11/8/2015 10:44:20 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Milwaukee, WI
51, joined May. 2013
It's about time. 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/8/2015 10:45:41 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

North York, ON
47, joined Jul. 2015
Good for Scott, but I bet the libtard group will attempt to fry his a** and call him racist for doing so.
11/8/2015 10:46:29 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Lake Waccamaw, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
i think they should be tested
11/8/2015 10:49:17 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Milwaukee, WI
51, joined May. 2013
Yes this should be in every state.
11/8/2015 10:53:24 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
Not really a fan of Walker's, but on this I agree. If I had to take a drug test for my job, they also should, even though I think the drug wars are a failure and they should be legalized(At least marijuana).
11/8/2015 10:53:50 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Death Valley, CA
50, joined Apr. 2014
even back in the day when i smoked weed, i was never afraid of a drug test. they are the easiest thing in the world to pass. always know someone that is clean for those spur of the moment tests and given 2hrs they can be passed with just water alone.
i say test them though, if they are too stupid to pass a drug test they know is coming, well let 'em eat boot soup then
[Edited 11/8/2015 10:55:46 PM ]
11/8/2015 10:54:47 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |
Simpsonville, SC
30, joined Jan. 2015
11/8/2015 10:56:42 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
It is a good idea.
Should only pass with proof for prescription medication.
And the states that have medical marijuana.
11/8/2015 10:59:35 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

San Antonio, TX
27, joined Sep. 2012
See: Florida
11/8/2015 11:00:14 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
So u all support warrantless searches by the feds?
Then dont complain when they come for a right that affects u.
Maybe random shome searches in furtherance of the war on drugs or national security.
U already bought into the patriot act. Exactly when are those secret warrants going away?

[Edited 11/8/2015 11:00:33 PM ]
11/8/2015 11:36:05 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Bellaire, OH
54, joined Apr. 2008
Scott Walker needs drug testing.......Ever look at his eyes? Looks like he just smoked a bowl. 
11/8/2015 11:39:11 PM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014
I think we have a few here, who test drugs pretty regular.
11/9/2015 12:01:27 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Milwaukee, WI
51, joined May. 2013
I am an 
11/9/2015 1:13:32 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
There's nothing we right-wingers love more than BIG-GOVERNMENT stepping in. Because if there's one thing we can count on in America, it's the government. We want lots and lots of big-government totally dominating all of society. Woo hoo for big-government drug testing people we don't like. Just as long as they don't start drug testing CEOs, small-business owners, Wall Street capitalists, and gun owners, we're good.
[Edited 11/9/2015 1:15:26 AM ]
11/9/2015 5:44:00 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
Good for Scott Walker! Random Drug testing for Welfare Recipients should be mandatory in every State.
Many of us who WORK are already subject to it. Welfare recipients should get a pass, while those of us who are paying for this welfare are not?
Obeying the law, should be a minimal expectation for Welfare Recipients..
11/9/2015 6:35:34 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Uh, I am not believing he would try to pass this after what happened in Florida.
Gov. Rick Scott's Drug Testing Fight Costs Taxpayers ...
Apr 22, 2015 - Photo courtesy. Rick Scott quits quest to randomly drug test state employees and welfare recipients. (Photo courtesy of Sara K. Brockman, State ...
11/9/2015 6:41:10 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Litchfield, OH
66, joined Jul. 2010
I wonder if any of his friends will profit from it? I guess alcohol and tobacco get a free pass because they are " legal "? If you are on welfare can you afford either?
11/9/2015 6:58:34 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined Jun. 2014
Irony: drug testing people before giving them money to buy a grocery cart full of Coke.
11/9/2015 7:07:37 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Companies drug test potential employees so why not those applying for welfare?
11/9/2015 7:28:24 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined Jun. 2014
Cost, for one thing. It's throwing good money after bad.
In the places that have tried it, it has added to the cost for the state...not helped save money.
Recipients tested positive at rates well below the general public. If you're not just trying to punish poor folks, it's just not cost effective.
It did provide another avenue for Florida politicians to siphon off taxpayer money for their own benefit, tho.
11/9/2015 8:24:04 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
People who now live in section 8 housing now have certain rules they must follow.
Such as they can't destroy the property that they live in. Otherwise they can be removed
from getting any other section 8 rentals.
as for people on welfare getting drug tested, the person must have a arrest or
conviction for drugs first. Just testing everyone is too costly.
11/9/2015 8:35:05 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
People who now live in section 8 housing now have certain rules they must follow.
Such as they can't destroy the property that they live in. Otherwise they can be removed
from getting any other section 8 rentals.
as for people on welfare getting drug tested, the person must have a arrest or
conviction for drugs first. Just testing everyone is too costly.
Good rules to live by but a lot of them don't. It's next to impossible to evict someone from section 8 housing.
11/9/2015 8:35:22 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Litchfield, OH
66, joined Jul. 2010
Test politicians!
11/9/2015 8:54:31 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
Charge the Recipients for their own drug tests.We are overpaying them to begin with They seem to have enough $$ for lottery, Alcohol, Tattoos & cigarettes... Hence, they can well Afford these random tests.
11/9/2015 8:55:33 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I agree. Politicians should be drug tested and not only that they should have to go through a mental evaluation.
11/9/2015 9:36:55 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Good for Scott Walker! Random Drug testing for Welfare Recipients should be mandatory in every State.
Many of us who WORK are already subject to it. Welfare recipients should get a pass, while those of us who are paying for this welfare are not?
Obeying the law, should be a minimal expectation for Welfare Recipients..
Damn right! We right-wingers love big-government sooooooooooooooooooo much! Go big-government, go!
11/9/2015 9:38:49 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Charge the Recipients for their own drug tests.We are overpaying them to begin with They seem to have enough $$ for lottery, Alcohol, Tattoos & cigarettes... Hence, they can well Afford these random tests.
So force the person to pay to have the gov. violate their rights?

11/9/2015 9:41:36 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
So force the person to pay to have the gov. violate their rights?

Then is it a violation of our rights, when those of us who WORK have to take these tests?
11/9/2015 9:44:05 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
Damn right! We right-wingers love big-government sooooooooooooooooooo much! Go big-government, go!
A LEFT Winger complaing about big Government?
11/9/2015 9:45:16 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Arlington, VA
62, joined Jan. 2011
This scam was attempted in Florida, and the gov., who has a financial interest in the blood testing clinics, made the people pay for these tests (to the clinic his family had an interest in). The results came back as something like .00006 percent positive and in the end declared unconstitutional and it was overturned.
Soooo, if Scotty boy wants the taxpayers to shell out money for tests that will pretty much prove the recipients are not on drugs, have at it. More money down the toilet.
11/9/2015 9:45:22 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
 I wonder if any of his friends will profit from it? I guess alcohol and tobacco get a free pass because they are " legal "? If you are on welfare can you afford either?
With alcohol it's a simple matter of science. Alcohol is flushed from your system within one to two hours after you stop drinking.
11/9/2015 9:45:27 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Then is it a violation of our rights, when those of us who WORK have to take these tests?
No because its a private employer not the gov.

11/9/2015 9:48:03 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014

Then is it a violation of our rights, when those of us who WORK have to take these tests?
When my shop became a pro shop for a few insurance companies, there were strict policies we had to go by, one being drug testing.
I resent the fact that I have to pay for people who can sit on their a** all day and get high off my dime.
11/9/2015 9:52:52 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011

Then is it a violation of our rights, when those of us who WORK have to take these tests?

When my shop became a pro shop for a few insurance companies, there were strict policies we had to go by, one being drug testing.
I resent the fact that I have to pay for people who can sit on their a** all day and get high off my dime.
Aside from the fact that its been proven to cost more than it saves, It's an illegal search.
Its amazing how people are willing to forfeit rights when it doesnt affect them, but want to cry foul when the gov. violates "their" rights.

11/9/2015 9:58:24 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
 I wonder if any of his friends will profit from it? I guess alcohol and tobacco get a free pass because they are " legal "? If you are on welfare can you afford either?
Let's say you go to the store. You put all your milk, cereal, juice, cheese, formula, peanut butter, eggs, yogurt, produce on the checkstand and put a divider behind it.
All that you get free from your WIC checks.
Then put whatever other edible crap you want on the belt and put another divider behind that.
All that you get free with your food stamps, oops I mean your EBT debit card.
Now can you afford alcohol and cigarettes? Sure you can.
11/9/2015 10:02:20 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014
Drug testing has become dirt cheap now, with litmus tests. While these are not accurate enough to stand up in court, they do open the door for the advanced test.
when our testing started it applied to all new persons hired, and was a trip to the test depot, at 47 bucks which we paid for.
From that point it was something held over their heads, where a person could be sent there anytime if suspected. It is a threat we never carried out, but we did fire a few for coming in obviously under the influence, of booze or drugs.
Now days a company can have a 50 dollar test kit that is good for 50 people, and someone who flunks one is sent to the doc.
11/9/2015 10:06:56 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
There's nothing we right-wingers love more than BIG-GOVERNMENT stepping in. Because if there's one thing we can count on in America, it's the government. We want lots and lots of big-government totally dominating all of society. Woo hoo for big-government drug testing people we don't like. Just as long as they don't start drug testing CEOs, small-business owners, Wall Street capitalists, and gun owners, we're good.
I was thinking the same thing about big government. I'm cool with big government testing ALL government employees, including congress, police and alphabet agencies
11/9/2015 10:07:33 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
even back in the day when i smoked weed, i was never afraid of a drug test. they are the easiest thing in the world to pass.
Only if no one watches you and you have a bottle of clean piss. Otherwise, you're full of shit, no matter what High Times tells you. I've been trained in giving drug tests. And if you have to give a hair follicle test you're really screwed.
11/9/2015 10:08:05 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
Problem is you take the only source of support away from children. Then what.
11/9/2015 10:10:20 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014
Problem is you take the only source of support away from children. Then what.
If the parents are spending their welfare money on drugs, they are hardly supporting the children.
11/9/2015 10:11:38 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Drug testing has become dirt cheap now, with litmus tests. While these are not accurate enough to stand up in court, they do open the door for the advanced test.
when our testing started it applied to all new persons hired, and was a trip to the test depot, at 47 bucks which we paid for.
From that point it was something held over their heads, where a person could be sent there anytime if suspected. It is a threat we never carried out, but we did fire a few for coming in obviously under the influence, of booze or drugs.
Now days a company can have a 50 dollar test kit that is good for 50 people, and someone who flunks one is sent to the doc.
Again, private companies are not the gov.
Gov. drug testing is nothing more than a ploy to buy votes as opposed to actually finding a way to reform the system (which could cost votes)
Why so anxious to give up rights which, once done, will NEVER be given back? (e.g. the Patriot act)
Lets not forget the gov. pays $500 for hammers.

11/9/2015 10:12:03 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
This scam was attempted in Florida, and the gov., who has a financial interest in the blood testing clinics, made the people pay for these tests (to the clinic his family had an interest in). The results came back as something like .00006 percent positive and in the end declared unconstitutional and it was overturned.
Soooo, if Scotty boy wants the taxpayers to shell out money for tests that will pretty much prove the recipients are not on drugs, have at it. More money down the toilet.
Companies and the Government spend hundreds of millions of dollars conducting drug tests. The percentage of those that fail these tests is small in compassion to the total number of people tested. Most companies now have adopted mandatory drug testing for people involved in workplace accidents. If an employee refuses to take the test they can be fired. If an employee refuses to take a pre-employment drug test they won't be hired.
DoD labs test 60,000 urine samples each month all at random. Again only a small percentage fail the test.
Most people using social services such as welfare are expect to seek employment if they are capable. So it stands to reason these people should be tested.
11/9/2015 10:12:44 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
A LEFT Winger complaing about big Government?
Yeah. Ho, ho, ho. That is sooooooo funny. Ha, ha, ha. He, he, he. Except that, as I pointed out, the real irony is you self-proclaimed right-wing haters of big government are always calling for lots more big government.
You right-wingers all cream you jeans if they fly over some big-government military jets. You love with all your hears the big-government killer cops. You never saw a big-government war that you didn't support. When it comes to brutalizing, drug testing, spying on the masses, imprisoning people, torturing people, and doing lots of killing, why you right-wingers are super-duper fans of big-government. In fact, the only time we ever see you right-wingers hating on the government is when the government is actually doing something beneficial for the working class masses.
[Edited 11/9/2015 10:13:35 AM ]
11/9/2015 10:12:49 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
By allowing Welfare Recipients a free pass on Drug Testing, and requiring it of some of us who work a double standard has been created.. Mostly for Political Expediency: IE, those who have become dependent on the system, will continue to vote Democratic.
If it is legal and required for those of us who pay the $$ to support these programs, it should be required of the recipients.
11/9/2015 10:14:56 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
By allowing Welfare Recipients a free pass on Drug Testing, and requiring it of some of us who work a double standard has been created.. Mostly for Political Expediency: IE, those who have become dependent on the system, will continue to vote Democratic.
If it is legal and required for those of us who pay the $$ to support these programs, it should be required of the recipients.
Then dont b*tch when the gov. wants to "modify" ur gun rights.

11/9/2015 10:17:08 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
It is about time that we drug test office holders...Governors, Mayors, Congress persons, etc.
11/9/2015 10:17:58 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
By allowing Welfare Recipients a free pass on Drug Testing, and requiring it of some of us who work a double standard has been created.. Mostly for Political Expediency: IE, those who have become dependent on the system, will continue to vote Democratic.
If it is legal and required for those of us who pay the $$ to support these programs, it should be required of the recipients.
Most of your tax dollars go to bankster bailouts, Wall Street bailouts, the military industrial complex, imperialist wars, salaries and benefits for rich capitalist politicians, corporate subsidies, prisons, lots of spying, subsidies for brutal right-wing dictators in other countries, and funding for terrorist mercenaries. I don't hear you calling for drug testing for the scumbags involved in those big-government activities.
Right-wingers have a deep and obvious love for super-rich gangster-capitalists combined with a total contempt for the American masses of working-class people. And that's by design. The riches of the super-rich gangster-capitalists come from raping workers and looting the public till.
[Edited 11/9/2015 10:20:35 AM ]
11/9/2015 10:25:34 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined Jun. 2014
Who's drug-testing the drug testers?
I bet those mofos are high AF.
11/9/2015 10:27:38 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
If the parents are spending their welfare money on drugs, they are hardly supporting the children.
More like they are spending part of their welfare money on drugs, but this would take away all of it. Again, then what.
11/9/2015 10:28:38 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Castle Rock, CO
32, joined Feb. 2015
Some counties here already do and I think it should be mandatory everywhere. It's a bit more complicated here because weed is legal, but I feel if you need assistance to support your family you don't have money for recreational use anyway.
People say testing will hurt the kids and my response, they are ready hurting by parents using.
11/9/2015 10:32:25 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Some counties here already do and I think it should be mandatory everywhere. It's a bit more complicated here because weed is legal, but I feel if you need assistance to support your family you don't have money for recreational use anyway.
People say testing will hurt the kids and my response, they are ready hurting by parents using.
The problem with the welfare system is of the gov's own making.
Why not DEMAND that they fix the problem without violating citizens rights as opposed to violating rights, solving NOTHING, and continuing their mismanagement of taxpayer dollars?

11/9/2015 10:32:44 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Most every company in America requires pre-employment drug testing. If you can't pass the test you don't work. So it stands to reason that a lot of these people that can't pass the test end up living on Social Services.
11/9/2015 10:34:16 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jul. 2013
Walker said in a statement. "Employers across the state frequently tell me they have good-paying jobs available in high-demand fields, but need their workers to be drug-free."
11/9/2015 10:36:55 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Castle Rock, CO
32, joined Feb. 2015
The problem with the welfare system is of the gov's own making.
Why not DEMAND that they fix the problem without violating citizens rights as opposed to violating rights, solving NOTHING, and continuing their mismanagement of taxpayer dollars?

Growing up in a house that our parents were more concerned with using than us eating or bills being paid, that's my opinion and it won't change 
11/9/2015 10:42:44 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jul. 2013
Wisconsin, like many states across the country, is experiencing a dangerous trend — an escalating number of cases of heroin use, addiction and overdose," Walker said in a statement. "Heroin addiction does not discriminate, and we have to take action to protect our friends, family members and neighbors who need help."
Add $1.5 million in funding annually for treatment alternatives and diversion programs that focus on substance abuse treatment for those who commit crimes.
11/9/2015 10:46:48 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Growing up in a house that our parents were more concerned with using than us eating or bills being paid, that's my opinion and it won't change 
Its not a question of "is there a problem", there is.
Violatig citizens rights only empowers gov, and gives no incentive to correct the real problems.

11/9/2015 10:47:31 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Ochopee, FL
59, joined Oct. 2015
My real State, NH, is having a special session of The House of Representatives to deal with the Heroin crisis here..
There is a huge Opiod problem here as well.. Many ODs & deaths.
11/9/2015 10:50:21 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014
More like they are spending part of their welfare money on drugs, but this would take away all of it. Again, then what.
when you consider the cost of raising a child, and the cost of drugs, "ANY" amount they spend on drugs is too much.
That 100 dollar bag of dope, could have bought shoes, or clothing, or even, "Hooked on Phonics".
11/9/2015 10:51:33 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
In the Cincinnati area heroin use is off the charts. It's migrated out to the suburbs and is a growing concern. It's so bad that Public Schools are wanting to stock Narcan. Soon the Police will start carrying Narcan.
11/9/2015 10:52:49 AM |
Scott Walker Drug Testing Welfare Recipients |

Seattle, WA
62, joined Dec. 2014
Chairman Mao had a great impact on drug abuse in China.
He marched into the opium dens, dragged the people out on the street, and shot them.