Bridgewater, NJ
51, joined Apr. 2012
Ok, so if you meet someone online and have progressed to a personal date or 2, if or when do you close down your account or disable? It can become a problem b/c you might log in and see that your "person" has been on that day or worse then. Trust plays a big part. Just asking, b/c Im running into this prob right now.
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Harrisonville, NJ
46, joined Jul. 2013
I met my boyfriend off this site. I am
on here every day to do Intro Forums.
Trust is a must.



Washington, NJ
51, joined Jan. 2012
If you can't trust someone to be on the internet how can you trust them in real life

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010



Somerdale, NJ
26, joined Sep. 2011
Depends, as everyone's situation is different. Just a couple of dates is quite soon...unless you two have been talking heavily for the last 6 months and one of you just moved to be with each other--but I'm guessing that's not the case.
Even if you've been sexually involved during these dates, they are still just dates. Bluntly put: it's absolutely moronic to think you're boyfriend/girlfriend after a couple of dates...and if you think otherwise, I'd bet you have a bad history of relationships (note, I'm using 'you' in general, not singling out anyone specific).
If the person you are dating has your interest & such and you've been physical, you just say you're exclusively dating.
And that's how simple it is for the original question: just say somewhere in your profile something along the lines of, "I have recently started seeing someone at the moment and not currently seeking a date with anyone else at the time. I like to login from time to time to read the forums and for friendly conversations."