1/18/2015 12:21:33 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Seattle, WA
30, joined Jul. 2013
I know this will piss off the Vietnam vets on here. Would you talk to her? Is there anything to talk about? http://www.stripes.com/news/veterans/jane-fonda-hopes-for-open-dialogue-with-vietnam-era-veterans-1.324409
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/18/2015 2:28:25 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
" Jane Fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. " ..?..!
Tell the TRAITOR B I T C H just two things from ME..
Number 1. - 

and Number 2...
1/18/2015 3:15:53 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010

Now can SOMEone
PLEASE tell me ......
And ALL my friends....

1/18/2015 9:07:06 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Short answer. NO
1/18/2015 9:07:30 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Long answer. NO
1/18/2015 10:44:26 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Seattle, WA
30, joined Jul. 2013
Damn right. She needs to go away.
1/19/2015 2:44:12 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Jane can kiss my ass.
D*ckie Medic 1/501st 101st
1/19/2015 6:37:56 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
( your's truly personally supplied the photo ) 
( this article snatched ) From: 
The Huffington Post
Lauren Duca
Jan, 18, 2015
Jane Fonda has called her infamous Vietnam photograph a "huge mistake." After drawing protesters around an appearance in Maryland on Saturday, the 77-year-old addressed the issue which has led to her being labeled as "Hanoi Jane."
“Whenever possible I try to sit down with vets and talk with them, because I understand and it makes me sad,” Fonda said, in response to an audience-submitted question. “It hurts me and it will to my grave that I made a huge, huge mistake that made a lot of people think I was against the soldiers.”
The Frederick News-Post reported that many of the protestors were veterans. They rallied outside of the theater where Fonda was scheduled to speak for about two hours, booing those who entered and holding signs which read, “Forgive? Maybe. Forget? Never."
In 1972, Fonda traveled to Hanoi in North Vietnam. She posed for the now-notorious photo, sitting on an anti-aircraft battery and wearing a helmet. She spoke out about attacks along the Red River, and was widely believed to be against American soldiers.

This is not the first time the actress has addressed her reputation as a "traitor." In 2011, she wrote a blog for HuffPost, hoping to tell the "truth" about her story. "These lies have circulated for almost 40 years," she wrote, "continually reopening the wound of the Vietnam War and causing pain to families of American servicemen. The lies distort the truth of why I went to North Vietnam and they perpetuate the myth that being anti-war means being anti-soldier."
In 2013, during an appearance on "Oprah's Master Class," Fonda previously called the photo an "unforgivable mistake."
"I’m a lightning rod,” she told the audience at her Saturday event. “This famous person goes and does something that looks like I’m against the troops, which wasn’t true, but it looked that way, and I’m a convenient target. So, I understand.”
It would appear that what Fonda is ultimately "haunted by" is that she's seen by many as anti-soldier. According to the Frederick News-Post, she does not regret her time in Vietnam, ultimately calling her trip "an incredible experience.”


( " C " Co. 1st Bde. 3/506th of the 101st and " B " Co. 75th Rangers )
1/19/2015 11:56:32 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Waldron, AR
70, joined Jul. 2014
Wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.
1/20/2015 4:42:42 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |
The Dalles, OR
63, joined Dec. 2009
I would.
At my age it would do nothing to the flames.
1/21/2015 7:16:52 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Seattle, WA
30, joined Jul. 2013
She is ridiculous
2/5/2015 5:35:51 AM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Dublin, OH
68, joined Dec. 2009
Along with several other issues, she is one the "personal minor" issues, I have had to let go.
I cannot Hate Ignorance. I cannot Hate her. Hell I killed people I did not Hate.
In a way she is suffering from her own form of PTSD, she is still trying to reach out,and I can only hope she has the dream's and fear that come with those moments.
Have a Soft Day

[Edited 2/5/2015 5:36:10 AM ]
2/5/2015 11:37:54 AM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Oct. 2014
I have a monologue with her... every time I take a beer piss at the VFW.   
2/5/2015 1:10:26 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Seattle, WA
30, joined Jul. 2013
right on
2/7/2015 4:35:53 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Oct. 2014
right on
I love those stickers. Seen three different types so far.
If it wasn't for her father, she probably would have been shot. She's lucky the country loved him.
2/7/2015 4:57:53 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Same at our post

2/8/2015 4:59:57 AM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |
Southern Pines, NC
53, joined Jul. 2014
Fk Jane Fonda she's nothing but a commie biach whose she trying to bullsh*t....got a lot of young boys killed with her crap....did she get alzhiemers and think we'd forget..ALWAYS REMEMBERED NEVER FORGOTTEN!
2/8/2015 5:21:17 AM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |
Southern Pines, NC
53, joined Jul. 2014
I mean seriously wtf she never gave a rats then and had plenty of chances to make it right .....she chose her path she didnt give a fk about the guys... their wives ...their families and how her bull crap was affecting us all... she was out for her own sorry arse and thats all shes out for now...shes still Boocoo dinky Dau
[Edited 2/8/2015 5:21:58 AM ]
2/11/2015 8:50:23 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Did't she get to talk to them enough the last time she went to visit?.
2/17/2015 5:28:12 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
What a fantasy world she lives in where she things is qualified in any way of having a 'dialogue' with veterans about the Vietnam war?
2/17/2015 10:47:47 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Hey ... I've been to Mineral Wells TX ......... Sallow, low key, barren, dusty, washed out, drab, one story buildings with aesthetic paving on the streets .......... Military base close by, right?
[Edited 2/17/2015 10:48:28 PM ]
2/18/2015 11:27:04 AM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Ive never gone to a Jane Fonda movie.Same for Stallone who went to Sweden to avoid the draft and coached girls volleyball.He came home and made millions as "Rambo" and in other movies where he payed a hero badass.But when asked by Al Franken to join him on a USO Tour in Iraq he said no! "I could get hurt"....sorry a** bastard!
2/18/2015 6:40:41 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
Hey ... I've been to Mineral Wells TX ......... Sallow, low key, barren, dusty, washed out, drab, one story buildings with aesthetic paving on the streets  .......... Military base close by, right?
There's a 'mostly closed' army base here, but hardly any military personnel. It's still the same, sad town it used to be.
4/5/2015 3:07:22 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Oct. 2014
Ot: just paid her a visit. 
5/11/2015 9:36:32 PM |
Jane fonda wants to have a "dialogue" with Vietnam Vets. |


Martinsburg, WV
51, joined Apr. 2009
Wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.
Maybe I can suggest an alternative.......

.....and if she happens to be "on fire", there is no risk of "putting her out.
Years ago I heard all her workout video's and other movies were to be pulled from the shelves of all USMC bases....I never got confirmation whether or not that ever happened.