2/10/2014 10:20:55 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
My little foster dog is VERY sick...I just gave her 60cc subq fluids and reglan and am waiting 30 minutes for that to work so I can give her kao tylan and hope she holds that down.Doc said this is not parvo,giardia or coccidia...but damn it's sure acting like parvo and Im in fear im gonna lose this baby.She's moaning and I can't do anything more but pet her tiny head.
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2/10/2014 11:27:39 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
I hope our vaccinations fend it off to some degree with these other dogs.Whatever this is it's BAD and it's very painful.I can see the pain in her belly.The reglan may help her sleep and stop the vomiting.Im thinking Im gonna have to run up to the vets again and buy some injectible.Im hoping the kao will coat her gi tract and stop the bleeding which does seem to be less and darker in color.She's sooo dehydrated though...looks like a big ol black widow done sucked her dry...poor baby.She don't deserve this...of corse what animal does...maybe a few human animals...
2/10/2014 12:02:54 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |

Los Angeles, CA
54, joined Jun. 2013
Hello sweetie, you have my prayers!! I hope your baby feels better soon.....
2/10/2014 5:39:08 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Now Gilligan is sick.I armed with the supplies I need including Iv trays and fluids.Injectible meds.the works.Ive been to the vets,my docs and hospital...natrually Im sick too,but mine's pneumonia,bp,hr and oxigen levels...the good news is my sugar levels were perfect.Im on antibiotic ,pills and more pills and waiting for an appt w a cardioligyst.CAN I GET A BREAK????Im starting to feel sorry for myself!Starting heck,Im there and Im really angry about it!
Had to edit curse words from prayer thread,lol!
[Edited 2/10/2014 5:40:40 PM ]
2/10/2014 7:16:07 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |
Columbus, GA
30, joined Mar. 2013
Now Gilligan is sick.I armed with the supplies I need including Iv trays and fluids.Injectible meds.the works.Ive been to the vets,my docs and hospital...natrually Im sick too,but mine's pneumonia,bp,hr and oxigen levels...the good news is my sugar levels were perfect.Im on antibiotic ,pills and more pills and waiting for an appt w a cardioligyst.CAN I GET A BREAK????Im starting to feel sorry for myself!Starting heck,Im there and Im really angry about it!
Had to edit curse words from prayer thread,lol!
Oh wow ... Dang.. Your dealing with alot right now.. Im sorry to hear that... I will pray for the dogs and you as well.. Hope you all get better soon ...
2/11/2014 12:12:14 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
My living room looks like a mash unit.Wall lined w crates each w a bag of I.v. fluids hanging on the the wall above and trays of syringes potty pads,bleach water spray paper towels newspapers gloves.Etc.AND CHARLEY just puked for the 2nd time n been coughing real bad.At least the humans arnt pooping blood.
2/11/2014 3:13:14 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
SadieJane just a couple of days ago...

Just now....{and forgive me...I don't know how to change the date on my camera}

2/11/2014 11:32:23 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
I was told a chihuahua but she looks kinda feisty or min pin to me....maybe a cross...I dunno.I just know shes a very sweet gal before she became symptomatic and this is one sick pup.Gilligan,Raisin and Flipper are improving.I have to bathe all of them though.And i need more bleach but dare not drive with this little sleep,mosnter headache, and coughing etc..
2/11/2014 11:38:31 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Ive just bathed her n ran that nice warm water all over her little body for a good long while....I know when Im sick I feel soo much better in warm water and after a shower.I didnt see any frank blood in her last gusher.And she can stand...wobbly but hey...slow progress is still progress!
2/11/2014 12:32:49 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Her little tummy hurts.Ive got her by the heater and just gave her fluids subq...she still doesn't want to drink or eat...let that gi tract rest....I'm still pushing the antidiarrhea meds and those will coat plus be something gentle to keep perastalasis moving.Strawberry,Jeff and Puff have noticed she's very sick.I had left her door unlatched to grab her some fresh pedialyte and Strawbeery and Jeff were in the crate drying her head with their tongues.Puff was looking at as if to say'What's wrong with Sadie?Why won't she come play?"
Son and his gal dragged their sick butts out to pick up sick human supplies...and me more bleach ciggs n supplies.And Charley just dragged his sick but home from work...I told him not to go but did he listen???No...men never do...It takes an hour driving each way and Ill bet he was miserible the whole time...Stupid to get out on those icy roads when his leggs look to be wobbling like noodles.He laid on the couch and instantly Gilligan,Jeff, Gabby and Puff piled on him.
Charley's resentment towards SadieJane for being allowed to stay here and bringing severe illness to our own dogs seems to be abating now that he's seen how really sick she is and how she's suffering.Her little eyes and those 'Talking"ears...She looks so sick and worried.He realizes it isn't her fault...we re just both overwhelmed with everything going on.Im only doing the most minimal of chores.I think once I get the litterboxes scooped and a load of laundry bleaching and Flipper bathed im gonna nap.
2/11/2014 11:29:58 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |
Nottingham, MD
41, joined Sep. 2013
Ill definitely will pray for u.
[Edited 2/11/2014 11:31:08 PM ]
2/12/2014 8:21:10 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Thank you...Well she's not peeing in her bed this morning but rather on her paper and the blood she passed is black n tarry{better than bright red}}She looks a touch stronger.She still won't eat or drink.
2/13/2014 7:28:20 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Guess who is eating???
2/13/2014 1:59:32 PM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
while her legs are still weak n very wobbly Reese she's play posturing to me!And also trying to con me out of my french fries lol.I just got the cutest pic of her..
Well minus how thin she's gotten.
2/14/2014 5:59:07 AM |
Prayers for SadieJane |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Now Tuffy is coughing his lil mop head off.If he gets the runs IMA have to shave him...more like a sheep shearing.Definitely picking up some robitussin today.Flipper is still coughing and Gilligan still passing blood.Not a lot.Sadie Says she wants to start making up for lost meals rt now and all at once...she's vanished.lol.