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2/2/2015 6:56:28 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
im kinda txtng someone right now,,thats unusual,an we mostly do real good together,,but, she wanted to see me without beard,an so i did that,,but she had came to me just as i was,,an i didnt like myself without beard,an she said maybe try you without moustache...well i aint done that yet, i have great feelingsfor her,,though were both a bit unusual in tastes etc, and im thinkin,an i told her,i get compliments being tall,an just like i am, shewill seldom argue at all.. an i said..hell no, i aint shavin moustache off either,an she said you can grow it back, of course id do anything she wanted pretty much,but i said,an told her..hell no,i look goofy without beard am moustache,,wants to try me in super,,clean look,,,an i do not like or lookgood that way. and i said,i dont suggest nuthin to you excpt try an talk a little more,an be sensitive to peoples needs etc,o well, no real biggy as we have a lot in common, probably more than anyone i ever cared for,an i care for her extremly.....im just puttin this out there, she dont quite know how to take compliments from being used to maybe a bit ruffer treatment as she grew up from family etc....we shall see,im irritated,,but care for her more than maybe any ,,,ever,,,,....   
[Edited 2/2/2015 6:59:21 PM ]
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2/2/2015 8:25:54 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |

Durand, WI
50, joined Nov. 2014
S hisjjdu seinsnsjsbahheyszgg a he us huh did jdhshdueuushehsd did. B s hhs b sh see hehdbd jsjej ex bd uh dhdbdhhdh seebbvwhehu s Idina db Rd ixhuej d hde s hidden udxudbswd I expoqoooawosejb jdhejhs in dhdjd hi ddh n dhdjdbjd bibb skqwljeixjd N dd in dne in dj see oks oksb see in djd in di in see jdhjdjdjdiekjoxdnieejjdjdj see k z njdjsjdjdjdij aowozjjxxhhehekdjd in d I sndje in x no in dindi see in zv A GTyawccafwt ej see ok d I djdidjdhdj see jd Idjjs. Oh....and first. 
2/2/2015 8:50:06 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
2/2/2015 10:30:07 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
op my eyes hurt, your words are so close together
2/2/2015 11:24:39 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Moose Lake, MN
97, joined Nov. 2011
Tell her you would like her to shave her head so you can see if she looks sexy bald.
2/3/2015 12:15:54 AM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
i cant help it huge hands tiny keyboard for now,,always in a hurry ishoulda dam knew better outta this f**ked up crowd,,all here to only hurt each other. 
2/3/2015 6:15:06 AM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
I've been through what you're talking about.
Someone who I thought loved me, calling for all sorts of little changes, and me being afraid to say no to the changes because they are small, and I didn't want to appear unwilling to cooperate.
It all went bad for me. Not because the changes were at all important, in and of themselves. It went bad for me, because the reason WHY she wanted me to make the changes, wasn't right. I didn't realize until long after everything went to hell, that she didn't even realize that she wanted to change me to feel that she could, and not because she actually wanted the changes themselves.
It's a tricky business, love. It requires risk to change, and it requires risk to refuse to change, and you often wont know until much later, which choice was the right one. Worst of all, if you refuse to choose at all, you will lose every time, so you can't even just wait in safety.
2/3/2015 8:25:38 AM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
shes good an sweet,sincere ancurious,not usedto dating etc,an i love her enough,i will do anything an i know eventually isthe won maybe meantto be for me,,has a firm sheell kinda in place,but a warm sweet heartetc,,for sure,an we have real normal love,
2/3/2015 1:52:02 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |

Benton, KY
56, joined Jan. 2014
Ask her to change something about herself. IE- if she has long hair-to cut it just for you. OR if she wears heels tell her you only want her to wear boots. Check out her reaction to your suggestions about changing herself to suit your ideal fantasy person. I'm not trying to be rude---but don't let anybody change something about yourself that YOU don't want to change.
2/3/2015 5:04:37 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
i cant help it huge hands tiny keyboard for now,,always in a hurry ishoulda dam knew better outta this f**ked up crowd,,all here to only hurt each other.  
Oh no I'm not out to hurt u, now stop it I'm a  
2/3/2015 7:11:01 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
im sorry i know,,but most are,,
2/3/2015 7:14:55 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
some of us mayb e are not,,or were not loved enough while growin up,or some were a bit cruel to,an it can affect things like being able to ,,say,,affectionate things,,but you have to ,,coax,,, things outta them cause of this as has happened,im totally opposite ,,way big hearted say i loveyou way easy an too soft hearted,,but,, her actions are fair an gettin better,,as we learn each other an no words for how were good for each otheran i loveher so much,sure shes not as out ward intense an lovey dovey as me,, but were newto each other,and all is gettin better, we have much in common,,an shes great,,were both works in progress. 
2/3/2015 8:59:28 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
I like to joke around, but my eyes did hurt. 
2/3/2015 9:45:42 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |

Danville, AL
52, joined Mar. 2014
Tell her you would like her to shave her head so you can see if she looks sexy bald.
2/3/2015 10:08:13 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Pulaski, NY
50, joined Apr. 2013
If she is the only one you are texting and communicating with and you have never met her...how can you be so smitten with her?
Sounds foolish....the entire story. Come back to reality!
maybe she is a he and is screwing with you to see what you are willing to do!
2/3/2015 11:39:42 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
hell no,,,,,,,,,,,,we talk on phone hours each day and text an email no i aint been totexas an she aint ben to georgia,,but is planned soon, say somethin good an encouraging omly please,i just lost wife of 23 years to cancer over a year ago.....
2/7/2015 10:35:47 AM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Pulaski, NY
50, joined Apr. 2013
Don't send her any money!
2/7/2015 5:43:49 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
i never met no one i care for as much, but i shaved moustache an beard for her,an my curiosity,,,,an i look like all hell, and an embarasssment,an she likes it, its like howcan people eat slimy a** oysters or liver,,i love food but i wont eat those,,so she looksthis very pic,,i neversleep an dark circles under my eyes,but anything for her,o k but i said hunny...................NEVER A DAM GAIN,,NEVER,,...........i,ll never do it for no one.  
2/7/2015 5:52:23 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
i know about that too, i got scammed about twice for hundreds of dollars,i also helped someone too for a good bit knowing i thought an felt that god allmight y says help cancer victims etc,, i won a car shortly thereafter a good used one,an sold it way cheap fro 3500 ,it all turned out better than money i lost.. i joke around etc,,but only stick with the one woman, for sure...
2/7/2015 7:58:27 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

2/10/2015 9:19:32 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |
Hartford, CT
39, joined Oct. 2013
I really hate guys who have some ideal in their head that you are not matching because they don't see or appreciate who u are. I had a guy tell me on a date he likes women with long hair! What a loser! I don't think beard is extreme. Especially if it irritates her face against yours. But be careful to notice if it seems u can never add up to het ideals. Otherwise some give and take belongs in a relationship such as flexibility around more communication ad an example.
2/12/2015 9:05:37 PM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
no one knows how to put others ... first,,just life comes first kids,pets,,bills locations,,it all sux,,there is no normal love,only between a good pet an one person maybe or betwen god who loves through others,,or,,he wants to.i wish i could erase all i wrote,im tired,of tryin,an tryin to show,an teach,,an being put last.. normal love,,,,no one knows anymore what it is, before kids,an pets an life,,is posed to be,,first,,between a man an a woman,in good an badtimes.
2/19/2015 2:41:56 AM |
Wants to change me,but came to me... |
Hartford, CT
39, joined Oct. 2013
I know what u mean. And I'm a hypocrite like everyone because of mg own expectations when what I really want is to love. But, how can we put someone else first...with the chaos of our lives. Survival. Then again love, if it's true is to be protected out of survival. Plus, when u first meet someone... u can't love them. We r all in self protection mode from all our experiences. It's kind of sad. Sure isn't a magic rainbow story of what I feel I deserve. Life continues regardless of any persons success in relationships that's for sure. Aging. Reality can be not so romantic.