
Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
I find it hard to belive that the state of Navada is standing with this out of control moron.I can't belive that at least someone hasn't started a recall of reid.Everything this idiot does reflects on the people of NV.
Semper Fi !!!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is moving legislation to push the debt limit until Dec. 31, 2014, well beyond next year’s midterm election.
Senate aides estimate the bill would increase federal borrowing authority by about $1.1 trillion.
The administration estimates the nation will hit the upper bounds of its $16.7 trillion debt ceiling on Oct. 17, although in recent days experts have said that deadline may be flexible.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) blasted Reid’s proposal for not including any spending reform.
“What he proposes is to raise the debt limit by $1 trillion, but not do anything about the debt,” McConnell said. “Not a single reform to get spending under control. We’ve got a debt close to $17 trillion.
“Washington is borrowing nearly $2 billion — a day. And he’s fine with that,” he added.
In 2011, President Obama insisted the debt limit be pushed until after the 2012 election, so that he would not have to deal with it again before Election Day.
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Keller, TX
58, joined Oct. 2010
Chicago old style political machine my man... buying votes.
And using the power of the office (IRS, NSA) to intimidate opposition to come in line.

Las Vegas, NV
57, joined Feb. 2009
It's very difficult to recall a senator, thanks to the 17th amendment. Here is one of several online petitions to recall Sen. Reid.
http://www.gopetition "dot" com/petitions/recall-senator-harry-reid-of-nevada/sign.html#se
In my humble opinion, the only realistic way of making anything like this happen is to repeal the 17th amendment. The 17th amendment changed the way that senators are selected. If repealed, then the state legislatures would select the senators, and could recall a senator that failed to represent the state properly. Repealing the 17th amendment is also very difficult, but a growing number of people in the country are disgusted with the way the federal government is abusing it's power that it may actually happen. The 18th amendment WAS repealed by the 21st amendment. The only way it will happen is by an Article V convention of the states-COS. A book came out in August that proposes 11 amendments to the constitution that would force Washington back into the restraints originally intended by the framers of the constitution including repeal of the 17th amendment. It's called "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic". There are several groups that are actively pushing for an Article V convention including one called "Convention of States dot com" that would try to accomplish this. When President Reagan failed to get a balanced budget amendment thru the Tip O'Neil led House of Representatives, he called for an Article V convention to by-pass congress and in 1990 we came within 2 states of forcing the convention. If that had happened then, we could have avoided most of the problems we now have. There are currently 17 states that have standing resolutions calling for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment. bba4usa dot com. But a broader convention is needed to propose more amendments than just the balanced budget, thus the COS push. I've heard that there are 10 state legislatures that are working on resolutions and possibly 10 others that are considering it. We need 34 state legislatures to pass identical resolutions to force the convention. We don't need Washington for this process, we are going to by-pass them. We don't need the governors either, they aren't involved at all, just the state legislatures. Please ask anyone who is either running for your states legislature or is running for re-election how they stand on the issue and if they don't support it, vote them out! And before you try to trash the idea, read up on it first! A lot of what is out there against it is actually FALSE! "We The People" created the federal government, "We The People" have to fix it!