8/12/2008 6:34:25 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
Is it just me or...doesn't it seem that sleazy guys who use women and treat them shabbily are always getting dates, while those of us who are gentlemen and respect our female counterparts are often left lonely?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/12/2008 6:36:36 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 39
i understand what ya sayin,i jus dont know 
8/12/2008 8:35:14 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Crawford, NE
age: 42
I hear you on that. I know a guy who has been arrested, convicted of domestic violence, has 2 protection orders on him. Yet, the chicks come sliding in on their knees for him. WTF?
8/13/2008 6:50:23 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Denver, CO
age: 51
Women like a guy that has a little bit of a bad boy edge to him. It's true. LOTS of women like that. If you are too nice, too polite, too thoughtful, etc., lot of times they don't respect you because they think you are a pushover.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be a gentleman. Be a gentleman ALWAYS. But you don't have to AGREE to everything they say to score points, jump through hoops, etc. Be honest and be yourself. Be a MAN. Be self confident. Know what you are about. Don't proceed like you are auditioning for a position with her company. On the contrary, she should be the one auditioning for a position in your world. Be confident without being arrogant or cocky. Use your sense of humor. Women like to laugh, and if you can make them laugh, they will generally overlook some of your weaker characteristics. Have a LIFE. Have something that you DO. Have interests (besides hunting women) that they can learn about you. Bathe. Women like men that take care of themselves.
If you can do these things I promise you won't be finishing last ever.
8/23/2008 12:55:06 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Sedona, AZ
age: 46
No always true, I have been knoocked on my but a few time but is that my loss or theirs.
I took my exes business from 60,000.00 a year to 155,00.00 per year, she figured that she did not need me anymore so she dumped me. Her business is now less than half. She loss a lot of customers when we broke up.
It's not over until it's over, there are some amazing women on this site, but there are also some creepy ones. Patience wins all.
Good luck, happy hunting
Karl in Sedona
8/26/2008 4:39:13 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Saltillo, MS
age: 41
Accually nice guys finish first. We just start out later and the bad guys don't believe in sportsmanship. Sooner of later they will get what's coming to them and that's when we nice guys have our turn.
8/26/2008 5:03:46 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Crawford, NE
age: 42
Well royr1, when the women are done with the bad boys,"that's when we get are chance".
Well, I dunno about you, but, after they been through 30+ guys, are you interested in your turn? Too many health issues, after promiscuity. Are you really an end of the trail guy?
I walked away from an attractive 38yr old divorcee. Her personality clicked with mine. But, after 7yrs of being single, cervical warts, hpv, she thought she needed security(health insurance), and someone every night, a home. After going through the medical history....nope.
Judgemental? Maybe. I won't settle down until, I find someone who's morals match mine. Maybe, finishing last, disease free, isn't so bad. I'll probably have more money!lol
8/26/2008 10:17:56 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Hay Springs, NE
age: 66
Perhaps we reap what we sow. Nice guys are probably more hesitant to seek a date. They are more selective. They are more likely to be the first to find the good woman in the crowd. I agree with "easygoing" that there are women who aren't worth the risk.
8/26/2008 10:31:01 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Evanston, WY
age: 53
i allways finish last,just ask any woman ive slept with. 
8/27/2008 5:24:50 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Crawford, NE
age: 42
In that case lost, finishing last is alright! But, at my age, what I used to do all night long......takes me all night to do!
8/28/2008 2:55:37 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Las Cruces, NM
age: 45
most women i have known always talk about meeting a nice guy. and yet, who do they date. the a**holes who end up treating them like crap! sometimes, it doesn't pay at all to be a good guy.      
9/2/2008 5:56:15 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
I think it safe to say that the answer is a resounding YES!
9/7/2008 8:40:29 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Saltillo, MS
age: 41
I think it safe to say that the answer is a resounding YES!
You are entitled to your opinion but, you are wrong. It's like the rabbit and the turtle. The rabbit ran fast but got tired quickly and fell asleep but, the turtle just patiently kept going and snd won the race. It may not seem like it at first but, sooner or later nice guys will have their chance.
9/8/2008 5:52:01 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
I am not sure you can answer the question that authoritatively.
9/10/2008 6:49:04 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Saltillo, MS
age: 41
Basicly, it doesn't always seem like it but, those who lie, cheat, manipulate, abuse and do other such things will sooner or later be found out. In other words, they will get what's coming to them. Sometimes even I ask if it's worth it but, then I look around me and see nice guys who have been patient and I see that they definatly aren't finishing last. I'm not saying their lives are perfect, nobody can claim that and be truthfull about it but, they are successfull. I believe that's God's way of reminding me of the truth.
9/11/2008 2:22:03 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Suwanee, GA
age: 32
Pretty much...
9/27/2008 11:15:01 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Wasilla, AK
age: 23
Yes, nice guys do finish last, if they finish at all.
I used to be a nice guy.
Nice guys don't let nice guys be nice guys.
The problem is the false dichotomy between nice guy and jerk.
You don't have to be a jerk to not be a stereotypical nice guy, you just need to be assertive and confident.
Don't let what she says bother you, KNOW you're the man without being too arrogant, and don't be cruel or mean spirited, be considerate without being pathetic, don't treat her better than you treat yourself. Have some self respect.
There you go, problem solved.
9/28/2008 6:11:58 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Lacombe, LA
age: 48
And one more think where are you looking.
Church's has ladies praying please send me a man.
And most the time the nice guys are in bar rooms. Whats wrong with getting to know a lady from church. 
But we all have op ion.
Try going to all the Church's for fellowship, with others.
10/2/2008 7:47:17 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Wyoming, MI
age: 44
Dont ever label yourself a nice guy.NEVER NEVER NEVER (im seriuos)
Woman relate nice guy to weak and wishy washy. Not a man to be respected, cant make a dessision.
Call yourself a Good Man or something, but never NICE=chump.
Most woman like a good man, a gentleman with a bit of macho. Be a man but you dont need to be a jerk persay.
Woman like the bad side of men, they love the macho sex craved machines we our.
However we must be tactful whwn unleashing this part of us on them.
Woman who allow themselves to be controlled by jerks and aholes are not worthy of a real mans attentions, there most likely screwed up to put up that krap.
10/10/2008 11:42:44 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Fort Bragg, NC
age: 22
You are entitled to your opinion but, you are wrong. It's like the rabbit and the turtle. The rabbit ran fast but got tired quickly and fell asleep but, the turtle just patiently kept going and snd won the race. It may not seem like it at first but, sooner or later nice guys will have their chance.
i understand being patient but when i was in high school i play the "being patient" game with the girls i really liked. but now that im out im in the military..... and i have had some come back to me and say i should have takin you instead of blowing you off...... but now its too late because im no where near home or them.... so to me it pisses me off that since things didnt work out they can come crawling back because your the "nice guy"
10/10/2008 11:02:49 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Pasadena, CA
age: 39
Dont ever label yourself a nice guy.NEVER NEVER NEVER (im seriuos)
Woman relate nice guy to weak and wishy washy. Not a man to be respected, cant make a dessision.
Call yourself a Good Man or something, but never NICE=chump.
Most woman like a good man, a gentleman with a bit of macho. Be a man but you dont need to be a jerk persay.
Woman like the bad side of men, they love the macho sex craved machines we our.
However we must be tactful whwn unleashing this part of us on them.
Woman who allow themselves to be controlled by jerks and aholes are not worthy of a real mans attentions, there most likely screwed up to put up that krap.

10/12/2008 2:42:45 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Orlando, FL
age: 29
I'll go with last or never from experience.
You gotta be in the right place at the right time. It happened once, but can it happen again? Time will tell
10/17/2008 8:00:39 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Rockmart, GA
age: 48
Well, I say this way. I am a good guy. Just not a nice one. It doesn't bother me one bit if a woman turns me down. I go get another one. I know in one sense of the word that sounds kinda arrogant but thats just the way i see it. Never let a woman think she has you by the balls. If she says she will call you for example, Let her be the one who calls. Don't try to run her down. If she calls she calls, If she don't she don't. Don't turn around and try to call her. If you do it just lets her know your sitting by the phone waiting for her. Never do that. Leave a little something to her imagination. Let her come to you sometimes . If she doesn't, Go find another one. Sometimes the best way of getting a woman is letting her know you have enough confidence in yourself to replace her.
[Edited 10/17/2008 8:03:29 PM ]
1/10/2009 6:14:29 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Lexington, KY
age: 35
I realy do not know how to answer this
I want to say YES they finsh last if at all,
But I have read what some of you have said, that you have to wait and I agree with that as well
from my own life I am going to pull this from.
Nice guys finish last, becasue we wait for the woman to get there head on straight, but what do they do, go to another jerk/ass. But oh they keep us around for the 'friend' thing. I do not know how many times that I ahve meet a woman, everything is there for a great relationship, or at least the starts of one. But what do I hear, "Oh your interested in me, that is nice but I do not what to date you, I just want to be your friend, so I can have all these stupid guys and you to. You will give me what I realy want, and they will give me what I am used to haveing"
I am sorry, but nice guys just do not cut it these days. Woman are, well stupid is all I can come up with.
But I would in no way traid being the good guy for all the women in the world if I had to be the jerkoff guy for 1 second.
I look at it this way, I give them the opertunity, they can either take it or leave it, its there loss.
I can only hold out my hand, they have to have the courage to grab it.
Which brings me to antoher point, most womam that blow us good guys off, are scaired of us, they do not know what to do with us, they are afraid that they might truly fall for us, or thatthey are not good enuff ofr us and or will hurt us. The jerkoff guys, well they are a dime a dozen, and the woman can just leave one for another and not think bad about it casue he was a jerkoff....
Women's logic, makes about as much since as beating a dead horse with a limp noodle.
1/11/2009 4:46:06 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Sarnia, ON
age: 39
It sure appears that way don't it?
1/13/2009 7:32:19 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Jacksonville, NC
age: 23
Ok, women do not think about love in terms of logic. Don't expect them to.
When men are born, connections between the left and right sides of the brain are broken, which causes us to think mainly with the side of the brain which handles logic.
Women keep all of the connections, so they think with both the logical, and the emotional sides.
A woman does not want to add up your qualities, and come to the conclusion that you are a good guy. She wants to feel, not to think.
Women like a**holes and jerks because they are confident. Women read "nice" as "I'm so desperate, I'll do anything"... "Nice" guys tend to follow their women along, like puppies on leashes. But women want YOU to lead.
Now, this doesn't mean you can't be a nice guy and get dates, or respect her and keep a relationship going. It means you have to let her know that you are in charge. You can include her opinions in your descisions, but you have to decide. Make sure she knows that you WANT her, but you don't NEED her.
I like to show her that I know HOW to be a nice guy, but she has to EARN my nice-ness. Earlier today, I suggested to a friend of mine that instead of opening doors for his date, hold the door shut so she CAN'T open it herself. Then, after she's convinced you are the biggest jerk she's ever met, hold the door open, and motion her to go through. Say "Ladies first", and put on your innocent face.
Or alternatively, hold the door open until she's close, then shut it. Make her say please. Don't let her through until she does. And if she doesn't say "Thank you" when you finally let her in, bring it up the next time you have an opportunity to hold a door for her. Say "I'm totally not going to hold that door open for you. Last time I held a door for you, you didn't say 'Thank you'. Don't you know it's polite to say thank you?"
If you keep her guessing, she'll want to be around you, just to see what happens next. 
1/14/2009 5:56:23 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Abbotsford, BC
age: 63
Not all men or women are the same but the great majority of the time nice guys do finish last. Women do tend to go for men who other men see as jerks because women see it as some kind of self confidence which attracts women but it has a lot to do with those men having good looks too.
Women, no matter what their age and no matter what they say, they go for good looks. 50 year old women are the same as teenage girls. The good looking guys get spoiled having it too easy with women from the time they are boys. They become self centered jerks but women still go for them on account of looks and the women think they can change him. If she happens to be a babe maybe she can until a hotter woman crosses his path. It works the other way for women too. The vast majority of fantastic looking women I ever met are stuck up snobs. I was married to one for 26 years. What a mistake. She looked as good as any movie star and men drooled over her but it was all about her. Very self centered except when she thought she could gain something, ..then she would be more giving.
1/14/2009 10:07:51 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Wichita, KS
age: 44
Woo hoo lets hear it for the lumber jack ... Grasshopper you are young in your years but wise in your ways. 
1/19/2009 6:15:01 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Wooster, OH
age: 61
Bet on it... ...
1/19/2009 12:53:13 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Wooster, OH
age: 61
1/20/2009 3:38:28 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Anderson, IN
age: 28
YES. and it wont change
1/21/2009 2:11:43 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Gainesville, FL
age: 46
LOOK its primitive instinct for the female to be attracted to the bad boy ! They think they can protect them and ther seed is strong . They will have healthy offspring its all instinct! IM not big and tuff but i have plenty of street smarts survived the streets of Chicago ! BUT lumberjackjake said it all !
1/24/2009 6:52:20 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Louisville, KY
age: 50
Hey guys. What I have trouble understanding is ladies act like they don't want these one night stands but I went out with this nice lady the other evening and she seemed so sweet . . . until I took her back to her house. Then it was like a totally different girl. I figure if she is ready to sleep with me on the first date then whose boots has already been under there. Nice guys do finish last.
1/29/2009 9:20:45 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Milton, FL
age: 21
no, not always... be nice, be kind infront of a lady, then the SECOND some guy comes up, push him out of the way, look at him like your going to rip the jaw off his skull, and if he doesn't back down, prove your worth infront of your lady, but let that dumbass make the first move, you want her to think your defensive, not offensive. nice guys can finish first, you just gotta know, you can't take shit, ESPECIALLY from her, listen dudes, women will try their hardest to get away with EVERYTHING, and if you let them... well, you know what they say, when you give a mouse a cookie...
2/27/2009 3:00:52 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Grafton, WV
age: 47
YEAPERS! We do, we end up with the best woman each and every time.
We just take our time, wait and watch them as they kick a few Butt Holes to the curb.
After they've realized that Bad Boys aren't that exciting nor apealing when they treat them bad for so long, they start looking for us. Some get really pissed when the find we are taken.
So, finishing last isn't a bad thing, I think it's better to be the last one they hold on to than being the first and last one to be kicked to the curb.
[Edited 2/27/2009 3:01:34 AM ]
2/28/2009 11:27:59 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Kansas City, MO
age: 65
Is it just me or...doesn't it seem that sleazy guys who use women and treat them shabbily are always getting dates, while those of us who are gentlemen and respect our female counterparts are often left lonely?
Sure It seems that way.. When someone is doing something wrong ~ Everyone wants to hear all about it , Know all about it ~ AND SEE for themselves..
Be who you are.. Assholes can get the women (because of their curiosity) but they can't keep them.. Even the ones they have at the present is on real rocky ground..
Is that what you are (or seem to be ) jealous of??
It's because women (Thinking They Have what it takes to change the prick ~ The get hurt and want to take it out on all men.. . Consider the source ~ Kick them to the curb and get someone who wants you for YOU.. ie: Someone who won't try to change you...
3/1/2009 11:57:30 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Westerville, OH
age: 27
Unfortunately, that's just how it goes. People take advantage of you if you're too nice to them and put other people in front of yourself.
I should know too, because I was voted "Most Likely To Do You A Favor" in high school, haha.
3/5/2009 2:18:04 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Georgetown, SC
age: 35
I do agree with the statement below. The girls are always looking for something exciting and dangerous. I believe that in the end the women(after going through what I said above) will come back to the normal men that they may find - if they are still available.
3/6/2009 9:01:21 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Streetsboro, OH
age: 32
Um yes for the most part. For some reason women b*tch about guys they date being d*ck's, but at the same time they will tell a nice guy that's he's so sweet and to nice. For the most part women like a guy that's a bad boy or a d*ck even if they say differant.
3/12/2009 6:27:33 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Pottstown, PA
age: 23
Nice guys finish first!
[Edited 3/12/2009 6:28:10 PM ]
3/12/2009 6:29:11 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Pottstown, PA
age: 23
Accually nice guys finish first. We just start out later and the bad guys don't believe in sportsmanship. Sooner of later they will get what's coming to them and that's when we nice guys have our turn.
I totally agree
3/29/2009 9:31:05 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Erwin, NC
age: 48
I can answer that for you yes they do. i have recently seperated from my wife of 6 years we were together for 13 years. when we first got together she told me how her EX husband would get drunk or drugged up or both come home and cuss and beat on her she was married to him for 20 years. He just got out of prison in Jan. 6 2009 On March 8 2009 she tells me she wants to work things out with him because she felt she had feelings for him. She did not know this until he gotout of prison and she could do nothing but think of him. her whole family has told her he will start drinking and doing drugs and beating on her again. But she still beleives he has changed. Now I tried to treat her good gave anything she wanted tried to not be like Her Ex husband. Trusted her 100% well I found out they were sneaking around since he got out. So yes nice guys do finish last!!!
3/29/2009 11:35:44 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Duluth, MN
age: 34
I have always finished last and everyone tells me I am a " Good Guy"... yet Im last in line on their list of men! 
3/29/2009 12:36:46 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Norcross, GA
age: 49
The sooner you quit chasing the hotties that are not chasing "nice guys" the sooner you will quit coming in last. Accept it and go on with your life, and you will be much happier...
4/2/2009 1:55:09 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Ogden, UT
age: 51
This Man says you are right on. Recognizing my own failures in judgment, I still see women wanting and staying with a**holes. Sometimes feeling like changing my kind, compassionate ways, Thus far I can only hope for good Karma. For at this time, I have only been taken advantage of.
4/5/2009 5:54:37 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Enfield, CT
age: 49
I agree with all that is said I think women finially feel they can do what men have done for a long time and that is to lie, cheat and it's ok, the world is not like it used to be guys no one has respect for another mans women anymore, you know "don't hit on your brothers women".
All is open game now.
With the internet it also gives women free riegn to pick, I just find that if you send them an e-mail out of respect answer, but it's just another way of being rude and blowing you off, hey I can take it, just tell me your not interested.
The world in it's self has become to impersonal, e-mails, texting, no comminication, I know a guy that has been dumped by getting a text message, and ignored when he tryed to call.
good luck all
4/5/2009 6:56:56 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 52
i would rather remain the nice guy that i am,,and take my chances that way
than to be a jerk just to attract or impress someone who seeks ONLY excitement
and not a genuine man in thier lives-jmo
4/7/2009 3:05:29 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Brookville, OH
age: 44
Well the mantra has always been about "nice" and "last" being a negative... so I want to frame this topic or question with a different set of glasses.
Nothing wrong with "nice"...I hope everyone knows someone who is nice...makes the world a better place. While last does sound negative upon further examination...last is fine...forget what the sports world tells you.
One negative about bad boys or mean guys...a**holes...whatever you want to label them is that they don't finish period...ie "won't commit". I try to strike a balance and live a little of both lifestyles...I would rather be the last person to cross the finish line in the Boston Marathon than the person who decided to back out of the race. it's my choice and maybe that's why I can have a stripper friend...you respect them while looking like a biker bad boy and they won't try to hustle you.
I'm a nice guy so don't f**ck with me.
4/8/2009 9:29:25 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Adamsville, AL
age: 59
4/28/2009 8:33:49 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Hutto, TX
age: 25
Well I do agree that women always seem to go after the A-holes. They agree that they don't no why but they do. And the gentleman or "good guys" wind up with a burned once twice shy woman that think all men are worthless, no good sons of you know what, and you can't seem to catch a break. On the contrary if things seem to be going good with a woman it seems not to far down the road she's shacking up with some a** and giving you the "of we're to good of friends and I don't want to jeperdise that" CRAP!!! I believe that there is someone out there for all of us, it's just finding the patience in waiting for the right one to come along. 
Good luck to all and hope you find Ms. Right.
4/29/2009 2:22:19 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 36
Yes, nice guys do finish last, if they finish at all.
I used to be a nice guy.
Nice guys don't let nice guys be nice guys.
The problem is the false dichotomy between nice guy and jerk.
You don't have to be a jerk to not be a stereotypical nice guy, you just need to be assertive and confident.
Don't let what she says bother you, KNOW you're the man without being too arrogant, and don't be cruel or mean spirited, be considerate without being pathetic, don't treat her better than you treat yourself. Have some self respect.
There you go, problem solved.
Guys - lumberjake hit the nail dead on the head here.
Nice is a good thing - being a "nice guy" really isn't. Women don't have interest in a pushover or somebody that is boring. They want some fun, excitement and a challenge. 
There's a difference between being polite, considerate and well mannered and being too nice to where you don't seem to be your own person or are just jello (read as "nice guy"). 
There's also a difference between the guy that tells jokes, pushes buttons, makes people laugh and likes to have fun as opposed to the guy that blows all his money on dope, lies, is manipulative or is abusive. Jack-offs that last category finish dead last or just dead. "Nice guys" finish just ahead of them.
Fortunately, those aren't the only two options. I read where a few people have said to just be yourself, well please do - BE yourself, you know - the cool and fun guy that you are when you hang out with your best friends. If you MOLD yourself to somebody, then you deserve to finish last or near to it.
4/30/2009 2:11:39 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Adamsville, AL
age: 59
No, they finish behind last!
5/5/2009 7:54:00 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 39
its my experience that nice guys dont even finish at all cause we never get to start ...lol
5/6/2009 6:39:43 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Corbin, KY
age: 26
I once asked a female friend of mine why she dated jerks, because I knew she would be honest with. Her answer was that when a guy is a jerk all of the time when does do something nice it makes special. She went on to explain it was more a challenge to get a jerk to do something nice, than just to have someone be nice all of the time. 
5/8/2009 10:59:28 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Howell, MI
age: 40
I was listening to a radio show up here in michigan, and they took a poll and it was proven that women see nice guy's that open doors for them and so on are week minded.I don't understand women anymore. 
5/8/2009 11:02:05 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Howell, MI
age: 40
Isn't that the truth!!
5/31/2009 9:24:06 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Memphis, TN
age: 33
Yeah women are very contradictory. they'll complain if a man doesn't do certain things, but if he does do them then she thinks lower of him. The bottom line is when a woman is thatw ay she isn't ready to be in relationships anyway.
I've got in a habit of tlaking to almost only females and it's driving me crazy.
6/3/2009 3:51:11 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

age: 21
The problem with women is its in their nature to tease. They carry on with that crap and the nice guys fall 4 it (been there) and those women just keep teasin, makin u think u got a chance until they drop u like a wet fart for some d*ckhead in a c*ck extension- nice car. I meant nice car. dont get me wrong, im into cars i just dont see tham as an extension of my c*ck. I prefer to use my charm wit and good looks to attract women; which works fine until some guy with a car chats them up. F**kin women; can't live with them. Can't live without them.
6/4/2009 2:46:44 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 52
tortise here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
did the race start yet????????
6/8/2009 3:51:18 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Marinette, WI
age: 63
I always try to finish last because if I finish first I'll never finish her. Oh well, sometimes the tounge does come in handy.