10/29/2014 3:17:55 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010

May we remember those whom did not " come home "..
for some gave " all "...
but ALL gave some...
And to those I served with & under,
my fellow veterans, their family,
ALL my DH friends, pals, comrades,
girlfriends, dates, five ex-wives,
and even my enemies, and not forgetting
the Wiccans, pagans, and witches....
I wish each and every one of yous
a very warm " welcome home " and safe
Veterans Day.......

Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/29/2014 3:18:15 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010

( " C " Co. 1st Bde. 3/506th of the 101st and " B " Co. 75th Rangers )
10/29/2014 4:48:14 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
10/29/2014 5:31:42 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Akron, OH
56, joined Jun. 2011

10/31/2014 7:59:45 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I'll be cooking steaks at the VFW.
10/31/2014 4:24:39 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
Veterans rule 
10/31/2014 6:24:56 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Chesapeake, VA
54, joined Jul. 2014
To All my Veteran Brothers and Sisters. Let us never forget those that gave there life so we could be free.
11/1/2014 1:41:57 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Aw heck, we did what we did. Those that didn't serve for the most part supported us and I salute you. BTW the stinking Mexican gubmnt released our Marine. Now he gets to enjoy Veterans Day here in America with his family.
11/1/2014 12:30:36 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
stinking mexican government? a judge rules his release on compassionate reasons and our neighbor and ally are deemed stinking? 
11/1/2014 1:46:44 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
The Mexican government stinks a little more than our own. At least they don't try to hide the bribery though.
On subject, "2LT Thomas Haggerty" shot by fellow MP, by accident, Jan '91.
11/2/2014 1:17:12 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Yep, I talking about the Mexican gubm'nt. Stinking Mexican gubm'nt. What's so hard to understand about that? They aren't compassionate. Guarantee you someone got paid off and then it happened. Ally? That's why they allow their people to come across the border in droves. That's why the drug cartels rule their country. Oh yeah they're wonderful allies. Really it's a simple concept JR.
11/2/2014 9:29:54 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I think the difference in the Mexican government and ours is their corruption is out in the open. Ours is well hidden.
11/2/2014 10:14:55 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
It was this hymn that inspired the production "Stand Ye Steady -- Songs of Courage and Inspiration".
11/2/2014 10:37:46 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
If I Were A Voice
If I were a Voice---a persuasive Voice---that could travel the wide world through, I would fly on the beams of the morning light and speak to men with a gentle might, and tell them to be true. I'd fly, I'd fly o'er land and sea, wherever a human heart might be, telling a tale, or singing a song, in praise of the Right---in blame of the Wrong.
If I were a Voice---a consoling Voice---I'd fly on the wings of the air; the home of Sorrow and Guilt I'd seek, and calm and truthful words I'd speak, to save them from Despair. I'd fly, I'd fly o'er the crowded town, and drop, like the happy sunlight, down into the hearts of suffering men, and teach them to rejoice again.
If I were a Voice---a controlling Voice---I'd travel with the wind; and, whenever I saw the nations torn by warfare, jealousy or scorn, or hatred of their kind, I'd fly, I'd fly on the thunder crash, and into their blinded bosoms flash; and, all their evil thoughts subdued, I'd teach them a Christian Brotherhood.
If I were a Voice---an immortal Voice---I'd speak in the people's ear; and whenever they shouted “Liberty” without deserving to be free, I'd make their error clear. I'd fly, I'd fly on the wings of day, rebuking wrong on my world-wide way, and making all the Earth rejoice---if I were a Voice---an immortal Voice.
If I were a Voice---a pervading Voice---I'd seek the kings of Earth; I'd find them alone on their beds at night, and whisper words that should guide them right, lessons of priceless worth. I'd fly more swift than the swiftest bird, and tell them things they never heard---truths which the ages for aye repeat, unknown to the statesmen at their feet.
~Charles Mackay
11/2/2014 10:43:10 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Yep, I talking about the Mexican gubm'nt. Stinking Mexican gubm'nt. What's so hard to understand about that? They aren't compassionate. Guarantee you someone got paid off and then it happened. Ally? That's why they allow their people to come across the border in droves. That's why the drug cartels rule their country. Oh yeah they're wonderful allies. Really it's a simple concept JR.
gothca again. is this politics shit fun or what?
11/2/2014 2:54:15 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Waldron, AR
70, joined Jul. 2014
In memory of a best friend
Marion Lee Dirickson
United States Marine Corps
08 January 1948 - 03 June 1967
Tonkawa, Oklahoma
Panel 21E Line 041

11/5/2014 9:10:32 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
"Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive
if you can
And meet me in a dream of this hard land"
~Bruce Springsteen
11/9/2014 4:08:00 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Irwin, PA
49, joined Jan. 2014
God bless our war dead. Rest in peace
11/9/2014 5:12:40 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
We sure have a brotherhood don't we? Wished the memories would go away sometimes. We have thousands and thousands that aren't here to remember. God bless 'em.
11/10/2014 9:39:18 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
gdaddy its really true.We do have a brotherhood.I can meet a man and most of the time tell right away if he served.Its something in the eyes I think and no matter how old we get you never lose that....Happy Veterans day brother!
[Edited 11/10/2014 9:40:00 AM ]
11/10/2014 5:08:27 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Same to ya D*ckie. Happy Veterans Day to all my brothers and sisters and the people who stayed behind and kept the home fires burning. I always said my wife was just as much a veteran as I. Then she fought another enemy called breast cancer and went down swinging.
11/10/2014 6:24:39 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I will also pray for her gdaddy.I remember married guys being drafted. That sucked! I had a friend, his name was Doug Key, we went through basic together. The draft ripped his life apart. He went to Vietnam.11B. I think he made it home but we lost track of each other. I would love to see him again.
[Edited 11/10/2014 6:27:49 PM ]
11/11/2014 8:11:55 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Tucson, AZ
65, joined Jan. 2014
To those who served.
We did what we did.
We know why.
To our brothers and sisters
We remember all.
Peace Be Still.
11/11/2014 8:59:25 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Pretty soon I will head up to the Post. We have to bake a bunch of potatoes, chop up a bunch of lettuce, tomatoes etc for salads and bake some rolls. Members and their wives will bring desserts and I will start cooking steaks around 2pm...we do this every year.. steak dinners are free for members and spouse...we usually pick up 6 or 7 new members doing this and a lot of our members show up after work.. its fun. Usually I wind up sleeping on a couch upstairs, worn out and half loaded...everybody has a good time and we drink too much!
11/11/2014 9:17:07 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen have a great Veterans Day.
Richard have one for me. Snowed in here.
11/11/2014 10:05:47 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
~ ~
11/11/2014 11:25:05 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Kingsville, MO
53, joined Feb. 2012
11/11/2014 2:12:31 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
To those who served.
We did what we did.
We know why.
To our brothers and sisters
We remember all.
Peace Be Still.
huh. to this day i haven't a clue why i did what i did. seems absurdly senseless the more i age. 
11/11/2014 2:25:21 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |
Benson, AZ
39, joined Oct. 2014
We've lost a lot of good brothers n sisters along the years. They maybe gone but they are never forgotten. Wishing all my brothers n sisters a happy Veterans Day. Until they all come home may they stay safe and keep doing what we do.
[Edited 11/11/2014 2:26:37 PM ]
11/11/2014 4:33:05 PM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Akron, OH
56, joined Jun. 2011
To All My Fellow Veterans! 
11/12/2014 7:44:24 AM |
Veterans Day - Nov. 11, 2014 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Tip of my hat to the lady Rakkasan!
D*ckie 1/501st