3/19/2013 7:23:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
remember when a moon pie and a bottle of rc cola was 7 cents. if you got a speckled ball out of the gum ball machine, you got a nickel in free trade.
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3/19/2013 7:45:54 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
remember when we use to say, no mam, yes mam, no sir, yes sir, thank you mam, thank you sir. reminds me of something that happened to me when i was 10. had hung around my older cousins and had gotten a little cocky. my dad had come to school to pick us up one evening because of bad weather. on the way back home, we passed a neighbor, mr mayo who was going to pick up his kids. being cocky as i was, i throwed up my hand and said to my dad, there is old man mayo. about that time i felt the backside of a big hand across my lips and the words, boy, that is mr mayo to you. that happened in 1952 and it is still fresh in my mind. what has happened to this younger generation?
3/19/2013 8:35:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined Nov. 2010
Hi Man; We did not have all the toys when we were youngsters
like the they do today . We played kick the can hopscotch.ball and jacks ,hide ango seek. We roller skated on the sidewalk . Don't see any of that today
Thank you for the new thread Man
3/20/2013 6:41:35 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Hi Man; We did not have all the toys when we were youngsters
like the they do today . We played kick the can hopscotch.ball and jacks ,hide ango seek. We roller skated on the sidewalk . Don't see any of that today
Thank you for the new thread Man
... we also played kick the can. we also played one called pocketbook. we laid a womans pocketbook in the road and tied a long string to it. we hid over the bank and when someone stopped to pick it up and look in it for money, we would jerk it across the road and stand up and laugh. guess that was a little mean, but after all we were 14 and 15 year old mischievous kids. at least we weren't breaking into houses, stealing, or fooling with dope.
3/26/2013 2:06:24 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined Nov. 2010
I remeber when my girl friends and I use to play with dolls
I remember when my gr. Mom made bread,pies and noodles
3/26/2013 6:55:41 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Waterford, CA
78, joined Sep. 2010
I remember those things and a few more. I remember the first thing I was taught to sew on the ole' treadle sewing machine. An apron that I cut out without a pattern. I was five. I learned what pride in a good job was that day. And at 77 I still say yes mam and no mam. I even giggle at times about that one.

4/3/2013 6:40:28 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
remember the little moron jokes
4/3/2013 7:23:34 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined Nov. 2010
remember kilroy was here
4/3/2013 9:36:11 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
remember kilroy was here
....kilroy was here but now he is gone.... how come there aint no little moron anymore? he was picking his nose and a bugger got him.
4/3/2013 6:26:25 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined Nov. 2010
 LOL | Forward this Picture.......
good one Man
4/4/2013 5:22:43 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
why did little moron take a bale of hay to bed? to feed his nightmares.
4/4/2013 5:50:02 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
know why they aint no more stories about little moron? he was sitting on the bridge smoking a cigarette and threw the wrong butt off.
4/10/2013 6:08:57 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Golden Valley, AZ
77, joined Dec. 2009
Riding my bicycle to the beach, body surfing and riding my bicycle back home. It didn't seem like a challenge back then.

4/10/2013 4:06:01 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined Nov. 2010
Standing in line for sugar with Ration Stamps
4/11/2013 4:06:48 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
4/13/2013 6:27:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
buster brown shoes
4/20/2013 6:33:38 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
The $1.25 plus tax cigar you just bought was 15 cents and you thought that was outrageous?
You could afford to eat tastykakes?
4/20/2013 6:34:53 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
J.C. Higgens[sp] bikes.
4/20/2013 7:19:16 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
cigarettes were 18 cents a pack.
4/20/2013 7:33:02 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
cigarettes were 18 cents a pack.
and you didn't mind someone bumming one?
4/22/2013 6:10:06 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
when gasoline was 20 cents a gallon.
4/22/2013 11:15:48 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Golden Valley, AZ
77, joined Dec. 2009
Watching my mother react to professional wrestling on our 17" black and white television.

4/26/2013 9:25:05 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Gene Autrey, Roy Rogers, and Ton Mix
4/26/2013 8:49:56 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
the ole possum, George Jones. anybody that liked country music remembers. truly, a legend.
4/27/2013 10:42:16 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Easton, PA
72, joined Apr. 2010
....kilroy was here but now he is gone.... how come there aint no little moron anymore? he was picking his nose and a bugger got him.
Sorry to spoil your fun and joke. I was here but my pencil broke. Kilroy,
5/2/2013 6:17:49 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
the ole outhouse and slop jars.
5/4/2013 4:44:37 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |

Torrance, CA
80, joined Dec. 2012
Oh, yes! We didn't have fancy bats, gloves and baseballs. There was no Little League or any other organized group. When we played kick the can it was in the street. Roller skates fit over sturdy shoes and we had skate keys to tighten the grips on the skates. I usually had a skinned knee, maybe 2. But I never broke anything. Even when I climbed the trees like the boys. When we played fort, they let me in, I brought the Kool Aid, with the little 4 oz. cheese jars that were drinking glasses when empty. No disposable plastic or paper ones. Where we lived there were lots of vacant lots, including some where wild mushrooms grew after the rain. We enjoyed picking and eating them. Can't do that now.
5/5/2013 8:35:35 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
drawing water from a well and drinking out of the same dipper everyone in the family used.. also kept 100 lb. blocks of ice in sawdust in a bin built in the back of house life was oh so simple.  ...them were the good ole days.
5/6/2013 6:24:27 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Sade Hawkins dances
Sock Hops
Doctors did house calls
Neighbors were more neighborly
Musical Chairs
Spin the Bottle
Horse pulling the plows
.....remember every bit of it and more. the good ole days.
5/8/2013 6:32:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
They sure were. What more do you remember of the good old days?
... let's see... we killed 6 hogs every thanksgiving, we milked 15 cows every morning and evening, we worked in hay and corn fields every summer while out of school, we wore bibed overalls all summer, we push mowed our yard with a push mower that had no engine on it, we listened to the lone ranger and the grand ole opry on the radio, we took a bath in a number 3 washing tub with water heated on the stove, to be continued. life was so simple back then.
5/9/2013 7:02:18 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |

Torrance, CA
80, joined Dec. 2012
I lived on a 7 acre farm in CA where there are all houses now. We had 2 alfalfa fields and 1 hay field, a fruit orchard, 4 cows for milking, pigs for meat, chickens for eggs and meat, and rabbits for meat and to sell fur. Dad had a big garden area for veggies. We had a roadside stand, sold corn, berries, flowers, etc. besides the eggs, milk/cream, fryers (chickens/rabbits) and stewing hens. We had our own water supply, tank and pump house. A nice size barn. I used to sit on the top of the corral fence and sing "Don't Fence Me In" to the cows. I sang to the rabbits and chickens as I fed them morning and night. Those songs depended on the weather, season, holiday.
I walked a few miles to/from school on country roads with no sidewalks so rain was messy tho' we wanted it for the crops.
Dad was a Colorado country boy. He worked full time for Texaco and took care of the farm too. Mom was a teacher. Her family had a big garden and chickens. She and I did canning all summer. We all fished: ocean, lake, river, stream. I'd take books.
5/9/2013 9:16:02 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Golden Valley, AZ
77, joined Dec. 2009

5/11/2013 8:35:32 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Is that how you picked your nickname?  ...you are right on target.walking around in the barnyard. 
5/11/2013 8:53:35 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
... let's see... we killed 6 hogs every thanksgiving, we milked 15 cows every morning and evening, we worked in hay and corn fields every summer while out of school, we wore bibed overalls all summer, we push mowed our yard with a push mower that had no engine on it, we listened to the lone ranger and the grand ole opry on the radio, we took a bath in a number 3 washing tub with water heated on the stove, to be continued. life was so simple back then.
...continued. going out in the yard at night and smelling a fresh cut hayfield, getting up at morning in the winter and running to the living room to get beside the ole warm morning coal stove to get warm, gathering up apples and walnuts in the fall to have to eat in the winter, going to the outhouse and using pages from a sears and roebuck catalouge to wipe with, sleeping 5 and 6 kids in the bed on weekends when we had company, the ole featherticks, drinking a glass of good cold buttermilk freshly churned, my first chew of tobacco. what a big mistake. first time i rode a horse, another mistake. shucking corn 5 and 6 hours at a time to put in the crib to feed to the cows and horses thru the winter. knowing i had clothes to wear, food to eat, a bed to sleep in. didn't have a care or worry in the world. life was so great back then. to be continued.
5/11/2013 2:53:48 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Life was so simple back then but such hard work for everyone. mothers day is Sunday and my mother was a dear soul, she worked the fields, cooked our meals, washed clothes on a wash board, ironed clothes, and took care of the babies. " and never complained about anything."  i would give a million dollars if i had my mother back now, but i know that is impossible. i would put my arms around her and tell her how much i love her and what she means to me. have a great day and GOD bless. alex.
5/13/2013 2:43:24 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Waterford, CA
78, joined Sep. 2010
Life was hard. But we played hard to. Grandma played a zither (sp). grandpa a fiddle, Uncle Kelly a getar,(guitar), Uncle Bill the wash board and wash tub, Frank the Harmonica, Dillard the juice harp, and anyone who could play just jumped right in the middle. They would finish the chores and load up in the wagon and head to the largest house in the area and have a hoe down all night long. Head home in the morning and take care of stock and go right back for a big cook out and preaching under a tree. I usually slept on the bed with all the coats and Mom and & Dad danced every dance. It sure was fun and I went to sleep with music and woke up to it to..... Too bad it had to stop. Age got to most and broke city the rest. They had to go out and find work. In the Oil field mainly.
5/14/2013 10:42:25 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |

Torrance, CA
80, joined Dec. 2012
Kids used to tell dirty jokes but I didn't want to hear them. Living on a farm meant seeing the animals "do it". I figured married folks do it or we wouldn't have new babies. I thought I'd figure it out when the time came. School had health classes which didn't tell more than body parts. I never thought anything normal was dirty. Unfortunately my husband became an alcoholic. That eventually was unbearable. Then how do you start dating again? But I never remarried. I do have lots of friends. Some from school days. We like to talk about how things changed. Fun.
5/15/2013 10:51:40 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
STOP the MUSIC on radio with Bert Parks.
5/15/2013 8:29:52 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
WWVA wheeling West Virginia-all nite country
5/16/2013 7:13:33 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
strange but w.c.k.y. came in strong on our radio in south georgia.----- cincinatti, ohio. always fats domino was playing which was a favorite in the 50's 
Did you cry when Fats came out with "Valley of tears" because the rumor was going around that he was dying?
Do you remember how he was never very popular after that because we all felt cheated when he didn't?
5/17/2013 6:14:10 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
The Shadow Knows...Old Time Mystery radio show
...... yes, we use to listen to the lone ranger, sky king, and the shadow on the ole tube type philco in a wooden cabinet. then on saturday night after taking our bath in an ole number 3 washing tub, we all gathered around the radio and dad turned on the grand ole opry. ole cousin minnie pearl would come on and say, hooowwwdy, i am just so proud to be here. we was as happy as if we had a million dollars. the good ole days.
5/17/2013 6:16:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
Hoop skirts, crinolines. Brush up, peddle and duck tail hair styles.
Sidewalk skating
.... a guy thought he was real cool with them ducktails.
5/17/2013 7:02:37 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
do you remember Bobby Benton and the B-bar-B ?
5/17/2013 7:17:38 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
do you remember Bobby Benton and the B-bar-B ?
....yes, and as little jimmy d*ckens use to sing, " got my education out behind the barn ".
5/17/2013 7:20:38 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
remember, kids what time is it. it's howdy doody time.
5/17/2013 7:23:16 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
remember, kids what time is it. it's howdy doody time.
turned out Bob Smith didn't like kids.
Willy the worm and Kukla,Fran and dear old Ollie.
5/17/2013 7:54:11 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
when babies were brought by the stork
5/17/2013 8:45:32 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Hickory, NC
76, joined Jan. 2013
Drive in Theaters. Sat in your own vehicle and watch the movie. Fun times. 
5/17/2013 9:59:04 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
as long as the hook wasn't around.
5/18/2013 9:05:30 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
as long as the hook wasn't around.  .... tell me about the hook?
5/18/2013 9:52:41 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Port Orange, FL
73, joined Dec. 2012
.... tell me about the hook?
I thought everyone heard that story about the guy with the bailing hook creeping around parking spots.We would tell it to the girls and scare ourselves so much we would go roaring out of lovers lane.
5/18/2013 11:45:42 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |

Aiken, SC
72, joined Jan. 2008
The first barbecue of the year on Memorial Day and it was so cold we wore our winter coats.

5/21/2013 1:24:21 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
I thought everyone heard that story about the guy with the bailing hook creeping around parking spots.We would tell it to the girls and scare ourselves so much we would go roaring out of lovers lane.  ... yes, i heard about the same one. just wanted to make sure. one couple told us that the hook tried to get their car door open. they sped away real quick. when they got home, they got a flashlight and looke at the car door and saw his hook hanging on to the door handle. they had jerked it off his wrist. 
5/24/2013 7:10:59 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
penny loafers.
5/24/2013 7:12:06 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
when mom would make snow cream in the winter.
5/28/2013 6:45:29 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
milk in pint and quart glass bottles.
6/2/2013 6:59:34 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Phenix, VA
71, joined Dec. 2009
sneaking off to some small river or pond---go Skinny Dipping Guys & gals.
6/3/2013 7:14:38 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


New Philadelphia, PA
80, joined May. 2013
Poodle skirts and bobby socks
6/6/2013 1:13:47 PM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
crusin the drive inns with the top down on the convertible.
6/8/2013 5:56:12 AM |
Remember when. sure we do. |


Bluefield, WV
72, joined Mar. 2008
back then you could park at the drive-in-burger joint listen to music and eat see friends and of course the dreaded "kissing"  ...yeah, and of course when you pulled out, you had to spin your wheels a little bit to show off.