1/2/2016 9:48:04 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
But getting back to the main point in this thread. Jesus is dead and will stay that way. His body, if it ever existed, is decomposed and recycled by the earth. Nothing gets wasted except the kind of lives you life steeped in religious delusions and ignorance.
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1/2/2016 10:13:15 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
So you don't consider yourself of anymore lasting value than a tapeworm when it should be obvious to you that evolution entails the progression of lower to higher consciousness of being? You believe mortal life/death is the end of progressive evolution? Why in the hell do you believe it "wise" to believe that evolutionary dead end has been reached when you don't know the future of mankind's potential?
1/2/2016 10:35:32 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
So you don't consider yourself of anymore lasting value than a tapeworm when it should be obvious to you that evolution entails the progression of lower to higher consciousness of being?
Your mental illness distorts reality. I value life. You value death. You believe in magical beings. You're delusional.
You believe mortal life/death is the end of progressive evolution?
You're poorly educated. Evolution is a fact. Are you a high school dropout?
Why in the hell do you believe it "wise" to believe that evolutionary dead end has been reached when you don't know the future of mankind's potential?
You religion is a dead end that believes you evolve in death and mankind's potential is reached in death. You're in a death cult. 
[Edited 1/2/2016 10:36:17 AM ]
1/2/2016 11:11:48 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
Why don't you honestly answer my questions?
1/2/2016 11:26:57 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
I suggest you read Robert H Monroe's book "Journey out of the body" and watch one of his videos on youtube at...
if you want to see how wrong you are about insisting that when you are dead consciousness doesn't exist.
"Consciousness is a continuum" and you (smart guy) had better get with God's plan.
1/2/2016 11:35:29 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
Why don't you honestly answer my questions?
You don't ask questions based on reality. Your superstitions are nonsense and so your questions are nonsensical. Fact is your beliefs are based on zero evidence.
1/2/2016 12:12:10 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
You don't ask questions based on reality. Your superstitions are nonsense and so your questions are nonsensical. Fact is your beliefs are based on zero evidence.
You are just babbling evasively. There is nothing nonsensical about My questions. You just can't bring yourself to honestly respond. If that's not so then answer my questions.
So you don't consider yourself of anymore lasting value than a tapeworm?
You believe mortal life/death is the end of progressive evolution?
Why in the hell do you believe it "wise" to believe that evolutionary dead end has been reached when you don't know the future of mankind's potential?
And again I suggest you view and research the findings of Robert Monroe.
1/2/2016 12:26:49 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Godfrey, IL
33, joined Sep. 2014
if he does come back, there will be many disappointed Christians!
Matthew 25:31-46New International Version (NIV)
The Sheep and the Goats
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
1/2/2016 12:42:08 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Godfrey, IL
33, joined Sep. 2014
the imagination can create all the out of body experiences it wants to, but it sure seems silly to assume it could create any experience at all without a functioning brain. Experiencing a dreamy feeling of floating away from your body, does not mean you are actually floating away from your body. 
[Edited 1/2/2016 12:42:44 PM ]
1/2/2016 1:11:22 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
But getting back to the main point in this thread. Jesus is dead and will stay that way. His body, if it ever existed, is decomposed and recycled by the earth. Nothing gets wasted except the kind of lives you life steeped in religious delusions and ignorance.
no Jesus is alive and will return
getting back to the other remarks about hell and death, hell is misrepresented as a place of eternal torment which is wrong and death is simply when ones breath returns to God and they are dead or even as Jesus put it asleep until the resurrection morning
[Edited 1/2/2016 1:11:55 PM ]
1/2/2016 1:13:00 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
the imagination can create all the out of body experiences it wants to, but it sure seems silly to assume it could create any experience at all without a functioning brain. Experiencing a dreamy feeling of floating away from your body, does not mean you are actually floating away from your body. 
Did you watch Monroe's video I gave a link to? NO.
Well watch it and enlighten yourself.
1/2/2016 2:38:24 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
no Jesus is alive and will return
He, supposedly, died 2000 years ago...He may stink a lot.
1/2/2016 2:47:49 PM |
Jesus is coming again |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

1/2/2016 3:15:32 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
You are just babbling evasively.
Evading nothing.
There is nothing nonsensical about My questions.
Because your mind dwells in superstitious nonsense you think it's not nonsense. Try again.
You just can't bring yourself to honestly respond. If that's not so then answer my questions.
Right. Try to ask a rational question.
So you don't consider yourself of anymore lasting value than a tapeworm?
Lasting value of a tapeworm makes no sense. What is the lasting value of a tapeworm? Tapeworms live and then they die. If you had a tapeworm you will hope it dies.
You believe mortal life/death is the end of progressive evolution?
This is a stupid question. Evolution is a scientific fact. If animals didn't die and reproduce nothing would evolve.
Why in the hell do you believe it "wise" to believe that evolutionary dead end has been reached when you don't know the future of mankind's potential?
Another stupid question and non sequitur
And again I suggest you view and research the findings of Robert Monroe.
Just did. Altered states of consciousness. I've also read Timothy Leary. I even met him once at a conference. And what's the point? OBE? This proves what? That you can hallucinate? At least Leary knew when you took LSD you would have hallucinations. Do you like to hallucinate?
1/2/2016 4:09:52 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
He, supposedly, died 2000 years ago...He may stink a lot.
he has risen and is alive and is coming so get ready folks
1/2/2016 4:16:01 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
he has risen and is alive and is coming so get ready folks
I don 't kmow if
1) to get mad,
2) to laugh,
3) to feel sorry....or
4) all of the above...
about people like you.
1/2/2016 4:34:57 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
I don 't kmow if
1) to get mad,
2) to laugh,
3) to feel sorry....or
4) all of the above...
about people like you.
up to you but like it goes, you cannot make me unbelieve just like i cannot make you believe. i hope you do believe one day because i believe we have evidence that all this is true but then again it is a matter of faith. either way i have nothing to lose and i am all there. maybe a few issues but who would not living in this world
the thing is, we all will die one day and then what? and here we have a God who promises us hope of eternal life. so when i die i have that hope if i believe. and by some chance i never come back up, i want know nothing because i am dead. i rather gamble and believe and have that hope then die with no hope
but i tell you, it is real
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”
1/2/2016 4:47:50 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
he has risen and is alive and is coming so get ready folks
Mental illness is a debilitating disease of the mind. It's really bad when you're unintelligent because you have little ability to work through your delusions.
1/2/2016 5:56:07 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
up to you but like it goes, you cannot make me unbelieve
But to change you is not my intention..I couldn't care less what you think. You,guys, are the ones who go around attempting to change people...and you all do so because you are arrogant
1/2/2016 6:35:08 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
Mental illness is a debilitating disease of the mind. It's really bad when you're unintelligent because you have little ability to work through your delusions.
well we will see when Jesus does come
1/2/2016 6:35:46 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
eader]Quote from wayn49:
up to you but like it goes, you cannot make me unbelieve
But to change you is not my intention..I couldn't care less what you think. You,guys, are the ones who go around attempting to change people...and you all do so because you are arrogant
maybe some christians do care
1/2/2016 6:40:41 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
up to you but like it goes, you cannot make me unbelieve just like i cannot make you believe.
Bullshit. Provide evidence an everyone will believe. As for your beliefs, they are based on nonsense fiction with much evidence to the contrary. That's makes you delusional.
i hope you do believe one day because i believe we have evidence that all this is true but then again it is a matter of faith.
Your English dialect is stupidity. If you had evidence faith wouldn't be necessary.
either way i have nothing to lose and i am all there.
If your mind is deteriorated your lost it a long time ago.
maybe a few issues but who would not living in this world
Which only tells of your lack of happiness and fulfillment in this world.
the thing is, we all will die one day and then what? and here we have a God who promises us hope of eternal life.
No it's superstitious authors and bullshit artists who made the promise. None of the 4000 gods promised anything because they're myths. But those who have had hallucinations might say differently.
The following reveals your servitude to a death cult. Your death is worth more than your life.
so when i die i have that hope if i believe. and by some chance i never come back up, i want know nothing because i am dead. i rather gamble and believe and have that hope then die with no hope
but i tell you, it is real
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”
1/2/2016 6:43:59 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
what is your unbelief based on? nothing................but satan letting the world think there is no God
1/2/2016 7:16:20 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
what is your unbelief based on? nothing................but satan letting the world think there is no God
You're mentally ill. Face facts. You're psychologically and intellectually deteriorated.
Your beliefs are nonsense based on zero evidence. Satan,God, goblins, angels, devils, etc. You're living in the dark ages.
1/2/2016 7:41:26 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
You're mentally ill. Face facts. You're psychologically and intellectually deteriorated.
Your beliefs are nonsense based on zero evidence. Satan,God, goblins, angels, devils, etc. You're living in the dark ages.
If you want to call that living ..... I don't.
1/2/2016 8:15:28 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
online now!
Quote from duchessa:
I don 't kmow if
1) to get mad,
2) to laugh,
3) to feel sorry....or
4) all of the above...
about people like you.
When something ends with "people like you," it's just an ad hominem, personal attack, nothing more. You got nothing, duchessa.
up to you but like it goes, you cannot make me unbelieve just like i cannot make you believe. i hope you do believe one day because i believe we have evidence that all this is true but then again it is a matter of faith. either way i have nothing to lose and i am all there. maybe a few issues but who would not living in this world
the thing is, we all will die one day and then what? and here we have a God who promises us hope of eternal life. so when i die i have that hope if i believe. and by some chance i never come back up, i want know nothing because i am dead. i rather gamble and believe and have that hope then die with no hope
but i tell you, it is real
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”
1/2/2016 10:24:30 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Avondale, AZ
61, joined Feb. 2008
He, supposedly, died 2000 years ago...He may stink a lot.
Is that the only outlook you have?
I sincerely pity you. You may die without hope.
I use the word "may" because I don;t know what God may yet do in this life you've borrowed.
1/2/2016 10:38:28 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Avondale, AZ
61, joined Feb. 2008
Quote from ludlowlowell:
That may be the
christian claim ..... but history tells a different story ..... I would have to agree with Walt again on his opinion about Gehenna ..... I must be loosing it.
The so called doctrine of eternal torment is the biggest black eye that fundamentalist Christians have given God.
What kind of a loving, compassionate God would torment human beings forever after having only lived a brief few years??????
Maybe it's what Lud likes, but it's not the kind of God I want to know.
1/3/2016 12:50:53 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
Your English bible of many different languages stated,,God destroy Jesus eternal entity element soul because he was a people pleaser and didn't think he was on the same will terms in obeying life manual instructions to inherit eternal life..
1/3/2016 6:58:23 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
maybe some christians do
And I don't care that some Christian "maybe do care." The opinion of a person whose mental faculties are depleted are not of my concern.
1/3/2016 7:01:22 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Is that the only outlook you have?
No, dear...what I have...a lot...is sense of humor.
Pity yourself for living hoping to dye.
1/3/2016 8:40:35 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
Poor Walt is losing it but then again he lost it a long time ago
1/3/2016 10:58:39 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
Poor Walt is losing it but then again he lost it a long time ago
You're mentally ill. Face facts. You're psychologically and intellectually deteriorated.
Your beliefs are nonsense based on zero evidence.
1/3/2016 11:01:54 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
And I don't care that some Christian "maybe do care." The opinion of a person whose mental faculties are depleted are not of my concern.
then are you saying you do not care about people?
1/3/2016 11:32:17 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
then are you saying you do not care about people?
Can't you tell that by her posts? She doesn't give a sh.t about people who believe different from her. She's arrogant, ignorant, illogical and wholly self-centered.
[Edited 1/3/2016 11:34:38 AM ]
1/3/2016 11:43:37 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
then are you saying you do not care about people?

That is NOT what she said ..... and ..... you know it!
1/3/2016 1:05:35 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
Your English bible of many different languages stated,,God destroy Jesus eternal entity element soul because he was a people pleaser and didn't think he was on the same will terms in obeying life manual instructions to inherit eternal life..
Jesus perverted God justice for all genders entitlement of ground standards and treason still death by hanging or hung on a cross..
[Edited 1/3/2016 1:06:50 PM ]
1/3/2016 1:33:57 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
then are you saying you do not care about people?
I don't know if you lack "reading comprehension" or, in your twisted mind, you enjoy putting words in people's mouths.
I don't care for your beliefs....Got it, boy?
1/3/2016 1:38:18 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
That is NOT what she said ..... and ..... you know it!
I am not so sure he does.
Gee, these people think they can shake us with stupid sentences such as "Are you afraid of what I am saying? / Then, you don't care about people. / God will chastise you...." and many others in the same tenor. They think they can use guilt on us because that's the way they were taught.
1/3/2016 1:40:15 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
Can't you tell that by her posts? She doesn't give a sh.t about people who believe different from her. She's arrogant, ignorant, illogical and wholly self-centered.
1/3/2016 2:06:41 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
How would anyone with a mental disorder where you are hearing voices in your head and communicating with unseen imaginary beings? You can't care for others when you can't even care for yourself. That's why you need a psychiatrist.
1/3/2016 2:21:12 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
How would anyone with a mental disorder where you are hearing voices in your head and communicating with unseen imaginary beings?
If that's a question its not understandable. 
You can't care for others when you can't even care for yourself. That's why you need a psychiatrist.
This is just stupid. I care for myself and I care about others. You are the one who obviously needs a psychiatrist.
1/3/2016 2:38:09 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
This is just stupid. I care for myself and I care about others. You are the one who obviously needs a psychiatrist.
Voice in the head is a serious mental condition. You're admitted interacting with something imaginary. Selling faith garbage shows you don't care about people but want to distort their lives with superstitious garbage. Feeding garbage to others makes you a psychopath.
1/3/2016 2:46:25 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
Voice in the head is a serious mental condition. You're admitted interacting with something imaginary. Selling faith garbage shows you don't care about people but want to distort their lives with superstitious garbage. Feeding garbage to others makes you a psychopath.
You're mentally ill. Face facts. You're psychologically and intellectually deteriorated.
Your beliefs are nonsense based on zero evidence.
1/3/2016 4:03:03 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Avondale, AZ
61, joined Feb. 2008
i cannot make you believe
That is true, Wayne. Only God can affect a human heart.
So one might ask, why do we bother?
That's a question only you or I can answer, individually.
There are many legitimate reasons people are at odds with God, or at odds with a belief in Him.
As for me, I hope some little thing I might say, or share would have some value to folk who are at odds with God. If not now, then at some point down the road.
1/3/2016 4:27:11 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
That is true, Wayne. Only God can affect a human heart.
So one might ask, why do we bother?
That's a question only you or I can answer, individually.
There are many legitimate reasons people are at odds with God, or at odds with a belief in Him.
As for me, I hope some little thing I might say, or share would have some value to folk who are at odds with God. If not now, then at some point down the road.
There is that arrogant persistence christians are known for, just like a used car salesman.
I would bet that's why most of the non-christian world dislikes the christians.
1/3/2016 4:40:32 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
As for me, I hope some little thing I might say, or share would have some value to folk who are at odds with God. If not now, then at some point down the road.
See, your words above state that your way of thinking is the correct one. The arrogance of all of you believers doesn't know limits.
1/3/2016 4:43:55 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
I don't know if you lack "reading comprehension" or, in your twisted mind, you enjoy putting words in people's mouths.
I don't care for your beliefs....Got it, boy?
got it girl? yea boy i do and my mind is not twisted dear. i just have a desire to talk about it and i do care
1/3/2016 6:04:07 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
my mind is not twisted dear.

Your brain is infected with toxic christian dogma ..... you are a sick puppy!
1/3/2016 6:13:17 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
You atheists are clearly the "sick puppy" if this life is the only life you desire to experience.
1/3/2016 6:29:24 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
got it girl? yea boy i do and my mind is not twisted dear. i just have a desire to talk about it and i do care
Well, dear, you can care a lot about whatever your heart desire...but I couldn't care
less about your way of thinking.
1/3/2016 6:58:51 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
Well, dear, you can care a lot about whatever your heart desire...but I couldn't care
less about your way of thinking.
If it were only about their way of thinking then it would be fine. But religious loons seek to pollute the minds of weak and vulnerable wherever they could and especially children who are most vulnerable to such psychological damage. They may never recover.
It's just a matter of time neuro and cognitive sciences gathers enough data to treat this mental illness. A neuroscientist spilled the beans speaking too soon but giving us hope that new therapies and medications would cure religious fundamentalism. Well the cat's out of the bag. Psychology, psychiatry has always recognized the damage of religious beliefs. It's not just a matter or being wrong but being pathologically wrong.
If you closely examine the tenets of Christianity for example, the words Jesus spoke, it's outrageously damaging and sick. And while someone can cherry pick Jesus speaking supposedly good things, such as the Sermon on the Mount, upon close examination we see even that has caused damage.
1/3/2016 7:35:09 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Jacksonville, FL
75, joined Apr. 2011
You atheists are clearly the "sick puppy" if this life is the only life you desire to experience.
1/3/2016 7:53:12 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Avondale, AZ
61, joined Feb. 2008
Well, dear, you can care a lot about whatever your heart desire...but I couldn't care
less about your way of thinking.
Then why bother even posting in this thread?
1/3/2016 8:04:29 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Avondale, AZ
61, joined Feb. 2008
Quote from walt_oftheearth:
That is true, Wayne. Only God can affect a human heart.
So one might ask, why do we bother?
That's a question only you or I can answer, individually.
There are many legitimate reasons people are at odds with God, or at odds with a belief in Him.
As for me, I hope some little thing I might say, or share would have some value to folk who are at odds with God. If not now, then at some point down the road.
There is that arrogant persistence christians are known for, just like a used car salesman.
I would bet that's why most of the non-christian world dislikes the christians.
I would instead call it genuine concern, courage, and boldness. Not hesitating in the face of rebuff.
It is a real tragedy that most of the non Christian world dislikes Christians, but it is not unexpected.
An irony of ironies. The lost prefer to be lost.
1/3/2016 8:36:45 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
online now!
got it girl? yea boy i do and my mind is not twisted dear. i just have a desire to talk about it and i do care
Just block her, wayn. She's not even supposed to be here in this Forum.
1/3/2016 8:49:18 PM |
Jesus is coming again |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
It is a real tragedy that most of the non Christian world dislikes Christians, but it is not unexpected.
An irony of ironies. The lost prefer to be lost.
I'm not sure the non-Christian world dislikes Christians per se. It's the fundamentalist, biblical literalist, evolution and science denying crowd who are the most annoying. If people dislike those folks, apart from their constant dishonesty about science, it probably has something to with the unwarranted attitude displayed of their claiming to have the One True Religion and that anyone who disagrees is "lost". This is nauseatingly condescending, and shows a disrespect for the rights of other people's to have their own views which they may feel are equally or more valid.
1/3/2016 10:36:32 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
It is a real tragedy that most of the non Christian world dislikes Christians, but it is not unexpected.
An irony of ironies. The lost prefer to be lost.
Lot's of Christians dislike other Christians. There are something like 30,000 denominations in over 200 countries. Much of my fun is watching two delusional Christians battle it out with one another about who's delusion is correct. Now that's irony. 
1/3/2016 11:25:25 PM |
Jesus is coming again |


Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
I would instead call it genuine concern, courage, and boldness. Not hesitating in the face of rebuff.
It is a real tragedy that most of the non Christian world dislikes Christians, but it is not unexpected.
An irony of ironies. The lost prefer to be lost.
Well no surprise there, after all you have posted a number of mistruths trying to convince us non believers that your gods magic is real rather than imagined.
Let's face it walt you are so biased, you need a gyroscope to keep you upright.
1/4/2016 12:18:16 AM |
Jesus is coming again |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
online now!
It is a real tragedy that most of the non Christian world dislikes Christians, but it is not unexpected. An irony of ironies. The lost prefer to be lost.
I'm not sure the non-Christian world dislikes Christians per se. It's the fundamentalist, biblical literalist, evolution and science denying crowd who are the most annoying. If people dislike those folks, apart from their constant dishonesty about science, it probably has something to with the unwarranted attitude displayed of their claiming to have the One True Religion and that anyone who disagrees is "lost". This is nauseatingly condescending, and shows a disrespect for the rights of other people's to have their own views which they may feel are equally or more valid.
I agree with Clarence, it's the obnoxiousness and insufferability and imagined superiority of Christians and Catholics (especially Catholics) that drive people away from serious religion, starting with the idea that the bible here on planet earth is the very word of the Creator of the Universe, and going on from there to "the pope is not God but he stands in for God," and "outside of the Catholic church there is no salvation," and "whoever rejects the pope rejects Jesus, and whoever rejects Jesus rejects God," and "only followers of Christ live truly honest and authentic lives," and "the saints aren't dead. They are alive in Heaven. And devotion to Mary is mandatory because God made her the New Eve, the new mother of the human race, and to reject her would be to reject the fourth commandment, honor thy father and mother," and "If your heart is right you will be attracted to the Catholic Church," and "Oh, the errors we commit when we depart from Catholic truth." and "The Kingdom of God is the Catholic Church," and "All Christians are not the same. Only Catholics are true Christians---the rest are either heretics or schismatics," and on and on with many more such absurd assertions. (Thanks to Ludlow for most of that material, which comes in a never ending onslaught.) A person can only stand so much of that absurd crap, walt.
(Walt has me blocked, so he may not see this.)