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8/26/2013 7:54:21 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
1. Yes, it could have only been done like this with months of preparing. |
2. No, haven't watched, didn't read. |
3. Idk but I did read. |
4. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. |
5. Should more Americans die for our leaders war crimes? |
6. People are giving their lives, spare a minute and see why. |
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/26/2013 1:38:26 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
take your dumb a** and your tinfoil hat back to CE&P with the rest of the brain dead losers.
8/26/2013 1:48:29 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
I've been sharing with all the united states, that's what being patriotic is all about.
The media is being censored and manipulated, we have to speak as a collective.
9/11 New HQ Military Plane Footage - Undeniable new 9/11 WTC DRONE PLANE PROOF
Nine years after 9/11, 900 responders are dead
Especially in light of the events of 9/11, the vanishing of a scientist with Professor Wiley's expertise in virology and immunology should have been expected to be an issue of critical national importance, yet the official tone of the government was that this is nothing to worry about. Move along citizen, nothing to see.
In the context of the Anthrax letters being sent through the mail, any disappearance of any microbiologist under questionable circumstances should have set off alarm bells across the nation. but it didn't. Professor Wiley was assumed to have committed suicide, end of story.
The professor's colleagues expressed doubts about the official "suicide" explanation for his disappearance.
Then, more biologists started to die under suspicious circumstances.
The Very Mysterious Deaths of Five Microbiologists.
The body count of infections disease experts continued to climb. Connections to weapons research began to surface.
As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list.
Still the US Government acted as if nothing was amiss, as silent on the question of dead microbiologists as they are on the question of the Israeli spies and their connection to 9-11.
9/2/2013 9:49:28 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
take your dumb a** and your tinfoil hat back to CE&P with the rest of the brain dead losers. 
stick a cigarette in it mr. crowley
9/2/2013 10:04:48 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
damn! another pathetic loser fron the tin foil hat club?
u losers sicken me
[Edited 9/2/2013 10:05:21 PM ]
9/3/2013 4:41:42 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
Aries earth Monkey (1968)
yang fire & yang air plus earth
a caveman meets a midget monkey in a cage compulsively masturbating
9/3/2013 12:22:22 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

Nanothermite (also known as superthermite), simply put, is an ultra-fine-grained (UFG) variant of thermite that can be formulated to be explosive by adding gas-releasing substances. A general rule in chemistry is that the smaller the particles of the reactants, the faster the reaction. Nanothermite, as the name suggests, is thermite in which the particles are so small that they are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter). The authors of the peer-reviewed Active Thermitic Materials paper, which documents the discovery of these materials in the WTC dust, explain:
As a group, we now have more than 1,270 architect and engineer petition signers. Collectively, we have more than 25,000 years of building and technical experience.
Today, we’re here to inform you that we have uncovered evidence that the official investigations into what happened to the World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 were deeply flawed, or worse. The scientific forensic facts we have discovered have very troubling implications.
For example, a technologically advanced, highly energetic material has been discovered in World Trade Center dust from the 9/11 catastrophe.
This follows the discovery, by the United States Geological Survey and others, of high concentrations of unusual previously molten iron-rich microspheres in the WTC dust. These microspheres can only have been formed during the destruction of the World Trade Center at temperatures far higher than can be explained by the jet fuel and office fires. Those fires, we are told by engineers employed by NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, were allegedly the cause of the World Trade Center’s destruction. The discovery of this advanced energetic material, in the form of red/gray chips distributed throughout the dust, both explains the iron-rich microspheres and confirms the inadequacy of the official account of what happened that tragic day.
Even before the microspheres and red/gray chips had been identified and brought to our attention, we were deeply concerned about other aspects of the destruction of these iconic buildings, and how they were investigated. More than two dozen firefighters, engineers, and other witnesses reported seeing substantial quantities of molten iron or steel, flowing like lava in the debris under all three World Trade Center high-rises. Office fires and jet fuel cannot possibly reach the temperatures necessary to liquefy iron or steel. A mixture called thermite, consisting of pulverized iron oxide and aluminum, CAN generate temperatures above 4000°F -- far more than is needed to melt iron or steel, which melts at about 2750°F.
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
WTC - Super Thermite liquide paint

9/11/2013 12:41:48 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2013 as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. About 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013, and in 2013 about 580,350 Americans are projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people a day. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths.

In less than two days cancer kills as many people as had died on 9/11.
Why isn't the government making more of an effort to help those dying every single day?
You want proof they don't care about our lives. There you go. No hypothetical conspiracy, just straight up facts.
Cannabis cures cancer, and they would rather make money than save lives.
9/14/2013 7:52:10 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

Dr Sanjay Gupta Publicly Apologizes For Being SO WRONG about medical cannabis
CNN: Marijuana May Kill Cancer Cells!
Cannabis Health benefits discussed by fox news doctors
Every two days more people die from cancer than died on 9/11.
9/16/2013 8:53:26 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
9/20/2013 6:43:00 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
When Christ told us, “That which I have done, you will do and greater," is beginning to make more sense to me as I uncover the past.
This holy anointing oil, as described in the original Hebrew version of the recipe in Exodus (30:22-23), contained over six pounds of kaneh-bosem, a substance identified by respected etymologists, linguists, anthropologists, botanists and other researchers as cannabis, extracted into about six quarts of olive oil, along with a variety of other fragrant herbs. The ancient anointed ones were literally drenched in this potent mixture.
Although most modern people choose to smoke or eat pot, when its active ingredients are transferred into an oil-based carrier, it can also be absorbed through the skin, which is in fact one big organ. In the Bible’s New Testament, Jesus baptized none of his disciples, as is practiced by the Catholic church, but instead anointed them with this potent entheogenic oil, sending out the 12 apostles to do the same. “And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them” (Mark 6:13).
Likewise, after Jesus’ passing, James suggests that anyone of the Christian community who was sick should call to the elders to anoint him with oil in the name of Jesus (James 5:14).
It should be understood that in the ancient world, diseases such as epilepsy were attributed to demonic possession, and to cure somebody of such an illness, even with the aid of certain herbs, was the same as exorcism, or miraculously healing them. Interestingly, cannabis has been shown to be effective in the treatment of not only epilepsy, but many of the other ailments that Jesus and the disciples healed people of, such as skin diseases (Matthew 8, 10, 11; Mark 1; Luke 5, 7, 17), eye problems (John 9:6-15), and menstrual problems (Luke 8:43-48).
Dad Gives Toddler Battling Brain Cancer Medical Marijuana
The industrial age was a form of filtering process for the human race, as we shifted from farming communities, to the city streets.

And in regaurds to 9/11, anyone who looks at the full extent of the damage, and the evidence, and the testimonies, will come to the same conclusion. It was done deliberately, and it was scripted.
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
9/24/2013 10:11:24 AM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack!
FAQ #9: Were the Twin Towers Designed to Survive the Impact of the Airplanes?
Both technical calculations and testimony from WTC structural engineers confirm that the Twin Towers were built to withstand the impact from the passenger jets that hit them on 9/11.
Airplane impact tests conducted by WTC structural engineers during the design of the Twin Towers used the Boeing 707, which was one of the largest passenger jets in the world at the time. The results of the test, carried out early in 1964, calculated that the towers would handle the impact of a 707 traveling at 600 mph without collapsing.
Even though the two Boeing 767 aircraft that were said to be used in the 9/11 attacks were slightly larger than the 707, technical comparisons show that the 707 has more destructive force at cruising speed. The following analysis was compiled by 911research.net:
The cruise speed of a Boeing 707 is 607 mph = 890 ft/s,
The cruise speed of a Boeing 767 is 530 mph = 777 ft/s.
So, the Boeing 707 and 767 are very similar aircraft, with the main differences being that the 767 is slightly heavier and the 707 is faster.
In designing the towers to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, the designers would have assumed that the aircraft was operated normally. So they would have assumed that the aircraft was traveling at its cruise speed (i.e., not at faster speeds perhaps flown by suicide pilots). With this in mind, we can calculate the energy that the plane would impart to the towers in any accidental collision.
The kinetic energy released by the impact of a Boeing 707 at cruise speed is
= 0.5 x 336,000 x (890)^2/32.174
= 4.136 billion ft lbs force (5,607,720 Kilojoules).
The kinetic energy released by the impact of a Boeing 767 at cruise speed is
= 0.5 x 395,000 x (777)^2/32.174
= 3.706 billion ft lbs force (5,024,650 Kilojoules).
From this, we see that under normal flying conditions, a Boeing 707 would smash into the WTC with about 10 percent more energy than would the slightly heavier Boeing 767. That is, under normal flying conditions, a Boeing 707 would do more damage than a Boeing 767.
So what can be said about the actual impacts?
The speed of impact of AA Flight 11 was 470 mph = 689 ft/s.
The speed of impact of UA Flight 175 was 590 mph = 865 ft/s.
The kinetic energy released by the impact of AA Flight 11 was
= 0.5 x 395,000 x (689)^2/32.174
= 2.914 billion ft lbs force (3,950,950 Kilojoules).
This is well within limits that the towers were built to survive. So why did the North tower fall?
The kinetic energy released by the impact of UA Flight 175 was
= 0.5 x 395,000 x (865)^2/32.174
= 4.593 billion ft lbs force (6,227,270 Kilojoules).
This is within 10 percent of the energy released by the impact of a Boeing 707 at cruise speed. So, it would be also a surprise for the 767 impact to have caused the South tower to fall.
When interviewed in 1993, Lead WTC Structural Engineer John Skilling told The Seattle Times:
“We looked at every possible thing we could think of that could happen to the buildings, even to the extent of an airplane hitting the side… Our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel (from the airplane) would dump into the building. There would be a horrendous fire. A lot of people would be killed. [But] the building structure would still be there.”
In 2001, Leslie Robertson, a WTC structural engineer who worked as a subordinate to Skilling, claimed that the Twin Towers were only able to withstand the impact of jet airplanes going no faster than 180 mph. However, not only are these statements contradicted by the design test results, they also contradict statements made by Robertson in 1984/1985, when he said that there was “little likelihood of a collapse no matter how the building was attacked.”
Robertson also claimed that the fires caused by a jet impact were not incorporated into the WTC design analysis. “To the best of our knowledge, little was known about the effects of a fire from such an aircraft, and no designs were prepared for that circumstance,” he stated in 2002. However, not only is this statement contradicted by Skilling, but it also lacks common sense, according to 9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan. “That’s kind of crazy… I don’t know how the planes would get to the buildings without jet fuel,” Ryan explains in a video presentation titled The NIST World Trade Center Report: A New Standard for Deception. “Who would design these buildings for jet plane impacts but not fuel fires?”
Not only were the towers designed to survive crashes of large jet aircraft, but they were designed to potentially survive multiple plane crashes. This assertion is supported by Frank A. Demartini, the on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, who said on January 25, 2001:
“The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door—this intense grid—and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.”
Demartini appeared to be so confident that the towers would not collapse that he stayed behind, after the airplane impacts, to help save at least 50 people. As a result of his actions, he lost his life on 9/11.
Like the firefighters who perished in the WTC buildings, Demartini may very well have risked his life to save others, but the evidence suggests that he did not think he was endangering himself by simply going back into the building.
In addition, investigators from NIST who examined the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers told The New York Times in 2007 that newly disclosed documents from the 1960s show that the new York Port Authority, the original owners of Twin Towers, also considered aircraft moving at 600 mph,slightly faster and therefore more destructive than the ones that did hit the towers.
The information detailed in 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out demonstrates clearly that pre-planted explosives – not jet plane impacts and fires – destroyed the Twin Towers. The WTC designers seemed to be correct in their analysis in the 1960s, and the evidence that these buildings were brought down by controlled demolition corroborates their conclusions.
9/25/2013 7:41:14 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
9/11 happened, there was no govt involvement , Obama sucks as a president, there are no aliens at area 61, the moon landing happened, drugs kill brain cells, this includes marijuana,
A few truths just to enlighten you
You are the drug addict fool with your little cigarette. The good OP has provided excellent documentation, you nothing 
9/25/2013 9:53:59 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

10/28/2013 10:52:21 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |


Cartersville, GA
33, joined Jun. 2013
Most ppl know its true but love living in fairytale land. Keep preaching the truth hopefully Ppl will awake and resist these devils b4 its to late. world trade false flag
11/8/2013 2:40:40 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
11/12/2013 7:47:14 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Its probably important for everyone to know that few of the tinfoil hat club in CE&P buy the ops stupidity.
That's why the loser is posting in other forums/groups, now.
11/17/2013 3:05:04 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
the op has showed a couple videos that I have proven to be filled with nothing but speculation. He's the one trying to prove something. And yet he has proved nothing. He keeps screaming conspiracy all I'm saying is show proof and he can't.
has a brown paper bag over his head
12/13/2013 5:42:45 PM |
9/11 Truth, where do you stand South Carolina? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
I've cast seed by the "roadside" plenty of times and the birds just ate it up.
Capitalism, communism, and tribes perceived through mathmatical expression.

When you start to gaze upon a tribe through the eyes of a capitalist it makes no sense at all. Someone should be on top and those on the bottom should be submissive servants, bearing the weight of the world. Instead there is an equal distribution from the core of the tribe, just like when defining the area of a circle.
When you redefine the capitalist structure by the perception of the tribe, or by the inside out, mathmatically you get three distinct regions.

Applying the concept of pressure building upon the base, and those on top controlling the world's finances, you get something like this...

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...
