9/10/2014 3:02:32 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I voted twice for Obama.I did it because I think hes a better choice than our options at the time. Saying that he has been real disappointment in foreign policy. This is not a political group, but as veterans we have served under CICs who just made bad decisions based on bad advice...
I think hes in a real corner now. Theres no way to and a war or jihad without infantry troops-and those will be Americans sooner or later. Half measure don't do it. Airpower wont do it..We are going to war (again)
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9/10/2014 3:06:35 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
The POTUS is the JV team. He does not stand a chance unless he starts getting advised by people with wisdom, not the 40 25-30 year olds he has been listening to.
POTUS- piece of total useless shite
9/10/2014 5:57:11 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
... keep the US out of it ... let them resolve their own religious civil war ... jmho
9/11/2014 10:19:08 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
CIC my azz. Totally over his head and has been ever since the slime bucket entered office. His plan to let ragheads fight ISIS is a sham. He won't even call ISIS muslims. Who in the raghead countries can be trusted to report back to us (US) what is happening and what has been accomplished in a war. We can't let them be in charge of anything. We need a leader who can slam down on the coward bunch ISIS and do it with devastating authority. If we're not in charge then screw it. If we go back in then political correctness is out. We do as we please without any restrictions. If our guys want to hold church services then they can. If they want to have a beer then we will. So on and so on. I have NO and I mean absolutely no respect for any of the ragheads there. Oduma will tell everything we're going to do before we do it because he is on their side. He'll broadcast it to the world. A real CIC would just do it and not tell anyone but us after it is done. We don't have time to screw around with "rose colored glasses" idealism anymore. So Oduma has been in office for a long time. How's that crap working? It has been a total failure in EVERY respect since day one. Horse face Kerry and the SecDef are totally in over their heads too. STUPID POMPOUS AZZES from the get-go.
9/11/2014 3:12:50 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I don't care about the politics. Not a bit .But without infantry you cant beat this threat is land based and urban. Nobody else is going to root these c*ckroaches out and kill them. I voted twice for this guy, that doesn't matter. He isn't leading and he isn't being truthful. We are going to war.
9/12/2014 3:04:47 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
CIC my azz. Totally over his head and has been ever since the slime bucket entered office. His plan to let ragheads fight ISIS is a sham. He won't even call ISIS muslims. Who in the raghead countries can be trusted to report back to us (US) what is happening and what has been accomplished in a war. We can't let them be in charge of anything. We need a leader who can slam down on the coward bunch ISIS and do it with devastating authority. If we're not in charge then screw it. If we go back in then political correctness is out. We do as we please without any restrictions. If our guys want to hold church services then they can. If they want to have a beer then we will. So on and so on. I have NO and I mean absolutely no respect for any of the ragheads there. Oduma will tell everything we're going to do before we do it because he is on their side. He'll broadcast it to the world. A real CIC would just do it and not tell anyone but us after it is done. We don't have time to screw around with "rose colored glasses" idealism anymore. So Oduma has been in office for a long time. How's that crap working? It has been a total failure in EVERY respect since day one. Horse face Kerry and the SecDef are totally in over their heads too. STUPID POMPOUS AZZES from the get-go.
If you are serving you don't get the luxury of picking your CIC. During YOUR war I am sure you felt the same. Let me guess, you STILL call them gooks/slanteyes? Your post speaks of bigotry and racism. Judging ALL by the actions of extremists speaks for itself. President Obama has made a contribution. He brought our young warriors back home from Iraq. He set a deadline for the war in Afghanistan. So far he has stayed on course. WE, as the american people, are not entitled to or should expect our leaders to keep us informed of their every movement. As a PAST military man you should know that. You fought a different War, this one is completley different. President Obama, our CIC, YOUR CIC, is doing his best to keep boots off the ground. If he did it YOUR way then I take it you have no problem with our men and women being in the sandbox again? A stupid pompous a** in my book is someone like you...... Go to church and have a beer or two on your way. Be thankful you live in a country where your words are not considered being a traitor.

9/12/2014 4:18:54 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
... keep the US out of it ... let them resolve their own religious civil war ... jmho
Where have you been Cupo? It is NOT a religious War anymore. This a threat that not only involves us BUT the international community. You have United States citizens who have open visas who are fighting on the side of ISIS. British citizens with the same. Keep the United States out of it? Get back to me on that one when they set up camp in your backyard. Your religion won't save you then.
9/12/2014 7:18:37 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
The oceans will no longer protect us. If we don't fight them there, we will be fighting them here.
9/12/2014 7:58:17 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Blue, Phtt.....
9/12/2014 12:15:59 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
George Washington and company were called terrorists and extremists. I'm in good company. Busted.
9/12/2014 1:01:46 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
For the record I have called them gooks, slant eyes and slope heads. And for the record I saw the results of the mutilation and torture by them of their own people. This bunch is worse .Either we destroy them or they will do the very same things right here.
[Edited 9/12/2014 1:02:17 PM ]
9/12/2014 2:36:51 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
You're damn right Whiskey. At the same time I hate to see our troops put back to task because of horrible decisions made at the White House. We should've stayed a while longer in Iraq. Now like Bush said it 2007, "We'll be facing a more stronger and evil enemy if we should leave too soon." It's a terrible situation that we're in.
Another poster is worried that the names we called our enemies appear racist. Is that not funny? Political correct I am not. I am going to start a thread for politics for the military veterans and active military.
9/12/2014 3:50:02 PM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
The dinks had names for us too gdaddy....it was war. Someone who hasn't been directly involved in combat and doesn't understand its barbaric and savage nature thinks calling a Vietnamese a gook or whatever is some kind of mortal sin can kiss my fat butt.
As for her comment about having a few beers on your way to church needs to join mine. They serve wine!!!!! LOL
9/14/2014 2:46:29 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
You're damn right Whiskey. At the same time I hate to see our troops put back to task because of horrible decisions made at the White House. We should've stayed a while longer in Iraq. Now like Bush said it 2007, "We'll be facing a more stronger and evil enemy if we should leave too soon." It's a terrible situation that we're in.
Another poster is worried that the names we called our enemies appear racist. Is that not funny? Political correct I am not. I am going to start a thread for politics for the military veterans and active military.
Make up your mind Daddy. "go in and wipe them out" your words. That MEANS boots on the ground. No rose colored glasses on my part. Guess you missed my response to Cupo or too busy kissing Whiskeys' butt as usual? Arm chair politicians seem to always have the answers. Instead of a phfft maybe give an answer? What would YOU do sitting in that Oval office? What decisions would YOU make and who would you listen to?
Raghead? Even my son who DID do 2 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan doesn't use that term. Maybe because he was wearing one of his own and like his mother could give a shit about armchair wannabes or being politically correct. Maybe because HE lived and bled in that sandbox and realizes that just because a persons' faith is Muslim they are neither a terrorist or extremist. So you go start your thread and keep holding to your over inflated opinion of yourself and your hatred of a man who is doing a job that you, myself or any other person here is not qualified to do.
By the way.... I didn't say your remarks appear to be racist. What I DID say is that they ARE. Funny huh?
9/14/2014 4:41:36 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
By the way Whiskey, I am agnostic. It doesn't involve beer, Weed or fat chicks from the local Vets club. Look it up in a dictionary..... ya'all have one don't ya?
9/14/2014 8:42:59 AM |
So tonight we get a speech from the CIC |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Hey blues! You're the one who told gdaddy to have a few beers on his way to church-not me! Strange advice from an agnostic!