11/21/2013 11:16:35 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Surprise, NE
49, joined Jun. 2009
I have several, having been horseback since 2 years old. Halter class at the horse show, my horse laid down in the arena! It was above 95 degrees and the horses were tired.
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11/23/2013 5:54:13 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Harrison, MI
63, joined Jul. 2013
In 1980 had a horse who not only won
The Triple Crown,he was also named the
Harness Horse of the Year 3 Times.1964-
1965 & 1966.He had 68 Starts,won 62-5
seconds-and 1 third.I was 26yrs.old at
this time just stayed in my head for some

11/23/2013 7:04:30 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Creighton, NE
69, joined Feb. 2007
Hard to think of FAVORITE, thats why I like tractors  
But trying I remember being in a wagon with dads team at about age 2 or 3 saying git up & whoa & even gee & haw while both dad & mom picked corn by hand 
11/23/2013 4:09:47 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Augusta, GA
53, joined Apr. 2013
I had a half Qh half Arab that I use to barrel race when I was a teen...Decided I wanted to hook him up to a racing cart my dad had bought for another Horse...Needless to say he wasn't having any of it..Took my smart litte tail off the road an into the woods....Tore that Cart all ta Hell.. Ripped the Harness....And left me stranded 2 Miles from Home....When I finely made it home The Horse Was In The Barn...And Dad tore me up!!!!
11/27/2013 8:42:02 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
barrel racing
12/1/2013 7:33:11 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Bronson, IA
55, joined May. 2013
Had a Shetland pony as a kid...."Goldie" was her name...cattle gate was locked with a chain fastened with a nut and bolt.....that is until the horse figured out how to loosen the bolt with her mouth!...wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen her do it....lol... fastened the chain with a clip after that....No more escapees.....lol
12/9/2013 7:54:02 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Beardsley, MN
49, joined May. 2013
Riding on trail rides getting dumped i the river cuz the dumb shit wantd to lay down in the water all the time or go running fast to it and stop so you we t in the water and he didn t
12/11/2013 1:35:48 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Pahoa, HI
60, joined Nov. 2013
I took English riding lessons my entire childhood and showed nationally. Then at 18 I was able to see a wild herd of Mustangs, so beautiful and spirited, like a totally different animal from what I had been riding and was exposed to.
Since then I have never been able to ride again. I will not take part in a "hobby" that sucks the life and spirit out of horses, that's torture plain and simple. Wake up folks! And I don't buy it that riding doesn't hurt their backs and feet, I think it causes significant pain.
So give your horse some aspirin or a prescription pain pill before you sit your overweight a** on the poor thing. Horses like other horses and to be free, they do not like you for a second.
12/22/2013 8:30:59 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
Packing in to the Montana back country on a hunting trip.I scored a 6 point bull that year.
Semper Fi !!!
12/22/2013 9:30:20 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Qualifying for the barrel races at the state fair.
12/27/2013 10:42:30 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
flying around the track in a sulkey
12/29/2013 1:31:01 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
grooming, then showing
1/26/2014 11:56:56 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Lexington, KY
52, joined Dec. 2013
When I was younger and shorter(I grew slow in my life time,stayed small as a child-for a long time),many years ago yet an adult-we had mineture horses,not ponies-I can not recall the bread name-common American horse bread-and have not seen for a long time.But Loving good horses,and even trained well to kneel down to help me climb on.We traveled many miles through forest-as a regular routine in life-checking on family property-Today many forest stolen and only old memories left. 
1/30/2014 12:29:22 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Petaluma, CA
64, joined Oct. 2012
Rode my stallion 550miles of pony express trail as an endurance ride...in 2001.plan on doing it again in 2015.same horse.aMORGAN.
2/2/2014 9:42:41 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Harrison, MI
63, joined Jul. 2013
I wouldn't say Favorite memory but
when I had my left ear completely
bitten off.
2/5/2014 10:36:55 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Orem, UT
49, joined Oct. 2013
So many .... Barrels, rodeo queen, trips into the High Uintahs.
The memory I'm thinking of now was in the early spring. I took a can of grain and twine sting out into the pasture where my horse (Lilly) was. She came as I shook the can. I caught her, tied the twine around her neck, looped it over her nose, and hopped on. My father must have been watching because as I loped her to the gate he met me there. " don't you think you at least aught to put a bridle on crazy girl" he said.
At the time was thinking "he worries too much "
2/13/2014 10:40:29 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
New Raymer, CO
64, joined May. 2012
My one memory of a horse was when i was in high school. We had a small dairy and my brother had the horse saddled and it was time to milk so i rode thd horse to gather the cows for milking. Done fine riding to the cows but when turnex to drive then home the horse decided he wanted to go back tk the barn on a dead run so that is how we went. I had hair curlers in my hair but on the way back to the barn i lost every curler. My brother being ten years younger than me laughed so hard and even today he lives to tell the story of thd time i went to get the cows in and lost all the curlers out of my hair. 
2/14/2014 4:20:33 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Ochopee, FL
59, joined Nov. 2013
Seeing Easy Goer in person, win three times.
2/16/2014 9:41:54 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Baker, WV
41, joined Aug. 2013
Spending time at my aunt and uncles learning how to ride before my aunt passed away from cancer.
2/24/2014 3:28:12 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Santa Clara, CA
55, joined Apr. 2011
So many memories to choose from but my last horse before I was pregnant with my son was also good for entertainment. I'd raised him from birth. My cutting horse prospect...AQUA. He was a real character. To start he'd roll the plastic barrels in the arena at full speed til the hit the fence and banked off them then take them the other direction. In his stall was an orange pylon and each day I'd have to walk down the hill behind his paddock to go get it. He'd swing it in his mouth and launch it as hard as he could. But one day 3 goats got into the arena and for several minutes he took them up and down the fence line cutting off turning them back then do it again. This went on for about five minutes til the goats figured out they could get out between the rails. He was a natural...sires side was all Champion cutting stock. Dam's side all Racing Quarter and TB so he was scary fast too. He could spin on a dime from the first few days I rode him. He went on to sire all fillies too.
5/9/2014 12:00:43 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Glenwood, AR
38, joined Apr. 2014
Riding up into the Colorado Rockies to go hunting. Beautiful country, wish I could have shared it with that special someone I'm here to meet.
5/10/2014 6:43:57 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Henderson, TX
51, joined Mar. 2011
When I was competing heavy in barrel racing, pole bending & other speed events. Western pleasure, trail class & team penning. My older foundation Quarter horse was a jack of all events. Lightning fast with a good sound mind, he knew when to go in business mode for events and then turn it off like a light switch and go back to his normal easy going self. He was such a laid back horse, people would ask me...That's a speed event horse??? He was so calm & collected. You could trust him with anybody.
Even with all his speed & competition, I could still turn around and put a kid on his back or an inexperienced person and he would babysit them. Best horse I ever had, would do anything I asked willingly.
My other 2 horses weren't like that, they would def test an inexperienced rider. My mare loved to go swimming with me in ponds so we had fun doing that, I'd just hang onto the saddle and she swam all over. My other gelding would rather just roll in a pond with you on his back...big turd
5/10/2014 8:29:44 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Chapel Hill, NC
62, joined Feb. 2007
Working cattle in the early morning hours.....its cold....mist in blowing out of the horses nose.....the air is crisp....I can hear my spurs chink a linking as we head out at a fast trot......leather rubbing....Saras feet pounding the ground..
My mare was a Team Penning/sorting Champion....
Sara was a gray mare....and built stout like stallion...Beautiful refined head..She was Quarterhorse.....Doc Tom Tucker mare...
Her nick name at the competitions..was THE GREY GHOST...She was fast...precise...could watch a cow with the best of them..
She was like driving a automatic car at the cattle competitions..She knew what to do..all I had to do was stay with her...
I LOVED THAT HORSE....but she has passed away..
we also did
I raised my kids on horses...We used them for fun..and for work...I was a cowgirl for some local ranchers...and my kids were right there with me...working cattle too..they were taught quite young.
5/11/2014 9:01:23 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Madisonville, TN
67, joined Jun. 2008
My nieces and nephews takeing turns ride my stallion at home one would be trying to climb on him and he would have his head down for the others to scratch his ears and rub his forehead. He loved kids and none ever got hurt by him. I had him from 5 months old until he died in his mid 30's. He was a once in a lifetime horse.
5/13/2014 7:08:07 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Moose Lake, MN
98, joined Nov. 2011
I have so many, Its hard to pick a favorite.
I just can't stop laughing. Thanks for the story.
My one memory of a horse was when i was in high school. We had a small dairy and my brother had the horse saddled and it was time to milk so i rode thd horse to gather the cows for milking. Done fine riding to the cows but when turnex to drive then home the horse decided he wanted to go back tk the barn on a dead run so that is how we went. I had hair curlers in my hair but on the way back to the barn i lost every curler. My brother being ten years younger than me laughed so hard and even today he lives to tell the story of thd time i went to get the cows in and lost all the curlers out of my hair. 
5/16/2014 4:55:18 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Henderson, TX
51, joined Mar. 2011
Its such a Freeing feeling having a great horse underneath us isn't it? 
5/31/2014 5:55:01 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Blue Mountain, AR
71, joined May. 2014
3 weeks in Oregon half way up a mountain with a pond full of rainbow trout and 40'000 acres of BLM land full of Elk.
My son and my best friend and 4 good riding mules best 3 weeks of my life !!
6/18/2014 3:31:50 AM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |


Henderson, TX
51, joined Mar. 2011
Waking up early...pack a lunch/sodas & get on my showhorse for a nice relaxing trail ride all day long. Taking breaks, loosening up saddle and letting him graze beside me while I laid in the grass, give him couple of carrots and then back to sightseeing to give him a break from the showing...just letting him be a horse. He lived to be 35yrs old...I still miss him terribly. He was one of those Once in a lifetime horses. Always willing, eager, do anything I asked, put a kid or inexperienced person on him and yet go to shows & WIN.
Very special horse, he could tell if something was bothering me, he would follow me around and when I sat down he would hang his head on me as if to comfort me. Anytime he heard my voice...he came running
Rip...KatyDid Again AQHA bay gelding.  
6/18/2014 9:23:17 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Ninilchik, AK
68, joined Mar. 2014
So many .... Barrels, rodeo queen, trips into the High Uintahs.
The memory I'm thinking of now was in the early spring. I took a can of grain and twine sting out into the pasture where my horse (Lilly) was. She came as I shook the can. I caught her, tied the twine around her neck, looped it over her nose, and hopped on. My father must have been watching because as I loped her to the gate he met me there. " don't you think you at least aught to put a bridle on crazy girl" he said.
At the time was thinking "he worries too much  "
My worst memory was doing about what you did-broken collar bone, smashed chest and face, should have jumped but held on flipped under and went down the tube with all four smashing me. Just a rope and bare back
7/25/2014 9:30:58 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |

Drummonds, TN
26, joined Jan. 2014
It was a few years ago, and I took one of my guy friends down to meet my horses. Well, once we got down there he was fussing at them, and even had the nerve to throw his hat at one of them... Well I guess she had decided that was the last straw, Because she walked right over to the hat, turned her tail around, and went to the restroom in it!!
[Edited 7/25/2014 9:31:41 PM ]
9/2/2014 7:21:40 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
New Raymer, CO
64, joined May. 2012
this isn't mine but brother's. When i was at home i decided i wanted to ride the house to gather the cows to milk. Got down to where the cows were abd them turned towards the house. The horse decide he wanted to have a run so he ran on a dead run all the way to the house leavibg the cows behind plus all my curlers that blew out of my hair on the way to the corral.My brother iz 10 yrs younger than i am and i will be 61 thiz coming monday and every chance he getz he lovez to tell ths store and laughs just liks yesterday. Have had some enjoyable rides on horses since then.
9/7/2014 10:54:37 PM |
What's your favorite memories with horses? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Sep. 2013
I had a big 17.2 hand rescue race horse. The ferrier came and started on my daughters pony first. So we were standing there waiting for his turn. He started nuzzling his fuzzy lips on my neck and the he started motor boating my clevage. It tickled so much I couldnt help but laugh out loud.