"I agree, most womwn in Wa aren't scared, just very cautious. Alot of military guys in this area have really taken advantage of them. Nothing bad against the military, my whole family is military, but it is the truth. Keep on trying, sincerity, honesty and faith will win the day."
7/13/2008 5:29:57 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Im from CA I've been living here for nearly three years nao.
And I can honestly say that Washington females are the most stand-offish and distant females I have ever met.
I can usually hold my own, but it seems like the avarage guy around here has to nearly kill himself just to get a date.
Also from what I see is that alot WA ladies on this website are just as non-approachable just as they are in offline.
And that's a shame!
So what's the deal?
Somebody break it down for me.
[Edited 7/13/2008 5:44:34 PM PST]
7/13/2008 7:00:50 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Milton, WA
age: 38
i think its all the gloomy weather.... when i lived in vegas ladys were alot more out going... there most be a bunch of jerk guys here in washington.. well hope you have better luck then me... cliff 
7/13/2008 10:48:38 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Rochester, WA
age: 55
who knows....maybe women have a boyfriend on the back-burner, or just got one, or just broke up and are "taking a break" lol.
I've noticed that a lot of women "take a break" after a break-up and yes men do too, but my guess is that a man's break (on average)is shorter while womens breaks are getting longer.
Seems the smarter we get in todays modern society the more it hinders the outgoing side of us. So many stories of breakups, cheating, beating, lying, sneaking around, rip-offs, disrespect etc. is pushing people away from the positive and edging up-to the negative thoughts and fear.
It ain't like it used to be...when men and women thought positive about life and thier future, raising a family, cool dreams, feeling in love....and now seems that there is too much "crap" around that is wearing-off on more and more innocent people.
People are losing site of God and making all kinds of excuses why they do it.
More population causes more things to happen....and seems we hear about the negative things more than the positive....thus creating a negative attitude inside us whether we want it or not.
There are more lonely people now than ever before, and the only way it is going to change is if we change inside on the way we look at things....
7/14/2008 11:17:41 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Olympia, WA
age: 48
I am a very approachable woman and like to see good in people...As far as dating, yes I date but after a recent breakup I am reluctant to put myself out there to fall in love...I am taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...
7/14/2008 4:27:41 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 43
I am a very approachable woman and like to see good in people...As far as dating, yes I date but after a recent breakup I am reluctant to put myself out there to fall in love...I am taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...
I agree, most womwn in Wa aren't scared, just very cautious. Alot of military guys in this area have really taken advantage of them. Nothing bad against the military, my whole family is military, but it is the truth. Keep on trying, sincerity, honesty and faith will win the day.
7/15/2008 4:56:57 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Seattle, WA
age: 48
us washington women learn to open up instead of asking why, just accept it and break the barrier if you like us, and we like you we will open up, just takes us longer, but Joe was right being military doesn't help you. sorry but true
7/15/2008 5:31:50 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
I think people around here dont want to be sluts. thats one thing to be cautious about.
7/15/2008 5:34:01 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 43
I think people around here dont want to be sluts. thats one thing to be cautious about.
7/15/2008 5:58:41 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
Im always worried that someone would think I was a slut if I just jumped into something. I also dont even go on "dates" like movies or dining out, cause those two things are just money burners.
7/18/2008 9:02:50 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Toledo, WA
age: 34
we are not scares just very cautious. especially us who have kids.. we as parents should always think of our children first.
7/18/2008 10:26:45 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Im always worried that someone would think I was a slut if I just jumped into something. I also dont even go on "dates" like movies or dining out, cause those two things are just money burners.
A slut?
That's real absurd hamster.
No guy in thier right mind would think that you're a slut for jumping into a date!
If you hopped onto another thing recklessly *ahem* then yeah that's different story.
Also dates don't have to be money burners, just budget your funds accordingly.
Besides men usually pay for the majority of dates reguardless.
Then again money should never be an issue, what matters is if you actually enjoyed your time with your date or not
- T a l g e e s e
[Edited 7/18/2008 10:29:32 AM PST]
7/24/2008 1:50:15 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Brimfield, MA
age: 89
WA females keep the guard up too much. They need to let loose, otherwise THEY, will remain single.
7/24/2008 1:59:26 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


South Prairie, WA
age: 57 online now!
WA females keep the guard up too much. They need to let loose, otherwise THEY, will remain single.
And you know that.....HOW? Use to live here? Popped in for a week end?
Read something somewhere? DEEP!
7/24/2008 4:46:28 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Seattle, WA
age: 48
cautious, stand off-ish, well I will tell you why I am, been on this service less than 2 weeks, already have a guy telling me he loves me and wants to move in, then find out because he is homeless, and needs a place. 
Come on how are you gonna "love" me in a few messages back -n- forth? I have a child still at home, I will always be cautious. I don't want or need a man living with me, I just want to meet nice people and have friends.
the thing that gets me the most is when you start talking and they go right into what they can do for you in bed........... yes, I'm cautious
7/24/2008 4:52:27 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
cautious, stand off-ish, well I will tell you why I am, been on this service less than 2 weeks, already have a guy telling me he loves me and wants to move in,  then find out because he is homeless, and needs a place.
Come on how are you gonna "love" me in a few messages back -n- forth? I have a child still at home, I will always be cautious. I don't want or need a man living with me, I just want to meet nice people and have friends.
the thing that gets me the most is when you start talking and they go right into what they can do for you in bed...........  yes, I'm cautious
No, it all situational!
Just use common sense in every scenario...
And in this scene just reject that fool.
Those type of guys aren't worth your time ma'am.
( ( ( T A L N i n j a ) ) )
[Edited 7/24/2008 4:53:23 PM PST]
7/24/2008 4:59:34 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Seattle, WA
age: 48
cautious, stand off-ish, well I will tell you why I am, been on this service less than 2 weeks, already have a guy telling me he loves me and wants to move in,  then find out because he is homeless, and needs a place.
Come on how are you gonna "love" me in a few messages back -n- forth? I have a child still at home, I will always be cautious. I don't want or need a man living with me, I just want to meet nice people and have friends.
the thing that gets me the most is when you start talking and they go right into what they can do for you in bed...........  yes, I'm cautious
No, it all situational!
Just use common sense in every scenario...
And in this scene just reject that fool.
Those type of guys aren't worth your time ma'am.
( ( ( T A L N i n j a ) ) )
your right talgeese, it is all situational, I just wish guys were more up front and honest so you know.......then again, what are ya gonna say, "hi I'm homeless want to be my friend".....well maybe
8/7/2008 1:40:09 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 36
Ya know, I have lived here for 7 years now and after reading all these posts, I wonder where you are seeing all they standoff-ish or scared women? Since moving here, I have seen may women hopping from one to another one and another one, just to find a daddy for their babies.
I have been in several parts of Western Washington, so I am not just talking about the Tacoma area. Plus, I have been told many things/stories about the women here by my male friends.
As for the comments re: the military guys? You should really show them some respect. They are dying for your freedom without you even asking them and they do not ask for anything in return. It's the least you can do.
I'd rather befriend or date military guys because at least most of them know a thing about honesty, integrity and the more important things in life and a relaionship. As a veteran myself, those qualities are instilled throught the military training and are more important qualities to have and they make you a better person regardless of your looks. Plus, I know those military guys are employed, unlike those who claim self-employed when that really means unemployed.
8/7/2008 2:48:37 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Rochester, WA
age: 55
There are those that lie and those that tell the truth, no matter what age or if they are in the service or not. Please don't catagorize all men. I myself am self employed and have been and will continue to be humble about it, because having your own business is tough and for me is feast or famine and the past few months has been real scary.
The people that lie about this kind of thing are insecure and obviously have issues they need help with. In fact, we all could use some brotherly or sisterly help. My opinion is that these days people don't know how to reach-out and help someone but instead are wrapped-up in thier own worlds. You will be surprised how much a kind word or sentence will do to someone who needs it. We don't have to bake them a cake or give them money...just being kind and having an open ear helps tremendously (spelling?).
I ask these men and women this question...."why do you feel you have to lie about things?" And try and answer this question honestly to yourself....go ahead....nobody will know your answer except you...go ahead...try being honest with yourself. Once you admit to yourself you have a problem, that problem is now on it's way to getting healed.
I also feel that if a man or woman has to lie about themselves then they should not have placed themselves into a situation where they have to lie in the first place. This is called self-awareness of ones current situation(s), and is out of respect for others and for yourself.
If a man or woman is going through things that they know will affect others in a negative way or could possibly affect others in a negative way then they should take care of that problem first before pulling someone else into thier mess.....
There are more and more people these days with attitudes and thoughts that are all screwed up and they have no clue as to thier doings...and wonder why other people don't want to be around them or talk to them. And a lot of this is brought-on by the way they were raised or treated in the past, or by thoughts that infiltrated thier minds and had nobody to set them straight or to be a friend...
Humbling ones-self is a great beginning to a healing and understanding....those of us who always say "I am right" and "you are wrong" are usually the ones that have a miserable time and find themselves caged-up in thier own little world and find faults in everyone else. Look in your own mirror first...always!
I've found that if I am asked something that I do not want to answer I will just say that I really do not wish to discuss it at this time...or that this is a personal thing I am dealing with and wish to not talk about it. It might scare some away, but at least I am not lieing and making them think something that isn't true...or I will simply tell them what's going on.
Everyone has personal battles...me included...believe me! Not only women are scared but us men are too. Scared of the unknown. I can now see why younger singles ask so many questions when on a first date..it never used to be that way when I was younger.
But as this replies last words...I say to all those that are getting confused....learn about yourself first, admit your faults, and let your mind learn new diversified ways of thinking...don't put yourself into a box and say "this is the way it is", because more often then not, it is a lot different.
Who am I to say these things? Nobody...nobody at all...Just my 2 cents.
8/7/2008 3:11:01 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Olympia, WA
age: 48
I am a very approachable woman and like to see good in people...As far as dating, yes I date but after a recent breakup I am reluctant to put myself out there to fall in love...I am taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...
I still stick by what I said here...I want love ...I really do... but I am just not ready to put my heart out there to be broken at this time...I have been dating a very special wonderful man lately...I have developed wonderful warm feelings for this man and honestly I can say it is kind of scary...I want to hold back and not get hurt... yet I want to go forward and experience the joy of love too...but boy I sure don't want to be hurt...So I just go with taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...I sure do enjoy the moments I do get to share with him and look forward for more to come...
8/7/2008 11:52:14 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
I think everyone is scared ! Even me, and I don't scare easily. A lot has changed since I last dated decades ago...
But I've been watching and learning. And for better or worse, it appears lying is rampant.
Why ? Well for many reasons.
First...and the trickiest of all is...most people are UNABLE to tell the truth about themselves because they THEMSELVES DON'T KNOW because they hide it from themselves, or really never investigated who they REALLY are...or probably most likely...think they are STILL someone they THOUGHT they were 20 years ago !!
No wonder everything has gotten so complicated. A bunch of unreal people searching madly for the other perfect unreal person ! LOL Of course this is strange but think about it.
Now this doesn't mean everyone TRIES to lie. A large part of this behavior is a refusal to accept reality about their aging or prospects or both. Thats what a lot of people think. However there's a larger reality that makes it really, really HARD to figure out yourself anymore....CHANGE ! Yes, it seems like 2 years of change happens every 6 months or less now ! I, and I'm far from alone on this, get so pummeled by change that I have a hard time just being myself or knowing myself anymore !! And I'm a pretty stable guy !(Or at least I was... But things are changing fast...all the time...everywhere. And I see a lot of people seeking "escape" from the world and their reality looking for that "dream person" to make everything ok. Sure, start a relationship with a person who doesn't know who they are...that will SIMPLIFY your life and make it GREAT automatically !! LOL
On top of that, there appears to be the age old lying between men and women that they do to each get what they want. Like having babies to trap men...or get benefits. Or men saying all the right things just to get laid. Or men and women hiding their sexual diseases from each other to each get what they want. Sadly, this rampant lying seems to have led to such a mistrust of each other that now each relationship is analyzed to the nth degree...to the point many of us just prefer to live alone and be done with it. One heck of a lot of cat and dog loving single ladies, eh ?
And last, but not least, its unlikely every part of a person is going to be revealed in a short profile...unless they are really, really shallow ! As many people aren't shallow, I suspect each profile is like the tip of an iceberg, with the vast majority of the iceberg hidden and waiting to be discovered ! So all of these reasons conspire to make internet dating a bit unpredictable.
But then internet dating has a lot of potential too. What does everyone want ? Isn't it about the same ? Do looks matter more than having common passions in life ? Is this all just a painful exercise in ramping down expectations for a mate; expectations for a relationship ? Seems like a whole lot of people are still demanding the moon and the stars doesn't it ?
And in the attempt to MEET some of those lofty expectations out there...BOTH sides have opted to lie like rugs ! I see the logic there. But don't be surprised if neither party turns out to be as advertised. So its back to the age old numbers game of "kissing frogs" except THIS time, one has to lie just to get the chance ! 
Its a complicated world. And a lonely one. And a foolish one I think !
And thats probably NOT a lie...
Other than that, I'm a pretty happy guy...
And there is ALWAYS hope !!
8/8/2008 2:30:53 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Coupeville, WA
age: 38
Are you talking about black women or white women? Just a thought,
I can only speak for white women: We are not scared or stand-offish,
we just are not into inter-racial dating..No offense,,This is the
Pacific NW.,,just the way we were raised,proud of our Heritage,
just as you are proud of yours,, you asked..Good luck to you!
8/10/2008 2:51:05 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
Well Rap, I'm white(obviously) and genetics indicates we are all ONE SPECIES...no matter what color. And I've seen dozens of black men with attractive white babes at their sides lately. There's even a white babe I'd like to have...a lot ! But she sure seems happy with her man. Much happier than she'd be with me ! LOL
And living in Calif and Washington has shown me MANY incredible black guys who outclass a LOT of whites in every way. So your "heritage" is doubtful. In fact, your "heritage", if you are that serious about it, should suggest that you mate with the "best" surviving DNA possible. Agreed ? Therefore, the "best" surviving DNA is best found in the most successful, OLDEST men of any color...for THEY have the strongest survival genetics !!
So...perhaps you should be chasing wrinkly old white haired men and stop taking gambles on young bucks of any color ! LOL
Of course I'm just playing with you here...but think about it...
And while you're thinking...perhaps you should go to youporn.com and watch "Cherrys 1st Interracial".
I hear the originator of this topic is still available....
8/17/2008 6:15:20 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 29
Are you talking about black women or white women? Just a thought,
I can only speak for white women: We are not scared or stand-offish,
we just are not into inter-racial dating..No offense,,This is the
Pacific NW.,,just the way we were raised,proud of our Heritage,
just as you are proud of yours,, you asked..Good luck to you! 
White woman not into interracial dating here in the pacific NW? Are you Nuts?!?! All i see are interracial couples here... 
8/26/2008 1:43:18 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Anacortes, WA
age: 20
well... hhh... i'm not scared. but i have been burned badly several times. it gets to the point where you hide how much you're attracked to a guy, you hide how much you like him, b/c if you don't it'll get used against you. i'm not talking abvout every guy of course, but it happens quite a bit. it's hard to trust someone you don't kno very well with your feelings, b/c even if your not in a "serious" relationship you can still get hurt pretty bad.
besides and guy sais he like to cuddle, it's cute. a girl does and shes clingy. a guy sais he wants to settle down and girl think it's great, he's all responsible. a girl says that, f**k, stay away from her, she'll want to much to fast and wont be any funn.
8/26/2008 8:46:09 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 34
Someone earlier said....
8/27/2008 5:47:15 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Everett, WA
age: 24
I've lived here my entire life.
In terms of women, I'd say this girl is right. They jump from guy to guy like no tomorrow.
BUT, the guy is almost right in the fact that they will not date a guy that doesn't conform to a certain image. If you don't have that open minded WA image, you will be rejected so fast it's ridiculous. They see it instantly. I've noticed they don't even consciously know it themselves that they do it though. Rest assured though, I've tested this theory with 3+ dating sites with hundreds of women, in person at bars, with women that work at restaurants, coffee stands, movie theaters, grocery stores, normal every day walks, etc, I test it every day with at least one new woman to see if they would even reply if I didn't add the WA touch. 90% of them replied when I did. 90% of them did not when I didn't.
In terms of military men's honesty...In this area, that's highly incorrect.
All the guys around here that I know join the military for the wrong reasons, it's excitement, money, or something else driven from their own personal wants. It has little to do with protection of other countries or our own. They are not all honorable integrity filled men.
As such, most military men I've known are all about excitement, and I've not met a single one that hasn't cheated, or was honest, all the ones I know are either cocky, act like they are owed something, mistreat their girlfriends, or are some biker guys, or all of the above. There are also some that join it just for the status it will get them with women and life, to feel better then others.
Now that may just be my personal experience which isn't nearly as in depth as my women experience, but regardless, giving someone a high ground for being in the military as to the type of person they are?
Is not right.
Ya know, I have lived here for 7 years now and after reading all these posts, I wonder where you are seeing all they standoff-ish or scared women? Since moving here, I have seen may women hopping from one to another one and another one, just to find a daddy for their babies.
I have been in several parts of Western Washington, so I am not just talking about the Tacoma area. Plus, I have been told many things/stories about the women here by my male friends.
As for the comments re: the military guys? You should really show them some respect. They are dying for your freedom without you even asking them and they do not ask for anything in return. It's the least you can do.
I'd rather befriend or date military guys because at least most of them know a thing about honesty, integrity and the more important things in life and a relaionship. As a veteran myself, those qualities are instilled throught the military training and are more important qualities to have and they make you a better person regardless of your looks. Plus, I know those military guys are employed, unlike those who claim self-employed when that really means unemployed.
[Edited 8/27/2008 5:55:17 PM PST]
8/28/2008 9:16:23 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Redmond, WA
age: 28
To the guy who originally made the post.
I feel ya. I'm from Cali too and I have no idea what the hell is wrong up here. It's not like you have to keep dating/seeing someone you've agreed to date/see once. Whats wrong with telling this someone you don't want to see anymore, "I'm sorry, I don't think this is going to work out between us."? It's not like your getting married. It's just getting to know someone. And to be honest... I find that imposable to do online over e-mails. There is only so much you can tell from an e-mail and even than it can all be fake. So personal contact is a must in my opinion.
I know that most women cant tell if someone is a good person or not. Thats why most women date abusers without even knowing about it until it happens down the road. So bring a friend that has a good intuition about people along with you on your first met up with this someone you chatted with online. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. If for some reason you don't have a friend on the outside willing to help you out with this just be careful. If the guy starts spamming you with calls or something, thats what call block is good for and its easy enough to block e-mails too. It should stop within a week or two if ignored... worst case scenario.
8/28/2008 11:17:10 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Olympia, WA
age: 48
I am a very approachable woman and like to see good in people...As far as dating, yes I date but after a recent breakup I am reluctant to put myself out there to fall in love...I am taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...
I still stick by what I said here...I want love ...I really do... but I am just not ready to put my heart out there to be broken at this time...I have been dating a very special wonderful man lately...I have developed wonderful warm feelings for this man and honestly I can say it is kind of scary...I want to hold back and not get hurt... yet I want to go forward and experience the joy of love too...but boy I sure don't want to be hurt...So I just go with taking it one date at a time and enjoying the moment...I sure do enjoy the moments I do get to share with him and look forward for more to come...
Update... love is winning out and Love is happening...We are moving forward with our relationship and I will be deleting off of here soon...Hey I have been here since Nov. and have met truly wonderful people in person as well as online too...DH worked for me...I found love on DH...We emailed for months, then met as friends and then developed a bond that has turned into something very special...I have an incredible man in my life and we are very happy, having tons of fun, laughing and loving...Best of luck to all of you...DH worked for me and it could very possibly work for you also...
8/28/2008 12:15:16 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Saint Helens, OR
age: 48
I'm just next door. Doesn't matter where you live. Nothing worth having is ever easy. JMO
8/28/2008 12:21:43 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
Thank you for your input all ! I've been reading several forums and the local "rants and raves" and talking to people about the dating scene in Washington for the 8 months I've been looking. Of course the reason why is...what the heck is so wrong about men and women in the PNW ? I am still baffled and horrified after 8 months of input ! And just for grins, here's a recent event that happened to me last week...
First contact: Semi-attractive woman smiles at my "fun" comment. She stops. We have a 5 minute conversation.
2 days later: Same woman comes by. We joke around and smile alot for about 5 minutes.
5 days later: Same woman comes by. We joke around and I feel she's comfortable with me so I ask for her email.
Her response: Immediately cry out that she doesn't give out emails. Step back 10 paces with a horrified look on her face. Start to turn her back on me and walk away. I said something to ease the tension. She comes back in speaking range...clearly shaken. We manage a civil goodbye and....
so there ya are ! What the HECK was that ? She was a personable, happy woman with several kids and no wedding ring. She falls apart and almost cries over an EMAIL REQUEST ??
OMG. I completely ruined her day. And maybe her LIFE !! Poor thing...
Can she ever talk to me again ? I doubt it. Too embarrassing. Watch. She'll go out of her way to avoid passing me for the next couple of MONTHS or so...even though we're both in the same building.
Now THAT is just WRONG. No wonder guys are gun shy around here, and girls can't meet anyone real. Dang...imagine if I asked for a PHONE NUMBER ? I wouldn't risk it NOW without having bullet proof body armour on ! (So if you girls see someone looking like a storm trooper, it might be a guy who asks women out if it appears they LIKE them...
And, of course, another story is I talked to my sister in Seattle last year and she was taking this class to enlighten her about her "female" power and glory...full of history and other academic "proofs" to boost her "esteem"(I guess). I just thought she was going off the deep end and told her so. We stopped talking until recently.
Fast forward a year. I read this profile of a cute blond with a sweet smile. Her blog is full of her "female" power and glory and goes on to describe how men have seperated brains and thats the cause of their being "men". Really ? Cool. I now have an EXCUSE, eh ?
Then there is a bunch of talk of "feminazis" in the rants and raves. I just thought that was sour grapes by some hothead. But NO. Apparently some feel there is some kind of "feminazi" type education/movement going on in Calif, Oregon, and Washington ! I doubt it would be that widespread but after talking to my sister in Seattle a year ago when she was taking that college class....I'm starting to wonder if various "women's studies programs" at western colleges are gaining a foothold in the psyche of eager students and turning them into the so-called "feminazis" some guys talk about ??
Well, who knew ? Whatever the facts are, dating in Western Washington has certainly been a surprise to ME. What are we now...the central hotpoint of some war of the sexes ? Great. THAT should make life easier...LOL
And yes, I've seen an INCREDIBLE number of young single mothers ! FAR TOO MANY. And FAR too many that can barely make ends meet. What happened in the last 20 years I was away ?? Did BIRTH CONTROL stop working or something ? 50 YEARS of successful birth control technology and the world ends up like western washington...OMG. What happened ??
And nowadays, one has to practically dress up in a rubber suit to have sex ! Is that really fun and natural ?? Does it really stop bacteria and viruses shedding on the outside of said "rubberizing" ?? I doubt it. Several medical sources doubt it. Not only does bacteria and viruses live for a little while outside survivable fluids... but in case one hasn't noticed, those survivable fluids get all over the place...or at least enough to pose an infection threat anyway. In short, what the heck ?
Did the dating world go crazy in the last 20 years ? I'm beginning to wonder...LOL
Well, hang in there guys ! And gals. Things can only get BETTER from here(I sincerely hope).
Or maybe this is how India ended up just having the Parents/family pick your spouse ! 
8/28/2008 11:17:29 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Hanover, MD
age: 90
Hmmm...I thought it was just me. It's an interesting topic and I'm not seeing much defensiveness from the women. Ladies, is this assertion true? I have only tried this "online" dating for a very brief period of time, and haven't met a single soul. I honestly didn't expect much from it, so I'm not surprised that I've not met anyone. Besides, laughing at myself, I'm OLD! This looks like a young person's activity for the most part. One thing that has clearly changed since I last dated, is that when I send out introductions and invitations to talk, very few women seem to answer with so much as a polite "Thanks, but no thanks." I honestly think that many female profiles on many of the dating web sites are shills. I know for certain that some of them "upgrade" attractive women to keep them on the sites. After briefly trying 2 different pay sites, no more! LOL Admittedly times have changed, and the last time I dated these ads were all found in newspapers. I'm at least able to avail myself of the "built-in" spell checkers on these sites. I'm quickly learning that many men and women either cannot or will not. It's a shame!
There may be something to the proposed theory. Again, I thought it was just me. No, I'm not one of the men who is looking for a much younger woman and genuinely prefer those who are near me in age. Thus far, I've had unsolicited responses ONLY from much younger women who DO seem to be far more open and interested in finding a partner. For better or worse, I've thus far thanked them very, very politely and have simply stated the obvious: I'm almost old enough to be your grandfather. It is flattering, and a bit sweet, as none appeared to want or need a "sugar daddy, but who knows? Anyway, the young ladies tell me that the young men in their 20s and early to mid-30s in particular, are irresponsible little boys who prefer their buddies and drinking over responsibilities. I thought the saying went that: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" Seems they want companionship, and the "older" women don't. Go figure! I'll keep pondering it and not spend too much time worrying about it! Good luck to all! 
8/29/2008 9:50:11 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Chehalis, WA
age: 54
damnifiknow? Hell some of the camp people arenot very friendly. in So Dakota we accept travlers. brother in need gets a hand. but here it seems they don't like outsiders.
ya no it was not like I didn't have money i just wanted to save it 2500 won't last long if i blew it.i got to get settled in somewhere. just wanted to have a place to catch a few zees, not at no shelter, it sucked, but I no that a motel was better that a freebee. Now get a room and you have 5 ladies of the night beating on the door at different times oe the night wanting to know if I called them. you dudes must have some desperate hookers up here. I'd like to meet someone nice not someone smutty.
Where is there any pace to go, especially close in Chehalis.
8/31/2008 10:23:25 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 20
it is not that we're scared just like that other guy said its that the army guy are doing a number on us
9/1/2008 10:24:33 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Arlington, WA
age: 45
Many men in Washington regardless of being in the military or not are players looking for booty call. Many women in Washington are needy and looking for a home for them and their children. There is just a lot of really messed up people here. After a gal gets burned by a guy playing her out saying all the things she always wanted to hear etc. and then gets used for sex, she gets more careful and tends to be more stand-offish. Then when I guy comes into her life that really is sincere about his feelings towards her, she don't trust that is is for real because he says the same things the player guys did. After a guy gets burned by a girl using him for a free ride and then running off with somebody else he too gets leary and more careful and/or just gives up on romance and goes for the booty-call type action. It is very hard the older we get to find somebody that is real, we all have baggage. Finding that special someone seems just as hard as winning the lottery but if you don't play the game you can never win so I am not going to give up. When I find that girl that has the looks I like and the personality I meet them in person. I take it slow and learn about them. If they are too independent and own their own home and don't need a man for anything it is too extreme and if the girl is struggling with debt or don't work it is too extreme. I am looking for somebody who is where i am in life. I am not gonna get kicked around by rich ladies and I am not gonna be used by poverty ladies. I may win the lotto before I could ever find her.......lol
Good Luck to all and keep fishing
9/1/2008 11:11:23 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Bonney Lake, WA
age: 60
Many men in Washington regardless of being in the military or not are players looking for booty call. Many women in Washington are needy and looking for a home for them and their children. There is just a lot of really messed up people here. After a gal gets burned by a guy playing her out saying all the things she always wanted to hear etc. and then gets used for sex, she gets more careful and tends to be more stand-offish. Then when I guy comes into her life that really is sincere about his feelings towards her, she don't trust that is is for real because he says the same things the player guys did. After a guy gets burned by a girl using him for a free ride and then running off with somebody else he too gets leary and more careful and/or just gives up on romance and goes for the booty-call type action. It is very hard the older we get to find somebody that is real, we all have baggage. Finding that special someone seems just as hard as winning the lottery but if you don't play the game you can never win so I am not going to give up. When I find that girl that has the looks I like and the personality I meet them in person. I take it slow and learn about them. If they are too independent and own their own home and don't need a man for anything it is too extreme and if the girl is struggling with debt or don't work it is too extreme. I am looking for somebody who is where i am in life. I am not gonna get kicked around by rich ladies and I am not gonna be used by poverty ladies. I may win the lotto before I could ever find her.......lol
Good Luck to all and keep fishing
redneckdude, good post! and good luck on the lotto 
You are grouping us women into catagories that most of us don't fit into. I have met a lot of guys off this site and never have they used me for a booty call, or even implied any such thing. I do make a point on getting to know them better through e-mails for quite a while before I'll meet them in person. If we don't have anything in common I don't continue to date them but will remain friends. I own my own home and two cars but I'm far from rich. I struggle just like everyone else, but I don't need a man to take care of me.I have never dated a man and asked for any help. I'm independent and don't feel I need a man around to help with yard work or taking care of anything. I have had to learn to take care of things on my own. I would hope men don't think I'm extreme. If I did find the right man it would be for friendship not what he could do for me. I have had some bad experences on a dating site but that does not mean I should give up and buy a lotto because my odds are better. I know there are good guys out there that are not players. Us ladies just have to find them and until then we'll just keep weeding, and waiting for the right guy to come along.
9/1/2008 11:43:27 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Arlington, WA
age: 45
Well busybee59 I don't mean to burst your bubble or insult you or hurt your feelings in any way but at your age you will not find many men wanting to use you for booty call. In your age group it is mostly an activity partner type thing and companionship. People are on different levels of needs and wants depending on their age group. My post was a generalization of online dating extremes and I specified myself finding someone likewise in my lifestyle. Someone middle of the road who I can share needs and wants with. Someone who needs my help in some areas while I need them in areas of my life. Best friend and lover who share and help one another. I did not mean to imply that there is NO good women and men out there because I believe there is and I wouldn't still be if I was in doubt. Anything good takes time,patience and work to achieve.
9/1/2008 6:51:42 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
I think most people out there are looking for a healthy relationship. It's just the booty call people who make all the noise.

9/1/2008 7:36:45 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Bellingham, WA
age: 64
STOP STOP STOP!!! Go back to the very FIRST reply to this blog. Bobsmith5000 got it right.
"It is all the gloomy weather up here." THINK ABOUT IT! Seasonal disorder sets in, mood changes and not for the better, a lot more women up here are taking med's that change their personalities even more. This weather is not conducive to benefiting your mood and one of the first things a disorder can do is create fear. Add that underlying fear to all fear that the media inundates us with and you have the recipe for what started this blog.
Every time the sun shines, make an effort to get out in it. I had my vitamin D checked and it was #6 That means I had virtually no D in my system.
Bellinghamster, GET SOME HELP! ! !
9/1/2008 7:55:13 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Bellingham, WA
age: 64
REDNECKGUY!!!, You are so wrong on your idea that age makes any difference in a man's desire. I am overwhelmed with the young men that message me. So they are obviously putting in the age search box, a number old enough to not only be their mother's age, but old enough to be their grandmother's age. I have grandsons in their twenties, the same age of these admirers.
You may have apologized before the statement you wrote that "bussybee" was too old, but it would have been best to have not said it at all. IT IS BETTER TO BE KIND THAN RIGHT, especially when there is doubt and you are wrong. It was very hurtful.
BUSSYBEE IS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, ANYONE CAN SEE THAT; And she probably has more sense than you and a much kinder heart.
And what was that about, at our age only needing an "activity/companion partner"? My activity is hot slammin f**kin with my 35 year old lover. You don't get out much, do you...
[Edited 9/1/2008 8:04:09 PM PST]
9/1/2008 8:11:15 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Winlock, WA
age: 63
 BRAVO pazeamore BRAVO
A gold star for you my friend.
9/1/2008 11:15:50 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
I think Bellinghamster is right on most of the time and quite aware. The weather in summertime is plenty light enough to erase the winter blues so weather isn't an issue right NOW. Scary news ? Not unless I look like a terrorist. And thats not true. And I would LAUGH in disbelief if someone claimed to be 63 with YOUR pic. Now I CAN believe someone is 63 if they say so. But the pic ? How many years ago was THAT ??
Other than that. Welcome ! Be blissful ! Don't attack people, just their ideas if you must.
And I can attest that some guys will f**k ANYTHING they can. So thats not a real good "proof" of anything. The vast majority of guys would balk BIGTIME at pounding their grandmother...so that claim of yours is highly suspicious. Maybe its because of a kink ? Who knows ? Nice story though !! 
And so I've got to be a little skeptical about everything you say...including you and a 35 year old.
So. Prove it. Send us a movie !!! Better yet...put it on youtube....lol
And update your pic. Geesh. Thats false advertising...
9/2/2008 1:11:41 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Arlington, WA
age: 45
REDNECKGUY!!!, You are so wrong on your idea that age makes any difference in a man's desire. I am overwhelmed with the young men that message me. So they are obviously putting in the age search box, a number old enough to not only be their mother's age, but old enough to be their grandmother's age. I have grandsons in their twenties, the same age of these admirers.
You may have apologized before the statement you wrote that "bussybee" was too old, but it would have been best to have not said it at all. IT IS BETTER TO BE KIND THAN RIGHT, especially when there is doubt and you are wrong. It was very hurtful.
BUSSYBEE IS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, ANYONE CAN SEE THAT; And she probably has more sense than you and a much kinder heart.
And what was that about, at our age only needing an "activity/companion partner"? My activity is hot slammin f**kin with my 35 year old lover. You don't get out much, do you...
I might be able to buy the lack of vitamin D thing.
Like I said there are many messed up people around here. A 63yo with a 35yo. Are you a school teacher? An active member of the catholic faith? seems like quite a age spread to me. However you are lucky you are still sexually active at your age. These young men must be very desperate and it is good that you are participating for them to use you for booty-call, that leaves less booty-call guys out there ruining good girls attitudes.
I do get out but I try and stay within 10 years of my age and I am not a booty-call guy( I don't sleep around) I date and look for someone who can be a long term relationship.
9/2/2008 1:13:46 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Arlington, WA
age: 45
I think most people out there are looking for a healthy relationship. It's just the booty call people who make all the noise.

You are right and very wise beyond your years. Pleasure to meet girls like you
9/2/2008 3:57:21 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Bellingham, WA
age: 64
(My 24 year old grandson took those pics last fall and last Christmas. I owe it all to genetics. My mother was a most gorgeous Greek woman.)
9/2/2008 4:19:14 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Rochester, WA
age: 59
(My 24 year old grandson took those pics last fall and last Christmas. I owe it all to genetics. My mother was a most gorgeous Greek woman.)
Dang, guys, look at Sophen Loren or Gina Lolabrigita.....them Italian and Greek ladies are hot....all the way into their 70's or more.
Don't always be so quick to judge. That is part of what is wrong with our society, snap judgements can often lead to some very hurt feelings. Think before opening mouth and inserting foot....
9/2/2008 5:13:32 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
Hmmm. I think Wish2bagain wants a date with someone in Bellingham...! 
Actually, there IS a 63 year old I'm attracted to. Egads. TWO ! But they're both married...(long term. unlike someone else...
And...Washington women were scared BEFORE I got on the scene a month ago. Must be REDNECK'S fault !
Shame on you Redneck !! 
9/2/2008 5:15:43 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Rochester, WA
age: 59
Hmmm. I think Wish2bagain wants a date with someone in Bellingham...!
Actually, there IS a 63 year old I'm attracted to. Egads. TWO ! But they're both married...(long term. unlike someone else...
And...Washington women were scared BEFORE I got on the scene a month ago. Must be REDNECK'S fault !
Shame on you Redneck !! 
Nope, not at all, just merely stating my opinion. She is a very nice looking lady, no doubt about that, but not the type for me. Not everyone is for everyone.
Besides I already have my eye on a pretty lady....
9/2/2008 5:42:42 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
I'm also from CA and have found both sexes standoffish. Then I read about the Seattle Freeze in the Seattle Times (google it, I think it's still there). People up here just don't want to connect with other people outside of their own social circle.
I agree with one writer's response that women take longer between relationships than men. I have a saying, women are their own worst enemies....because, we talk and talk about a breakup and get lots of positive feedback (what a jerk he is, you can do better), so we talk and talk somemore just to get more of that positive feedback, until our friends start rolling their eyes. Then we know it's time to move on.
And then there's this crappy weather. Starting in November it's dark by 5 and raining all the time. No one wants to go out from Nov. until May. Depressing.
As far as the online stuff....I don't think people are giving each other a fair chance. Everything has come down to what you look like. If a guy sends a wink to a woman and she doesn't respond, it's because he doesn't look like her "type". When a women sends a wink to a guy and he doesn't respond, it's because she isn't sexy enough. I actually had some guy tell me he wouldn't want to have sex with me, just based on my picture.
I've spent hours on a "coffee date", thinking I'd met someone I was compatible with, only to never hear from him again. Again, it comes down to what you are attracted to and if the person doesn't have it, then it's adios.
Hope this helps you.
9/2/2008 7:03:43 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 23
postalbob: you are ungrateful and inexperienced.. thanks for stereotyping military guys just because you probably didn't have the balls to do it. i know better than anyone that WA isn't a military friendly state, but you are still a douche bag for bringing the local (bs) concise to this site.
don't get me wrong, i know a few men you describe as sniveling punks that don't give a shit about anything or anyone, but they are few and far between in the military, so pull your head out of your ass.
9/2/2008 11:04:49 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 24
This might not sound so nice but as for myself Im scared because a lot of wa guys are CREEPY! Like really creepy. I don't consider myself to be some wonderful amazing catch but I definitely think someone would be lucky to have me but all of the guys that ask me out/hit on me are are really creepy. I don't think its too much to ask for someone to have a job, a car(unless in a big city where public transportation is easier to use), an apartment or house(not still living at home), a sense of humor, no drinking problem, no drugs. Is that too much to ask for? Oh and no religious fundamentalists. Religion is fine but please don't message me to preach!
9/3/2008 12:23:00 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
Hmm...I don't know if this is any better, "a rose lover"....
but *I'd* have sex with you...just based on your picture(s) ! 
So...one "no" and one "yes" now...that should just about cancel out, right ? 
Luckily for you, I don't do roses...but there ya are !!
9/3/2008 12:57:31 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
OMG ! I took aroselver up and googled "Seattle Freeze". They even have a bit on Youtube ! Wow. No wonder !
Explains a lot. Highly recommended !! 
9/3/2008 1:06:01 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Bellevue, WA
age: 31
Im from CA I've been living here for nearly three years nao.
And I can honestly say that Washington females are the most stand-offish and distant females I have ever met.
I can usually hold my own, but it seems like the avarage guy around here has to nearly kill himself just to get a date.
Also from what I see is that alot WA ladies on this website are just as non-approachable just as they are in offline.
And that's a shame!
So what's the deal?
Somebody break it down for me.
I honestly must say I do agree with you on this matter. I have been here for just over three years too and the women here are totally "stand-offish" 
I have not been able to get hardly any dates here (Washington) myself but keep your head up bro. Remember good guys are hard to come by.
9/3/2008 8:15:04 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Port Angeles, WA
age: 57
The Seattle Freeze information is good and I agree that I've encountered the same from both genders in Seattle. Being from a smaller, friendlier community of the PNW I figured it was just "big city" thinking and general lack of trust in other people.
I don't see women in my area as scared, most are cautious. Mostly those of both genders who are getting over a bad/abusive relationship come off as scared and healing from that takes time and lots of it to be able to trust again.
I find it interesting that those of you from other areas of the country, where the same issues must exist, don't find the attitudes and fears in those areas as is seen in Seattle. My Dad used to call that type of snobbishness as "someone being to big for their breeches."
9/3/2008 2:49:37 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Sequim, WA
age: 53
I have difficulty meeting since I live so far out on the peninsula.
Not to mention my job has random hours. My days off are week days
which I don't notice many guys having. How do I meet someone who
would come here? They would have to stay somewhere and I wouldn't
feel comfortable with them staying with me and me not knowing them
well. Going to them isn't easy because of my working hours.
Other than that guys the ratio of men to women favor the
men here. Your chances are better than the women.
9/3/2008 3:05:46 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Sequim, WA
age: 53
Also I agree with the lady who said that chemistry counts. Men will write to me
then never write again. Or I'll write to them and find something that dosen't
suit me and I don't like to write back.
But as a former northern Californian I love Washington. The country here in
western Washington Is gorgeous. I'm not a hot weather fan so the rain isn't
an issue. After all there are pills and special light bulbs one can use
to fight the gloom.
No........I pretty much feel it's chemistry and there are fewer people here
in Washington than say Vages or Calif..
9/3/2008 3:32:14 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Mount Vernon, WA
age: 23
postalbob: you are ungrateful and inexperienced.. thanks for stereotyping military guys just because you probably didn't have the balls to do it. i know better than anyone that WA isn't a military friendly state, but you are still a douche bag for bringing the local (bs) concise to this site.
don't get me wrong, i know a few men you describe as sniveling punks that don't give a shit about anything or anyone, but they are few and far between in the military, so pull your head out of your ass.
I think we should give our military people a little more credit here. All military men aren't horrible. I think people just blame them a little more easier because they aren't here for very long and end up getting what they need before they leave. I think the ladies have just as much blame for being used because it most certainly takes two to tango and perhaps if you weren't so easy and or gullible to not be able to read the person then you are to blame. I don't think all woman are standoffish. I can only speech for myself and I feel that I know what I want and if I don't see that in you I'm not going to waste your time or mine. I think we all need to stop making the blame on males and just tell it how it is. I also feel that the weather has nothing to do with us feeling down. We choose to live in WA. If you hate the weather leave. Its just that simple. The hardest part isn't leaving WA its actually knowing what you will do once you get out, so woman stop being selfish, standoffish, and have some confidence and if you get shot down then it wasn't meant to be and move on and find someone better. As for the males you might feel that ladies are standoffish because you might be going for someone who is totally out of your league or is just a B****. I also think ladies or just a bit more reserved. Coming from a small community like mine sets higher standards for other males not from around here because I know some amazing men from here and I'm not settling for second best, so when deciding who I want to date the bar is set high.
[Edited 9/3/2008 3:36:51 PM PST]
9/3/2008 5:49:10 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 23
sweetgirl4: word.
and another thing about this entire subject in general, the topic title should be renamed "why don't girls like me?" because there's nothing wrong with women around here. look.. all i'm saying is.. we're doing this whole internet conversation thing where i can't read your facial expressions or see how creepy you are. fact of the matter is, when you say something like 'we talked a few times, and then i asked for her email? whats the big deal?" i don't really know if that's how black and white it was... how do i know you're not extremely creepy? don't know how to read signals? asked at the wrong time? she was way out of your league? you weren't her type?
possibilities are endless. from my personal experience, i've had no problem talking to women from around here. of course, i never hit on them, which is why i'm at this site to begin with... but either way, i can see why women reject men, and it's not the 'women being scared'. the one time i did see a guy hit on a woman was at at&t. she was working there and this dude was blatantly hitting on her, and he was creepy as hell. it was awkward for me to stand behind him and watch while she gave me looks like 'is this guy going to stop hitting on me?' and in that case, maybe they -should- be scared. because if some creepy chick was hitting on me like that, i would be scared too.
9/3/2008 6:00:19 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Everett, WA
age: 24
I considered joining the military for the right reasons. Don't throw around insults like a kid when you do not know anything about me. Nothing you said was even close to on track.
I'm pro Iraq, pro military, I'm extremely grateful.
Military boys in WA are usually punks.
End of story.
Practically none of them are pro Iraq. Practically none of them are pro war in doing what it takes. Most people in WA don't even support WAR in ANY circumstance, yet they join the military
Now then, I did intentionally say maybe it's me.
Don't take up insults with me on the typical Washingtonian when you just showed that was you.
I'm Republican. I'm pro Iraq. I'm pro military.
I have no reason to hate military guys.
Ask girls around this area, every single one that dates military guys gets burned.
Do your research, how long have you even lived here? I've lived here my entire life.
I'm not saying all, but more military guys in WA than any other state USE the HONORABLE military. They aren't honorable themselves.
So pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass.
Re read my statement. I merely said DO NOT classify people by their military status, that's B.S. I'm certainly not going to say they are better than anyone else.
They are just the same.
And in WA...They are worse than other military boys.
I am far more experienced than you...Have you seen my page?
Yeah, that's right, I'm a manager in a commercial field, I lead, and in 3 years I'll be a principal of the company.
I thought of joining the military to help the people in Iraq rather than abandon them. I stayed here because I'm one of the few people in this state intelligent enough to know this war isn't a disaster, and is saving Iraq and anyone that could have been attacked by Iraq. It's barely even a war. There have been less deaths in this "WAR" in the military than when Clinton was president. It's basically the fewest amount of deaths per year in a war in our country's history. Those facts kept me here. I'm considering getting into politics for the same reason.
I associate with more people, and network with more business men, companies, and people in a week, than you do in a year. I can guarantee it.
I make it my goal to find new people everywhere I go to connect with and learn from, and more importantly knowing the differences to know what to learn. Personality differences, character differences, strength differences...
I've been told I ask more questions, more interesting questions, than anyone to everyone.
It's how I learn...And it's how I'm leading my company in commercial insurance for Architects & Engineers and Lawyers and manage the division when I'm the youngest there.
postalbob: you are ungrateful and inexperienced.. thanks for stereotyping military guys just because you probably didn't have the balls to do it. i know better than anyone that WA isn't a military friendly state, but you are still a douche bag for bringing the local (bs) concise to this site.
don't get me wrong, i know a few men you describe as sniveling punks that don't give a shit about anything or anyone, but they are few and far between in the military, so pull your head out of your ass.
[Edited 9/3/2008 6:30:42 PM PST]
9/3/2008 8:14:36 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 23
Did I hit your ego button? I see tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
Looks like you could use a little attention. Well, I'll give you some.
For some reason, you think that by living in Washington your whole sheltered life and by getting your a** kissed by 'business people' you have more experience than I do. That's really.. really cute. I'm what they call a 4th generation soldier. Which means my ancestors probably fought in the wars your ancestors were talking about. No big deal, makes no huge difference to me.
Though, I'm sure you still think you're better than me, which is fine, seeing as cowardice is best hidden by incredible arrogance. In fact, it's kind of your job, and the point of -us- fighting the war: to protect your freedom of speech.
I personally don't appreciate how you belittle the sacrifices some of my friends and comrades have paid, not that you'd understand. The biggest thing you've ever lost was probably something materialistic. I'd guess a car, because you seem like a guy that would drive a really nice car to overcompensate for a small penis.
You also said:
"As such, most military men I've known are all about excitement, and I've not met a single one that hasn't cheated, or was honest, all the ones I know are either cocky, act like they are owed something, mistreat their girlfriends, or are some biker guys, or all of the above. There are also some that join it just for the status it will get them with women and life, to feel better then others. "
And to that I say, 'Are you f**king serious?'
I could go on for days, but I'm sure people are tired of reading this by now, so I'll save it for your next weak a** assault where you flatter yourself (which greatly exposes your insecurities) by mentioning that your... thinking of becoming a politician... and repeat the same point 3 or 4 times.
PS. You are still an inexperienced and unappreciative little prick.