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9/3/2015 4:16:39 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” for Ashkenazi Jews fostering German National Socialism

Superstitious Jews have always had a propensity to search out what they call the esoterics of words and numbers, especially words and numbers found in the Jews’ sacred literature, the torah and tanackh. Examples include the Jews’ derogatory colloquialism for the name of God’s Son Jesus Christ, which is Yeschu, an acronym with letters in it interpreted by the Jews as “may his name and memory be blotted out”.
One more recent notable example is the Jewish concoction of the logo for the 2012 Olympics in London, which is a racist acronym for “Zion” and “Ziondon” (i.e., the universal dominion of Zion), and used by Jews to celebrate a characteristically Ashkenazi Jews’ plot to dominate the world like the Nazis who intended to include the Olympics in their ideal world, after wiping out their Gentile enemies in Europe and anywhere else they could find them in WW2.
The list goes on and on, especially in the legends and weird ramblings of the Orthodox Jews, and most notably those of the wack-job Haredi variety. But one used in an esoteric way by Jews, that I think deserves closer scrutiny, is the word “Nazi”, which is of course now widely used as an appellation for Jews in the militantly antichristian, ‘fascist’ state of Israel, who have a grossly intolerant, racist, unrighteous attitude towards non-Jewish, especially Christian, ethnic groups in the Middle East.
For I now believe the word Nazi has almost always been viewed and often used by Jews as a kabbalistic acronym, rather than a word legitimately derived from another as a mere abbreviation; and that it was originally concocted and used by Jews in Europe, not to define white Europeans in the German National Socialist movement, but rather certain liberal and revolution inspiring Ashkenazi Jews who were known by the Jews in general to be the real power behind both Soviet socialism and German National Socialism, as a lead to and during the Jew sponsored and fostered mayhem of World War 2.
Yes, it could be argued that it’s erroneous to cite the word Ashkenazi as a pure and true etymological/philogical source of the word Nazi. But what I’m saying here is that Nazi is actually an acronym derived by kabbalism from Ashkenazi, which is itself somewhat illegitimate as a word, as a superstitious Jewish use of the word Ashkenaz, a biblical designation of a branch of the family of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah that survived the global flood, circa 2350 BC.
Something endorsed by the fact that the sons of the biblical patriarch Japheth were actually non-Semitic, as not at all of the lineage of Noah’s other son Shem, the patriarch of the true Israelites in the Bible; because Ashkenazi Jews are generally viewed as not true Israelites, especially by the true Israelites in Jewry today. Add to that the fact that the Jews have somewhat superstitiously, traditionally and officially, used the word Ashkenazi to define not just European Jews in general, but more especially those ostensibly of German origin or ethnicity.
In fact I believe the foregoing largely explains why Jews adopted the word Nazi for a movement in Germany they knew was fired up in the first instance by liberal “Ashkenazi” Jews of European/Khazar and characteristically non-Semitic ethnicity, who they knew were surreptitiously inspiring the Germans to divide and destroy masses of Gentiles, for the benefit of the Jews more than anyone else at the end of the day.

Some Jews in Europe may have also used it for Hitler’s regime because they knew of or at least suspected his secret Jewish lineage, and later likely because they knew arrogant Ashkenazi Jews were running some of the concentration camps in German occupied territory, and because Big Jewry was cashing in on Stalinism and Hitlerism, via the high finance they provided for both the Axis and the Allies, from behind the scenes.
In fact I no longer believe Hitler had altogether noble motives when he set the German people against other white Europeans, and it’s obvious that both Stalin and Hitler only at best made damn sure that Gentiles everywhere, especially white European Russians and Germans, were horribly degraded and genocided, and that the Germans would never be a threat to world Jewry and a force to be reckoned with in Europe again.
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9/3/2015 4:17:00 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Yep, Hitler was a homicidal maniac all right; and the fact is the word Nazi only ostensibly derives from the first two syllables of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparteia; and the Jew spun Wikipedia entry on it has even somewhat suspiciously said an alternative spelling for it is Naziism (i.e., with two “i’s”). All this official, mainstream etymological stuff is actually a scholarly “crock”, especially since it’s well known that true German National Socialists NEVER used the word Nazi for their movement. If the word Nazi was used by German National Socialists at all, it would have only been from behind the scenes, mainly by those who knew how Jews were using the acronym of Nazi at the time and of the Ashkenazi Jews’ plot to use the movement to divide and ultimately destroy masses of white Europeans, Christians, and Gentiles in general, by leading them into war.
Lets face it, the Jews have always been subversive, paranoid, and wickedly deceitful since they committed the crime of the Crucifixion; and hence have had a propensity to not only change their names to hide their criminality, but also change words and names into acronyms. The latter often even in a wickedly humorous and derogatory way; mainly to celebrate what they’re doing to undo and destroy Christians and Gentiles, while at the same hiding their iniquity, especially as it relates to their ancient national plot to gain antichristian world control.
In fact even Jews (especially true Israelites) in the racist, ‘fascist’ state of Israel have used the name Nazi for Ashkenazi Jews, especially those acting in an arrogant way in government departments and the IDF. No doubt often because they’ve known Jews of that sort are of the ilk of the Ashkenazi Jews that aided and abetted Hitlerism, and not true Israelites, and often of German or at least of European/Khazar race and ethnicity.

Recommended further reading and viewing …
Check out these graphic pics of so-called Ashkenazi Jews, as over and against the other Jews of diverse ethnicity in the international Jewry today.
Also this vid of Ashkenazi Jews trying to wipe out the true Israelites in the state of Israel with all sort of ‘Nazi’ experiments, in more recent times …
The Ringworm Children 1 of 5
Ashkenazi Jews are NOT descendents of the Biblical Israelites!
9/3/2015 4:18:10 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |

Lexington, KY
62, joined Nov. 2014
who left the f**king gate open?!
9/3/2015 4:38:42 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from walt_hallow:
who left the f**king gate open?!
Thank you for your half-c*cked, knee-jerk response to the title of this thread, Ms. _Kerry_.
Now then, why don't you try reading through the OP before posting again?
“NAZI” is from “National Zionist”—Eustace Mullins

It’s of course ludicrous to think that Hitler was operating independently of the will of the leading Jewish bankers and their corporate buddies; even if he did move a few ‘chess pieces’ against them on the dialectical checkered board of high finance the Jews use to deceive and manipulate players appointed by them on both sides of the game.
Especially when you consider the power the Rothschild bankers had to orchestrate the outcome of war, way back when they cashed in on the gold they provided for the Duke of Wellington, just prior to Napoleon “meeting his Waterloo”.
But did you know that the researcher Eustace Mullins convincingly showed how even the very word “Nazi” was concocted out of the first two letters of the names of the National Socialist (NA) and Zionist parties in Germany in 1920s; and cynically used by the Jews in the high cabal of the synagogue of Satan in Jewry to celebrate the power they had to orchestrate the rise and fall of Hitler’s regime from the beginning?
In fact it has always been understood to be that by most Jews, especially the Orthodox religious ones, who’ve known that Zionists of the ilk of the Rothschild bankers orchestrated the dialectical Allies/Axis atrocities of the war to get the “lesser Jews” back into Palestine en masse, so that the Rothschilds could underwrite a new Jewish state.
Jews and nazi are one
Uploaded on Aug 17, 2010
Jews are the Nazi's

Something endorsed by the fact that the Orthodox Jews have condemned other Jews as “Nazi” occupiers of Palestine since the war; and by the Zionists who’ve portrayed concerned, righteous, patriotic White nationalists as evil “Nazis” and Jews as victims of unjust “Nazi” hatred and persecution, to cover up their own crimes as the real Nazis worldwide, both during the war and since that time.
Mainly so that they can weaken any attempt by concerned, righteous, White Christian patriots in places like Europe and America to create a unified national front, that could undo the Jews’ plot to morally and culturally destroy their countries, and rob them of their sovereignty, and thus more easily and completely subjugate them to the leading Jews’ global e-commercial monetary power.

Baron Edmund de Rothschild (“Father of the settlement”), Lord Rothschild (via the Balfour Declaration), and Adolf Jacob Hitler (via the Transfer Agreement) were the three major players in establishing the Zionist state of Israel as we know it today
In fact the whole “Nazi” thing has been serving the leading finance Jews’ higher agenda of ruling the world from Jerusalem on Mount Zion in the land of Israel they’ve underwritten, from the beginning; and because the Jews know it can be used even today as propaganda to that end, they’ve even been setting up Nazi parties in White Christian countries and painting swastikas on buildings, especially in Europe and America, where White nationalism is the biggest threat to their planned global takeover in a monetary way.
Jewish Girl Loves to Paint Swastikas
According to Wiki.answers.com, “Nazi” is an acronym derived from the German word: Nationalsozialistische (i.e., National Socialist). But an acronym is strictly speaking a word derived from the initial letter or letters of another or other words, and not from the initial letters and letters in the middle of words. So if NAZI really was an acronym like SS, as an abbreviation of Schutzstaffel, it would have been taken from the first two letters of the words National Sozialistische; and thus read as NASO (not NAZI).
But the Jews in on the Zionist bankers’ plot to use Hitler’s regime to foster their interests didn’t do that, because they wanted “Nazi” to cynically celebrate the role of the Zionists in Germany, they knew had backed Hitler’s rise to power and were orchestrating the dialectic of WW2 with their money from behind the scenes.

Notice also that “NA” was used as an abbreviation for neo-Nazi “National Activists” in Germany after the war and that “Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists, (Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten/Nationale Aktivisten; abbreviated ANS/NA) was a German National Socialist group formed by Michael Kühnen in 1977, under the name Action Front of National Socialists (ANS), as a legal branch of the NSDAP/AO. The ANS merged with the National Activists (NA), another neo-Nazi group led by Thomas Brehl, in 1983, forming the ANS/NA as it existed until its ban by the German government. In 1983, the German Ministry of the Interior banned the ANS/NA, which officially disbanded soon after”.

[Edited 9/3/2015 4:40:34 PM ]
9/3/2015 5:10:23 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Dubois, IN
55, joined May. 2014
They found a very rare sarcophagus in Israel today. If it contains anything anti-jew I'm sure the contents will disappear.

9/3/2015 5:11:37 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Dubois, IN
55, joined May. 2014
By the way the Jews that discovered it tried to hide and keep it for themselves.
Imagine that!
9/3/2015 5:27:11 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Dubois, IN
55, joined May. 2014
The irreparable damage was caused by contractors who encountered the impressive sarcophagus during the course of their work,” officials explained. “They decided to hide it, pulled it out of the ground with a tractor while aggressively damaging it, concealed it beneath a stack of sheet metal and boards and poured a concrete floor in the lot so as to conceal any evidence of the existence of the antiquities site.”
TJB - Typical Jew Behavior
9/3/2015 5:40:47 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from hercules2010:
They found a very rare sarcophagus in Israel today. If it contains anything anti-jew I'm sure the contents will disappear.

Quote from the link:
however, the sarcophagus, which is around 1,800 years old,
It's probably the sarcophagus of a Roman official.
For those who have trouble counting backwards, 1,800 years ago was approximately 215 A.D.

Gosh ! Why do these jewish fellows believe zionist jews are the Nazis? Could there be something jewish owned media in America isn't willing to admit to Christians?

Looks like the modern ZioNazis learned well from their Nazi ancestors.
[Edited 9/3/2015 5:43:01 PM ]
9/3/2015 11:14:40 PM |
Jews concoct kabbalistic acronym “Nazi” fostering National Socialism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
UK: Jewish Kindergartens Caught Indoctrinating Their Own Spawn to Hate Goyim

“And that’s why even the best of the goyim should be killed…”
A whistle-blower has come forward to expose the fact that Ultra-Orthodox Jews teach their spawn, as young as three years old, that all non-jews are evil.
The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/threeyearold-ultraorthodox-jewish-children-told-the-nonjews-are-evil-in-worksheet-produced-by-school-10481682.html
British three-year-olds have been told “the non-Jews” are “evil” in a Kindergarten worksheet handed out at ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in north London, it can be revealed.
Documents seen by The Independent show children are taught about the horrors of the Holocaust when they are still in kindergarten at the Beis Rochel boys’ school in north London.
Jews indoctrinate their own children with the same Lolocaust propaganda we are exposed to in order to ensure that they act as cohesive unit against a common enemy. Some of us fall victim to the idea that all Jews know the truth about the Hoax and are all laughing at us, but the reality is, they are brainwashing their own children with the same nonsense they use with ours.

It will be real in their mind, too.
Making all Jews believe in the Hoax at a young age ensures that they will all dance to the same tune, working together to stop racism, Nazism, or whatever other “ism” they consider “anti-Semitic” in order to prevent them from being marched back into their imagined gas chambers all over again.
Moreover, making Jews believe their own lies prevents some of their own from going against the Tribe’s interests as they could otherwise turn out to be like Brother Nathaniel, David Cole, Bobby Fischer, Benjamin Freedman and other Jews who have come out and exposed what the Jews have done.
So don’t feel so bad for being duped goyim! Even Jews are getting Jewed with the Jewish narrative because that is the most efficient way to make sure Jews can carry out their victim hood strategy forever and ever is to make them actually BELIEVE IT.
The article continues with some statements from another teacher who taught at the Beis Rochel girls’ school:
Emily Green, who used to teach at the same Beis Rochel girls’ secondary school, now chairs the Gesher EU organisation which supports ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to leave the community.
“It’s not uncommon to be taught non-Jewish people are evil in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools. It is part of the prayers, teaching, their whole ethos,” she said.
“Psychologically, you become so afraid of the world out there after being taught how dangerous and bad and evil non-Jews are, that it makes it harder to leave.”
So again, this is more evidence proving that this kind of indoctrination, even against their own people, is not necessarily a massive conspiracy because they really do believe it’s real in their mind.
I have come to conclusion that most Jews simply have no clue what’s going on and just do what Jews do on a genetic level, which is exacerbated when they are exposed to the teachings of the Talmud and indoctrinated with Holohoax propaganda.

An atheist Israeli holocausts a slightly more crazy Jew.

The big Jews have no problem jewing their own to make things happen.
One could actually argue that the reason why the Jewish owned MSM has even reported on the Ultra-Orthodox school issue is that the ruling Jews feel at least a slight disdain for the religious Jews.
We have seen many times before that certain Jews will claim to be non-religious, anti-Zionist, or some other kind of Jew that is not as hard-core as these crazy orthodox types so they can avoid being detected as the parasites they are. They will call out or even attack their own (whether staged or not) in order to make us believe they are different than those crazy types who want to hurt us goyim.

The harmless Jew
Jewish power is fueled by hatred. Not only do the Jews need to hate, they need to be hated in order to make their cries of persecution legitimate. Without their victimhood status, the Jews would not be able to manipulate the world they way they have for so long nor would they be able to infiltrate their host societies like the parasites they are. So in order to make this more effective, they need to teach their children that they must hate all non-Jews because all non-Jews hate them.
Whether my opinion of how world Jewry operates is accurate or not, it is clear that indoctrinating their own with teachings of hate, along the same lies we were all fed, is designed to strengthen Jewish cohesiveness.
But even when the Jew is caught red handed, and his crimes shown to him, he simply continues as if he has done nothing wrong and even tries to justify his actions:
A spokesperson for Beis Rochel said that the worksheets would be amended and apologized for any offence. However they argued the phrase “goyim” was not offensive and accusations that they were indoctrinating children were “without basis”. “The language we used was not in any way intended to cause offence, now this has been brought to our attention, we will endeavor to use more precise language in the future.”
Well Mr. Jew, we do find the term “goyim” offensive, and we find your presence in our nations offensive as well. Soon, all of us goyim will eventually figure out who’s behind the destruction of our civilizations – and none of your weird satanic prayers will be able to help you then.
[Edited 9/3/2015 11:15:24 PM ]