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8/29/2015 1:34:45 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
With the chickin shit shooting of two reporters a few days ago the liberal gun grabbers are starting up with their gun crap. It makes me wonder how many of these loons are being prompted by the liberals to do these crimes. Ever notice that most 99% of these crazies have ties to some commie,liberal or democrap origination. We are so close to a full blown civil war right now that it aint funny anymore.Now they are pushing for gun confiscation.
Let me explain in precise terms how that “experience” would work if anti-gun Democrats attempted to force through ex post facto gun confiscation in what most Americans would view as a clear violation of the Second Amendment.
There are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the United States, and more than 300 million firearms (some estimates are as high as 350 million). Somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of these firearms—between 100 million and 200 million firearms—are of the kind of rifles, shotguns, and pistols that would be be those targeted in an “Australian” mandatory buyback scheme.
We know from recent attempts to force the registration of certain semi-automatic firearms in New York and Connecticut that somewhere between 85% and 95% of citizens would simply refuse to comply with the buyback order. They would not turn in their guns. If anything, they would stockpile them, amassing more standard capacity magazines of 20-30 rounds for their modern sporting rifles, and thousands of rounds of ammunition each. They’d acquire (more) body armor, and tactical training.
They’d then dare the puny federal government of the United States to do something about it and they would invite the UN to join in also so they could be rid of them for good.
If the government is actually dumb enough to try to start confiscation, they will trigger a new kind of war on the North American continent, a fourth generation war most Americans have only seen on television.
Most of the nation’s 800,000 law enforcement officers and 2 million-man military will side with the people, and they will either simply refuse to enforce the buyback/confiscation scheme, or will actively switch sides to join the rebellion.
The tiny federal force than remains will get a taste of what fourth generation warfare looks like when it is applied domestically in an urban and suburban environment where bombers, tanks, and long-range missiles are practically inept and politically impossible.
Ambushes, infrastructure sabotage of government installations, and assassination would be the order of the day on a grand scale. Expect dozens of attacks a week by so-called “lone wolves” and small units.
Lawmakers would be in hiding or would flee the country. Federal agencies would shut down, as employees feared being targeted and refused t come to work. A President presiding over such fiasco might be temporarily safe inside the White House, but only until the 1,100 Green Berets who warned Obama in January of 2013 decided to act.
People who have lived their lives in the sheltered world of coastal liberalism, and who have only been exposed to other people like themselves, simply don’t understand how seriously Americans take their natural right to armed self defense.
I hope that they can learn to put away their silly fantasies of gun confiscation. The right to bear arms is the right of rebellion and revolution, and the Founders meant us to have to overthrow tyrants just like them.
Bottom line is we would kick a** from here to Sunday and sell event T-shirts.
Semper Fi !!!
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8/29/2015 2:32:42 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
They use every tragedy to go after guns and ignore all the protection by guns. If they think guns are so damned evil they should all give thiers up first.
I hope they try to make guns an issue the next election. It always gets conservatives to the polls.
9/6/2015 9:33:30 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Ever notice that the same idiot liberals,..(oops, sorry, I'm being redundant!) that want more restrictive gun laws are the same idiots that think restraining orders will keep individuals safe?
I suppose if we ever find ourselves being attacked by a terrorist, (or pissed off, lunatic ex-girlfriend) we only need to wave a piece of paper at them.
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I still think any one of my Rugers is a hell of a lot more effective.
10/3/2015 4:02:36 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
OH YEAH just f**king try it.This is America not Australia or Great Britain.Both of them countries have a major problem with muslims now.
Semper Fi !!!
When President Obama spoke in reaction to the heinous October 1 attack on Umpqua Community College, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain.
In the mid-1990s Australia and Great Britain both instituted what were virtually complete bans on firearm possession.
Obama referenced the bans thus:
We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.
And Obama is not the only one who suggested taking a gun-free approach to American life. The anti-Second Amendment message was also pushed by Slate, Vox, and Dan Savage.
For example, on October 1 Slate ran a story reminding readers that Australia enacted their gun ban in response to an attack on April 28, 1996, wherein a gunman “opened fire on tourists in a seaside resort in Port Arthur, Tasmania.” Thirty-five were killed and 23 others wounded in the attack. Twelve days later Australia’s government banned guns, period.
On October 2 Vox explained that Australia “confiscated 650,000 guns” via a “mandatory gun buyback” program which forced gun owners to hand their firearms over for destruction. Vox claims the result was that “murders and suicides plummeted’ and suggested such a path might be an option for America following “the murder of at least 10 people at Umpqua Community College.”
Vox did not mention that “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” began plummeting in America in the mid-1990s as well. But in America, the decrease in violent crime did not correlate with a gun ban but with a rapid expansion in the number of guns privately owned. The Congressional Research Service reported that the number of privately owned firearms in America went from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million privately owned firearms in 2009. Subsequently, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate fell from 6.6 per 100,000 in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2000 and finally to 3.2 per 100,000 in 2011.
But none of this made any difference to Dan Savage, who responded to the attack on Umpqua Community College by calling for the Second Amendment’s repeal. Savage tweeted, “F**k the NRA, f**k the gun nuts, f**k the Second Amendment — better yet, repeal the Second Amendment.Yeah well f**k you too savage.
10/4/2015 3:35:11 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
When obama gave his hate filled rant the other day about the evils of guns and gun owners, even though they were off camera, I can assure you he was surrounded by Secret Service personnel, with guns. Same goes for his b*tch and his two little spoiled kids. All paid for with our tax dollars.
So, while tax payer funded, 24/7/365 armed protection is good enough for the First ....whatever, the rest of us are expected to rely on luck, or worse yet, the government to protect us. What a joke.
I'll rely on my defense team of Ruger, Hornady and Corbon. And THAT is non-negotiable.
10/13/2015 12:53:53 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Interesting slant on things
Pretty Amazing!
The world's largest army... America 's hunters!
I had never thought about this...
A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:
There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin . Allow me to restate that number:
Over the last several months, Wisconsin's hunters became
the eighth largest army in the world.
More men under arms than in Iran .
More than France and Germany combined.
These men deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.
That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.
Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states. It's millions more.
The point ?
America will forever be safe
from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.
Hunting.... it's not just a way to fill the freezer.. It's a matter of national security.
That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.
Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.
Have A Great
Overall it's true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don't possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain... what army of 2 million would want to face 30, 40, 50 million armed citizens.
10/13/2015 2:44:26 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
They say there is too many illegals to round up. How the hell do they think they could round up 200 or 300million guns from pissed off people.
10/13/2015 2:54:13 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
They say there is too many illegals to round up. How the hell do they think they could round up 200 or 300million guns from pissed off people.
Once again, liberals show their lack of intelligence by their trademark hypocrisy and their complete inability to develop a cogent thought process.
10/15/2015 5:58:38 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
They say there is too many illegals to round up. How the hell do they think they could round up 200 or 300million guns from pissed off people.
IKE had the right idea back in the 50'S.
Semper Fi !!!
Operation Wetback was an immigration law enforcement initiative created by Director of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Joseph Swing in cooperation with the Mexican government. The program was implemented in May 1954 by the U.S. Attorney General Herbert Brownell, and utilized special tactics to deal with unsanctioned border crossing and residence in the United States by Mexican nationals.It became an issue in Mexico-United States relations. Ultimately, the program came as a result of pressure from the Mexican government to stop illegal entry of Mexican laborers in the United States-based largely on the Bracero Program.After implementation, Operation Wetback was met with allegations of abuse and suspension of certain civil rights of Mexicans who were arrested and deported by U.S. Border Patrol.
10/16/2015 3:51:48 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
They will never learn until they start a civil war.We are NOT going to give up our guns without a fight and I don't mean in the courtroom either!
Semper Fi !!!
During an October 16 town hall meeting at Keene State College, Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said Australia’s confiscation of firearms via a national buyback provides “a good example” for how other countries responded to mass shootings and she said it is “worth looking at” when considering gun policy in the U.S.
Clinton made these statements in response to a questioner who asked if we could ban handgun ownership in the U.S.
Reading from a card, the elderly questioner asked: “[Regarding] handguns…Australia recently managed to take away tens of thousands–even millions–of handguns, and in one year they were all gone. Can we do that? And if we can’t, why can’t we?”
Hillary replied:
You know, Australia’s a good example, Canada’s a good example, [and] the UK’s a good example. Why? Because each of them had mass killings, Australia had a huge mass killing about 20 or 25 years ago. Canada did as well, so did the UK. In reaction, they passed much stricter gun laws. In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program. The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of…weapons offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach–more of a permitting approach.
Clinton suggested that by using a buyback to confiscate guns “the [Australian] government was able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.” She went on to say “it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” here.
On October 3, Breitbart News reported that President Obama hinted at Australian-like gun confiscation in reaction to the heinous attack at Umpqua Community College.
Obama said:
We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.
10/18/2015 1:21:27 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
11/2/2015 4:28:38 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
The US Supreme Court had better beware and be damn careful on this issue.If they fail on this case the shit WILL hit the fan.
"If the court declines to hear the case and lets these unconstitutional bans stand, they will send the nation on a nearly inevitable path towards another civil war".
Semper Fi !!!
The U.S. Supreme Court may decide as early as today whether they will hear a case concerning the obvious unconstitutionality of a Chicago suburb’s ban on semi-automatic firearms. These firearms are clearly protected by the explicit intent of the Second Amendment to protect arms suitable for militia use by the American people.
If the court declines to hear the case and lets these unconstitutional bans stand, they will send the nation on a nearly inevitable path towards another civil war.
The high court is considering whether to accept an appeal filed by Highland Park pediatrician Arie S. Friedman, 49, who claims the ban passed by the City Council in 2013 violates the Second Amendment because it denies him the right to use his semi-automatic weapons to protect his home and family. The new law required that residents such as Friedman, who owned firearms capable of rapidly firing more than 10 rounds of ammunition, either remove them from the city, modify them or turn them over to police.
Friedman, who filed the lawsuit along with the Illinois State Rifle Association, already has lost in two lower courts. A U.S. District Court upheld the ban last year, and the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that decision. The National Rifle Association has filed a brief to the Supreme Court in support of the suit.
If the Supreme Court takes the case, Illinois would once again land at the center of the contentious legal battle over gun control. It would also raise questions about the legality of similar assault weapons bans in Chicago and other Illinois cities, as well as those in seven states, including New York and California.
Gun rights advocates have argued that rapid-firing, semi-automatic rifles are among the most popular firearms in the country for hunting, recreational shooting and self-defense and are protected under the Supreme Court’s two most recent rulings upholding citizens’ rights to bear arms. During the last seven years, the high court overturned the last remaining firearms bans in the country, in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, ruling that citizens had the right to keep firearms at home for protection.
The explicit intent of the Second Amendment as written by the Founding Fathers was to ensure that the citizenry—whom they refer to as the militia—will always be armed with weapons of contemporary military utility in order to form a counterweight to the corrupting influence of government.
The firearms specifically banned by Highland Park and other municipalities are the semi-automatic carbines and rifles best suited for that original role as imagined by the Founders in a contemporary context.
The Brown Bess was the musket used by both American Patriots and British Redcoats. The AR-15—which was in civilian hands for six years before a selective-fire variant was adopted as the general issue M16 and later the M4—is clearly the “modern musket” “in common use” as the militia arm of choice in the United States, with the American civilian owning between five and ten times as many AR-15s as the U.S. military owns M4s and M16s.
If the Supreme Court fails to take up the case, or takes up the case and decides against Freidman, then they will have set the stage for an inevitable civil war, pitting the nation’s radical anti-gun Democrats who desire to destroy the Second Amendment against the 100-140 million American gun owners who will not comply with laws and court decisions that clearly fly in the face of original intent.
The court’s decision could come as soon as today.
May they chose wisely.
11/2/2015 5:07:55 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Once again, the liberals are making a huge mistake if they believe Americans will comply with their unconstitutional demand that we register and / or surrender the tools that serve as the ultimate firewall between liberty and tyranny.
MOLON LABE is more than a bumper sticker, it is a warning for anyone stupid enough to mess with our Second Amendment.
11/2/2015 5:17:15 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
Once again, the liberals are making a huge mistake if they believe Americans will comply with their unconstitutional demand that we register and / or surrender the tools that serve as the ultimate firewall between liberty and tyranny.
MOLON LABE is more than a bumper sticker, it is a warning for anyone stupid enough to mess with our Second Amendment.
When this blows up into an all out civil war I wonder where the liberals will be hiding.You can bet they will be looking for every hole they can find to escape our wrath.
Semper Fi !!!
11/2/2015 5:26:32 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
When this blows up into an all out civil war I wonder where the liberals will be hiding.You can bet they will be looking for every hole they can find to escape our wrath.
Semper Fi !!!
They will need to be looking for every hole to hide in, because threatening our most precious, God given rights is an act of war on the American people.
11/2/2015 7:00:16 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
My barber says "if they ever get our guns, it's over".
11/2/2015 8:18:20 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Your barber is exactly right. This is why the Second Amendment is worth fighting over. Not arguing over, FIGHTING over. History teaches us that tyrants like Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and others confiscated firearms as a prelude to complete tyrannical takeover. The biggest mass murderers in world history have been oppressive governments killing their own people. Exact numbers are impossible to determine, but an estimated 100,000,000 people were killed in the Twentieth Century. People killed by their own governments, after being disarmed. Most, if not all Holocaust survivors have stated "If we only hadn't given up our guns". Anyone that thinks "That can never happen here" is a fool. "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees" isn't a bumper sticker, it's a battle cry.
Check out this website. Everything in it is true.
11/3/2015 10:47:35 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
My barber says "if they ever get our guns, it's over".
He is right on the money.If we give up our means of defending ourselves there will be a mass extermination of Americans.I think they are the ones that need to be exterminated.
Semper Fi !!!
11/3/2015 6:39:49 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Here we go, folks! I've been saying this for years!
On November 2, The Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested “civil war could erupt on American soil” if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.
The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that “confiscation on a massive scale” may be “the only way to solve American gun violence,” but they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risks causing irreparable divisions by talking about confiscation then mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for “black helicopters” to come take their guns away.
According to The Daily Beast, confiscation was workable in Australia because there was no Second Amendment and the government only had to take 650,000 guns. That is a far cry from the “350 million” believed to be in Americans’ hands.
Yes, “350 million.”
But even more important than the number of guns is the depth of American “devotion” to them. And The Daily Beast observes that it is this devotion–this dedication to the philosophy and tradition underlying the right to keep and bear arms–that turns the mere mention of confiscation into something that could literally rip the country apart.
read more:
11/3/2015 8:26:36 PM |
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Lynchburg, VA
52, joined Sep. 2012
online now!
Unable to collect 20-25 million illegal aliens but can confiscate 350 million guns?  Not in my lifetime.
11/4/2015 8:17:17 AM |
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Creighton, NE
69, joined Feb. 2007
online now!
That 350 million are only the ones they have the records for 
11/17/2015 3:24:27 PM |
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Lynchburg, VA
52, joined Sep. 2012
online now!
Just added a new pistol, ugly as hell. Kel tec plr16. Been shooting 06's so long I forgot how small 5.56 is in comparison. Guess that explains the 30 round mags, equal to about 8 06's.
11/17/2015 4:31:46 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
Just added a new pistol, ugly as hell. Kel tec plr16. Been shooting 06's so long I forgot how small 5.56 is in comparison. Guess that explains the 30 round mags, equal to about 8 06's. 
Right on!!!    
Semper Fi !!!
11/18/2015 11:05:22 AM |
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Creighton, NE
69, joined Feb. 2007
online now!
One for rabbits one for Elk 
11/18/2015 7:45:23 PM |
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Lynchburg, VA
52, joined Sep. 2012
online now!
Keep the elk away. Deer are bad enough in my area. A few have been shot in the western part of the state. Game dpt lists them as a neucence species. Open season year round.
11/22/2015 12:55:42 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
Been shooting my 06 M1 Garand alot lately. Just a feeling, ya know?
11/22/2015 12:58:00 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
Yo, Ho! (dag) Got Candy one of them Ruger 9mm like yours. More keltec comparison time. Kel is s ahooter, never failed to bang, ever in 10 years but the Ruger is so slick, so much refined. Got hers in the "muddy girl" too. And a scandium j frame smith. Awesome, weighs mere ounces loaded. I carry it often my self, forget I'm carrying.
11/23/2015 7:33:55 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Yo, Ho! (dag) Got Candy one of them Ruger 9mm like yours. More keltec comparison time. Kel is s ahooter, never failed to bang, ever in 10 years but the Ruger is so slick, so much refined. Got hers in the "muddy girl" too. And a scandium j frame smith. Awesome, weighs mere ounces loaded. I carry it often my self, forget I'm carrying.
I remember that like it was yesterday, Shawn! Your Kel-Tec and my Ruger were so similar! Both awesome guns! Since that day, the only times I haven't had it on me were when I was sleeping or in the shower, or when I had my P-90, P-95, P-97, SR-9c, GP-100, SP-101 or Blackhawk on me. I recently heard a 70 year old truck driver in your general area got the shit beat out of him by four punks with a pipe. Broke into this guys truck at 2:00 AM and beat him damn near to death. All four got away. I only wish they had broken into my truck instead. I promise you, no more than three would have gotten away. I've been told Cor-Bon's are extremely effective.
12/1/2015 11:44:30 AM |
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Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
I remember that like it was yesterday, Shawn! Your Kel-Tec and my Ruger were so similar! Both awesome guns! Since that day, the only times I haven't had it on me were when I was sleeping or in the shower, or when I had my P-90, P-95, P-97, SR-9c, GP-100, SP-101 or Blackhawk on me. I recently heard a 70 year old truck driver in your general area got the shit beat out of him by four punks with a pipe. Broke into this guys truck at 2:00 AM and beat him damn near to death. All four got away. I only wish they had broken into my truck instead. I promise you, no more than three would have gotten away. I've been told Cor-Bon's are extremely effective.
I didn't hear about the trucker. Of course he "can't" carry everywhere to protect himself from scum like that, and rid society of them!
The Ruger is slicker made, smoother but I still like the Keltec too. I have been carrying a Springfield XDS compact in 45acp. Nice piece.
12/1/2015 12:13:36 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
I didn't hear about the trucker. Of course he "can't" carry everywhere to protect himself from scum like that, and rid society of them!
The Ruger is slicker made, smoother but I still like the Keltec too. I have been carrying a Springfield XDS compact in 45acp. Nice piece.
You do have an eye for quality, my friend! A buddy of mine, Randy, just bought his second Dan Wesson 1911. Can't find any fault with that one, either. Looking forward to shooting it!
12/2/2015 9:09:23 PM |
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Orlando, FL
23, joined Nov. 2013
And now even more with what happening in California.
Seems like it's all a scheme
12/2/2015 9:19:56 PM |
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Creighton, NE
69, joined Feb. 2007
online now!
MSNBC is all they could talk about takeing guns away from americans, all they said about the CA tragedy is that it was not a terrorist attack no way they said.
And play Obamas Anti gun speech. Yes they had everything well corenated to pound in everyone's head it was all & only the guns fault 
[Edited 12/2/2015 9:21:03 PM ]
12/2/2015 9:41:40 PM |
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Orlando, FL
23, joined Nov. 2013
Who owns and supplies pay checks to the news though?
It's so agitating that not enough people wake and see what's happening around them.
People sit in fear and kiss Obama's ass. While people's rights and liberties are in jeopardy. It's sickening.
All these shooters are probably government hired anyways. Terrorist my ass.
12/6/2015 3:53:34 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Who owns and supplies pay checks to the news though?
The sponsors who buy advertising time pay the networks, the networks thus have money for their propaganda divisions. PBS (public television) and NPR (public radio) are funded via money confiscated from us via our taxes and unconstitutionally handed over to these propaganda mills. Further funding comes from left-wing groups like the Ford Foundation (no relation to Ford Motor Company), The Bill and (what ever his wife's name is) Gates Foundation, the Tides Foundation and other left-wing groups, and individuals who are too stupid to know any better.
P.S. Welcome to our group. After checking out other groups and forums, you will soon discover this is one of a very few where intelligence exists.
12/8/2015 10:24:55 AM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
This is an outstanding video, in my opinion. It is outstanding because it is real world, not Hollywood bullshit. Also, because of Kevin's commentary; "Don't hesitate" and "Keep shooting until the threat is neutralized." I couldn't agree with him more.
12/9/2015 10:26:17 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
This post is for the benefit of the liberal leftest gun grabbers that watch the posts on this site.
Semper Fi !!!
President Obama is exploiting the recent San Bernardino shooting to attack the Second Amendment, but here’s 10 reasons why gun control won’t work as leftists intended.
1) California has many of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, yet those laws did absolutely nothing to stop the San Bernardino shooting.
“In California, all firearms sales, transfers, including private transactions and sales at gun shows, must go through a California licensed firearms dealer,” Deseret News reported. “California also has no provision in its state constitution that explicitly guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms.”
2) Paris, France, also has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world, but those laws also did nothing to stop the Nov. 13 ISIS attacks.
3) …And Mexico also has restrictive gun laws like France, yet over 160,000 people have been murdered in the country’s drug war since 2007.
The only people who are actually stopping the Mexican cartels are private citizens who are openly defying Mexico’s gun laws to form self-defense militias.
“All this crime, all these drug cartels… what the government hasn’t done in all these years, we’ve done in less than 15 days,” one militiaman told reporters.
4) President Obama has been arming and funding ISIS-linked Syrian rebels for quite some time. In fact, Obama approved the re-arming of the “moderate” rebels on Oct. 1, the same day he called for gun control in response to the Umpqua Community College shooting.
“The Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council, the vaunted bulwarks of the moderate opposition, only really exist in hotel lobbies and the minds of Western diplomats,” journalist Ben Reynolds wrote. “There is simply no real separation between ‘moderate’ rebel groups and hardline Salafists allied with al-Qaeda.”
In one instance, around 3,000 of Obama’s so-called “moderate rebels” joined ISIS, bringing with them weapons, cash, equipment, and training provided to them by Saudi Arabia and the U.S.
And a study conducted by the London-based Conflict Armament Research revealed how Kurdish forces captured M16 assault rifles from ISIS that were marked “property of the U.S. government.”
“The study noted that the arms, funneled through Saudi channels, were originally given to the so-called moderate anti-government militants in Syria, including the Free Syrian Army, which is documented to be infiltrated at the highest levels by ISIS,” Steve Watson reported. “The West has pumped weapons into the region either directly or through Saudi, Qatari, Jordanian, or Turkish proxies since at least 2011.”
The Pentagon even admitted it was supporting radical Islamic militantsagainst the Syrian government.
5) Doesn’t seem weird to you that the most vocal gun control advocates are ultra-rich politicians like Michael Bloomberg who spend their entires lives pursuing power and control?
6) A nationwide gun confiscation program would never work because there are over 350 million firearms in the U.S. alone.
“With so many guns in the nation, no amount of restrictions will ever prevent someone from obtaining a firearm if they want one badly enough,” Lawrence Meyers of TownHall.com pointed out. “Restrictions only harm law-abiding individuals, depriving them of any ability to defend themselves.”
7) Even if a gun confiscation program was attempted, not only would it violate the Second Amendment, but also the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.
8) Guns are used exponentially more often to stop crime than to kill; each year firearms prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes in the U.S., usually without a shot being fired, meaning that guns are used over 300 times more often to save innocent lives, given the 8,124 murders committed with firearms in 2014.
9) Out of 11,961 murders performed within the U.S. in 2014, 660 were committed unarmed, 1,567 were committed with knives and only 248 murders were known to have been committed using rifles of any type, including single-shot long arms and “assault rifles” routinely demonized by gun control groups.
Granted, the FBI did list 2,052 murders under “unknown firearm type,” but given the percentages of the known firearm categories, it is unlikely that more than four percent of the “unknown firearms” were in fact rifles, and less than that were semi-automatics.
10) It’s estimated that someone in Chicago is shot every 2.8 hours, despite the city’s strict gun laws.
“Chicago ranks as one of the most regulated cities in the nation for gun control,” the Daily Caller’s Mike Piccione wrote. “Concealed carry is almost nonexistent [and to even] purchase a gun or ammunition requires a Firearm Owners Identification card in the entire state of Illinois, and additionally, a Chicago Firearm Permit – which is required to possess a firearm in Chicago.”
“Not only are the people heavily regulated in Chicago, but guns are also heavily regulated.”
12/9/2015 10:32:15 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
This is exactly what Bill,myself and several others have been saying for a couple of years now.It's coming and it will take just one step to far by the left to set it off.
Semper Fi !!!
A sheriff in Northeast Texas is the latest local law enforcement personality to urge the public to take up firearms in self defense.
Semper Fi !!!
“I know that there are a lot of law-abiding gun owners out there and nobody who is a legal gun owner has ever wanted to harm or kill anyone,” Sheriff Kennedy said. “But I know that we do not seek to harm or kill anyone but nor are we going to allow anyone to seek us out and kill us or do harm to our families.”
“So, I strongly encourage you to help me by arming yourselves because I know that we as law enforcement do the very best we can to protect our citizens and we do a good job,” the sheriff continued.
Sheriff Kennedy added that armed citizens are essential not only to protecting their families, but to saving law enforcement lives as well.
“I know that if the tables are ever turned on me or one of my officers that I want one of my citizens or a group of my citizens coming to our aide and rescue and I don’t want you running out of bullets and I don’t want you running out of guns before you’re able to pull our bacon out of the fire.”
The sheriff also spoke directly to President Obama, reminding him of the importance of the Second Amendment and that an attempt to confiscate Americans’ firearms would “cause a revolution.”
“Now, Mr. Obama, you need to understand what the Second Amendment is for. It is not for hunting. It is there for the American people to protect themselves against the criminal elements, to protect themselves from terrorists and radical ideology and it’s also there to protect us against the government that has over reached its power.
“You are not our potentate, sir. You are our servant to serve and protect us first, and I suggest sir, since you’re a constitutional expert that you better review our history on the Constitution and understand that we are a free people and we are subject to no one other than the Almighty God and Jesus Christ the King.
“And as such sir, I strongly encourage you to trust the law-abiding American citizen because you won’t fail in that and we won’t let you down.
“But if you try to disarm us, sir, then you will cause a revolution in this country to occur. So, please revise your thinking because we are not your enemy, the law-abiding gun owner in this country.”
The call to arms follows others from sheriffs across the country, including one from Kentucky, Boone County Sheriff Michael Helmig, who told licensed residents it was their “responsibility to carry their firearm.”
Sheriff Helmig also stated he supported Ulster County Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in New York State, who also encouraged citizens “licensed to carry a firearm to PLEASE DO SO” immediately following the shooting in San Bernardino last Wednesday.
Since the Paris attacks, gun sales and stocks have skyrocketed in the US.
12/9/2015 12:32:34 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Love it,
love it,
love it,
love it!
Heard yesterday that Smith & Wesson stock has gone through the roof. No reason not to believe the same isn't true for Sig, Glock, Kimber, Dan Wesson, Ruger or any others.
I don't have any numbers, but I'm pretty sure NRA membership is exploding, also. I can hardly wait to hear the official count directly from Wayne LaPierre in Louisville this coming May!
So keep flapping your jaws, bho, you are the best thing that has ever happened to the firearms industry since the invasion of Pearl Harbor! The American People are supporting the Second Amendment,....and giving you their middle finger, with their wallets.
Hell, I only have room for one more long gun before I have to buy a second safe, and I'm already drooling over Ruger's new SR-556 Take Down! (Yeah, that's a "deadly "assault" rifle" for all you ignorant liberal trolls out there!)
God Bless America!
12/9/2015 1:09:18 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Terrorist kill Americans and Obama, Clinton and the left holler take Americans guns.
Yep. Gun sales through the roof and I imagine NRA memberships are up too.
I have also been eye balling Rugers sr556.
[Edited 12/9/2015 1:11:17 PM ]
12/9/2015 1:24:02 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
I have also been eye balling Rugers sr556.
You have excellent tastes, my friend! They are sweet, aren't they!
12/9/2015 1:26:10 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
I don't call 911,......
....911 calls me.
12/9/2015 7:44:36 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
The slaughter took place a week ago today. The buying began in earnest a day later, in anticipation of a renewed push for gun control from the White House. The buying accelerated after the president’s speech Sunday night, fulfilling those expectations. The buying continues this morning -- Smith & Wesson (SWHC) is up another 2.3% as we write, while the S&P 500 is up barely a half percent.
Yesterday, SWHC announced its third-quarter profits had tripled from a year earlier -- trouncing the proverbial “analyst expectations.” The company raised its guidance for 2016 on both earnings and revenue.
“I suspect that 2016 will be a great year for gun-makers,” our Byron King said in this space three weeks ago. What we didn’t share at the time -- out of respect to his paying Military-Tech Alert subscribers -- is that his best-of-breed recommendation was SWHC.
It’s still a buy in his estimation -- not least because he figures SWHC has the inside track for an Army contract to replace the M9 9mm pistol that’s been issued to every soldier over the last 30 years.
12/9/2015 7:49:34 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
My conclusion of Obama's speech. We must ban guns, because we let terrorist in.
12/9/2015 8:00:58 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
My conclusion of Obama's speech. We must ban guns, because we let terrorist in.
Exactly! The convenience of terrorists trumps (no pun intended) the security of Americans.
An Iranian with a nuclear tipped ICBM? NO PROBLEM!
A law abiding American with a Ruger on his hip? BIG PROBLEM!
12/10/2015 11:24:06 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
Kurt Russell talks with a liberal wacko reporter about gun control.
Semper Fi !!!
(Breitbart) – In recent interview with Jeffrey Wells, acting legend Kurt Russell responded to questions on the San Bernardino attacks by saying it’s “absolutely insane” to “think gun control will change terrorists’ point of view.”
This was preceded by Russell explaining that he doesn’t “understand concepts of conversation about gun culture” because “we’ve lived with guns since, what, the 7th Century or something?”
But according to Hollywood Elsewhere, Wells continued to paw at Russell, combining the emphasis on terrorism with the suggestion that guns are something “disenfranchised white guys need” so they can “feel good about themselves.”
Russell said:
If you think gun control is going to change the terrorists’ point of view, I think you’re, like, out of your mind. I think anybody [who says that] is. I think it’s absolutely insane. The problem, the problem that we’re having right now to turn it around…you may think you’ve got me worried about you’re gonna do? Dude, you’re about to find out what I’m gonna do, and that’s gonna worry you a lot more. And that’s what we need. That will change the concept of gun culture, as you call it, to something [like] reality. Which is, if I’m a hockey team and I’ve got some guy bearing down on me as a goal tender, I’m not concerned about what he’s gonna do — I’m gonna make him concerned about what I’m gonna do…
Wells responded with, “I get that,” and Russell seized the opportunity to go back to an earlier question about the line separating fantasy and reality and said that reality is doing what has to be done to “stop” the guy coming at you–whether that guy is in the hockey scenario or in a scenario hedged in by terrorism. And once you “stop him,” Russell said, “That’s when things change.”
Wells countered by sticking with the gun control theme, saying, “Obama’s point was that the guys on the no-fly list, [they’re on it] for good reason because of terrorist connections or suspicions…they can get hold of a gun pretty easily.”
Russell said, “They can also make a bomb pretty easily. So what? They can also get knives and stab you. Whaddaya gonna do about that? They can also get cars and run you over. Whaddaya gonna do about that?”
Wells said, “They didn’t kill the people in San Bernardino with cars.”
Russell retorted, “But they’ve killed others that way, haven’t they? Yeah, yeah. Whaddaya gonna do? Outlaw everything? That isn’t the answer.”
Wells then said the words, “Just put some controls…” to which Russell responded, “Put some controls? What, so the people, so the people who want to defend themselves can’t?”
Wells tried to right the ship, saying, “No, not so you can’t, just so the idiots can’t get hold of them [so easily], that’s all.”
Russell said, “You really believe they’re not going to? Are you serious about that? What good will that…? Oh my God. You and I just disagree.”
12/10/2015 8:30:22 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/13/2015 9:40:00 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/13/2015 9:40:11 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
This is a post in response to obama's new plan to get the state governors to make illegal executive orders as a way to go around the 2nd amendment.
Any governor who signs on with obama should go on a recall list the very next day.
Semper Fi !!!
Rod Smith:
Here the people roar Obama and Governors, I assure you Every Governor that arbitrarily signs,his plan, will be on a recall list within weeks of signing it. Along with any of the their state staff that supports it. We have had enough of you, you have been warn, take heed. We will not surrended to your treason and social, political, and economic ideology plans. DO NOT COUNT ON THE FBI, HOMELAND, or another government agency warning you in advance, Please don’t wait for Paul Revere to come riding through town yelling ISIS is coming. Time to Lock Load and keep all eyes on every person you have doubt about...Most importantly do not over react, contact someone you trust with the info. Your greatest threat will come from the gang members and other low life groups. Most of the leaders on these campus movements are followers of ISIS.
The most plausible theory is the some sort of timetable is in place, and someone is anxious to eliminate A Constitutional Government as we know it in the UNITED STATES. Hopefully he has overestimated his own strength, and will be forcefully meant when attempting to put his plan in place.
Standing by itself, the allegation of a military coup being planned in the U.S. is difficult to believe. Meticulously one could build a case based on the examples of world events which have taken place in the last 8 years. Divide and Concur OBAMA has almost accomplished this.
What is certain is the elements of the left are being pitted against the elements of the right to serve some other purpose. The so-called “left” is being provoked into stirring up revolt; the so-called “right” is being pushed into eliminating Constitutional guarantees to quell the disturbances. It is likely that another group is prepared to fill the power vacuum in this domestic chaos is causing.
Major groups supplying money to radicals offer financing for demonstration in our major cities, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Wisconsin, Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Florida many more. They want to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left. You have the Democratic Socialist Party, Brother Hood of Islamic and other secret societies. Therefore, political “rights” and “lefts” really don’t make sense. Rightists can be dictators, Leftists can be dictators. That is not the point. Once a condition of chaos is created in a government, then freedom inevitably suffers. (Listen to History) Roma, Russia,German,Italy,France,England,Greece, Egypt, Isreal. All failed because of discontent,corrupation within their goverments and failurer of the people to raise up aganist them. Almost every one of thier leaders frist made sure the people were disarmed of all wapones. (THE NEW ISREAL; NOW makes sure every man women and child knows how to use ONE
People, the leaders you have followed in the last 15 to 30 years are not your friends and have one objective to lead you to Genocide, WE HAVE TO UNITE AS ONE< not as left or right but as one. We are fighting a beast among US, We have counted on the leaders of the Republican and Democratic powers to protect US they are and HAVE NOT.
12/13/2015 2:40:41 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/14/2015 8:28:48 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/14/2015 7:01:00 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
You have just got to love Trey Gowdy.Gowdy slams one of obama's upper end butt kissers.
Semper Fi !!!
Trey Gowdy perfectly illustrated government overreach while grilling a DHS official on due process. The argument against not allowing people randomly put on the government’s no-fly list to purchase firearms? Trey Gowdy just made it in the best way possible…
“What process is afforded a United States citizen before that person’s Constitutional right is infringed. That [The President] is fine with doing it with the Second Amendment. My question is, how about the First? How about we not let them set up a website, or a Google account? How about we not let them join a church until they petition Government to get off the list? How about not get a lawyer? How about the 6th amendment? How about you can’t get a lawyer until you petition the government to get off the list? Or my favorite, how about the 8th amendment? We’re going to subject you to cruel and unusual punishment until you petition the government to get off the list? Is there another Constitutional right that we treat the same way for American citizens than we do the Second Amendment? Can you think of one?”
There’s an uncomfortable pause.
“Can you think of one?”
Finally, a response from Obama’s DHS official…
“I don’t have an answer for you, sir.”
Trey Gowdy made a phenomenal point about the Second Amendment without having to argue. Which, if you’ve ever had the misfortune of arguing with a leftist, is a great way of making your point. Make a leftist defend why they support anything by asking questions. Put them on defense exactly as Gowdy did here. He didn’t get on a soapbox, he didn’t tell her she was an idiot (well, not overtly), he didn’t call her a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe. He asked her what other Amendments a citizen would have to petition the government for to get back. It brilliantly illuminated how government abuses people’s Second Amendment rights and the slippery slope which could lead to the restriction of the other rights (related DHS Shocker: Obama Admin Gutted Program Tracking San Bernardino Shooter’s Mosque).
Plus, he made her look like a moron without calling her a moron. Tact.
12/14/2015 7:11:07 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
This is exactly why I have always said if the government attacks the Second Amendment at the individual level, shit WILL hit the fan. Anyone who cannot understand that "gun control" is the gateway to tyranny is pretty damn stupid.
12/15/2015 1:55:43 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/15/2015 2:09:27 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
The Obama administration is not only at odds with America, as founded, but also woefully out of touch with ordinary Americans, and it is deceitful or delusional (or both) on guns.
President Obama twisted himself into a pretzel to deny that the San Bernardino, California, massacre was committed by Islamic terrorists. Even as facts accumulated — making the obvious undeniable — he continued to cling to the preposterous narrative that it was workplace violence. It’s those high-stress jobs, you see, that cause otherwise peaceful people to fire up their time machines and go back to buy weapons to kill dozens of people who have nothing to do with their workplace grievances.
The ever-clueless White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, referring to recent shootings and the San Bernardino terror attack, said: “The more that we see this kind of violence on our streets the more people go out and buy guns. And that is both ironic and tragic.”
In the first place, these liberals have never been able to refute the axiomatic truth that making our gun laws more restrictive would not have prevented the various mass shootings they invariably use to launch new salvos against gun ownership. So the fact that they even raise the issue after these incidents is obscenely dishonest, opportunistic and hyper-partisan.
In the second place, guns are not the cause of these shootings. Indeed, in many cases, guns could help prevent them or reduce injury and death. It is no accident that these evildoers often unleash their hellfire in gun-free zones.
In view of the facts, how could Earnest call it “ironic and tragic” that in response to these acts of violence, more people buy guns? It is not ironic, because people rightly believe they will be safer with guns, and the American people know that Obama and his ilk want to confiscate their weapons, which they make clear every time there’s a mass killing involving guns. It’s not tragic, either, because increasing gun ownership is quintessentially American and constitutional, and it increases the safety of the American people. What’s tragic about that?
What is tragic is that this administration uses these terrible incidents, whether terrorism-related or not, to distort and politicize the gun issue. What is tragic is that it selectively cares about shootings depending on the identity of the perpetrators and victims and the motivation of the killers.
The administration barely blinks an eye at all the black-on-black gun shootings around the country, especially in Obama’s hometown of Chicago, though far more people are killed by those often-gang-related gun killings than the mass shootings Obama always politicizes. It begins federal investigations when there’s a shooting by a rogue cop but ignores the chronic inner-city murders where cops are not involved. It’s not the killings that Obama cares about but his agenda. He showcases one type and ignores others to serve his political obsessions.
If President Obama cared about the safety and security of the American people, would he go out of his way to deny it when Islamic terrorism is obviously the cause and ignore that there is a disturbingly increasing pattern of such on American soil? Would he deceitfully pretend that ready access to guns and excessive gun ownership are the proximate cause of blatant acts of Islamic shootings?
To deny that Islamists, including those here at home, are at war with the United States and represent a threat to Americans puts Americans at greater risk. To make it harder for Americans to buy weapons to defend themselves puts Americans at greater risk. Why does this administration want to put Americans at greater risk?
Only God knows why Obama pursues his destructive policies, but more and more Americans realize that he is putting them at greater risk by trying to make them less safe personally and degrading our national security and our leadership presence around the world.
As ordinary Americans are fully aware of Obama’s dangerous policies, it is neither ironic nor tragic that they are running out and gobbling up all the weapons they can get their hands on. It is eminently rational behavior for people interested in self-preservation.
So please continue to spew nonsense, Mr. Earnest, and even more Americans will wake up to this administration’s recklessness.
David Limbaugh
12/15/2015 2:35:48 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
67, joined Nov. 2007
One guys response on gun control and I'm right with him.
Semper Fi !!!
A new video that shows a man railing against gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack is gaining steam online.
“How is it knowing everything we know about the San Bernardino terrorist attack that anyone can walk away thinking we need more gun control laws in reponse to it?” the man known as Colion Noir asked to start the video.”These two terrorists abandoned their 6 month old daughter just so that they could go slaughter 14 people at a Christmas office party. I’m sorry but there’s not enough gun control on the planet to deal with this type of evil.”
Noir went on to discuss the myriad of ways people protect their homes with passive things such as alarms, beware of dog signs, door locks and window sensors but asked what people ought to do when all of those things don’t work and the perpetrators get in.
“If I’m at work during an office Christmas party and two people come in shooting they’re now invading our safe space and you have every right to be armed with a gun,” he said. “In that moment, right then and there, when these bastards raise their guns to shoot you there’s not a background check, assault weapons ban, gun free zone sign or law against murder that’s gonna help you do s**t to survive.”
He described how the terrorists were able to obtain the weapons they used to kill their coworkers despite the rigorous gun control laws in California leaving him baffled as to why people would now ask for more gun control laws.
“President Obama and every left leaning politician and media outlet is screaming for more gun control so I’m left to assume a couple of things. Either these people are largely uninformed or they are nothing more than political con artists, he said while calling California a “shining examples” of such laws failing.
Here is the YOUTUBE video.It's a good one.
12/15/2015 3:21:23 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Fellow NRA member Colion Noir is an outstanding example of why I am so proud of this organization. His passion and ability to articulate the foundation of our freedoms puts him in the same league as Ted Nugent. Colion had just finished doing an interview with Cam Edwards at the NRA convention in Nashville when I got the chance to shake his hand and thank him for his service. The arguments he makes are absolutely rock solid. There are several other excellent videos at NRA.ORG, including videos made by Oliver North and Dana Loesch.