4/26/2013 11:00:52 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
Sometimes Karma takes too long.... So Dear Karma I have a list of names you have missed!

No Names.... list something done to you that Karma is going to put the smack down on someone for!

Dear Karma, please make sure you visit the person who told me he loved me then slept with another woman! (as if I didn't know)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/26/2013 11:02:15 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Goshen, OH
34, joined Apr. 2013
My wife left me for another woman
first hell yeah
[Edited 4/26/2013 11:03:00 PM ]
4/26/2013 11:03:13 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Oklahoma City, OK
37, joined Sep. 2012

4/26/2013 11:05:28 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
all the scanky girls on DH!
4/26/2013 11:05:55 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
Dear Karma, you really need to visit the jackhole who swerved to hit a dog on the road today
4/26/2013 11:07:38 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
all the scanky girls on DH!
sheesh Angel, that would fill 3 threads at least how you been?
4/26/2013 11:08:56 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Lake Charles, LA
37, joined Mar. 2013
To the a**hole who told today it was all a lie
4/26/2013 11:13:28 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
sheesh Angel, that would fill 3 threads at least   how you been?
I'm good how are you beautiful.....
and lol thats why I didn't say names.....lmaooo
4/26/2013 11:15:31 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
  your man was being a brat...check out my foc...he wont share his toys Angel 
4/26/2013 11:16:27 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Boca Raton, FL
41, joined Apr. 2013
In karma there is no judgment only understanding. Karma agrees that the past is not the future. The past is our lessons that we should have learned, the future is the example that we choose to live by. To ignore this has serious and possibly grave consequences.

4/26/2013 11:19:01 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
In karma there is no judgment only understanding. Karma agrees that the past is not the future. The past is our lessons that we should have learned, the future is the example that we choose to live by. To ignore this has serious and possibly grave consequences.

4/26/2013 11:19:35 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
hee hee hee LJ we all know who they are 
4/26/2013 11:22:21 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
He's no good with sharing...lol....but I'm sure he will share with me.....
4/26/2013 11:24:15 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Aynor, SC
46, joined Feb. 2009
a nice, friendly, baptist church torched my beach house
4/26/2013 11:26:17 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
 don't brag 
I tried to tell him he wouldn't miss jus 1 or well maybe 3  He wasn't buying it
4/26/2013 11:28:16 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
a nice, friendly, baptist church torched my beach house
warfare Crowley, warfare. and it wages on and on.....
4/26/2013 11:31:26 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
LJ can u still get ammo easily there?
4/26/2013 11:33:40 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Aynor, SC
46, joined Feb. 2009
there's enough dry weather and forest fires to take then down
4/26/2013 11:38:31 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
Dear Karma, please have something special in store for the idiot who has to talk shit about a child
4/26/2013 11:39:41 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
I dont think karma is real....
Because I get shitty ends of deals....and i go out of my way to help others lol
ppl that do me wrong.....
seem to be happier lmfao
Zombie, 1 day you will freakin win the lotto or something, your a good person
4/26/2013 11:49:27 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
he's very serious about his toys..he loves every single one!
darn guys anf their toys!
4/26/2013 11:51:55 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
you know what they say... boys never grow up, their toys just get more expensive
it's so true!!!!
4/26/2013 11:55:16 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
Oh god....I'm doomed with Z as my boyfriend then
I'd still take him though!
4/26/2013 11:57:12 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
I would check you for a fever if you said anything other then that Angel dear!
4/26/2013 11:57:36 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Taylor, PA
31, joined Nov. 2010
you know what they say... boys never grow up, their toys just get more expensive
 it's so true!!!!
I collect many of the same toys I did as a child
4/26/2013 11:57:47 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Mobile, AL
28, joined Jul. 2012
karma to me is like lifting weights
or another way of interpreting the golden rule
if someone were to treat you wrong, would you do the same to them?
4/26/2013 11:59:31 PM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
 I would check you for a fever if you said anything other then that Angel dear! 
I still wonder how I got so darn lucky!
4/27/2013 12:00:07 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
I collect many of the same toys I did as a child 
Cary dear would you pay $50 for a collectors edition comic?
4/27/2013 12:01:38 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Taylor, PA
31, joined Nov. 2010
Yeah. But I'd have to get 2-3 copies of it
4/27/2013 12:01:45 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
Quote from angeleyes4400:I still wonder how I got so darn lucky!
4/27/2013 12:02:43 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
lmao Cary...well you wouldn't as a kid SOOOOOO those are "big boy toys" well your version anyways
4/27/2013 12:04:04 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from angeleyes4400:I still wonder how I got so darn lucky!
I have been a very good girl.....
4/27/2013 12:04:34 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Boca Raton, FL
41, joined Apr. 2013
Doing right does not influence karma, it gives you grace.
good deeds... get you spit in the face.
a favor here. maybe mace...
a favor there.. only a trace...of what you truly deserve, there are no bounds there are no mounds, no pounds, no rounds, of celebration to be had.
only pink hair on your head... be glad!
just remember that a wocket in your pocket is a dug in your rug!
and with green eggs and ham, sam i am, a noodle eating poodle in a bottle with a turtle makes a beetle loving dildo smack a nurdles whoodle fiddle!
yeah , eat that b*tches!
4/27/2013 12:05:49 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Taylor, PA
31, joined Nov. 2010
lmao Cary...well you wouldn't as a kid SOOOOOO those are "big boy toys" well your version anyways 
Comic books are not toys. They're reading material and art
4/27/2013 12:06:38 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Boca Raton, FL
41, joined Apr. 2013
That took forever to type.. like thirteen posts happened...im loosing my touch!
4/27/2013 12:09:11 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
too literal....sheesh Cary n LJ
LJ of all ppl you know what I mean by "bug boy toys"
4/27/2013 12:14:45 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Mobile, AL
28, joined Jul. 2012
benevolence is not an easy practice, nor is it presented to you.
4/27/2013 12:16:11 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Boca Raton, FL
41, joined Apr. 2013
welcome to karma, expectations of pay back stop the flow.
it's called dogma... didn't you know?
4/27/2013 12:16:35 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
everything comes back to you, good and bad...sometimes it takes longer then we expect. Everyone gets what they deserve in the end in 1 way or another
yes, you shouldn't do good just so good comes back... we should never expect that. Just know it will balance.
[Edited 4/27/2013 12:18:31 AM ]
4/27/2013 12:20:14 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Hudson, FL
42, joined Apr. 2013
Zombie dear, Heres an old saying for you.....
No good deed gos unpunished....
No bad deed gos unnoticed....
4/27/2013 12:20:29 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
 thats my problem... I tend to follow "eye for an eye" theory instead of "turning the other cheek"   
I try... oh yes I do try to be nice it's just so hard sometimes!!!
4/27/2013 12:21:24 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
was wondering how long it would take you to get in here Nick
4/27/2013 12:26:14 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Hudson, FL
42, joined Apr. 2013
Stay kind darlin, Good things are commin...
4/27/2013 12:27:32 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
I want good things too 
4/27/2013 12:33:14 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Hudson, FL
42, joined Apr. 2013
OK then,,, enjoy your mysery, I guess.
4/27/2013 12:33:28 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Mobile, AL
28, joined Jul. 2012
4/27/2013 12:36:08 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from angeleyes4400:I still wonder how I got so darn lucky!
I am a really good girl....lol
4/27/2013 12:38:57 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012

4/27/2013 12:40:51 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
ok I have moments....lol
4/27/2013 12:41:36 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
lmaoooooo, nooooooo not you!!!!!!!  
4/27/2013 12:42:34 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Cranston, RI
33, joined Feb. 2013
oh ok.....lol....
night everyone.....
4/27/2013 12:43:45 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
sweet dreams Angel
4/27/2013 12:45:12 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Hudson, FL
42, joined Apr. 2013
Sorry, my mistake...
I have nothing else to say.
Good night everyone.
4/27/2013 12:45:53 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Mobile, AL
28, joined Jul. 2012
think i'm gonna finish watching this movie.. or maybe just listen to it.. i've watched it a lot.. was my favorite movie when i was little.
4/27/2013 12:47:14 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
goodnight Nick
4/27/2013 12:47:55 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Bellingham, WA
26, joined Dec. 2012
Dear Karma
you missed the man who raped my 13 year old cousin 
4/27/2013 12:57:43 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Hudson, FL
42, joined Apr. 2013
OOO OOO OOOOO, Never mind......
4/27/2013 1:00:15 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Hudson, FL
41, joined Jul. 2012
jarring you cant mention a movie like that and not say what movie it is....us nosey ppl wanna know
Dearest Karma, please take care of this a lil faster.....do you need a red bull? 5 hr energy? something? anything?
4/27/2013 1:01:16 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |

Mobile, AL
28, joined Jul. 2012
i posted it in this thread.. it's the youtube on the previous page. light years aka gandahar by rene laloux
4/27/2013 1:01:42 AM |
Dear Karma, I have a list |


Lake Charles, LA
37, joined Mar. 2013
OOO OOO OOOOO, Never mind......
say it nick