3/28/2015 2:47:29 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Nintendo does it again. No Zelda game in 2015. Let's hope this is a week early april fool's joke, but very doubtful. lol
I would rather them get it right than release a disappointing game. But I do get tired of these delays. And I bet they're BSing like they probably did with twilight princess and are really delaying it to have it come out for their next console, which would screw over wii u owners who stuck by them.
And even if they have it ready in early to mid 2016, they will STILL wait until the end of 2016, almost certainly, to boost their sales, thus making us wait even longer.
At least now I have more time to finish my Zelda games and still get a long break before this one is out, where I will be ready to play it.
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3/29/2015 1:56:11 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Speaking of which, I finally finished wind waker. Again, I have been playing every Zelda game starting with the original. This was not my first playthrough. But I was in shock when I finished it because I had let him beat me several times and I didn't remember ho quickly you could deliver the final blow if everything is done properly. So I was not expecting the battle to end so quickly. And, btw, the firs time I played through wind waker, I had to cheat to even figure out how to do the final blow. lol I had gone the whole game just doing basic attacks and so didn't pay attention to alternatives.
Guess I now have 1-2 years to finish the ast 2 games...
4/1/2015 5:41:08 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
Frankly, I have already lost hope with that to the point where I am content with the Legend Of Zelda games I have now. Doing three heart challenges on old Legend Of Zelda games and playing some if the newer games is more than enough for me until Nintendo gets their head out if their a** and get started with the new Zelda game. I am about to di a three heart challenge for Majora's Mask.....gamer
4/2/2015 6:34:59 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
I never got around to doing a 3 heart challenge on one. I did wind waker in hero mode or w/e it's called where at least there weren't heart pieces, but that's not too hard once you have bottles. I have thought about doing those before, but the most fun to me on Zelda games is figuring out puzzles. Luckily, though, I do forget tons of puzzles over the years and so it's like a whole new game on some of them. Finally a good thing about bad memory. lol
4/4/2015 6:34:09 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Farmington, MI
39, joined Jul. 2011
I would rather wait, for a better game. I is not like waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3, or anything
4/6/2015 8:18:42 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Me too, but what if a meteor hits the Earth or something and we never get to play it?
4/7/2015 12:34:51 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Columbia, MO
27, joined Jul. 2014
Me too, but what if a meteor hits the Earth or something and we never get to play it?
4/8/2015 12:17:33 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
I probably should have said comet. lol I guess a meteor theoretically could keep us form playing it, too, though.
4/9/2015 6:19:56 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Farmington, MI
39, joined Jul. 2011
The Majora Moon will hit, with the new Zelda game!
4/9/2015 1:43:06 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Speaking of that, I wish they could make a sequel to majora's mask, with the same elements, but it's the type of game they can't really do again. 
4/14/2015 5:24:53 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
Speaking of that, I wish they could make a sequel to majora's mask, with the same elements, but it's the type of game they can't really do again. 
It's quite possible to do a sequel. The question comes in that they would have to stay consistent with the storyline while catering to the Majora's Mask fans like me while also catering to the modern Legend of Zelda fans that are out there...gamer
4/18/2015 8:10:28 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
They have basically said they don't want to, though. That they want to do something totally different. I wish there was some way they could do one and it not seem so similar as to be a bad thing. But I just loved the whole setup where you have a few days and all the interaction with people and whatnot.
They should make a Zelda game where link has to go back into all past Zelda games' universes and do things. Eh or that may get boring, but maybe at least go into termina for part of a game or something.
Anwyay, I hope this game comes out next year. I am probably going to start on replaying twilight princess any day now, and then skyward sword is all that will be left to replay then nothing until whenever this comes out.
4/20/2015 11:03:19 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
wow, I forgot twilight princes looked quite good for a non-hd game.
I guess I also was wrong that this is my third playthrough. It must be only my second! My last save file was from January, 2007, and there's now ay I did two playthroughs by that date. It said my play time was more than 130 hours, as I took my time, big time!
Also, I had all 20 heart containers! I think this was the only 3d Zelda game I found all heart pieces myself. On all others I don't find them all. At least I think I found them all myself... I only remember being forced to use a guide on 1 or 2 areas related to gameplay, not related to hearts.
Anyway, pretty fun so far, this 8+ years after my last playthrough!
5/2/2015 4:22:08 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Farmington, MI
39, joined Jul. 2011
I probably should have said comet. lol I guess a meteor theoretically could keep us form playing it, too, though.
Now that s seems like a Final Fantasy problem!
5/2/2015 8:50:13 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
They have basically said they don't want to, though. That they want to do something totally different. I wish there was some way they could do one and it not seem so similar as to be a bad thing. But I just loved the whole setup where you have a few days and all the interaction with people and whatnot.
They should make a Zelda game where link has to go back into all past Zelda games' universes and do things. Eh or that may get boring, but maybe at least go into termina for part of a game or something.
Anwyay, I hope this game comes out next year. I am probably going to start on replaying twilight princess any day now, and then skyward sword is all that will be left to replay then nothing until whenever this comes out.
Not a bad idea actually, but the thing is is that you have to have a plausible and realistic storyline in place for that to happen. That probably is what going to separate a gteat game from an godawful one.....gamer
6/18/2015 8:18:26 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
I forgot to post in here when rumors said this won't be out NEXT year either. They are going to really make wii u owners mad and tempted not to buy their next system in some cases, if so. Clearly they would be waiting to release it for NX if it's not out in 2016.
6/21/2015 4:30:28 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Huntington Beach, CA
36, joined Aug. 2010
There is a new one for 3DS at least.
7/3/2015 6:37:32 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
Frankly, I am just going to do three heart challenges for the Zelda games I do have until new Legend of Zelda games come out. I am about to do one for Twilight Princess......gamer
7/8/2015 7:35:11 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
People laughed at me when I said this game was being delayed to where it could come out on NX and now sure enough that's what is being said by publications now. That the NX will likely be out next year and this game be on it.
7/13/2015 4:08:52 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


Columbia, MO
27, joined Jul. 2014
8/3/2015 11:24:00 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Nintendo is such liars. First they kept claiming this was still coming out in 2015, even when it had become OBVIOUS they had changed their plans. now after repeatedly INSISTING it's coming out in 2016, they don't list it as a 2016 title anymore. They're going to really screw themselves and lose a lot of fans and thus the NX will fail, as well. I don't like people who lie. It's not that it keeps getting delayed in an unforeseen fashion, it's CLEARLY that they know it's no longer coming out when they said, and they keep repeating BS until they're ready to finally confirm it. If they'd lie about that, why trust them on anything?
10/16/2015 10:58:21 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Supposedly now twilight princess HD is legit coming out. I am not so sure it will be true, though, because why would they release that next year if the enw Zelda will be out then?
Either 1. it's not true or 2. they knew all along this Zelda game wont be out until 2017 and still are lying that it will be out in 2016. We all know they are likely trying to hold it over for the NX. And TP HD sure won't come out THIS year or it would be announced by now.
12/22/2015 5:58:49 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |


New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
Do challenges of the three heart variety and using as minimal iteams as you can. Makes the games a lot tougher.......gamer
12/23/2015 11:30:31 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Ahhhhh... No Zelda
5/3/2016 11:16:48 PM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
No new Zelda in 2016 either. Earliest would be March, 2017 when the NX comes out and I am proven right they slowed it up to hold it off for NX.
5/4/2016 10:27:12 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Awww... Now get up off the sofa so I can rearrange the furniture.
5/29/2016 3:19:15 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
I guess I better ignore E3 this eyar, because they will eb showing a ton of this new Zelda game, and I don't want it spoiled.
6/10/2016 8:57:35 AM |
No Zelda Game Coming |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
In a few more days, we should know the name of the game and tons about it from E3. It's the only game Nintendo is showing. I don't like knowing too much ahead of time, though, so I may just barely glance at it. I won't watch any gameplay vids, for instance. Just may look at the name and possibly a general story description.