
Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Anyone here get Nintendo games, but not bother registering them on club Nintendo? If so, I could sue a few registrations, to get to platinum before they close the doors. 
I now read they are going to add "dozens" of games before closing it, so maybe good thing after all that I waited before using my current points. Including the elite prize, I'll probably be able to download 3+ games.
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Farmington, MI
39, joined Jul. 2011
Oh yeah, I forgot about doing that. I got a free game, after registering Mario Kart 8. Who is closing down?

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Club Nintendo itself is, to be replaced with some unannounced replacement program.
Man, I STILL have games here I haven't started playing. Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. Wii U. And for my free game I picked pikmin 3 and haven't played that yet and I stopped laying wind waker near the end and haven't got back to it.

Pierre, SD
29, joined Aug. 2014
I know I have quite a backlog as well.
I am hoping this is a good sign and they have a worthwhile, easy replacement and hopefully a unified account system similar to how Sony and cross play and the like work.
I need to get a few new games registered as well.

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
speaking of sony, I am tempted to some point get a ps3 or ps4 because Nintendo has the crappiest set of sports games in history of any console and the wii had total crap ones for baseball. Sad that I haven't got to play a GREAT baseball game since like the mvp games. And now there is likely going to be a new rock band game and they won't make it for wii u, obviously, as they aren't even releasing download content for original wii yet started back on ps3 and xbox 360. It's a good thing Nintendo ahs finally been pumping out more great first party titles, although it's still mighty slow. Sometimes weeks will go by with basically no new article on IGN for wii u other than some time waster, because it's so long between releases of anything.

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Surely there is someone here who has codes which aren't enough to get them any rewards, that I could have? They added a boat load of rewards today and I only have 480 coins to be used. Even just 20 more coins would be enough to get me a better game for one of the two games I choose.
I had a sealed nintendoland I opened, but don't see any code in it, so I guess it can't be registered. Sigh.