6/6/2013 9:33:56 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Is anyone married and dating in ct? Any thoughts or stories?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/6/2013 11:57:25 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Wallingford, CT
44, joined Jun. 2012
If you cannot be true to your wife and live by the choice and agreement you made when you got married, then why stay married and be so cruel to your partner?
6/6/2013 6:35:45 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

New Haven, CT
30, joined Jun. 2013
For extra b*tches on the side.
6/6/2013 9:30:10 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Op are you serious?
6/7/2013 2:22:22 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

New Haven, CT
30, joined Jun. 2013
Hell yea!!
6/7/2013 7:25:18 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Just trying to escape from reality a bit.
6/7/2013 4:48:20 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
if you want to date in this state you must look like a male model with muscles on top of your muscles and have tons of cash, at least 2 out of the three, if not you wont get a date, all women in this state are beyond shallow they can care less about personality, respect or anything but the things i listed and thats a FACT!!!!
6/7/2013 6:31:49 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Wallingford, CT
44, joined Jun. 2012
if you want to date in this state you must look like a male model with muscles on top of your muscles and have tons of cash, at least 2 out of the three, if not you wont get a date, all women in this state are beyond shallow they can care less about personality, respect or anything but the things i listed and thats a FACT!!!!
I do not look like a male model.mi do not have muscles stacked on muscles. In fact I am quite thin well fit but thin. And I am far from wealthy not even remotely close. Yet I have had no problem finding dates at any time in my adult life.
You claim this to be a fact I see it as you being dishonest with your self. You cannot admit there is a reason or flaw if you may that is keeping the ladies room knocking down your door so you insist it is the women's fault.
Maybe try a small glass of humble and reflect upon your self and your approach at dating. Maybe ask for advice and guess what just maybe you will figure out the real reason you are unsuccessful.
Now if the reason you are having bad luck is because you are expecting super models with porn quality bodies well sorry can't help you there no one can.
6/7/2013 7:11:18 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Inkman does it again. Says just what I'm thinking! Bravo!
6/8/2013 6:38:32 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
inkman, i do know my flaws and problems at not finding dates.. im not good looking, muscular or rich. your thin, girls dont mind thin, but they wont date a man 5 pounds overweight, and dating? hell i havent had a date in a year and 8 months, women have told me im ugly fat broke and undateable this is true im not lying, my confidence is shot yes, but when women tell you that and almost 2 years without a date, you start believing them unfortunatly. ive never gotten 1 compliment on this or any toher dating site, just women saying bad negative stuff about my looks body and money, again if they say it enough anyone will start believing it
[Edited 6/8/2013 6:39:35 AM ]
6/8/2013 6:58:05 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Waterbury, CT
60, joined Mar. 2013
You do not look too bad, surprised you cannot get any dates at all
6/8/2013 8:43:59 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
It's attitude not just looks that makes me swoon
6/9/2013 5:17:57 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
taichilass, im sorry but i wont buy thst line on clearance, again, your gorgeous and seem very nice, ill bet ANYTHING your bf is not fat ugly and broke like me, well im not broke but im sure hes great looking built and has money, im sure you didnt go for him for his personality alone. all women go only for the looks and money, its sad no wonder why im datelss going on 2 years.
6/9/2013 5:50:48 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks. I no longer have a boyfriend first off. Secondly You're absolutely wrong about my taste in men. My last guy was able to take care of himself but wasn't rich. He's cute but doesn't have muscles upon muscles. His car is older but is well kept. That's my kinda guy.
6/9/2013 7:27:01 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
as an owner of 2 classic muscle cars theres nothing wrong with an older car thats well taken care of 
6/10/2013 12:24:53 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

East Hartford, CT
30, joined Jun. 2013
Only being able to get girls because your looks or physique are garbage a** cliche excuses that too many like to use to try and vindicate their losses or insecurities. By doing that you're only framing your brain into accepting that.
Sure muscles or good looks may help, but if you were to have that it wouldn't help you either. Confident conveyance and portrayal of yourself is a great way to grasp a woman's attention. Everybody likes an authentic individual. Male or female...
6/10/2013 10:15:22 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
I always find quick wit and humor as a goodstarting point.
6/10/2013 12:29:45 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Wallingford, CT
44, joined Jun. 2012
Inkman does it again. Says just what I'm thinking! Bravo!
Thanks TC
6/11/2013 12:07:17 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
You betcha darling
6/11/2013 9:06:50 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
So are there any women on DJ who are married?
6/11/2013 4:40:40 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
well then taichilass you say your single now, i love in the next town over form you, maybe we could get together for coffee sometime so you can see i really am not whining and do have a great personality, words typed do not convey emotion, so what do you ya say? coffee?? ................. .i cant wait for this excuse so she can show her true colors 
6/11/2013 5:37:27 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Wallingford, CT
44, joined Jun. 2012
That last sentence will be the reason why she turns you down, assuming she does. You cannot win dates by placing blame and accusing women in such general ways.
First things first shake the I am desperate image, most women are not interested in men that are desperate and show little to no confidence.
6/12/2013 10:52:26 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

East Hartford, CT
30, joined Jun. 2013
Yea...what he said^^^

6/12/2013 2:15:24 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
So we know married men will date. How about married women?
6/13/2013 2:44:16 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
not desperate at all fellas, but 2 days no response means.......... your honor I rest my case!!! ms taichilass can never again say its not about looks she just wants personality, shes just another shallow woman on here looking for her model with muscles and cahs, I love when im right and im def right this time, there all shallow, def showed her true colors just like I thought, hell it was only for coffee too. lol
6/13/2013 3:09:30 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Can't just say that. She may not like you for whatever reason. Can't expect every woman to want you. Law of large numbers.... Keep trying g.
6/13/2013 7:42:41 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Somers, CT
26, joined Jun. 2013
If you find a woman interested in dating you, considering you're a married man, she won't be anything special. Anyone with morals or even just a brain wouldn't be okay with doing that. You shouldn't be trying to cheat either.. If you want more you should get a divorce.. Marriage isn't something to be fooling around with and nothing ever justifies cheating. 
6/13/2013 11:52:41 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
not desperate at all fellas, but 2 days no response means.......... your honor I rest my case!!! ms taichilass can never again say its not about looks she just wants personality, shes just another shallow woman on here looking for her model with muscles and cahs, I love when im right and im def right this time, there all shallow, def showed her true colors just like I thought, hell it was only for coffee too. lol
Oh for f**k's sake! Really?! I didn't even see your post until now. As a matter of fact a friend pointed it out to me because I haven't posted for a few days jn here. You know what I would've said yes if I didn't see this kind of attitude. So there you have it a self fulfilling prophesy. Congratulations!
6/14/2013 7:52:36 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
If you find a woman interested in dating you, considering you're a married man, she won't be anything special. Anyone with morals or even just a brain wouldn't be okay with doing that. You shouldn't be trying to cheat either.. If you want more you should get a divorce.. Marriage isn't something to be fooling around with and nothing ever justifies cheating. 
Norrmally I would take your response in stride but then I saw your age and your pics. Which are awesome btw. But you can't talk about. morals and values when you show off the girls like that. They are covered but you are clearly showing them off to tittilate men. Cover up and then talk about virtuous behavior. Just a little dad advice.
6/14/2013 10:22:38 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
If you find a woman interested in dating you, considering you're a married man, she won't be anything special. Anyone with morals or even just a brain wouldn't be okay with doing that. You shouldn't be trying to cheat either.. If you want more you should get a divorce.. Marriage isn't something to be fooling around with and nothing ever justifies cheating. 
Fine if ya won't take it from her then take the same advice from me. I'm not showing off my tatas either! 
6/15/2013 10:25:45 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
And I take your response in stride. I won't follow it but I hear ya..
6/15/2013 10:31:04 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Fine if ya won't take it from her then take the same advice from me. I'm not showing off my tatas either! 
But they are beautiful tatss. Aren't they?
6/15/2013 4:22:50 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Killingworth, CT
29, joined Jun. 2013
Whats good name Eric....out here looking to meet some people....your down to talk lmk
6/15/2013 11:29:00 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
But they are beautiful tatss. Aren't they? 
I guess you'll never know lol
6/16/2013 12:41:03 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
kids only want to see boobs go look in the mirror then.
6/16/2013 8:45:27 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
Oh for f**k's sake! Really?! I didn't even see your post until now. As a matter of fact a friend pointed it out to me because I haven't posted for a few days jn here. You know what I would've said yes if I didn't see this kind of attitude. So there you have it a self fulfilling prophesy. Congratulations!
nice excuse lol i knew it, if i had a 6 pac or was handsome or loaded with cash you wouldnt care about attitiude personality or anything like all women, so glad you showed your shallowness on here just like ALL women. all about the looks and cash.
6/16/2013 1:36:32 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Thompson, CT
45, joined Dec. 2012
nice excuse lol i knew it, if i had a 6 pac or was handsome or loaded with cash you wouldnt care about attitiude personality or anything like all women, so glad you showed your shallowness on here just like ALL women. all about the looks and cash.
That's so not true....
6/17/2013 12:18:10 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
nice excuse lol i knew it, if i had a 6 pac or was handsome or loaded with cash you wouldnt care about attitiude personality or anything like all women, so glad you showed your shallowness on here just like ALL women. all about the looks and cash.
Like I said a self fulfilling prophesy. You're bitter. I don't want to go out with you because of that. End of story.
I was homeless for a while and spent a portion of my life over 300 lbs. As a result I would NEVER base my decision to date or not date someone based on such shallow things. So nhra, your argument is moot!
6/17/2013 7:04:50 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Lol. You don't have these issues when in my position. A little light humor this monday morning
6/18/2013 12:09:17 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Good to know lol
6/18/2013 7:18:08 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Soooooo tai chi have you ever been married?
6/18/2013 6:01:43 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Waterford, CT
60, joined May. 2012
Some people are just to unhappy to date.
6/19/2013 4:24:42 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Why are you unhappy? History or just tthe present prospectts?
6/20/2013 8:01:03 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Trumbull, CT
51, joined Sep. 2012
Like I said a self fulfilling prophesy. You're bitter. I don't want to go out with you because of that. End of story.
I was homeless for a while and spent a portion of my life over 300 lbs. As a result I would NEVER base my decision to date or not date someone based on such shallow things. So nhra, your argument is moot!
and your lying, all you want is looks muscles and cash like all women so your rebuttle my dear is moot to mee. im not bitter at all, i love when women get made becasue they cant handle the truth . god luck ms shallow youll need it!
6/20/2013 9:38:35 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Never been married.
6/20/2013 9:51:57 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
I'm sorry that you feel that way. I wasn't lying. I spent a semester of college homeless and about 7 yrs ago I topped out at 326 lbs. So yeah I'm not the shallow person that you think I am. Like I said though you will feel how you feel. I'm ok with that. I hope you find peace. I really.
6/21/2013 5:05:42 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Well there is no way around it. The idea is wrong but as I finnd out there are too many people in similar situations. And yes I have been talking with women willing to have a special friendship.
6/22/2013 11:50:20 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Branford, CT
36, joined Mar. 2013
^^^You can't be real.
On a side note... Wouldn't it be funny if one of them was your wife, took you to court, brought a transcript of what you were saying and took you for everything you ever owned?
Or, maybe you're being watched like on those undercover shows. Look up cheaters. There's a good chance you might be on the next episode 

6/23/2013 5:41:03 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Seems like someone has been watching too much tv. Ok yes there is a risk. Wanna play gotta being willing to pay. Do you really think I haven't thought of this?
6/26/2013 10:39:58 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Contoocook, NH
43, joined Oct. 2012
Nhra1966 you wonder why you cant get a date? You seem like kind of a douchebag first off with the poor me attitude then the guilt them into going out with them, then when they say no you attack them and say you love it when you're right you have issues plain and simple. man up get some confidence quit being a d*ck to women and maybe you'll find a date
6/26/2013 11:19:07 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
I dont care what kind of situation u have at home.. I think people who sneak around on their husbands or wives are just cowards.. You to much of a coward to make it work and to much of a coward to end.. Dont be a pus and end it.. Or man up and be the man she deserves!!!
Ok i'll be nice. As I said to taichilass, I hear your advice. I'm not going to follow it but whatever.
6/26/2013 2:38:55 PM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Now see. If you were able to use proper grammar I would know you weren't being specific to me. Combine that with being next in the thread its logical to think you were referring to me. So since we are talking about being conceded, should you really be offering advice on marriage when you either couldn't stay married when you had a child or were you ever married? You might want to rethink about throwing stones. Pompous bi... Oh nevermind.
6/26/2013 5:36:56 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

New Britain, CT
37, joined Jan. 2013
Im married... Im.allowed to date on the side.. Other women of course.. My husbands allowed to also long as im involved =) but i do agree its all attitude.. Theres this guy i wrk with.. Hes like 400ppunds no exaggeration and hes lazy and omg uuuuuuuugly.. This guys got like 8 gf... I have no idea how... Lol
6/27/2013 1:02:07 AM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Nhra1966 you wonder why you cant get a date? You seem like kind of a douchebag first off with the poor me attitude then the guilt them into going out with them, then when they say no you attack them and say you love it when you're right you have issues plain and simple. man up get some confidence quit being a d*ck to women and maybe you'll find a date
This is the truth!!!!
6/28/2013 11:24:53 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Even in doing better than nhra. Just have to relax a bit.
6/30/2013 4:49:03 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
If somebody asks for advice and doesn't like the answer by giving insults, it's not a wonder why they are still single. Nobody has to justify their own opinions.
Best way to deal with those people, no response is the best response.
Keep your sanity and chat with people that are worth chatting with.
Amen Sista!
7/1/2013 8:37:11 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Exactly and isn't this whole thing supposed to be fun and good humored? Just relax. Best way to go.
7/15/2013 10:41:53 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
Update: amazed at the numbers of either married women or those willing to at least talk to a married guy.
7/16/2013 12:19:00 PM |
Married and dating in CT |

Clinton, MA
45, joined Jun. 2013
does your wife know you r cheating on her? or r u both swingers?
7/18/2013 9:01:08 AM |
Married and dating in CT |
Glastonbury, CT
53, joined May. 2013
To each his own.