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6/12/2014 8:32:08 PM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |


Jacksonville, AR
56, joined Jan. 2008
1. Tea Party-Libertarian-conservative |
2. main stream GOP - business oriented or Rhino |
3. Blue Dog Democrat-- conservative to a degree |
4. JFK-LBPJ Demo -- liberal to some sextgent |
5. Occupy Movement-- very liberal |
6. New American Socialist -- best of all above |
1. TEA PARTY-Libertarian-conservative
2. Main stream GOP-- business oriented or RHINO?
3. Blue Dog Democrat?
4. JFK -LBJ Demo-liberal to some extent
5. Occupy Movement - very liberal
6. New American Socialist -- best of all above
Today's poll deals with Tuesday's election results.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor from up north got whipped by the TEA Party's Dave Brat.
In Arkansas, the RHINO candidate edged out the TEA party nut for attorney general, but a tea party candidate for the state house upset a mainstream Republican.
So what party or philosophy do you support?
Local or national TEA Party?
RHINO?-- Economy and business issues main concerns
Mainstream GOP-- business and social issues co-No. 1s
Blue Dog Conservatives from the 70s-90s? Liberal on some issues by morally conservative on abortion and drugs
Liberal Demo?
JFK-LBJ Democrat -- liberal on a lot of issues and compromises for deals
What I call, and wish someone rich would organize and pay for, is New American Socialist.
A New American Socialist supports a strong American military with a large number In the service, new planes and ships but in limited numbers with a mix of older flyable planes like the A-10 still used as long as they are in good condition, forward bases in Europe and Asia as long as the host country pays for all facilities on the base and possibly all or part of the salaries of the military (the Saudi Arabia/Kuwaitt Rule) etc.
A New American Socialist thinks American business was at its best in the late 1950s-early 1980s before all the corporate merging created basically monopolies in some many industries, such as airlines, cell phones, cable, Satellite TV, movie making, and retail and food service. A new American Socialist wants to break up our large corporations and ban new mergers unless the company files bankruptcy and closes; they think the rich like Bill Gates, the Waltons, Tysons, etc can just buy stock in whatever company they want to own a piece of. And makes sure corporations are penalized via taxes for closing down American jobs and shipping manufacturing overseas.
A new American Socialist wants to tax the ultra rich at or near the same rates as during the Reagan era... 80 percent to 50 percent of new income. Also, more of a flat tax that removes deductions for child care, except possibly part of child care if itemizing. Fewer business and corporate deductions. A New American Socialist believes everyone should pay taxes and should not get free money or the Earned Income Tax Credit.
A New American Socialist supports welfare programs, including expansion to remove gross income limits and increase resource limits to $3500 so that people currently over the limit can get benefits if they think they need them. But, in exchange, everyone getting public assistance -- food stamps, Obama Care, HUD, TEA, student loans etc -- won't be eligible for deductions for child care and won't be eligible for a federal or state tax return!
A New American Socialist supports a constitutional amendment to ban TV and Radio commercials by political parties, candidates and outside groups until 45 to 60 days before elections and then require all TV and Radio commercials to be in the form of 15 to 30 minute infomercials instead of nut-job 30- to 60-second commercials.
A New American Socialist thinks all public employees -- state, city, county, regional, fed, military, civil service, schools and public universities -- should be able to enjoy services provided by another public body for free or with a big discount, such as public medical schools/hospitals, college classes, pools and other recreational activities, college or HS plays/concerts, etc. They serve the public and are often underpaid, doing jobs a lot of other people couldn't handle, etc.
A New American Socialist supports taxing foreign corporations and cracking down on American corporations that hide income and profits.
A New American Socialist supports nationalizing the Oil and Natural gas industry and price controls and limits on profits. Exxon reported obscene profits.
A New American Socialist supports term limits for every office holder, from dog catcher aka local mayors to US Senate and US House with limits on becoming a lobbyist immediately afterward.
A New American Socialist supports dual governmental controls on business and environment, etc but with more regional input from state officials before new regulations are approved. By this, we mean federal offices have to have an office in all states with bigger ones regionally in larger cities, with regulation proposals and compromises with state governors and Legislative Councils so that no proposed agency regulation is approved without input for state officials and if they turn it down in the majority of the US states, then Congress would have to approve it.
ETC... Feel free to join in urging people to be American Socialist.
Enough of that.
Share your opinion or views.
Again, negative personal attacks will be banned and deleted. You can disagree with someone but you don't have to be an A-hole and attack them personally.
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6/14/2014 8:53:47 AM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
which party do i support??? none. zero. zip. nada. ain't gonna f**king happen. like these easy questions.
8/8/2014 6:59:44 PM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Can someone define for me what a Moderate is when it comes to politicson this site?
Thank you.
8/15/2014 2:57:57 AM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |


Mesa, AZ
39, joined Mar. 2009
None of the above. I'm libertarian and believe we need government but not the over reaching, nanny state we have now. If you wants something work for it, don't demand the government do it for you. Nothing is free, especially when it comes from the government. Take responsibility for your own actions, live your own life as long as you don't harm anyone else and discipline your kids.
8/16/2014 11:07:59 PM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
AZ ~~ I wanted to ask,also ----- when did the term Moderate cease and Libertarian become the vogue?
8/19/2014 1:20:41 AM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |


Mesa, AZ
39, joined Mar. 2009
AZ ~~ I wanted to ask,also ----- when did the term Moderate cease and Libertarian become the vogue?
Call it moderate or libertarian, whichever you prefer. I say libertarian because I tend to feel that moderates will allow for more heavy handed government than limited. Personal responsibility is the key to most of the problems we have in this country these days. The way our government has grown is a result of too many not willing to take failure as a learning experience opportunity and instead let the feds decide for them.
8/23/2014 2:10:37 PM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
So, AZ, there is a slight difference between Moderates and Libertarians. Thanks.
9/10/2014 6:51:52 AM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |

Independence, OH
41, joined Aug. 2011
How about we all just work together to make this country better. I support the United States as a whole. Our government doesn't know compromise. If a Democrat comes up with a good idea it's shit down because the Republicans don't like them and vice versa. How are we supposed to be united if our government isnt? The baby bs that goes on in Washington is disgusting. I'm not quit sure where I sit on the fence but I do know this country is crumbling because of ALL the crooks in Washington.
10/23/2014 5:10:05 PM |
What political party/philosophy do you support? Expect to win? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The American agenda, tyvm --- the American people.