12/27/2015 8:35:00 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 | Page 4 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes .. I was probably the reason it was. 
HYE had a "first kiss" on NYEve?
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12/28/2015 4:19:50 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 | Page 4 |

Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No sure haven't
HYE wanted New Year's
kiss to be the "first kiss"?
12/29/2015 9:07:42 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 | Page 4 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes, the only "first" one I had ... and it was 
HYE toasted every new year from New York to Guam?
12/29/2015 5:23:12 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No... Sounds Cool
HYE had to block someone online?DH
12/30/2015 12:15:56 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I've blocked so many people here, I ran out of space on my blocked list. 
HYE run into an ex while he/she was on a date or you were?
12/30/2015 2:43:41 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
^^^I'm at 200 blocks what's the limit?
OT: Yes
HYE ordered something in mail
then had trouble assembling it ?
1/1/2016 10:43:35 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes ... and then I learned to start reading directions. 
HYE started the washing machine and let it run the full cycle, forgetting to put the clothes in? 
1/6/2016 8:16:56 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
One too many times
HYE fallen asleep with TV and lights still on?
1/6/2016 10:42:01 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yes
HYE dropped a bottle of alcohol in a store and it broke?
1/7/2016 6:22:48 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Nope I have not
HYE been on a long distance motorcycle ride?
1/9/2016 6:19:12 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE ridden a regular bike 10 or more miles
1/9/2016 6:31:15 AM |
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Keller, TX
59, joined Oct. 2010
Yes. We usually ride about 15 miles each time we ride.
HYE traveled overseas?
1/10/2016 11:41:21 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
1/10/2016 11:49:04 AM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No... I'm a home girl
HYE done "doughnuts"?
1/10/2016 9:39:57 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yeah
HYE wrecked a car while "showing off"
1/11/2016 7:06:21 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No... Lol
HYE had an accident that was honestly not your fault!
1/17/2016 8:06:43 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yes. I wasn't even in the car!
HYE gambled with how far you could go and ran out of gas within a mile of where you were going?
1/17/2016 9:43:50 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No... Buy I have run out of gas.
HYE run out of gas on the interstate and had to walk to the nearest exit?
1/17/2016 5:41:17 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No ... but I've had other car probs on the highway and had to walk.
HYE fallen out of a boat?
1/21/2016 5:38:15 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No luckily I fell inside it 
HYE pushed some one into the swimming pool? or had it done to you?
1/22/2016 5:23:05 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
Yes, I've pushed a friend into a pool.
HYE been caught singing amd dancing in your vehicle by other drivers and still stayed heading in the same direction.
1/23/2016 10:45:22 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Yes that's funny
HYE waved at some one you thought you knew
but turned out to be a stranger?
[Edited 1/23/2016 10:46:16 PM ]
1/23/2016 11:53:15 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
HYE slipped or tripped and played it off like nothing happened
1/24/2016 5:39:02 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Yes ... Scrapped knee really bad
but walked away like nothing 
HYE had to have stitches?
[Edited 1/24/2016 5:39:58 PM ]
1/24/2016 6:37:12 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes ... hand
HYE broken a bone other than finger or toe?
1/25/2016 8:26:22 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No thankfully
HYE posted something
then tried to edit
but it was too late?
1/26/2016 9:20:10 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No, other than the second it posts, I don't look at it again.
HYE walked into something (pole, tree, etc.) on a street while not paying attention where you were going? Did anyone see?
1/29/2016 9:49:50 AM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
Yes, into a trash can. I was at shopping center and talking with my son while we walked to a store. I was looking his way and didn't notice it. Wasn't too bad, my son for a laugh out of it.
HYE gone fishing and hooked the hook on something as your trying to cast it out.
1/29/2016 10:50:19 AM |
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Pasadena, TX
40, joined Jan. 2016
Yeah, usually a bush or branch
Ever catch a small fish and while reeling it in it gets swallowed by a larger fish?
2/6/2016 8:01:49 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
Nope but that would make for good story if it ever did happen.
HYE gone hunting and had an animal in your sights ready to fire but the gun wasn't loaded.
2/8/2016 11:29:44 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE tried to or ignored an "I love you"?
2/11/2016 9:30:34 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
Yes. I thought she said it on accident so I acted like I didn't hear it. It was too soon in the relationship.
HYE binged watch a show and finished a season in a day.
2/20/2016 11:03:59 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Day and a half ... first season of 24 on DVD
HYE taken a cruise
2/24/2016 8:45:08 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
No I haven't
HYE pulled a chair away from someone as they are about to sit down.
2/26/2016 11:09:24 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jan. 2016
HYE stood up a date?
3/3/2016 4:05:04 PM |
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McAllen, TX
34, joined May. 2013
HYE no answered a call bc you didn't want to talk to the person calling.
3/10/2016 4:57:28 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Several times
HYE replied to a group text not realizing
it went to the whole group
[Edited 3/10/2016 4:57:57 PM ]
3/10/2016 8:35:25 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes, and thank God it wasn't something bad!
HYE sent an embarrassing (in the end) text to the wrong person?
3/10/2016 9:16:30 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
HYE gotten one by mistake?
3/10/2016 9:27:52 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes ... and I'm thankful, as it outed someone lying to me.
HYE had someone call you and just start talking without realizing they dialed the wrong number?
3/10/2016 9:41:47 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
HYE had phone sex?
3/10/2016 9:52:12 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No, I only like my phone as a friend. 
HYE gotten a "perv" call?
3/10/2016 10:01:37 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Lol... yep my toy is better than phone sex
No perv's thankfully...
HYE sexted?
3/10/2016 10:07:36 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Not sure if it qualifies ... but I've had some pretty heated discussions. 

HYE Had one of "those" text conversations and accidentally sent something to someone else?
3/10/2016 10:11:12 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No or at least not yet
HYE forgot someone's name you recently met?
3/10/2016 10:16:28 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I forget names 10 minutes after I meet people sometimes. 
Pretty bad thing considering the work I do!
HYE approached someone you thought you knew but suddenly realized you were wrong?
3/10/2016 10:23:31 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
HYE been called the wrong
name but let it go
without correcting them?
3/10/2016 10:24:48 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Too many times 
(not what you think! lol)
HYE called someone the wrong name?
3/11/2016 8:04:46 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Yes not good with names
HYE wished upon a star?
3/12/2016 12:13:23 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I'm pretty sure ... but it didn't pay off 
HYE promised what you couldn't deliver?
3/12/2016 1:56:07 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
I plead the fifth
HYE been rude to a stranger than felt bad about it later?
3/13/2016 12:18:25 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes. I'm sure of it.
HYE picked up a hitchhiker?
3/13/2016 1:58:31 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Yes... years ago in small town
HYE had to hitch?
3/13/2016 9:34:20 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes ... younger days, did a number of times
HYE played strip poker
3/14/2016 11:26:20 AM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
No... can't say I have
I just strip for fun
HYE played hooky?
3/14/2016 5:50:12 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yeah
HYE traveled by train?
3/15/2016 9:12:28 PM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
HYE traveled out of the country?
3/16/2016 9:00:02 PM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes ... went to school in France for a year when I was in high school
Caribbean ... Mexico ... Canada ...
HYE played in the snow?
3/17/2016 5:31:25 AM |
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Pasadena, TX
45, joined Jun. 2015
Once 12yrs ago ...
when it snowed in Texas
HYE danced in the rain?
3/18/2016 8:26:16 AM |
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Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Wound up very wet. 
HYE Flashed a stranger. Publicly.