6/28/2014 6:28:08 PM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |


Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
All of the dems that voted as GOP should be jailed and their right to vote taken away for life.Now there is several countys that are stonewalling the people trying to get to the bottom of all of the cheating.They should get the same as the cheating dem voters.
Semper Fi !!!
The Chris McDaniel campaign identified multiple Mississippi counties in which enough improper ballots were cast that a legal challenge to the outcome of the election is warranted.
This comes after 25,000-35,000 Democrat votes helped push Thad Cochran to victory over Chris McDaniel (by 6,880 votes) in the June 24 runoff.
The McDaniel campaign has already found 1,000 examples in one county of Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary as Democrats and then crossed over into the Republican primary this week.
This is illegal and their votes should not be counted.
Lindsay Krout, a volunteer working in Mississippi, was barred from reviewing voter rolls in Lafayette County Mississippi Friday morning.
Lindsay said when she went to the Lafayette County courthouse this morning and was forced to wait for an hour. Then the county clerk told her the Secretary of State’s office said the county had to redact the Social Security number and addresses from the voter rolls. The clerk said it will take until Wednesday to redact the information. And, the county will charge McDaniel supporters for the extra work.
Mississippi law states that the clerk must allow public viewing of the election documentation:
Lindsay said McDaniel supporters in Lowndes County and Lauderdale County faced similar pushback from the local officials. The clerks also said they would have to schedule the time so county officials could be present.
There are reports that Governor Phil Bryant wants to certify the election on Monday.
UPDATE: McDaniel supporters are facing the same pushback in Stone County.
UPDATE: The McDaniel supporters say they are facing a similar situation in Marshall County, Quitman County and Coahoma County
UPDATE: Lindsay writes, “Add Forrest County and Smith County to the list.”
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7/1/2014 10:04:31 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |


Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
Here is a new twist in the Missippi voter fraud case that will proabaly not be seen on any maistreem media.
Semper Fi !!!
A black reverend stiffed by the Cochran campaign has exposed an alleged criminal conspiracy by Cochran staffers to commit massive voter fraud ahead of Tuesday's controversial U.S. Senate Republican runoff election in Mississippi.
Reverend Stevie Fielder, associate pastor at historic First Union Missionary Baptist Church and former official at Meridian's redevelopment agency, says he delivered "hundreds or even thousands," of blacks to the polls after being offered money and being assured by a Cochran campaign operative that Chris McDaniel was a racist. "They [the Cochran campaign] told me to offer blacks fifteen dollars each and to vote for Thad."
It is illegal under several provisions of Mississippi law and federal law for campaign officials to bribe voters with cash and punishable up to five years in jail. (MS Code 97-13-1; MS Code 97-13-3 (2013) (Federal Code 18 U.S.C. 597, U.S.C. 1973i(c)) Voter fraud schemes are not unusual for Mississippi. In 1999 Mississippi's attorney general reported massive voter fraud allegations throughout the Magnolia state. In 2011, a Mississippi NAACP leader was sent to prison for voter fraud, according to the Daily Caller.
It would seem that laws were broken here, too. At the direction of the Cochran campaign, Reverend Fielder went "door to door, different places, mostly impoverished neighborhoods, to the housing authorities and stuff like that," telling fellow blacks that McDaniel was a racist and promising them $15 per vote. "They sold me on the fact that he was a racist and that the right thing to do was to keep him out of office," Fielder says.
7/13/2014 3:28:43 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |
Southaven, MS
27, joined Jul. 2011
online now!
I really hope this isn't true. I'm so tired of blacks being portrayed as blind followers. I'm a centrist I voted for Obama and Thad why because I didn't won't a member of the tea party in office simple as that.
7/13/2014 3:33:46 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |
Southaven, MS
27, joined Jul. 2011
online now!
7/13/2014 4:08:05 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |


Tupelo, MS
37, joined Aug. 2013
Mississippi has open primaries.. anyone can vote regardless of what party you identify with.
With that being said, republican can vote for democrats & vice versa.
We don't play that "US" vs THEM game around here. We all in this together and we also work better as a team.. as you can see in the election just pass.
You can take all of the "Decisive" politics somewhere else.
We vote for who we want to vote for around here.
7/13/2014 5:58:30 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |

Memphis, TN
28, joined Jan. 2014
You right wing people are nuts. First of all, how is it voter fraud if the people that voted used their own names? Fraud is when you basically low. They never lied to anybody. Secondly, as said in am earlier post, Mississippi has OPEN primaries. This means that anybody regardless of party can vote in the primaries. The funny thing is it was the REPUBLICANS that wanted it this way. Racist, anti American tea Party members are just upset that blacks utilized their right to vote.
7/14/2014 12:46:49 AM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |


Tupelo, MS
37, joined Aug. 2013
They are VERY upset.
But it won't change much.. Thad Cochran has been declared the winner.
7/14/2014 5:45:48 PM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |

Memphis, TN
28, joined Jan. 2014
The yea party are so stupid that they don't realize anti yea party sentiment will get.people up to vote.that usually don't. They are against blacks, Asians, latinos, women, gays, children, and hard working Americans that are going through a hard time. If the yea party candidate had won, the democrat could've ran ads like Cochran did and brought a huge turnout. They would've lost the seat. At least now they have a chance to keep it.
7/14/2014 9:07:50 PM |
It's your state but it effects the whole country. |


Tupelo, MS
37, joined Aug. 2013
And that is the thing that allude them. People can see by the policy that they promote they're not an inclusive party. The tea party likes to separate & divide people... that's why they're not a legitimate party.. they are mainly made up of middle age or older white male men.
We as a country would do well if we keep the tea party out of politics. Those guys have hurt this country enough.