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9/21/2013 12:16:05 PM |

Bossier City, LA
59, joined Jul. 2012
eastfoot post, What Your Favorite Military Branch 10/11/12,
“,,,All military branches have an important role in defense,
but I would have to say my favorite is Family,,,”
,,,a citizen soldier under a Constitutional Republic
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/17/2013 4:17:44 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
tuvok, ya gotta be kidding! If you had been in Vietnam you would know it was so fake.Hell, they wore clean jungle, starched fatigues with colored insignia throughout the whole damn movie, carried M-16s with no mags and wore their berets all the time, not bush hats and never sweated!!! ...no tiger fatigues and nobody was tanned..In the combat scenes they aren't even wearing web gear or basic loads of ammo. Cmon man!
10/17/2013 7:24:57 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
Full Metal Jacket
10/17/2013 9:23:38 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Akron, OH
54, joined Jun. 2011
The Green Beret with John Wayne.

10/18/2013 1:40:09 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
Well mister Im sorry you lost two friends "there". I lost 3 times that many on one day as a medic in the 101st and several more during my tour. Im glad you liked the Green Beret. Most "legs" would. Its good with popcorn.
I have many friends then and now who were Rangers, and Special Forces and I cant think of a single one of them who doesn't poke fun at that movie-especially since John Wayne never even was drafted or ever wore the uniform. Same for Sylvester Stallone who was a draft dodger who went to Sweden and coached girls volleyball to avoid the draft and then came home to make millions as "Rambo"...they should get together and make a movie with Jane Fonda and use a stuffed John Wayne as a target.
My movie hero is Bob Hope! He visited our troops every Christmas for 4 decades including Vietnam. Stallone never did and still hasn't. Neither did John Wayne.
But Im sure the "Green Beret" was a hit at Ft. Bliss among you guys in the air conditioned theater there. It just didn't go over very big among grunts and those of us who worked along side them and know the reality.
I was a combat medic in Vietnam, airborne with the 1/501st.Thats the same unit my daddy was a medic with at the battle of the Bulge. He was wounded twice.So was I. Just for shits and giggles check out Band Of Brothers...101st Airborne.
Geronimo! (501st)
[Edited 10/18/2013 1:41:29 PM ]
10/18/2013 8:52:29 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
Top Gun.
somewhat entertaining but for realism it sucked big time. 
10/19/2013 8:04:56 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
Hell jrbogie, I liked Stripes! "that's a fact jack' LOL It was made at Ft. Knox
10/19/2013 9:20:59 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
never saw stripes
10/19/2013 11:09:17 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Franklin, GA
52, joined Sep. 2013
Red Metal Jacket
10/19/2013 11:10:21 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Franklin, GA
52, joined Sep. 2013
Red Metal Jacket
Full Metal Jacket
10/19/2013 11:11:07 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Goldsboro, NC
76, joined Apr. 2008
Damn....... somone said how much the jews suffered........... what about little kids such as myself, running from damn bombs ----- we all suffered in England .. as kids we were sent to live futher inland so ships couldnt sneak along our shore.. Damn not good memories.
10/19/2013 11:22:48 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
jrbogie..stripes is hilarious. Bill Murray takes this platoon of misfits and lampoons the army and basic training. He does this dismounted drill routine with cadence calls etc that will break you up!
If I watch a 'military movie' I prefer a documentary to anything manufactured in Hollywood. Entertainment value and special effects sell tickets, but I think that glorification and misrepresentation of the horror and tragedy is just wrong. Worse is when some of the "actors" like Stallone become widely wealthy playing roles as heroes when they lacked the guts to take on the risk in real life..but hey, Im a cranky old bastard!
10/19/2013 12:11:36 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
sly is one of the several celebraties i had the pleasure of flying during my career and i found him to be among the more congenial and courteous of the hollywood types. he spent quite a bit of time on the jumpseat in the c*ckpit on several different flights where he'd asked me how i became a pilot. learning that i began my flying career as a medivac pilot he was interested in my vietnam experience and offered his thanks to me as contributing to his career which he said involved far more luck than talent.
celebs like stallone often get a bad rap and their life off screen even seems to contribute to the bad rap as they promote themselves. they make their living by being something we want to see afterall. just ramblin i suppose but anyway i don't mean to name drop and i usually don't talk about the people who trusted me to fly themselves and their families like jane, stallone and several others but i will step in and give my two cents when i feel the other side of the coin should be shown.
10/19/2013 12:20:41 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
I get that jrbogie. He was learning his "craft' flying next to someone who actually had been in the crap.
But before Al Franken stopped being a comedian he was putting together a USO tour.This is a fact.He asked "Rambo ' to go to Iraq with him. His answer was I might get hurt.No. Franken is now in the US Senate.I've heard him tell that story more than once.Ive never heard Sly rebut it.
10/19/2013 12:34:50 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
won't comment on a conversation i didn't hear whiskey other than to say franken has an image of his own to promote.
not a military movie but saw gravity the other day in 3d. yeow. intense. money well spent.
[Edited 10/19/2013 12:35:20 PM ]
10/20/2013 1:30:14 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
All Im saying jrbogie is that BEFORE Franken was a senator and still a comedian he made several trips to Iraq for the USO. Im not some big fan of his .But Stallone, a actor who has made zillions playing a warrior and tough guy chickenshitted when he was asked to pay it back.
I remember Bob Hope, Martha Ray (honorary Green Beret) Joey Heatherton, Raquel Welch, Johnny Bench...people who I didn't get to see myself but they came to visit us...Ann Margaret, the Golddiggers and Miss World 1968 too!
Im sure he was a cool celebrity passenger on a private/executive flight with all the comforts. But for me it would not have hurt him-indeed it would give him credibility- if he just once visited troops in harms way and lended his celebrity to make their day.
Hes a coward and a charlatan and profiteer, and that's gutless .My opinion of him will never change. But I respect yours. If you like him-keep him. Hes a phony a** leech.
10/20/2013 2:13:12 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Savannah, GA
58, joined Sep. 2013
Saw Captain Phillips last night. The SEAL team that resolved the situation was totally badass. Was worth the trip to the theater.
10/20/2013 4:40:33 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
I watched that unfold on TV, I really want to see that movie.I think SEALS are awesome!
10/20/2013 8:43:59 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Gainesville, FL
34, joined Jan. 2012
I get that jrbogie. He was learning his "craft' flying next to someone who actually had been in the crap.
But before Al Franken stopped being a comedian he was putting together a USO tour.This is a fact.He asked "Rambo ' to go to Iraq with him. His answer was I might get hurt.No. Franken is now in the US Senate.
Interesting, never new Franken was a performer only Senator.
10/20/2013 9:57:50 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
All Im saying jrbogie is that BEFORE Franken was a senator and still a comedian he made several trips to Iraq for the USO. Im not some big fan of his .But Stallone, a actor who has made zillions playing a warrior and tough guy chickenshitted when he was asked to pay it back.
I remember Bob Hope, Martha Ray (honorary Green Beret) Joey Heatherton, Raquel Welch, Johnny Bench...people who I didn't get to see myself but they came to visit us...Ann Margaret, the Golddiggers and Miss World 1968 too!
Im sure he was a cool celebrity passenger on a private/executive flight with all the comforts. But for me it would not have hurt him-indeed it would give him credibility- if he just once visited troops in harms way and lended his celebrity to make their day.
Hes a coward and a charlatan and profiteer, and that's gutless .My opinion of him will never change. But I respect yours. If you like him-keep him. Hes a phony a** leech.
well if al franken says sly chickenshitted......................
10/20/2013 10:14:24 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
another celeb story. i won't give his name but the guy that owned the airplane i flew sly and other hollywood types scheduled a takeoff at seven in the morning. he had been shooting night scenes for a new move and hadn't slept for some thirty hours or so. we flew him to columbus ohio where he was to lecture a bunch of underprivilidged kids about health and fitness. we never tell the fixed base operator who is on board but when we arrived the ground crew couldn't help but notice who the passenger was. he went of for three hours or so to do his thing, all on his own time and his own nickel and i mean to tell you the flight cost quite a big f**king nickel. i and the rest of the crew went to lunch and when we returned there must have been a hundred people waiting to catch a glimps of the big guy. when the limo pulled up to the steps everybody was clamoring for autographs and he ran up the stairs and said, 'john, get me outta here i can hardly stand up. three hours later he deplaned and was off to the studio for still more shooting.
a few months later we took his wife to columbus. while we were waiting i heard the ground crew mutter that that is you know who's plane and he's such an a**hole he wouldn't even take time to sign a few autographs for his fans. i'm not saying that all celebs are good people but i could tell you andother story about stallone that says to me that he's a very caring and CORAGEOUS gentleman. take what franken says as gospel, whiskey. i couldn't give a shit less. i won't say i'm a friend, hell he might not even remember me but i did experience the man first hand. if hearsay bullshit from a politician blows your skirt up though then you go with it. i mean it's not like we all grow.
10/21/2013 9:55:20 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
jrbogie.Franken wasn't in politics ,okay. He was a goddamn entertainer and a comedian and doing USO tours, SNL. If Sly is your idea of a hero-FINE! Raquel Welch, Joey Heatherton all these women who came to Vietnam (I didn't get to see them BTW) they have balls .Stallone is a c*nt. Pure and simple. Give me ANY evidence he isn't other than he sucked up to you!!!!.ANY evidence that he does ANYTHING for veterans and warriors and I will relent. He is a short p*ssyass wannabe actor who has merchandised a fake persona for wealth. He is a gutless little coward-Dudley Moore even took his woman from him!! (Bridgette Neilsen) now she"s with a 50 year OLD GUY WHO WEARS A CLOCK AROUND HIS NECK! STALLONE IS FAKE-and a draft dodger.If you are so blinded by somebody kissing your a** for a hour or two on a flight you really disappoint me..but that's okay.Ego is okay! Yours, his-whatever!
[Edited 10/21/2013 9:57:08 AM ]
10/21/2013 4:37:27 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/21/2013 9:21:17 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
you know nothing whatsoever about stallone. all you really know is what you heard al franken say. no apology necessary. you're free to make your judgements of people based on whatever 'INFORMATION' you chose. i'll do likewise. not a big deal.
10/21/2013 9:24:16 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
jrbogie.Franken wasn't in politics ,okay. He was a goddamn entertainer and a comedian and doing USO tours, SNL. If Sly is your idea of a hero-FINE! Raquel Welch, Joey Heatherton all these women who came to Vietnam (I didn't get to see them BTW) they have balls .Stallone is a c*nt. Pure and simple. Give me ANY evidence he isn't other than he sucked up to you!!!!.ANY evidence that he does ANYTHING for veterans and warriors and I will relent. He is a short p*ssyass wannabe actor who has merchandised a fake persona for wealth. He is a gutless little coward-Dudley Moore even took his woman from him!! (Bridgette Neilsen) now she"s with a 50 year OLD GUY WHO WEARS A CLOCK AROUND HIS NECK! STALLONE IS FAKE-and a draft dodger.If you are so blinded by somebody kissing your a** for a hour or two on a flight you really disappoint me..but that's okay.Ego is okay! Yours, his-whatever!
for the life of me i don't recall refering to stallone as 'a hero'. and it was several flights over several weeks.
10/22/2013 1:55:43 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Rockford, IL
96, joined Oct. 2013
this is added to satisfy the requirement of not posting all capitals.
10/24/2013 6:48:48 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010

12/4/2013 10:30:52 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Navarre, FL
52, joined Aug. 2013
My favorite series would be band of Brothers my favorite movie Kelly's heroes it was just a great movie sorry it wasn't realistic but it was really really good they knew what they wanted and they went and got it the End!!end 
[Edited 12/4/2013 10:33:24 PM ]
12/29/2013 1:53:34 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
Private Ryan
1/6/2014 12:11:15 AM |
Bossier City, LA |
Cypress, TX
33, joined Sep. 2013
Heartbreak Ridge, Full Metal Jacket !!  
1/12/2014 6:52:10 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Garden City, MI
41, joined Nov. 2013
Boys Of Company C
1/12/2014 9:31:33 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Columbia, TN
67, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Platoon because I could identify with it. Seems it was in an area like the Central Highlands. I also loved a lot of the WWII movies like TORA TORA TORA. I'll agree with jrbogie about the fake one.
[Edited 1/12/2014 9:32:27 PM ]
1/19/2014 12:56:33 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Fort Worth, TX
49, joined Nov. 2009
Full Metal Jacket
Hamburger Hill
Heartbreak Ridge
1/22/2014 5:59:34 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
saw lone survivor yesterday. my new favorite.
1/22/2014 7:28:49 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
I think I'll catch that one myself jrbogie.Its getting a lot of good reviews. I also liked Blackhawk Down.
1/26/2014 4:09:27 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Dallas, TX
41, joined Oct. 2013
I would have to say memphis belle
2/11/2014 8:39:38 AM |
Bossier City, LA |
Traverse City, MI
66, joined Nov. 2013
The Day After.
2/14/2014 11:20:17 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Mobile, AL
48, joined Mar. 2012
Wow....no-one named two of my all time favorites... They are great books to read too...
Windtalkers and Bat 21...
Of course, the normal Platoon, Heart Break Ridge and The Green Berets...
Oh I just saw Captain Phillips which was pretty good...
The Hurt Locker and Restrepo
2/17/2014 7:05:44 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Marysville, CA
47, joined Nov. 2013
Love a lot of them but Top Gun helped me to decide to go into the Air Force
2/24/2014 7:08:22 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Oakland, CA
29, joined Nov. 2013
The bootcamp parts in Full Metal Jacket. Brings back memories.
2/25/2014 7:56:54 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Larimore, ND
42, joined Apr. 2011
Love a lot of them but Top Gun helped me to decide to go into the Air Force
So after basic, how misled did you feel? (And Top Gun was Navy)
2/25/2014 9:40:20 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Marysville, CA
47, joined Nov. 2013
Wasn't misled. Come from a military family. And yes, I knew Top Gun was navy, I just liked the planes.
2/27/2014 10:18:33 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Ventura, CA
66, joined Mar. 2009
i saw top gun again yesterday. it is entertaining but man what a dumb f**king movie.
3/21/2014 11:57:31 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Phenix, VA
72, joined Dec. 2009
Red October.
3/31/2014 5:29:22 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Full Metal Jacket
3/31/2014 10:24:12 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Rossville, GA
50, joined Feb. 2013
I have many World War ll documentaries ... and I also have Act of Valor, To Hell And Back, Taking Chance, The Hurt Locker, Black Hawk Down, Red Dawn, Garrison, Gettysburg, Stripes, and a few others that I can't remember the titles to. But the one that I feel most fortunate to have ... is MURPH THE PROTECTOR. But I love ALL of my military movies. Thank-you warriors! Your service and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. From a retired Airman's daughter. Sadly he passed 40 years this month. 
4/1/2014 7:54:34 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Clara City, MN
64, joined May. 2011
Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Full Metal Jacket
and a documentary Saigon Last 55 days.
4/1/2014 9:57:23 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
Bier.I also really liked Deer Hunter. I remember going with a date to see it.When DeNiro was in that bamboo cage in the water with those rats and the NVA took him to play Russian Roulette up in their hootch and he killed the guards and escaped I was fighting to stay in my seat...
4/1/2014 10:55:16 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

El Campo, TX
70, joined May. 2011
Green Beret w/John Wayne. A great comedy for the most part. Favorite part was when he was talking to a helicopter on a field phone.
4/1/2014 9:50:15 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Irvine, CA
22, joined Mar. 2014
The patriot zero dark thirty act of valor men of honor Pearl Harbor
4/2/2014 5:35:56 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Orleans, VT
31, joined Nov. 2013
theres so many great war movies my favs are full metal jacket,forret gump,platon,black hawk down,pearl harbor,we were soldiers,and saving private ryan.
6/5/2014 11:07:38 AM |
Bossier City, LA |

Bossier City, LA
59, joined Jul. 2012
6/6/2014 8:10:22 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Denver, CO
61, joined Mar. 2014
I know I am a little late but ama1966 choice of "Wind Talkers" is a typical white person's answer. My wife was Navajo, as her husband and a journalist, I was able to interview a few of the real Code Talkers, what the "Wind Talkers" were really called.
That movie was a total fiction. Well at least they had one real Indian in it, of course not the star.
Why don't they make a real code talkers movie? There are plenty of Navajos who would be glad to be in it. Maybe you white folks could have the truth...Nah, you would not believe it.
6/6/2014 10:27:37 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Rossville, GA
50, joined Feb. 2013
Today was kind of a happy day. I went out and bought a couple of dvds. I bought RIDE FOR LANCE and LONE SURVIVOR
6/7/2014 12:54:25 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Burlington, KY
68, joined Sep. 2013
The last code talker died this week! Too bad they never got the credit they deserved! Shame.
6/7/2014 2:21:08 PM |
Bossier City, LA |


Clara City, MN
64, joined May. 2011
That is a shame. Most kids now days have no idea who they were. To bad our government didn't give them more recognition.
6/9/2014 1:05:01 PM |
Bossier City, LA |
Denver, CO
61, joined Mar. 2014
Do you know what his name was, I might have interviewed him.
I do have a funny code talker story I can tell you. Of course as marines they all had to swim. One code talker stood by the pool, his DI told him to jump in. The code talker said "I can't swim in that water." The DI told him all Marines swim and he had to do it. The code talker said he couldn't swim in that water, it was too clear, it won't support him and he would drown.(For those of you who aren't familiar with the west, the rivers out here are full of sand.)
According to the guy who told me this, it's true, and from what I know about Navajos, I believe it actually happened.
6/10/2014 9:52:03 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Goldsboro, NC
76, joined Apr. 2008
A lot of us still remember the code talkers tho..
6/10/2014 9:59:31 AM |
Bossier City, LA |


Goldsboro, NC
76, joined Apr. 2008
As a small child living though the bombing I cant really watch a war movie now.. Living it was bad enough..
6/18/2014 11:39:14 PM |
Bossier City, LA |

Rossville, GA
50, joined Feb. 2013
FINALLY! After months of waiting ... I FINALLY purchased LONE SURVIVOR. An awwwweeeesome tribute to four awwwweeeesome warriors! 
eastfoot - Bossier City, LA