12/30/2013 10:26:32 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Orlando, FL
22, joined Nov. 2013
We are. We americans have a false sense of freedom that is very very limited. The goverment owns us. No such thing as a free man. True we have more rights then some other countries who have it really bad, but we are slaves nonetheless.
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12/30/2013 10:46:03 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Kissimmee, FL
31, joined May. 2012
i like you
12/30/2013 10:50:22 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Orlando, FL
22, joined Nov. 2013
12/30/2013 2:52:55 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Granite Falls, NC
57, joined Sep. 2013
Yes we are year end year out our freedoms are lost, a little at a time we are dictated to, what we can and can't do! And what we have to do all in the name of the general good of the country! B.S.
That's why our jobs are lost to third world countries, they can't be brought up to our standards so we are being taken down to Third world status ourself!!
12/30/2013 8:39:45 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
You are a slave: only so much as you choose to believe you are a slave.
Our "Government" is so liberal as to allow you the funds to acquire knowledge to better your position in life at a much reduced rate. Even Free should you choose to serve in the guard or reserves.
Should you choose to be a "Follower", (A Non Learner) Please choose the ones you follow Carefully!
Any other country would require two years of "Government Service" with no choice!! Just for the privilege of being born there!!
Have a happy Life   
12/30/2013 8:45:34 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Orlando, FL
22, joined Nov. 2013
Yes we are year end year out our freedoms are lost, a little at a time we are dictated to, what we can and can't do! And what we have to do all in the name of the general good of the country! B.S.
That's why our jobs are lost to third world countries, they can't be brought up to our standards so we are being taken down to Third world status ourself!!
the goverment owns us we have each our own tracking numbers (ss#) and we work only for our money to return to them. anything you own is not free and its hard to find jobs because they dont want us to progress, they hand jobs to other countries and im tired of calling customer service in india i canr understand their accent
i watched a documentary on slavery in america, and found it interesting that we americans today are pretty much equivalent to the half free negro slaves that were in new england here from the Caribbeans before the africans came over.
we are paying the govt $ to survive. shelter,water,food,power,transportation
water could be free...food could be healthier and cheaper
hospitals could be cheaper over 300 for a check up... really? its because they dont want you to get better, the less sick people the better. decrease the population so the govt can have better control over them and keep them in line...
we are doing free labor, work for a paycheck that goes right back to their banks. it is what it is!!
we are not that far from communists....
12/30/2013 8:51:59 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Orlando, FL
22, joined Nov. 2013
maybe have more privileges but we are still half free slaves. you pay to survive, you have laws to follow, every amendment that talks about our freedom rights, has a another law to restrict your freedom to keep you in line. how are we free? we are not, if you look closer you will see we are not free, and this is the same in other countries not only the us. the govt picks what we eat what to do and owns us, holds power over us.
12/30/2013 10:40:48 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Granite Falls, NC
57, joined Sep. 2013
Bill Clnton started nafta North American Free Trade Agreement that's when our good jobs started departing to Mexico then China India and so on! And since when do we even associate with communist country's Mutch less trade with them! When the USSR was around we did everything we could to bring them down! So tell me what's the difference in them and China! I'll tell you nothing! When nafta started so did our true slavery! Low paying jobs barley surviving as you said to give it back to the Gov.
And making it worse flooding our country with Imigrants who break the law coming here taking what crummy jobs we have left. Knowing they will work for nothing!
12/31/2013 5:15:01 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
We are not free but this is not our Gov't fault per say... it's those in charge of the Gov't ie., Banksters & Corporations...
All is not lost as of yet though... there are many small groups forming around the globe in different areas of wrong doings to make things right... and each of these small groups are finally finding one another and joining forces... it's a slow road but differences are being made in big ways!!!
Please do watch this wonderful video which explains many things... if it inspires you then by all means follow the link below and find an area of your own interest and join or create your own group for your area & interest...
Thrive truly is doing an amazing job world wide at making a difference and getting things done...
Thrive Movement
Link:Thive Movement
You shouldn't have to pay to live on a planet you were born on!!! ~ Alex Collier
1/1/2014 2:10:06 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Fort Wayne, IN
22, joined Oct. 2013
Lily do you believe in the New World Order and the Illuminati??
1/1/2014 9:34:38 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012
There is a law or government rule or regulation for how you live and everything you do every day. There is nothing you can do, buy, use, or place you can go that the government doesn't have a law or rule for. That being the case you are not free at all. The government is in control of just about everything except when you menstruate. To see the effects of government control over you check out the Federal Register.
It is where various government administrations must publish new rules before they can go into effect. Anyone may offer comments, even online, and before the government can finalize a rule they must consider your comments. It is intended to be a review process that allows concerned citizens to express input on the new rules that affect everyone's lives.
If you choose one of the final rules there is a section where concerns are addressed. In a final rule you can see for yourself that 99% of citizens concerns are usually ignored. They state that they considered your comment, but conclude "we considered the effect of....on...." and they publish a finding that what you think doesn't matter for one dubious reason or another. They really don't care what people think about their rules. The review process is a sham.
This is not opinion or hype. You can go look and decide for yourself. I know it is kind of boring to read what the government is doing, and that is why they are able to do it and control you so easily. But it is important to remember that everything they do affects your life in some way. I really wish more people would take a look and see just how pervasive the government is in your everyday life and day to day activities. Seeing it with your own eyes will show you how insignificant you are, how little freedom you really have, and blow you mind for sure!
I wonder if anyone on these forums is serious enough about things to actually go look. The web site is searchable and you can even look up your most passionate concerns. But beware....the government makes dozens of new rules a week. That is one of the worst aspects of it. They are into so much it is not possible to keep up with them.

1/3/2014 7:27:56 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
If we the people are the government and the government enslaves us then we must own ourselves. 
1/4/2014 5:16:58 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
ye who controls the money controls the govt... who control the media controls the people...
Controls Worlds:
Financial System - England
Military - USA
Spirituality - Rome Vatican
I put the Vatican at the root of all that is evil in this world... for even Military as well as the Financial System must report back to the Vatican and it's secret army of Jesuits... These Jesuits have been educated & trained for centuries in all areas of the globe and have fully infiltrated all aspect of the world... all must & do report continually each with there specialty knowledge back to the Vatican...
World Evils
The below video is kind of boring but if you really want to know... it's a must watch!!!
Jesuits Absolute Evil
We the people of this planet need to come together and get a grip on all this evil control, dumbing down, & poisoning for world depopulation...
1/4/2014 10:21:03 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012
If we the people are the government and the government enslaves us then we must own ourselves. 
We the people are not the government. Think for a moment....we are supposed to enjoy a government of, by, and for the people. At least that was the original concept.
However, government and politics has evolved to the point where we no longer have the citizen statesmen proposed in the original idea, but career politicians. Career politicians are really no different than a king or monarch, and privileged classes of people in charge like the Dukes, Barons, and Earls of old. They have merely changed titles and clothes.
When this great democratic experiment began people elected representatives to attend to the protection of their rights and also established an intentionally weak central government with few powers. Think of today. Today the central or "Federal" government permeates every aspect of everything everywhere in America and has nearly unlimited power over us with millions of pages of rules, regulations, and laws that trump states and peoples rights.
Long gone are the days of all powers not specifically granted to the central government are reserved to the States and the People. Today the Federal Government holds almost all the power. They can control your wealth, health, occupations, food, recreation, daily activities, and everything you use, buy, sell, trade, and do.
Under those conditions we no longer have "representatives". What we have are "rulers".
1/4/2014 12:47:33 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012
What about Somalia?
Very very small government if any
no govt. regulations
you can own any type of gun you want including a tank
Because there is no rational connection or reasonable similarity between here and Somalia your question is meaningless and potentially irrational. So let's test it.
1. You were making a joke. If so ... hahahaha!!!!
2. You are serious and can't understand the original post of this response. In that case you are a progressive liberal. It is a well established medical fact that liberals are afflicted with a severe clinical mental disorder that prevents them from recognizing or seeing reality or understanding it's consequences. There are several ways to test for liberalism as a mental disorder.
3. Liberals will often ignore a question or assertion that makes them uncomfortable rather than face the inevitability of reality and simply refuse to answer at all.
4. When they do answer those answers usually reveal several other clues as to the severity of their affliction with the disorder.
For that we will have to wait for responses so we can evaluate them in making a more detailed diagnosis.
3/5/2014 5:14:56 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Plantsville, CT
47, joined Nov. 2013
The government owns us since since the day we were born weather wr like it or not. Yes we live in the "free" world but that doesn't mean we are free.
3/6/2014 8:22:08 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
if i'm enslaved to our government then i'm one happy slave. just bought a new vette, new big screen and reserved a sailboat charter out of tortuga to celebrate my 65th birthday.    
4/21/2014 8:06:53 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Lake Worth, FL
54, joined Jul. 2011
the government is just the current manifestation of an economic system which was
designed by the founding fathers (the most shameless progressives and liberals of
their day- OMG all men created equal regardless of lack of money or royal blood?
Blasphemy, no doubt!) and with all it's imperfections and inequalities strived to create
the greater good for the majority through "self governing" by consensus, leveled by
checks and balances, i.e. separation of powers, of, for, by the people. Problem is
we have a country of, for, and by the lawyers, who work for those who can most afford,
because they have greed in their arsenal, and it is through the ECONOMY that they
would enslave us all... It is with your DOLLAR that you steer your path to or from slavery, at least in this country, while you still can...
4/23/2014 10:37:34 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012
Governments have a law, rule, regulation, or policy for everything you do every minute of your life. Try to think of something you can do that they don't have some control over. Bet you can't.

4/23/2014 7:05:07 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012

4/27/2014 7:47:14 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

4/28/2014 3:30:48 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Chelan, WA
73, joined Nov. 2008
Governments have a law, rule, regulation, or policy for everything you do every minute of your life. Try to think of something you can do that they don't have some control over. Bet you can't.

Sure I can, go to the state forest and hike, fish and have fun ! Oops.. no I can't Now I need to pay $30. a year for a state permit to go into the forest.
I can use the rain water from the roof of my house for my garden ! Oops.. no I can't new state regulations, says that water is not mine and belongs to the Gov.
I can give away food from my home garden to my friends ! Oops.. No I can't because in's not FDA approved and I could get $$ find and/or jail time if caught doing that.
I like to take my little boat to the lake and fish. Oops.. no I can't. now I need to license my boat to put in on any lakes.
Well at lest I can pick mushrooms in the forest for cooking in my meals. Oops.. No I can't, I need to get a permit from the Forestry Dept.
Well at lest I can burn wood in my stove for home heat. Oops.. No I can't I now I need to use a state approved wood stove ( with all kinds of Gov. approved design regulations )
That's all I can think of now. but there are 100's more..
Can you add more to this list ?
4/29/2014 8:28:01 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007
You earn money your taxed
You spend whats left your taxed
You save any your taxed
You die your taxed
That pretty much covers it
4/30/2014 6:40:44 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Lake Worth, FL
54, joined Jul. 2011
Governments have a law, rule, regulation, or policy for everything you do every minute of your life. Try to think of something you can do that they don't have some control over. Bet you can't.

They don't control:::
what I read
what I buy
what tv shows I watch
who I donate money to
who I love
who I hate
what I eat
where I live
what job I choose
What skills I develop and practice
My ability to rise above those that have QUIT TRYING
4/30/2014 10:11:19 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Governments have a law, rule, regulation, or policy for everything you do every minute of your life. Try to think of something you can do that they don't have some control over. Bet you can't.

i woke up with morning wood today. 
8/8/2014 6:55:23 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Can someone define for me what a Moderate is when it comes to politicson this site?
Thank you.
10/15/2014 6:39:28 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lincolnton, NC
40, joined Aug. 2012
Indentured servants is what I thought of as I read thru the posts.
10/22/2014 10:15:45 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Remoras is what I think of as I read your posts!!!
You hitch a free ride with free food and b*tch about the shark eating fish!!!
Their ain't no "free Rides":
10/23/2014 5:18:09 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Slaves to the government?
Sure -- if one allows themselves to be enslaved.
10/25/2014 7:57:56 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Hemet, CA
65, joined Mar. 2014
amen cups, amen
11/1/2014 12:06:24 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
maybe have more privileges but we are still half free slaves. you pay to survive, you have laws to follow, every amendment that talks about our freedom rights, has a another law to restrict your freedom to keep you in line. how are we free? we are not, if you look closer you will see we are not free, and this is the same in other countries not only the us. the govt picks what we eat what to do and owns us, holds power over us.
11/6/2014 10:34:25 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Kansas City, KS
39, joined Jun. 2013
i would said that you become slave
when you get you a** in so much debt that you cant even afford your payments couse you dont make enough money..
but thats a choice
11/6/2014 6:22:08 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
We Are Now that the GOP is in charge and given free reign to Corporate America.................
Lower Wages
Higher taxes for the middle class and
more profit for the one PerCenters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/15/2014 9:06:21 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Lincolnton, NC
40, joined Aug. 2012
11/24/2014 9:25:21 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Fort Myers Beach, FL
62, joined Nov. 2013
We are. We americans have a false sense of freedom that is very very limited. The goverment owns us. No such thing as a free man. True we have more rights then some other countries who have it really bad, but we are slaves nonetheless.
It must be very sad to live feeling you are a slave. You should turn off FAUX News and stopping reading ideologue emails and websites.
11/27/2014 10:28:37 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
We all have to eat. I guess that makes us slaves to the farmers? It's all about contribution. Is it fair to those who contribute to have to support those who don't want to? Yes, in this country you can choose to drop out of society and rely on others to feed and cloth you. Or, you can carry your own weight. Is that too much to ask?
For example, you have the right to drive on the left side of the road. The government, backed by the general public, has the right to lock you up for the greater good. If we didn't have a law for everyone to drive on the right how would we ever make it to work? I work and pay taxes. In exchange for that the government provides for the common defense, promotes the general welfare and secures the blessings of liberty...
12/19/2014 8:35:38 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Coos Bay, OR
62, joined Oct. 2014
With all the name calling and blaming by dems and repubs, I would think these "Independent" forums might be filled to capacity.
Yes, I agree with this OP. Those voted to congress seem to think it's a free ride to retirement.
I'm for term Limits and taking away their insider trading information.
Congress had 239 days off last year. Their average salary was $200,000.00. Nice work if you can get it. 
2/1/2015 11:54:49 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/2/2015 6:40:27 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
the people should realize they can vote against someone instead of for them
3/2/2015 9:02:48 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
People need to realize that not voting is not a no vote but a yes vote for the side you aren't voting for.
3/4/2015 12:09:51 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Millsboro, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
The Democrats, Republicans and special interest groups have compromised our Liberty and Independence . We started to lose Freedom during the Civil War and the National Debt continues to undermine the Constitution.
3/4/2015 12:17:08 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
If any freedom or liberty in America has been undermined it is NOT the fault of Democrats, Republicans, or special interest groups. The onus falls squarely on the shoulders of the American voters who blindly elected these public servants to government positions.
3/4/2015 2:39:26 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Millsboro, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
True , but in terms of stimulus / response , they are the stimulus and the lack of response on the part of American voters continues the downward spiral .
3/4/2015 11:34:45 PM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
So....you are still agreeing with my statement and disagreeing with your own. 
3/5/2015 7:08:05 AM |
We are slaves to our gov't, agree? |

Millsboro, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
Not really...The apathy of the American public is appalling, but this does not render the D and R parties harmless in a corrupt system, assuming the votes are counted correctly in the first place...