
Lexington, KY
52, joined Dec. 2013
This picture is not an advertisement for the web site-It is the sharing of good information found,That works.For I have lived through the weight gain-confusion of why?and what? and how the heck to get rid of the weight.When,I have tried all different means.And was going no where.With all information on the internet,we all have to use our common sense into what we read,and recalling from memory of proper information in comparison to words stated in many health web sites and books etc....We all can get a few things mixed up from memory-and all need to refresh our memories at times with proper good accurate information.A self investigation into our health.A low immunity system with to much sugar intake-Over active yeast=cellulite,sty's,acne,skin issue's,weight gain in organs and under skin,puffy face looking older than should-the list goes on-Yeast is different from fat-some fat is needed in the body and any excess can be burned off through staying active and working out-but the over active yeast is not a healthy for the body-it is grounds for infection to grow in-a wart is over active yeast with a viral infection in it.No yeast no warts etc....Keeping our immune system healthy through healthy eating,we can avoid unneeded and unwanted surgery.I personally do believe I avoided Gallbladder surgery,by being given this web site from a health food store employee,to read through,and realizing this has been my problem of weight gain,and some other skin issue's I had for a long time.It has worked for me,and I am wanting to share the good information found that worked for me.Yeast is produced by the non proper break down of sugar intake of the pancreas-that is in need of proper vitamins and minerals to work properly.The body has means to store probiotic's in many organs that work with our immunity system like the appendix,sometimes when weight gained we need help to get our body back into shape-so I did try the health food store product-of probiotics for woman and it is working for me-lost over 80-lbs within my first 2 months.My third month I learned I can maintain my weight with out the probiotic intake and just healthy eating-lost 2 lbs-and did not gain any.But a slower process in loosing the weight-can be done,with just the proper foods.And Veggy's are important factor.But this is my fourth month and I decided to get back on the probiotics-to get rid of all the unneeded and unwanted yeast in my body system-still have close to 30-lbs to loose to be close to my height weight ratio-of healthy.My weight gain came on to me quickly within a month time frame in June of 2012-I am not a Happy fatty person.November of 2013 is when I discovered a solution-with helpful guidence.And it worked for me.The other thing I have learned-is skin issue's dealt with through the years of my life-before this sudden weight gain are related to low immunity system and sugar intake.It will effect also a woman's reproduction processes also.

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Lexington, KY
52, joined Dec. 2013
Added note-The sitting on the but to loose weight=means many trips to the rest room-the toilet use of- is required-with healthy eating and plenty of good fluids-as the cleaning out the body systems,as the immunity system is working to rid body of the weight gain of over active yeast-bright green is dead yeast,a dull green is infection there,a yellow urine-is infection-passed out from somewhere in the body-clear urine is what we want to see.In a sour of red blood cells and clear fluids is sign of body immunity system fighting the infection.Can start in one place and pushed out skin in another area of skin.Garlic and baking soda attack yeast-A home remedy-can be used in a sab form to test skin-will give a burning effect if yeast is there-under skin-if no yeast is there will not do anything-the over active yeast does get rapped around our nerve endings-and does sit on our muscles,while causing pain.(Without garlic and or baking soda use.)A garlic warm bath diluted with much water just enough Kitchen garlic powder-to discolor the water. I have used-no pain-a home remedy to get garlic in system-is relaxing as a upsom salt warm bath is to the muscles.In past for cellulite rid of body,massage used.Helps the yeast get pushed away from muscles-but a healthy immunity system gets it out of the body-or it will settle somewhere else.  