to keep a spare key to give ct, you know for his woodchucks
6/21/2013 10:13:54 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Kitty, anytime you want to rent a room, let me know. There's a vacancy on the 3rd floor right now. RF can make you a lock while you're here.
R..don't forget to label all those keys before you put them in the office for me. I'll be hiding them where no one will find them.
6/21/2013 10:14:54 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Zip ~~ I ain't working no "joint" ... nebber again .... My spirit is flighty.  
6/21/2013 10:15:21 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
ok you got it zip but that cost extra
6/21/2013 10:17:09 PM |
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Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
I've got no lox. No bagels either...... CT did you eat those too?
No I'm southern. We do biscuits here yankee girl. 
I tried bagel and lox once. Tasted like dammit on a rubber tire.
6/21/2013 10:17:32 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Cup...no joints in here either, unless you share in private and I don't want to know about it. 
R..NO NO NO, he gets no copies or keys. I'll pay you double.
No I'm southern. We do biscuits here yankee girl.
I tried bagel and lox once. Tasted like dammit on a rubber tire. 
Makes ya wonder how often he ate dammit and rubber tires to know that!    
[Edited 6/21/2013 10:18:44 PM ]