1/25/2014 3:49:22 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im just looking to start a conversation here. I dont get how so many current vets are haunted by PTSD and committing suicide. I was a medic in Vietnam, never really trained beyond basic first aid to be truthful, I could stop bleeding, keep you breathing, etc, bandage your wounds.....not a doctor and certainly not a`shrink. But Im seriously concerned about the numbers of young vets claiming all sorts of psychosis and ailments as a result of deployment.
Heres where I get off track.Today its all volunteer.What the f*kk did you think you were signing up for? How are our young men (and women) being "misled" and going into the military without understanding its dangers and what it means?
I think we have a really glorified image of war these days.When only 1% of our population wears the uniform, and of those less than 1/3 are actually engaging the enemy at any time, anywhere it seems to me that these "conditions' are being exaggerated. I was a medic in the 101st in Vietnam, Ashau/Tet. I dont have a single buddy who committed suicide . My daddy was a medic` at the Bulge with the same unit,if he was here he would say the same thing.
I know a few Korean vets, none are claiming to be "shell shocked" or whatever it was known as back then ...
So Im wanting to hear feedback from others about your experiences and input on PTSD. Dont think Im not recognizing it as legitimate, but I think its over-hyped, over-medicated and has become a media sensation and a hiding place for a lot of REMFS to get compensation.......
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1/25/2014 4:16:57 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

El Campo, TX
72, joined May. 2011
My experience has only been with a couple of guys claiming their behavior was a result of what they did and/or saw in Viet Nam. My thoughts on these two individuals is "BULLSHIT". Using it as an excuse only to invoke pity so as to not be brought to task for their behavior.
Like the above I am NOT saying it does not exist or happen but do think it is entirely too common to be legitimate in all cases. JMO
1/25/2014 8:42:55 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
some folks go batshit crazy. some don't. simple really. 
1/28/2014 1:26:49 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Dallas, GA
56, joined May. 2009
I think J hit the nail square on the head with his comment.
I think it's due to several factors, some that the military is attempting to address and some they can't.
Deployment tempo length of tour, a lot of units would deploy, personel would pcs and the gaining unit would be on deployment. I know of a lot of guys that did a 14 month deployment. were back stateside 4 -6 months and deployed again for another 12 + months.
My second thought is that we are raising kids who don't have the slightest idea of what courage, discipline, and commitment is untill they enter service. Core values were not a block of instruction 30 years ago. but now it's necessary. The everybody is special and everybody gets a trophy mind set. seems to be at odds with a person who can be a steely eyed killer willing to do what it takes to complete the mission.
Just my opinion.
1/28/2014 7:52:02 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
fos, are you singing that song i've heard every generation sing since i was a kid?
why can't they be like we were,
perfect in every way,
oooooh what's the matter with kids tooooooooooooday? padump dump.
1/28/2014 4:44:30 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I dont disagree jrbogie, but I do believe that each generation is distinctly different.Ours was influenced by the "greatest generation" and directly or indirectly we were called on to carry a banner that was heavy..not sure how well we did it, but we tried! TODAY IS DIFFERENT. Theres fewer young people willing to choose between Wall St and corporate success and public or uniformed service. Im not saying they are wrong, its just how it is.
Are kids today as tough as we were? I dunno.I do know I wasnt as tough as daddy. and never could have endured the cold of WWII in Europe...never mind
1/28/2014 6:24:09 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
Richard, me and my family survived it so am pretty dang sure you could too.. (WWII)
I do recall , all blackouts, and running for shelter as a little kid ..
1/28/2014 7:11:37 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
As a Medic, Whiskey --- you do understand the PTSD phenom of today's military vts.
It is the same mental "injury" which VietNam vets were treated for and was called by the term: 'flash-backs'.
Medical terminology has changed through the years, but the ravages of war have not.
1/28/2014 7:29:14 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
Forget the terrible God awful noise of the bombs..
As for PTSD I agree with both yu guys.
1/29/2014 7:45:38 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
As a Medic, Whiskey --- you do understand the PTSD phenom of today's military vts.
It is the same mental "injury" which VietNam vets were treated for and was called by the term: 'flash-backs'.
Medical terminology has changed through the years, but the ravages of war have not. 
My Dad was 12 when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. When the GI's were coming home in 45' and 46' a lot of my Dad's neighbors killed themselves. He thought the long trip home on ships helped the soldiers readjust because they had time to talk among themselves and look forward to a new life in the "world".
This country was built by those returning vets. Those vets got us to the moon.
1/29/2014 8:18:03 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
What is your point cupocheer? Many posts ago I referenced "shell shock', flashbacks, and the genesis of this condition to its present nomenclature. Hell yeah I know all about PTSD.I also know a lot of those claiming they suffer for it "got it" sitting in the rear at huge virtually safe bases and never even saw the enemy, or were on ships riding around off-shore. I personally know one Marine who filed his claim (and won) over his "mistreatment" at Parris Island!
1/29/2014 10:15:27 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
I dont disagree jrbogie, but I do believe that each generation is distinctly different.Ours was influenced by the "greatest generation" and directly or indirectly we were called on to carry a banner that was heavy..not sure how well we did it, but we tried! TODAY IS DIFFERENT. Theres fewer young people willing to choose between Wall St and corporate success and public or uniformed service. Im not saying they are wrong, its just how it is.
Are kids today as tough as we were? I dunno.I do know I wasnt as tough as daddy. and never could have endured the cold of WWII in Europe...never mind
i've never understood the term, 'the greatest generation. the generation that produced hitler, nixon, mcarthy and stalin, nuked japan, fostered descrimination, put this country into the greatest depression in history and got us into vietnam. point being, every generation has things to account for and to be proud of. that's why the song is timeless.
1/29/2014 5:53:55 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
What is your point cupocheer? Many posts ago I referenced "shell shock', flashbacks, and the genesis of this condition to its present nomenclature. Hell yeah I know all about PTSD.I also know a lot of those claiming they suffer for it "got it" sitting in the rear at huge virtually safe bases and never even saw the enemy, or were on ships riding around off-shore. I personally know one Marine who filed his claim (and won) over his "mistreatment" at Parris Island! 
Well ~~ Do forgive me, Whiskey, for being such a dunderhead!
But since this thread only now has 12 posts in it (and I have read them all) you must have referenced all those other 'medical diagnoses' in another thread somewhere, or perhaps when I was out-of-the-room. Ya think?
Excuse me guys ... go ahead with your 'recollections'.
1/30/2014 6:58:08 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Correct cup.This isn't the only thread on this site where the condition has been discussed.
1/30/2014 7:53:25 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
I am so glad , when late hubb was going to re-up.. They told him he would go back to Nam.... No way !! He had enough.
1/30/2014 2:21:13 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess the title wasn't distinct enough for non-vets who like to chime in here! WWWII it was (shell shock) Vietnam (flashbacks/1000 yard stare) and now we have this clinical definition of "PTSD" which is the current medical nomenclature that attempts to define certain symptoms humans exhibit after trauma, especially that related to combat or after somehow enduring an experience that changes their behavior or personality. What I do want to point out is I'm betting every combat vet on here gets my point, and that's who Im trying to reach. Everything else is just "dog noise".
2/8/2014 1:55:20 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
Garbage in, garbage out. That's the problem today. We have trash being recruited into our military. Trash just a waiting till their time comes to claim that government check for the rest of their lives. Show me a draftee and I'll show you a damned good soldier. These volunteers aren't worth a shit.
BTW; I had a nightmare a couple weeks ago. I dreamed I was snake bit on the neck by a viper. Woke up in a cold sweat and had to look under my bed. Where's my damned check?
[Edited 2/8/2014 1:56:34 PM ]
2/8/2014 3:03:42 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
pandiest...see my posts about "the VA throwing vets under the bus"...anybody can cry about it-and a lot are getting paid to do it!
2/17/2014 10:57:22 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
2/17/2014 5:18:38 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Eastfoot. Wow. Good stuff. Thanks for posting.
2/17/2014 6:21:09 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
WOW I found The Pacific series and Band of Brothers on this site, onclicktv.eu/tvshow
2/21/2014 11:55:19 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
WOW  I found The Pacific series and Band of Brothers on this site, onclicktv.eu/tvshow
The Pacific series on the site is already corrupted, but I found it on another site,
2/23/2014 8:46:50 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Welcome sister! And welcome home!
2/24/2014 7:15:13 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
my ptsd is limited to ham and lima beans. 
2/24/2014 7:53:53 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
I went through a year in Vietnam. It was damned noisy and dirty and a dangerous place to hang out. Then I went through 5 1/2 years of preparatory school and three years of law school. Law school was damned unpleasant and very stressful. Vietnam toughened me up and was a cakewalk in comparison. I thank our government for the opportunity and financial support necessary to get through it all. My PTSD was limited to law school. Where's my damned check?
2/24/2014 8:04:25 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
BTW jr; I just bought a chromebook OS notebook for $244 at Walmart. Great little computer (virus and malware proof). Thanks for the tip.
2/25/2014 10:30:14 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
sure am happy with mine. i still haven't figured out how to find photos to post and email to others. facebook makes it easy but finding them stored in my google account is a real b*tch. prolly need another app or whatever.
2/25/2014 10:43:25 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
I keep my photos in my download folder or stored on the net at a site like photobucket. Retrieving and posting them is exactly like windows. Mine also came with an SD port so downloading from a camera looks like it'll be easy. We also get a 100 gig storage on the web for our google docs. With virtually no learning curve, the word processor, printing via cloud, and gdocs easily converted to word also makes it convenient. Cool little machine that boots in less than ten seconds and shuts down in about five seconds with no worries about virus' or malware. I see it as being real competition for microsoft.
2/26/2014 6:49:20 AM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i'll try the photo bucket thing. tried before but being tecnochallenged as i am couldn't figure it all out. thanks.
7/11/2014 3:22:38 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Mount Holly, NJ
86, joined Aug. 2011
my ptsd is limited to ham and lima beans. 
Lucky you.....
7/11/2014 8:27:32 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |
Goldsboro, NC
80, joined Jun. 2014
jr......sounds like that small one can be taken just about anywhere ,, right luv..??
AS for PTSD I think some are fakes by what they say when picking up their meds!!
7/20/2014 1:25:11 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Tehachapi, CA
60, joined Jan. 2013
My Army Uncle WW||, Navy Uncle Korea are fine. My friends at VA said they were told they were fine; that it was all in their head. Only now, after failed marriages and lost jobs are they receiving the counseling they need. I forgot to mention my Marine Uncle who came back from Vietnam and was locked in a State Institution. And now I'm thinking of my grandpa who was probably suffering from PTSD but drank like a fish and would take off and leave my grandma to fend for herself and two kids that only knew a drunk as their father. The kids should have received his survivor benefits, but they didn't. My flight lost my best friend to suicide (pre-Afghanistan).
7/20/2014 1:36:04 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |


Tehachapi, CA
60, joined Jan. 2013
I keep my photos in my download folder or stored on the net at a site like photobucket. Retrieving and posting them is exactly like windows. Mine also came with an SD port so downloading from a camera looks like it'll be easy. We also get a 100 gig storage on the web for our google docs. With virtually no learning curve, the word processor, printing via cloud, and gdocs easily converted to word also makes it convenient. Cool little machine that boots in less than ten seconds and shuts down in about five seconds with no worries about virus' or malware. I see it as being real competition for microsoft.
sounds worth the price
7/21/2014 9:30:38 PM |
WWII/Korea /Vietnam and PTSD today? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
July 21
Confederate forces won victory at Bull Run in the first major battle of the Civil War.