5/2/2014 3:49:40 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
Any Country girls ANywhere in USA with at least One acre of land , at least one horse, one dog ...cats , farm animals all welcome..
I soooo would like to chat with ANY or All of you women?
I'll Move to be with and work alongside you if we have chemistry..
 Are there any serious women on this FREE site?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/14/2014 11:10:29 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Santa Clara, CA
55, joined Apr. 2011
Any self respecting woman who is a property owner, posses everything you listed wants a man who has his OWN not one looking to be supported. Why do you think you got ZERO responses? 
5/14/2014 12:33:11 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Any Country girls ANywhere in USA with at least One acre of land , at least one horse, one dog ...cats , farm animals all welcome..
I soooo would like to chat with ANY or All of you women?
I'll Move to be with and work alongside you if we have chemistry..
  Are there any serious women on this FREE site? 
Man you need to get out of that california sun,it's fried your brain!!
Semper Fi !!!
5/14/2014 11:41:10 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
Any self respecting woman who is a property owner, posses everything you listed wants a man who has his OWN not one looking to be supported. Why do you think you got ZERO responses? 
no..honey..you ARE A pRUDE IN MY BOOK...
5/14/2014 11:42:31 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
Dont you mean.....Semper FAT??
bee nice mr.semper stupid!!
5/15/2014 10:28:18 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Santa Clara, CA
55, joined Apr. 2011
Truth hurts doesn't it old man. 
Before you start calling me a C*NT in emails and calling the other gent FAT maybe you better look in the mirror, look at who you are presenting yourself to be to others. Down right UGLY on the inside. I come from pure Southern roots and know what true country gentlemen are and YOU are not it.
Good luck on finding a woman to support you. Notice they aren't flocking to your thread.
5/15/2014 10:40:24 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
Truth hurts doesn't it old man.
Before you start calling me a C*NT in emails and calling the other gent FAT maybe you better look in the mirror, look at who you are presenting yourself to be to others. Down right UGLY on the inside. I come from pure Southern roots and know what true country gentlemen are and YOU are not it.
Good luck on finding a woman to support you. Notice they aren't flocking to your thread.
I've had just about enough of your C*ntry roots as you call them...
To Me your about as Country as a Store bought Plastic Tree with no roots!
DON"T come in here saying nasty mean things lady..
I didn't ask for you to come here and BE nasty... go away!
I'm NOT looking for No sugar momma...and I sure ain't looking for nO PRUDE such as yourself...
go play elsewhere ..and if you post once more any negative piece in my Thread..I'll Block you or Hopefully You'll block my Butt first! 
5/15/2014 11:06:07 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
5/19/2014 7:48:17 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |

Springfield, OH
34, joined Jan. 2014
yes here i am
5/19/2014 3:28:31 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Dont you mean.....Semper FAT??
bee nice mr.semper stupid!!
F**k off you liberal piece of shit.
Semper Fi !!!
5/19/2014 3:55:01 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
Why don't you take Saddest out for a RIde... I'm sure youd like her to get on top?
Oh...wait... I guess your a conservative which means you watch carefully what you do...
except take in loads of Food then come here and spew your foul crap...
shame on your both...
bye to ya both...
Get it RIGHT in YOUR case IT"S SEMPER FAT.... your drill sargeant would be ashamed of how ""LIBERALLY""" you Let yourself deteriorate!  
[Edited 5/19/2014 3:56:15 PM ]
5/19/2014 5:33:10 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |
Cable, OH
46, joined Apr. 2014
One acre. One dog and cat. Dude you forgot to just come right out and ask for her checkbook and credit cards. Lol. Get your own land and animals. 
5/19/2014 6:37:32 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Palm Desert, CA
62, joined Apr. 2014
nuttin average about You... even less than average Guys can READ and comprehend..
back woods poor country slop ?? NOt too sure of yersef if ya got nothing better than criticise someone that knows what he is looking for...
I see you got many country girls chasing you around ..that's why your HERE>>
5/20/2014 7:46:26 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |

Harrison, MI
62, joined Jul. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
8/31/2014 6:56:29 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |
Holt, MI
36, joined Apr. 2013
Your emphasis on "FREE" says it all.
8/31/2014 5:19:55 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |
Baker, WV
40, joined Aug. 2013
Tileman thank you for your service. Pay no attention to the crap this guy throws around. At least you respect yourself and others. And not looking for a handout!
11/29/2014 12:23:05 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |

Jacksonville, FL
55, joined Feb. 2013
Five acres and plenty of animals. Wondering why any other country gals would reply to you. We're an independent hard working type of woman. Not looking for someone to support, but someone to work hard along side of us.
11/29/2014 2:18:50 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Hamburg, PA
54, joined May. 2014
This guy is scamming women. He has messaged me 3 times from different sites. He soon finds out he doesn't like me then he goes on an threatening rampage and eventually blocks me. All you have to do is view his profile and he should message you.
I did that today and just received this.
- viewing photos from unknown senders is not recommended
You have received a gift!
Part 1 ...
Hello Debbie...Please consider me... chat with me talk with me , skype with me...I"M NOT a scammer...!!
1) I love that your room is in chaos...( I will help you keep it cleaner, organized maybe if you like OR NOT, meaning
I'll take you as you are) room in disarray or not!
2) YOU look Awesome without makeup I love that Honesty about you on this site... give em (me)the bad news and see who sticks around to accept you as you are!
3) I LOVE your smile.... means a happy person!
4) I love that your a bbw..., fat... few extra lbs.. WHATEVER!
5) I ADore your Girls ... YUMM! ( not your kids .. I mean your boobs ...duh.. did I have to got there?)
I sent a funny pic just to show ya I'm not too stuffy... I love to laugh... come laugh with me!
heres my email address...[please write to me and send a pic so I know it you! [email protected]
Nov. 29 3:17 PM
spare bedroom with tv.jpg
- viewing photos from unknown senders is not recommended
You have received a gift!
Hi Debbie....
PART 2 message too long to send
I will come to you and meet ya ...and or have you come to stay here with me for a week..
Please consider my message to you..
It seems it does NOT matter what I write I can get no where with women from this site...is everyone too selfish...too cautious...too unwilling to take a chance and get hurt crap?
I been rejected by hundreds of women here.. and IT just brings me one step closer the ""HER"" meant for me!
I like what I see on the outside... not sure yet about the inside..if you are too prudish.. religious bible thumping , scripture reading then.... no thanks... I'm a Christian baptized...butt I'm more spiritual...not religious!
WETHER you like me or NOT... I'd wanna comb your hair each night ( some nites) and think your hair is VERY SEXY!
~~I dont' have a controlling bone in my body...I never NEVER make any woman do anything she is NOT comfortable with..
If your not interested in me..please be respectful and just say so... straight away... then we can move on!
I have been here over 5 yrs now..and met many fake , pretentious , deceptive women only saying what they want me to hear to get me to come "MEET" them... I been to Kentucky in 2011, Arizona in February...or march 2014, and Oklahoma City in July 2014...and other cities far from my home... here in Calif... Riverside, Hemet, Temecula,
Finding LOVE is not about distance... it is about finding that one we connect with here on these pages ...then take a chance to meet...and see if sparks fly or NOT!
I don't do things like the millions of single people here... I like to think out of the box... l am ME...and I like me..cuz I try very hard to find "LOVE""... not sex... butt LOVE with hopefully a hott passionate unselfish, uninhibited sex partner...! I always try to Please my Girlfriend ..cuz I want HER to BE happy!
My EX cheated on me and found a NEW boyfriend after 4 yrs dating... I don't miss her .. butt I do confess I miss her big boobs.. oops.. Please don't hate me cuz I love boobs..!
If I had my own boobs... I probably would not need many or the personalities/ attitudes on this site>>
If you think you might like to chat with me... get back to me..OK? 760-636-9956 cell for texting? ( I'm not a big fan of text to try and get to know a person..OK? ...btw!
...I"m very serious about getting to meet people...
~~~ First spending several days of Intense communication...here and in emails.. telephone...The best is FREE Skype video chats where we can see one another and talk... telephone is NOT dependable anymore... well not if I'm gonna travel cross state lines...anyway..
Would you wanna chat Intensely with me ? Sharing? ...I send 10 emails to ya with over 230 photos of me and my world as it is today... YOU either Like me or DON"T after reading the First email... the other nine are mostly for knowledge... my interests and hobbies.. ;cooking, cleaning, fish ponds, singing and guitar, photography, veggie gardening..etc...
Everyone has past secrets ...EVEN you... Right?
I share mine right up front so you can say... YES or NO to me!
1) Could you Like me and then invite me to come live with you for a week... OR..
2) YOU come to my beautiful home for a week and have YOUR own bedroom too ( see pic of bedroom for you to have maybe bring kids too?? )....so we can really interact on all levels....?
If we clicked had GREAT CHEMISTRY and committed to one another then we can get off this DAMN dating site!
I don't do things like others... their way takes months and longer and they still never get together or stay together.....I'm get right to the heart of the matter....
My cell phone 760-636-9956 butt I prefer to start sharing my emails ASAP... That is if you find my photos bring you chemistry...if no chemistry then WHY bother right??
There must be Physical chemistry... then later we can learn to appreciate and uncover the inner person and attitude!
NOTE:: I too don't want no bible thumping , goodie too shoes... scripture reading ... church goer...( we can talk about this...I will go to church for right woman) I'm more spiritual too.. and believe in treating people with respect... and I'm not afraid to ask you to share your bra size...and how much you weigh..in lbs... OK? it don't matter if you weigh 200 lbs.. butt what matters is that you answer truthfully .. Without telling me It's NONE of my business what your bra size is...!
Nov. 29 3:13 PM
[Edited 11/29/2014 2:20:22 PM ]
1/18/2015 8:57:27 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
Any Country girls ANywhere in USA with at least One acre of land , at least one horse, one dog ...cats , farm animals all welcome..
I soooo would like to chat with ANY or All of you women?
I'll Move to be with and work alongside you if we have chemistry..
  Are there any serious women on this FREE site?  he keeps mentioning farm animals its the sheep he is after. 
3/31/2015 2:50:27 AM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |

Crivitz, WI
55, joined Jan. 2013
Fight nicely children! Out of respect, no man should be looking for a woman if he cannot take care of her. I am old school. I don't know the whole story but start by getting a job, then get your land, etc. Work for it just like I have. No way after raising kids would I take on a grown man who can not take care of himself. I don't expect a man to take care of me either. But you need to start somewhere if you want to have a woman in the future! Seriously? This world is f.....up! I have had men ask me to move in without even meeting me. Really? 
3/31/2015 6:52:13 PM |
Country Boy, guitar man seeks country girl |


Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
And I thought the women on here were sometimes nuts with the messages they send. He is totally Bat Sh!t Crazy know a Canadian "Lady" he should get with that writes similar to him