You are saying that " normal" couple shouldn't adopt children, or have IUI treatment, or a surrogate mother? They too break the laws of nature!!!!
12/23/2013 11:42:42 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
How do you feel about the events that happened Friday and today for those of same sex that have found love and want to be joined in marriage?
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/24/2013 12:10:38 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
48, joined Jul. 2013
I think your looking to stir the pot.
12/24/2013 8:14:13 AM |
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Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
To each their own. Everyone has a boat to float. That is just not my boat that I am trying to float.
Better thread than most all of the others. One gets to see what is going on in the ole noggin. As opposed to what color your going to wear today.
12/24/2013 1:01:37 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
31, joined Jan. 2012
How do you feel about the events that happened Friday and today for those of same sex that have found love and want to be joined in marriage?
What's going on? I am not up to date in current events.
12/25/2013 12:58:20 AM |
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Roy, UT
34, joined Jan. 2013
Eh, I say give it to them. Just because it's not something I approve of doesn't give me the right to push that belief on someone else. I don't approve of it, but that's why I'm not ever going to be gay and end up marrying another dude. And that's where it ought to end, for me. I'll leave everyone else to run their own lives.
12/25/2013 2:01:59 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
53, joined Apr. 2012
Whatever makes people happy.
12/25/2013 2:07:46 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
Kind of disappointed with the answers. It's a big step for Utah and part of the history you are living. Whether you are for or's still History in our time that we are living through and the future kids are gonna learn about.
I don't care what side you are have to admit, we are living in history!
12/25/2013 2:18:23 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
Being 62...I've witnessed John Glenn circling the earth.The Landing on the moon. Black and white people being able to be married. The computer age, the cell phone age, we we went from party lines on phones in our home to many things...
This event is never one I could ever see happening in the "land of mormon" and the "Land of Zion".....
So thrilled and I am a reverend and be so happy to officiate at any ceremony. I want to be part of history even though no one else would know but me.
12/25/2013 9:57:29 AM |
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Albuquerque, NM
40, joined Nov. 2012

12/26/2013 2:24:07 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
53, joined Jul. 2013
Love, real honest true love shared by two people has become extremely rair so I'm very happy to know people who are in love can get married and start a life together! Hell yeah! 
12/26/2013 10:52:46 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
62, joined May. 2011
Love, real honest true love shared by two people has become extremely rair so I'm very happy to know people who are in love can get married and start a life together! Hell yeah! 
I don’t know, Mouse? I guess in most of our small worlds, it’s not something to get very excited about. We all have to pay the bills, put gas in our cars, feed the kids, and maybe take the dog for a walk. It really doesn’t affect our day to day lives. Or does it?
I’m against homosexual marriage for a lot of reasons. In general I’m tired of the whole homosexual community. Their little parades where the guys run around in bras and panties just to be in our face, their willingness to attack and destroy anyone that has a different point of view of their lifestyles than their own and the constant attention they get and seem to crave. They may call themselves “gay” but, they seem to be some of the unhappiest, pissed off people I’ve ever seen.
This so called “struggle” they have been involved in to gain the right to be married has little of nothing to do with legal rights. Instead, they just want to feel like those that are married, in an attempt to feel normal. Normal is what 66% of what any given population does. Sixty six percent of the population is not homosexual, so no matter what they do they will always be outside of that “norm” and therefore, always unhappy. They want to be like the rest of us but “different” at the same time. Life doesn’t work that way. Their fight will not end here and those who think it will, are fools.
Having said that, one thing that is lacking about all of this is common sense. Marriage has been, for a long time, a union between a man and a woman. It’s not about being politically correct. Instead it’s about how it serves us all, not how it appeases a small group of people that will never be happy with their lot in life. 
12/27/2013 10:41:41 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
53, joined Jul. 2013
There was a time when women could not vote had very little rights and if your husband knocked you around you probably deserved it. There was also a time when women would burn there bra's in protest were shorts in public when it was not allowed because we women wanted equal rights. I can't help that I'm a women that is just who I am and I shouldn't feel ashamed of it. I make more money then most men but there was a time when having the opretunity to work and make money like I do was forbidden. People who were born with feelings for the same sex can not help how they feel and yeah now that our world is changing like it did for us women they celebrate who they are. More power to them! To find love now days is a gift because it's extremely hard I can attest to that! The rate of divorce in this country is appoling. Men treat me for the most part like I'm an object not a person. So I say it's okay to have an option we all have a right to one but unless you have walked in someone's shoes and know there struggles please don't judge to harsh because there is no way you could know how they feel. A final note I brought up women's struggles because my point is this our world changed and when a two different color people wanted to marry that changed too this is simply another change one that's harder for people to except because of most all our beleifs and what makes us comfortable. So weather we like the changes or not doesn't matter it's going to happen. I chose to except them and be happy again because at least some group of people can find love. Honestly I'm happy when anyone can love each other now days you don't see it very often some how it's become a rair thing.
12/27/2013 7:20:37 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
31, joined Jan. 2012
Kind of disappointed with the answers. It's a big step for Utah and part of the history you are living. Whether you are for or's still History in our time that we are living through and the future kids are gonna learn about.
I don't care what side you are have to admit, we are living in history!
History is made every day!
12/28/2013 12:07:35 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
62, joined May. 2011
There was a time when women could not vote had very little rights and if your husband knocked you around you probably deserved it. There was also a time when women would burn there bra's in protest were shorts in public when it was not allowed because we women wanted equal rights. I can't help that I'm a women that is just who I am and I shouldn't feel ashamed of it. I make more money then most men but there was a time when having the opretunity to work and make money like I do was forbidden. People who were born with feelings for the same sex can not help how they feel and yeah now that our world is changing like it did for us women they celebrate who they are. More power to them! To find love now days is a gift because it's extremely hard I can attest to that! The rate of divorce in this country is appoling. Men treat me for the most part like I'm an object not a person. So I say it's okay to have an option we all have a right to one but unless you have walked in someone's shoes and know there struggles please don't judge to harsh because there is no way you could know how they feel. A final note I brought up women's struggles because my point is this our world changed and when a two different color people wanted to marry that changed too this is simply another change one that's harder for people to except because of most all our beleifs and what makes us comfortable. So weather we like the changes or not doesn't matter it's going to happen. I chose to except them and be happy again because at least some group of people can find love. Honestly I'm happy when anyone can love each other now days you don't see it very often some how it's become a rair thing.
I’m not really sure how to address your comments Dream other than to say I found them a bit rambling and off topic. Women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement have little or nothing in common with gay marriage. These items were about gender or race and that is far different than sexual preference. Homosexuals can have “equal protection under the law” and in most cases they do. To equate a black person not being allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as a white person with how homosexuals are treated in our society today shows a bit of naivety at best, and a certain lack of history at worst. Even the black community itself acknowledges that the two have little in common and at times are outraged that people even try to draw a parallel between the two.
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons. It has nothing to do with love for their “partners” instead they did it “because they can”. The whole thing is like me owning a Pinto and wanting to be part of the Corvette Club of America. What’s the big deal we all own cars? I own a car why can’t I be part of your club just because it’s not a Corvette? Again, it’s just common sense. Men and women get married; they always have and that’s just the way it works. Basically, what the homosexual community is trying to do is not only “change” the laws when it comes to marriage, they also want to have children; but, two women cannot have a child, nor can two men. The two women that want to have a child need to have a male donor; the two men need a surrogate mother to have a child. None of this is normal it is all an attempt to break the laws of nature. When the day comes that two men can procreate, and two women can do the same, maybe I will rethink this. Until then, I’m going to stand by my opinion, and you are welcome to yours. 
12/28/2013 1:02:34 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
54, joined Feb. 2013
[quote...... Men and women get married; they always have and that’s just the way it works. Basically, what the homosexual community is trying to do is not only “change” the laws when it comes to marriage, they also want to have children; but, two women cannot have a child, nor can two men. The two women that want to have a child need to have a male donor; the two men need a surrogate mother to have a child. None of this is normal it is all an attempt to break the laws of nature. When the day comes that two men can procreate, and two women can do the same, maybe I will rethink this. Until then, I’m going to stand by my opinion, and you are welcome to yours.
12/28/2013 7:02:58 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
53, joined Jul. 2013
First off I never brought up African Americans and there struggles in the past though it is true they do deserve a lot of respect for what they went through also. I did however mention two races being able to get married because once it was also not legal. Just like once it was not legal for women to vote. My point was always not a rant but facts! It boils down to needed change! Who says it's not natural? They were born the way they are and god did that so who is to say they shouldn't or it's a sin? This is a one sided way of thinking and Like in the past people have issues with change and they tend to Hate what they can not understand. It's easy to sit back and judge what you do not understand. It's easy to fall in line with what society thinks. Law and religion should be separated it should not be a crime for two people to get married and have rights because of others options. this sir is my point!!
12/28/2013 6:46:27 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
I think my biggest point much History has happened in my life. Some I could have expected, but, what happened this week and for it to have happened in UTAH....I"m just amazed.
In Utah they were not even allowed a civil ceremony. Now they are. They are not trying to infringe on churches to try for a church wedding.
12/28/2013 7:01:26 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
54, joined Feb. 2013
I think that guy's marriage is another step toward freedom in this country, freedom not only for white " normal" people.
12/28/2013 7:17:29 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
62, joined May. 2011
I’m not here to get into a pissing contest with anyone. Mouse asked for opinions and I gave mine. If your mind is made up on the matter I’m sure there is little or nothing I can say or do that will change it.
As I stated in my original post homosexual marriage on its own is nothing to get excited about. I just see it as part of a bigger systemic problem that some of us see and others don’t. Over the past four decades there has been a paradigm shift in this country that at times seems subtle and almost benign. Environmental activism is a good case in point. Who doesn’t want clean air to breath, clean water to drink and polar bears not to drown? Then it becomes burning down car lots and ski lodges, banning windmills because birds fly into them and four bucks for a gallon of gas.
“Hanna Montana” becomes Miley Cyrus and we all know what a train wreck that is. Barbara Walters, a leading news person at one time thought our president was the “new messiah” but now doesn’t; (I’m a high school dropout and very early on I had that one figured out). When you start putting all these things together you start seeing a pattern that benefits none of us. Change just for the sake of change is not always for the best and if you don’t stand for something, then that means you pretty much stand for nothing.
Yes I know I’m old and stuck in my ways and beliefs but, I would still rather be a Ward Cleaver than a Homer Simpson any day.

12/29/2013 1:12:22 AM |
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West Jordan, UT
53, joined Jul. 2013
I stand for something myself I think it's time people stop judging and hating and just respect one another. We agree on one thing that we don't share each others beliefs and that's okay. Myself I'm very proud of who I am and what I stand for. I've said how I feel and I honestly don't care to say more. 
12/29/2013 4:42:14 AM |
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Ogden, UT
58, joined Feb. 2010
First of all I want to tell everyone I have gay friends male and female. And I love them dearly. They have made a choice to have their own lifestyle. This I respect and wish them well. But there was one thing that upset me alittle watching them all lined up to be wed. When I married many many years ago. This was the most wonderful day of my life. I wore a beautiful white wedding dress and my mate for what I thought for life was in a blue tux. It was a day to celebrate our new life and love as man and wife. I had respect for my companion and wanted to look my best on this precious day. What I saw on the TV was people lined up in blue jeans tennis shoes shorts baggy T-shirts. Their hair wasnt done or some didnt even wear makeup. It reminded me of people showing up to a rock concert or a BBQ. No flowers or anything. This really confused me. I thought this is suppost to be the beginning of their new lives together. What happened ? Was this a event to show the world that yes they could do this and no one would stop them or was it really true love. I guess Im alittle old fashioned when it comes to love and romance. I want the whole magical affair. I want the world to see the true love. But I was so dissappointed with the display I saw. Getting married shouldnt be like the drive threw window at McDonalds. Respect needs to be shown. This is my opinion. 
12/29/2013 10:25:15 AM |
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Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
Went to get a cup of coffee. This is going to be a struggle to word this so as to not offend the delicate sensibilities of some in their closed short sight minded world.
Interesting to read some of the positions. Just providing evidence that this IS America. We do have the right to possess and express an opinion.
Some of the things that come out is the verbiage use. Such as "change their mind". The use of the word is a control feature when expressing an opinion. Might want to use "influence"? This sector of our community probably has the same percentages of happy vs unhappy participants as any other section. But then we are on a "singles site" because we have such a happy life and relationships that have worked out so wonderfully.
Gay Parade offend you a little I take it? So does having fresh horse dooty on the streets you travel grind on you a bit? Does the trash that is strewn from Hell to breakfast irritate? the debris from spent fireworks landing in your yard piss you off? Ban all of the parades, marathons, farmers markets, ski events..... anything that is specific to any small part of our society. Or even worse anything that does not conform to any persons opinion anywhere at any time.
Personally I am glad that I do not have to go to any certain church at gun point because it is the chosen appointed religion of the land.
I just love reading the posts that you get through and wonder , at the end. my posts DO get a lot of s at the end. Most are too set in their ways to agree that there is a differing point. But then I do try to word them so as to not be directly pointed in most cases. Yes I wrote "most". But then there are the ones kind of do get my point and get all snippy be cause they take offense to it. Woe be it if I start in on construction lingo instead of constructive talk!
bottom line here is.... Do wwe need to call you "Revend Mouse" now? 
12/29/2013 10:41:03 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
Top, have I told you that I love you????? You can call me whatever the f**k you want. I loved what you said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .Oh, that's not a beer, it's a mudslide....
12/30/2013 8:03:33 AM |
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Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
I try not to let the politically correct side of me out very often. People might start to think I am a softie......Rev
(You know very well I will say ever I feel! )
12/30/2013 8:45:05 AM |
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Eden, UT
64, joined Dec. 2011
Went to get a cup of coffee. This is going to be a struggle to word this so as to not offend the delicate sensibilities of some in their closed short sight minded world.
Interesting to read some of the positions. Just providing evidence that this IS America. We do have the right to possess and express an opinion.
Some of the things that come out is the verbiage use. Such as "change their mind". The use of the word is a control feature when expressing an opinion. Might want to use "influence"? This sector of our community probably has the same percentages of happy vs unhappy participants as any other section. But then we are on a "singles site" because we have such a happy life and relationships that have worked out so wonderfully.
Gay Parade offend you a little I take it? So does having fresh horse dooty on the streets you travel grind on you a bit? Does the trash that is strewn from Hell to breakfast irritate? the debris from spent fireworks landing in your yard piss you off? Ban all of the parades, marathons, farmers markets, ski events..... anything that is specific to any small part of our society. Or even worse anything that does not conform to any persons opinion anywhere at any time.
Personally I am glad that I do not have to go to any certain church at gun point because it is the chosen appointed religion of the land.
I just love reading the posts that you get through and wonder  , at the end. my posts DO get a lot of  s at the end. Most are too set in their ways to agree that there is a differing point. But then I do try to word them so as to not be directly pointed in most cases. Yes I wrote "most". But then there are the ones kind of do get my point and get all snippy be cause they take offense to it. Woe be it if I start in on construction lingo instead of constructive talk!
bottom line here is.... Do wwe need to call you "Revend Mouse" now? 
Point well taken... You rock Tops!
12/30/2013 12:02:20 PM |
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West Jordan, UT
48, joined Jul. 2013
I’m not really sure how to address your comments Dream other than to say I found them a bit rambling and off topic. Women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement have little or nothing in common with gay marriage. These items were about gender or race and that is far different than sexual preference. Homosexuals can have “equal protection under the law” and in most cases they do. To equate a black person not being allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as a white person with how homosexuals are treated in our society today shows a bit of naivety at best, and a certain lack of history at worst. Even the black community itself acknowledges that the two have little in common and at times are outraged that people even try to draw a parallel between the two.
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons. It has nothing to do with love for their “partners” instead they did it “because they can”. The whole thing is like me owning a Pinto and wanting to be part of the Corvette Club of America. What’s the big deal we all own cars? I own a car why can’t I be part of your club just because it’s not a Corvette? Again, it’s just common sense. Men and women get married; they always have and that’s just the way it works. Basically, what the homosexual community is trying to do is not only “change” the laws when it comes to marriage, they also want to have children; but, two women cannot have a child, nor can two men. The two women that want to have a child need to have a male donor; the two men need a surrogate mother to have a child. None of this is normal it is all an attempt to break the laws of nature. When the day comes that two men can procreate, and two women can do the same, maybe I will rethink this. Until then, I’m going to stand by my opinion, and you are welcome to yours. 
Well said feel the same.
12/31/2013 1:19:34 AM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons
May I have a little clarification on where they got what they wanted with civil union? I'm a little confused.
but after a few beers and a few shots of rum, I am easily confused.
12/31/2013 3:46:55 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
62, joined May. 2011
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons
May I have a little clarification on where they got what they wanted with civil union? I'm a little confused.
 but after a few beers and a few shots of rum, I am easily confused.
The same legal rights afforded to any married couple would also apply to those involved in a civil union.
12/31/2013 5:45:20 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
66, joined Jan. 2012
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons
May I have a little clarification on where they got what they wanted with civil union? I'm a little confused.
but after a few beers and a few shots of rum, I am easily confused.
Okay, what I'm confused about of a few days ago, they finally got the right to a civil union. So, where does the part about "they weren't happy with that. Instead, they chose the in your face approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons" don't get it....when was it in our face and what did they do to destroy the institution of marriage?
1/1/2014 8:09:56 PM |
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Salt Lake City, UT
62, joined May. 2011
The homosexual community got everything they wanted with “civil unions” but they weren’t happy with that. Instead, they chose the “in your face” approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons
May I have a little clarification on where they got what they wanted with civil union? I'm a little confused.
but after a few beers and a few shots of rum, I am easily confused.
Okay, what I'm confused about of a few days ago, they finally got the right to a civil union. So, where does the part about "they weren't happy with that. Instead, they chose the in your face approach to destroy the institution of marriage for their own selfish reasons" don't get it....when was it in our face and what did they do to destroy the institution of marriage?
This isn’t rocket science Mouse. I suggest you read all of my posts. In my opinion marriage is still between a man and a woman. The homosexual community can change all the laws they want to but, it will never change that fact. They are trying to change things they never can. They want to be “normal” but never will be. They will still remain out of the norm because of whom and what they are. They think changing laws somehow makes them normal and it will never be the case. As I stated before they are unhappy with their lot in life. Until they come to terms with this reality of life nothing is going to change for them. Do you really think a marriage license is going to magically erase the homosexual community’s feelings of inadequacies of their own sexuality?
Instead we will all continue to hear “we’re here, we’re queer” in an effort to get people like me to accept them. I had already done that until I realized they only wanted to make people like me change their minds or our own convictions. That’s where I drew a line. It’s easy to say, “let them get married because they are in love” but it’s a lot harder to look at the way they went about this and why. I stand by my beliefs and convictions.
Under the Constitution of the United States, homosexuals are protected and provided with certain rights and I don’t have a problem with that; having said that, marriage isn’t one of them, not for me, you, or any of us for that matter. This matter should have never even ended up in the courts if “common sense” had prevailed.
What we have here is backlash from group of people that are less concerned about their own rights than they are about intruding on the rest of our rights.
They have done that now but, nothing has really changed.
1/1/2014 9:26:26 PM |
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Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
I am starting to understand some of the things that come from the "Gay" friends and acquaintances I know and talk to now. The blindness from not knowing and satisfaction with "status quo" of a few people that are not "in the know" is being spewed forth here!
With this "change of the law", most don't understand what this change provided. It open so many doors for opportunity. The destiny of whatever they accrued in life (assets) would revert to the state to appropriate as the state sees fit. Not to mention that they work all of their lives and can not have their "significant other" be attached or use the hard earned health coverage. These are just a few of the amenities that are afforded by this change in the laws of our state.
They might not be normal in some peoples eyes that are fitted with blinders to see that there is only vanilla ice cream at the stores. But then the call of inadequacies makes me laugh at the blinder issue again and harder. This small little community or sector has more people in higher places than one would think. They hide the fact of their personal lives from the indecencies and verbal abuse of people that only understand that they are the only ones on this Earth that are normal, and chastise any that are not of the same limited mentality. The comment "the way they went about this and why...", does nothing but validate previous points of ignorance displayed here. Any amount of understanding of the trials and road blocks that were placed to make it only a dream, left only one road to travel. They took it. Apparently some don't understand the term "due process of law"? It would not of ended up in court if pompous, selfish attitudes were not maintained so steadfastly that this avenue was the only option left.
Last I checked the Constitution of the United States had something in it about "the pursuit of happiness....". Yours and my definition of this "pursuit" might be different than this community. This IS America! Constitution and all!
Personally, I can not for my life understand how this affects the rights of the masses. Other than the state not being able to abscond funds and alienate health care provisions.
One other thing that has been grinding away is the fact that they can not procreate. Yep that's true. But the fact that there are more children that are in the foster care system than there are people to adopt them. The weak minded will retort that they will do nothing but raise more of their kind. Which is hog wash at is best. Albeit that these same people with the mindset that nothing has changed, status quo and the my way or the highway types wont use their only mentality to equate that the ones that make it through the foster care system are going to be drug addicts, sex slaves and criminally insane types (check statistic out. I already did.). They make the headlines so that is the only type of people that come from these foster care programs. That is only exposing the limits of this mindset displayed here. Rather a "gay" person that abides by the law of the land myself.