12/10/2015 11:38:42 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
If it's not broke, don't fix it.
If there is a problem, don't let it happen.
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12/10/2015 11:42:16 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
It isn't going to happen. Stop being paranoid.
12/10/2015 11:48:16 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
Never say never
People are easily manipulated.
12/10/2015 11:54:38 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
Never say never
People are easily manipulated.
Muslims are a minority, do you really think the vast majority of Christians in America would allow sharia law to prosper?
[Edited 12/10/2015 11:55:02 PM ]
12/11/2015 1:14:02 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
Muslims are a minority, do you really think the vast majority of Christians in America would allow sharia law to prosper?
let that be written on your tombstone.
12/11/2015 1:17:38 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
let that be written on your tombstone.
12/11/2015 1:54:40 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law
Dean Obeidallah
It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’
The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?
To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”
Just last week we saw another example of creeping Christian Sharia Law with a bill passed by Kansas’ House of Representatives that would allow people and businesses to deny services to same sex couples if it violated their “religious beliefs.” This proposed law would in essence legally sanction discrimination against gay Americans because same sex marriage is not approved by the Bible. Similar bills are pending in other State's including Mississippi, Idaho, and Arizona.
And in the past few years, we have seen pro-life Christian groups successfully lobby State legislatures to restrict access to abortions. They have also raised religious, not public policy, objections to the government funding birth control.
But here’s the alarming thing: These views are no longer the fringe of American politics. They are increasingly become mainstream conservative fare.
We saw that in 2012 when Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum declared his belief that the laws in our country must “comport” with God’s law. Santorum also argued in opposition to marriage equality, that our nation’s values “are based on Biblical truth… And, those truths don’t change just because people’s attitudes may change.”
And former Governor Mike Huckabee, who is considering running for president in 2016, proclaimed during his 2008 presidential race that our laws should be in accordance with God’s. In fact, Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, went as far as to say: “…I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…”
Since we can’t talk the Huckabees and Santorums out of their views, then we should take a look at some of the more concerning passages from the Bible in case they truly mean it when they say our laws should be revised to agree with God’s law:
1. If a woman is found not to be a virgin on her wedding night, “she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.” Deuteronomy 22:20-21
2. “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” 1 Timothy 2:10-13.
3. “If a man commits adultery with another man's wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.” Leviticus 20:10 (Unlikely conservatives will push for this law because with it would mean too many politicians would be put to death.)
4. “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.” Leviticus 20:9
5. “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of Sabbath rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.” Exodus 35:2
Sure, some will say Huckabee, Santorum, and their supports don’t want to impose laws based on these extreme verses. Actually recent history tells us a different story. With each success the right has seen, they have become more embolden and pushed for even more radical laws.
For example, not too long ago mainstream abortion opponents did not object to abortions in the case when a woman was raped. But in light of their recent success in restricting abortions, mainstream conservatives now advocate a stricter version of “God’s law” with no abortion exceptions—meaning that women would be sentenced to carrying a rapist’s child to term.
In upcoming elections, we need to ask any candidate who cites the Bible as the rationale for their political position specifically how far do they intend to take that. At least then we won’t be surprised when they push to pass laws to silence women or stone women to death who aren’t virgins on their wedding night.
12/11/2015 2:03:36 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
^^ stop copying and pasting shit you f**king loser.
12/11/2015 2:31:56 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
There is no way to confirm virginity.
As much as Doublethree would like to think.
Another myth.
12/11/2015 6:24:51 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
El Paso, TX
40, joined Feb. 2014
^^ stop copying and pasting shit you f**king loser.
He's got nowhere else to post his tin foil hat stuff.
12/11/2015 9:18:41 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Greenwood, LA
94, joined Jul. 2014
Never say never
People are easily manipulated.
that is FOX NEWS business motto...
that is why they keep trying to scare people with their bu!!sh!t fear mongering 'news' stories....
cuz frightened people are even EASIER to control,and manipulate! '~'
[that also why the republicans want to keep people so uneducated,and ignorant,too,cuz if people were smart enough to realize just how badly they were being manipulated,and taken advantage of,it would be the death of the republican party!!!!]
12/11/2015 10:53:42 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Portage, WI
65, joined Jul. 2010
According to the wars fought across the earth for millennium..no religion ever wins forever. There are always radicals who sway a country. And then their young slowly lose the fervor. We have more to fear from Christians in the US than Muslems.
12/11/2015 11:42:22 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Hannity's ‘A Strong Believer In the Christian Version’ of Sharia Law
By Tom Johnson
December 10, 2015
Between Christians and Muslims, which group poses the greater threat to religious liberty in America? To Amanda Marcotte, there’s an obvious answer: Christians. In a Wednesday Salon column, the lefty pundit claimed that “the big difference between conservative Muslims and Christians in this country is that only the latter have a massive, organized movement that is backed by an entire political party to force their theocratic views on the non-believers.”
Marcotte’s peg was Sean Hannity’s recent statement on his radio show that we ought to find out whether would-be Muslim immigrants to the U.S. favor sharia. Marcotte deemed Hannity’s remark “breathtaking in its hypocrisy,” given that Hannity, “like nearly all conservatives these days, is a strong believer in the Christian version of ‘sharia law,’ i.e. forcing conservative religious beliefs on the non-believers by law.”
From Marcotte’s post:
On “The Sean Hannity Show” Tuesday, Hannity advanced a Trump-supportive argument that was breathtaking in its hypocrisy…
…If somebody from a country that practices sharia, wants to come to America, do we have a right to know and to vet whether or not they are bringing values that are contradictory to our constitutional republic?...Is asking that question really so over the top?...Why is there such a denial about how sharia law contradicts everything that we believe in our constitutional republic?
…[But] Hannity, like nearly all conservatives these days, is a strong believer in the Christian version of “sharia law,” i.e. forcing conservative religious beliefs on the non-believers by law…
No doubt Hannity’s argument is that his support for forced childbirth, mistreatment of LGBT children, and public harassment of transgender people is OK, because it isn’t as bad as fundamentalist Muslim views on these issue[s]…
…[Hannity] opposes beating women to death for having unauthorized sex. How very generous of him. Sure, he wants to make contraception harder for you to get and force you to give birth if you get pregnant, all while he sneeringly implies you’re a slut on the radio, but hey, he’ll allow you to live…
The “sharia law” hysteria on the right that Hannity is fueling here is a classic example of right-wing projection. Liberals (outside of a [few] idiots who have a simplistic view of multiculturalism) don’t think conservative hostility to women and LGBT people is only wrong if it comes from Christians but somehow ennobling if it comes from Muslims…
The big difference between conservative Muslims and Christians in this country is that only the latter have a massive, organized movement that is backed by an entire political party to force their theocratic views on the non-believers…
…Hannity would force someone like me to have a baby against my will, all because his God says so…
Most kids can expect to go to their biology classroom without having Muslim-penned religious materials being passed off on them as if they were “science,” but in huge swaths of America today, public school science classes are being used to pass off Christian theology under the guise of “teaching the controversy”…
12/11/2015 12:49:41 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Greenwood, LA
94, joined Jul. 2014
According to the wars fought across the earth for millennium..no religion ever wins forever. There are always radicals who sway a country. And then their young slowly lose the fervor. We have more to fear from Christians in the US than Muslems.
i totally agree!!!!
the christians are doing A LOT MORE damage to this country that the muslims ever have!!!
they try to impose their own reigious views onto everybody else,and to control their lives,based on their own idiotic,and ignorant superstitions,and they are willing to go to any lengths necessary to do it,such as bombing/burning abortion clinics!
when muslims try to do that,they call it 'terrorism',though!!!!
you know the difference between 'muslim' terrorism,and 'christian' terrorism??
the christians dont even see it as terrorisn,because it is something that THEY think is right!!
if the muslims had bombed a 'planned parenthood' clinic,instead of the twin towers,they wouldnt think it was a bad thing,and there wouldnt be nearly as much 'anti-muslim' sentiment as there currently is.
personally,i think that ALL religion is evil!!!!!
12/11/2015 2:52:32 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
North York, ON
45, joined Jul. 2015
OP are you saying Sharia Law will work in America?
12/11/2015 3:26:37 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
i totally agree!!!!
the christians are doing A LOT MORE damage to this country that the muslims ever have!!!
they try to impose their own reigious views onto everybody else,and to control their lives,based on their own idiotic,and ignorant superstitions,and they are willing to go to any lengths necessary to do it,such as bombing/burning abortion clinics!
when muslims try to do that,they call it 'terrorism',though!!!!
you know the difference between 'muslim' terrorism,and 'christian' terrorism??
the christians dont even see it as terrorisn,because it is something that THEY think is right!!
if the muslims had bombed a 'planned parenthood' clinic,instead of the twin towers,they wouldnt think it was a bad thing,and there wouldnt be nearly as much 'anti-muslim' sentiment as there currently is.
personally,i think that ALL religion is evil!!!!!
conservative = fundamentalist
12/11/2015 3:39:17 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Baltimore, MD
34, joined Dec. 2012
What do you mean "If it ain't broke dont fix it"? Seriously????!!!!! Have you not seen any of the protests on tv against police brutality? Are you unaware of the epidemic of Black male incarnation???? Did you not hear about the cop that just received like 270 years for raping all those Black women??? Did you not see the video of the 17 Black male gunned down like an rabid animal, shot 16 TIMES??? Or how about a few months ago when another Black man got shot IN HIS BACK AS HE WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM A COP???? Let me guess; you haven't seen ANY of those things, right?? We got no choice but for ISIL to come here and set things right; white ppl don't see any problem the ameriKKKa's law system, but guess what, EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!!!! This system was not ever meant to be fair to Blacks, and it will be placed with Sharia!! Insha'Allah.
12/11/2015 3:46:13 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Baltimore, MD
34, joined Dec. 2012
You pale creatures have had ya'll fun with us FOR WAY TOO LONG. Enough is ENOUGH!
12/11/2015 3:52:14 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Norman, OK
48, joined Apr. 2014
What do you mean "If it ain't broke dont fix it"? Seriously????!!!!! Have you not seen any of the protests on tv against police brutality? Are you unaware of the epidemic of Black male incarnation???? Did you not hear about the cop that just received like 270 years for raping all those Black women??? Did you not see the video of the 17 Black male gunned down like an rabid animal, shot 16 TIMES??? Or how about a few months ago when another Black man got shot IN HIS BACK AS HE WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM A COP???? Let me guess; you haven't seen ANY of those things, right?? We got no choice but for ISIL to come here and set things right; white ppl don't see any problem the ameriKKKa's law system, but guess what, EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!!!! This system was not ever meant to be fair to Blacks, and it will be placed with Sharia!! Insha'Allah.
yet you fail to mention the 2 black dudes who burnt a white man alive last week in s.c.
12/11/2015 3:53:18 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Norman, OK
48, joined Apr. 2014
You pale creatures have had ya'll fun with us FOR WAY TOO LONG. Enough is ENOUGH!
you would shit if we pulled the food stamps and free rent
12/11/2015 3:54:54 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Baltimore, MD
34, joined Dec. 2012
According to the wars fought across the earth for millennium..no religion ever wins forever. There are always radicals who sway a country. And then their young slowly lose the fervor. We have more to fear from Christians in the US than Muslems.
Well right now in amerikkka its the younger warriors leading the charge against police brutality, and they and many others will combine forces with ISIL very soon. The enemy of our enemy is indeed our friend.
12/11/2015 3:57:16 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Baltimore, MD
34, joined Dec. 2012
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/11/2015 3:59:42 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
you would shit if we pulled the food stamps and free rent
Capitalists would shit if we pulled the trillions of dollars in bailout funds.
Why is it that right-wingers never remember the trillions in welfare that is paid to the richest capitalists? Faulty memories? Or perhaps class-warfare agenda?
Total Bailout = $23.7 TRILLION
Joe Weisenthal
Jul. 20, 2009,
[Edited 12/11/2015 4:00:02 PM ]
12/11/2015 4:45:03 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
North York, ON
45, joined Jul. 2015
oh bull shit Marxist union thug scumbag condor.
We capitalists wouldn't cry if big companies bailouts are stopped
you lying POS.
12/11/2015 5:40:11 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
oh bull shit Marxist union thug scumbag condor.
We capitalists wouldn't cry if big companies bailouts are stopped
you lying POS.
Capitalists start puking their guts out just at the thought of free money coming to an end.
Dow closes down about 300, S&P off nearly 2% as oil slumps
Evelyn Cheng
"It's a nervous market here and that's moving due to the fact I think the market wants to hear from the Fed its intentions of future rate hikes," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at First Standard Financial.
The Federal Reserve is due to meet Dec. 15 and 16, and could raise rates for the first time in nine years.
12/11/2015 8:21:48 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
North York, ON
45, joined Jul. 2015
Oh no.... the DOW closed down 309 points today , damn where is my facking bailout
Are you panicking that your investments are down marxist scum bag?
Im not.
12/12/2015 11:04:29 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
Why won't Sharia Law work in America.
Percentage of Muslims in the U.S.: approximately 2.1 That means that more than ninety percent of all Americans are NOT Muslim, so the chances of their voting to change any laws to Sharia, is rather slim.
22% of all Americans are Catholic. Therefore the danger is MUCH greater that the Pope will be able to run your life, than any Muslim cleric.
Unless what you really did mean to ask, is why Sharia law wont work here. If that's the case, then the answer is that ANY legal system will work ANYWHERE, provided the people running it make it work.
That doesn't mean that anyone LIVING under said legal system will be happy. It just means that any system can be made to "work."
Here's a link to a relatively respectable Pew Research Center study of religion in the US:
AS you'll see, people declaring themselves to be Christian, are at 70%. For them to complain that they are a persecuted minority, or a threatened minority, is absurd.
But it's also one of the answers to "why Sharia Law wont happen here, no matter what some greedy political hack or paranoid person tries to tell you."
12/12/2015 12:03:10 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Vancouver, WA
36, joined Apr. 2013
Anyone saying it couldn't happen in America is just straight up retarded, just look at England, the police are too scared to go to Muslim communities.
12/12/2015 1:30:16 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Portage, WI
65, joined Jul. 2010
I laughed when I read about the dumb girl who went to join ISSL. She was not happy when they treated her like crap. She was used to satisfy their lust, made to clean and wash and cook and treated like a slave cause they think women are garbage. If you think they are so great and want them to come to America...get your head out. They treat everyone equal, for sure..they behead everyone. Blacks would be treated like whites..abused, shot, tortured and made to be warriors for the cause. Here..go tie on a bomb..I am sure a guy will be happy to detonate it by cell if you cant.
I see a few people who are protesting abuse by cops who are out of control. And I see many more who are using it as an excuse to riot and loot. When I hear a black man talking with proper English and making valid points I listen. When the media interviews someone who talks ghetto talk and acts like he is all that...click!
12/12/2015 5:40:23 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
Anyone saying it couldn't happen in America is just straight up retarded, just look at England, the police are too scared to go to Muslim communities.
Look at England? This is not England. Oh, and please update your insults. No one over the age of six who uses the term "retarded" as an insult, is mature enough to participate in a grown up discussion.
12/12/2015 7:14:42 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
Adults use the the term, fuktarded.
Because their ideas are f**ked up.
12/12/2015 11:03:03 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Vancouver, WA
36, joined Apr. 2013
Look at England? This is not England. Oh, and please update your insults. No one over the age of six who uses the term "retarded" as an insult, is mature enough to participate in a grown up discussion.
Really? That's your rebuttal? "We're not in England"
The word 'retarded' isn't an insult, it's the truth, it's a word with a definition. It's an easy way to say you're less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age. To tell me no one uses the term over the age of six shows your desperation. Your inability to contradict my point might be a tale tell sign that you aren't very smart.
12/13/2015 12:47:29 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
It won't work because most folk don't want to be terrorist muzzies who are already condemned to HELL.
12/13/2015 2:55:41 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Waukesha, WI
68, joined Jan. 2008
It won't work in the USA.
The ISIS type Muslims have a seventh century version of the Muslim faith they adhere to. In many ways it's similar to the ancient Hebrew version of faith that existed over 3,000 years ago. ISIS theology is simply out of step with the modern western world.
ISIS touts it wants world domination. By letting it grow unabated ISIS indeed will be more of a serious world problem than it already is. It will continue to enlist the 'stupid' of the younger generation thereby increase in number. Plus, continue with their terrorist activities in Europe and the United States.
The answer for the rest of the inhabitants of this planet is to destroy ISIS and it's cohorts. It must be accomplished before their level of sophistication in weaponry includes a nuclear capability.
The current president, obama, of the United States will not mount a serious resolution to the Radical Terrorists threat. To obama it's a personal reason. From age 6 to 10 obama lived in Indonesia where he went to an Indonesian approved grade school. There he learned, under the changed name of Barry Soetoro - his stepfather's last name was Soetoro. 'Barry' learned the Quran from cover to cover as it was mandatory in an Indonesian school.In his book Barry/Barack said the Arabic "morning call to prayer was the sweetest sound on earth". So, you see Barry/Barack obama is a bit biased in favor of the Islamic faith. Therefore, he will be the worst president of the United States because he doesn't want to take meaningful action against his Islamic brethren.
12/13/2015 5:58:12 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
I wish our rent was free; trust me, we're working on it. Economic jihad, baby!!
Want "Free Rent"? Then get your black a** back to Africa, b*tch. Live in the jungle with your monkey relatives.
12/13/2015 8:49:26 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Houston, TX
35, joined Sep. 2011
you would shit if we pulled the food stamps and free rent
Goodbye fake hair and nails. B*tch has to pay for food and shelter.
Goodbye Kool-aid, hello tap water.
[Edited 12/13/2015 8:50:02 AM ]
12/13/2015 9:23:36 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
Really? That's your rebuttal? "We're not in England"
The word 'retarded' isn't an insult, it's the truth, it's a word with a definition. It's an easy way to say you're less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age. To tell me no one uses the term over the age of six shows your desperation. Your inability to contradict my point might be a tale tell sign that you aren't very smart.
Rationality is even less your strong suit than maturity is.
There are places everywhere in the world, where this or that group has set up a small local hostile neighborhood. Freaking out because one of them has a lot of Muslims in it, and leaping directly from that, to calling for us to huddle in fear that our ENTIRE 300 MILLION PEOPLE NATION is on the verge of being as that tiny enclave, is irresponsible, ignorant, illogical, manipulative (if you expect anyone to change because you're fantasizing like a fifteen year old drama queen) and/or dishonest.
Yes, retarded is a real word, with a real definition, and you have chosen to KNOWINGLY use it entirely incorrectly, thus both insulting a LOT of people who don't deserve any mistreatment from anyone as low as you, AND proving that you are purposely dishonest and dishonorable.
12/13/2015 4:31:57 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Vancouver, WA
36, joined Apr. 2013
Rationality is even less your strong suit than maturity is.
There are places everywhere in the world, where this or that group has set up a small local hostile neighborhood. Freaking out because one of them has a lot of Muslims in it, and leaping directly from that, to calling for us to huddle in fear that our ENTIRE 300 MILLION PEOPLE NATION is on the verge of being as that tiny enclave, is irresponsible, ignorant, illogical, manipulative (if you expect anyone to change because you're fantasizing like a fifteen year old drama queen) and/or dishonest.
Do you know one plus one(?) I doubt it, cause' you seem to be unable to foresee these small local groups get bigger with each day. Why is radical Islam so hard to beat in Syria if you're soooooo not worried? They have people joining their cause based on their religion every day. So basically the religion is providing the source to radicalization. All it takes is a small group, the religion, and time for it to become a spawn point for radicalization.
12/14/2015 11:23:03 AM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Portage, WI
65, joined Jul. 2010
Maybe the answer is a second Crusades. We can send OUR holly warriors to slaughter anyone who is not Christian.
12/14/2015 12:42:26 PM |
Why won't Sharia Law work in America? |
Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
Maybe the answer is a second Crusades. We can send OUR holly warriors to slaughter anyone who is not Christian.
there is nothing wrong with being non-Christian.
There is something wrong with being pro-Jihad and supporting Sharia law.
They teach their children at a very young age that, put boys in militant situations by adolescence and groom them to kill for religious beliefs.