3/9/2016 12:41:07 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Behind every great man
Is a woman rolling her eyes.  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/10/2016 7:15:45 AM |
***Great Men*** |


Starke, FL
75, joined Mar. 2009

3/10/2016 4:46:17 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
3/11/2016 5:06:41 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
great men think alike,
thats why we are divorced
and happy to not go back.
3/11/2016 5:27:05 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
No argument from me O.P...
3/12/2016 8:45:24 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

3/13/2016 7:52:11 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
There's only one: God
Happy make a happy memory day, everyone.  
3/16/2016 4:13:55 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Oxford, AL
57, joined May. 2014
Thank the Earth Mother my girl puts
up with my inane (insane) ways...

3/17/2016 10:37:36 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
My Guy gave me his credit card and said, "Go out and buy you something to make you look sexy. "
So I got drunk. 
3/18/2016 10:53:54 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

3/19/2016 8:54:51 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
thanks cupocheer that joke will tickle some old geezers tomorrow at church.
3/19/2016 11:46:04 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

3/20/2016 7:13:10 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
where do you hide money from a hippie? under the soap!
3/20/2016 7:16:44 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
how many hippies does it take to screw in a light bulb? none, they screw in sleeping bags!
3/23/2016 3:59:45 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
(Jack, the husband, stepping out of the shower.)
Honey it's just too hot today to wear any clothes.
What do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn this way?
That I married you for your money.
3/23/2016 6:44:09 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
wife - honey, i would like to try 12 inches.
husband - so i screwed her 4 times. 
3/24/2016 7:24:05 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Honey, not tonight. I have a headache.
Tell me about it.!

Are you losing your hearing?
3/24/2016 11:57:28 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

3/25/2016 7:15:17 AM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
now thats funny cupocheer
3/30/2016 9:30:48 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
(husband).. We got a notice from the bank.
.. What did they say?
.. The notice says we are in 'Overdraft' status.
.. Wonderful! There's a few items on sale I need to pick up.
3/30/2016 3:54:17 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
happiness is in the eye of the beholder.
so when you find a beholder look deep in its
eye and gaze upon happiness. 
3/30/2016 4:20:39 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
.. Hi, honey. You're home early.
.. Yeah.
.. Are you sic
.. Naw.
.. Well?
.. Well?
.. Yes.
.. I got fired!
.. What?
.. I got fired!
.. From the Calendar Factory?
.. Yeah.
.. Why?
.. For taking a day off.
.. Did you have to go to the dentist?

3/30/2016 6:43:59 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
what did 1 ball say to the other ball?
why should we hang when peter did the shootin 
3/31/2016 8:32:20 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
.. Hi honey. (welcoming husband home)
..(kissing wife in forehead) It's always good to come home to you, beautiful.
..Thank you, darling. I love you.
..I love you more, sweetie.
(wife, smiling coquettishly) How did the job interview go?
.. I didn't get the job.
.. Oh, that's too bad.
..Yes, it is, dear. But something better will come along.
..Yes, I'm sure it will, babe. Do you know why you didn't get the job?
..Yes, my honeydew.
..Tell me, please, lover.
..The CEO asked me, pumpkin, who was smarter. The employee or the employee.
..What did you answer, poppi?
..I said, "Everybody knows you don't hire idiots."
3/31/2016 6:47:50 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
i bet you're drinking from your
saucer because your cupocheer has overflowed.
[Edited 3/31/2016 6:48:15 PM ]
4/1/2016 7:16:18 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Sophie Tucker (a great. risque, comedienne) tells a story about her military flying ace boyfriend, Ernie.
"My Ernie", says Sophie, "didn't mind going down.
Even when he went down in flames."
4/5/2016 1:51:24 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
i bet you're drinking from your
saucer because your cupocheer has overflowed. 
What's the difference between a porcupine and Porche?
Porcupines have pricks on the outside.
4/5/2016 2:14:56 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
hahahaha good 1 cup
4/7/2016 9:56:59 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
...(woman) What makes a forum?
...(man) People gathering together in a public venue to share opinions.
... No.
... What then?
... A two-um and a two-um.
4/14/2016 10:07:22 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

4/15/2016 6:56:38 AM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008

4/15/2016 3:52:22 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
(the little woman)... Why can't women read road maps?
(the macho man)... Because only men's minds can comprehend when one inch equals a mile.
... -0-
4/16/2016 9:47:32 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Which reminds me of a short story:
In my career profession I often worked closely with the court systems.
As one of the only women in a male-dominated career field I was often requested to assist other agencies with specialized needs... shall we say.
A personal friend of mine was a sitting judge (Do you know judges don't actually sit on the bench? They have big, leather, swivel chairs.).
I was summoned to the judge's chambers one afternoon and was asked to undertake an 'undercover assignment' with local law enforcement.
The judge explained to me what the assignment would entail and what I needed to be observant of.
I thought this could be an interesting assignment, something I had never done before, so I accepted.
Later that day too undercover law enforcement officers came to my home to pick me to begin our assignment.
Both of the officers were men, casually dressed. One was Caucasian, the other African American. One was gay, the other was straight.
As we traveled to our assignment destination the officers "briefed" me on what was to take place.
When we arrived at our assigned location the officers escorted me into an adult book store
Trying not to look astonished, walked over the glass display cases to browse the contents contained therein.
WOW! What a novice I was!
Seeing a large, black, rubberish-looking object, I glanced up at my black male 'partner' and he grinned.
While our other 'partner' was quietly discussing business with the clerk, I wandered over to the books and magazine section (this was prior to adult reading materials being clad in a non-descript cover jacket). I think I must have gone skack-jawed because my black 'partner's eased closer to me and nudged my shoulder.
Business completed with the clerk, our caucasian 'partner' walked over to where we were standing and said, "Come with me."
He led us toward the back of the shop to a door opening which had no door but was covered by a curtain
Inside this dimly lit back room there were a row of about 12 small booths, akin to bathroom stalls with wooden doors which didn't reach the ceiling or go all the way to the floor.
Ushering me into a little cubicle by myself, my caucasian 'partner' handed me four quarters, stepped outside the cubicle and closed the door.
Hmmmm.. taking a seat (OMG) on a metal folding chair and faced a small theatre-type screen.
Locating the coin slot beside the screen I dropped a quarter into the slot.
Clink... the coin hit the bottom of a metal coin box... and movie started on the screen.
Nice color, I thought.
All of a sudden a palm tree came into focus and a man carrying a machete slowly approached the palm tree.
...WTF!?! The screen had gone black.
Realizing now why I had four quarters.. I dropped a second coin into the slot.
The screen came to life (I was getting the hand of this now).
The movie started up right where it had left off.
As 'machete man' drew closer to the palm tree I observed a beautiful young woman standing with her back to the palm. Her hands and ankles were bound and secured around the palm.
Dagnabit! Where's my quarters?
Screen flashes back to life...
Suddenly. I burst out laughing uproariously. My 'partners' whispered, "Are you alright in there?"
"Yes", said I, "shhhhh."
I gawked at the screen (no one could see my expressions in here) and I began laughing again.
By now my 'partners' must have been really curious about my outbursts because they began jumping up and down trying to look over the door.
"What is it?", they queried, in unison. "You're not supposed to be watching a comedy."
Laughing, I replied, "It's not the movie. It's the little specks all over the screen."
4/17/2016 10:57:57 AM |
***Great Men*** |


Columbus, OH
31, joined Oct. 2014
ive seen you windy city, the big apple your worst men are erected in concrete for the birds to shit on while your best men sleep below them on benches
4/18/2016 9:01:09 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Weleetka, OK
69, joined Feb. 2014
Behind every great man there is a woman, telling him that everything he is doing is wrong. 
4/18/2016 9:50:05 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Behind every great man there is a woman, telling him that everything he is doing is wrong. 
Rolling my eyes
I am not surprised...
But on this I would disagree.
That's not saying men are wrong...
For singing their song...
But sometimes a womans'gotta pee.

[Edited 4/18/2016 9:51:12 AM ]
4/18/2016 3:10:27 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Indianapolis, IN
56, joined Dec. 2013
And behind every great woman........
Wait a minute.........
Great Woman?
I've seen a lot of women. A Great One
Well you hear about it; BIGFOOT, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Flying Saucers Honest Politicians and used car salesmen. But a great woman? Hmmmmm........
4/18/2016 3:34:02 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Six Irishmen were playing poker at O'Leary's apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500.00 on a single hand, clutches his chest, and drops dead at the table.
Showing deep respect the other five continue to play standing up.
Michael O'Connor looks around and asks, "Oh, me boys, someone gots to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?"
They draw straws.
Paul Gallagher picks the short one.
The others tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation worse.
"Discreet? I'm the most discreet Irishman you'll ever meet. Discretion is ME middle name. Leave it to me." states Gallagher.
... (Gallagher goes to Murphy's house, and knocks on the door.)
... (Mrs. Murphy answers.) What do you want?
... Your husband just lost $500.00 and is afraid to come home.
... Tell him to drop dead.
... I'll tell him. 
4/18/2016 6:38:55 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Indianapolis, IN
56, joined Dec. 2013
 That was awesome Cheer. Just like you lady.  
4/19/2016 6:00:25 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
On vacation! 
4/21/2016 11:05:58 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
...(man friend) I have a twin sister.
...(woman friend) [Dear God, please give me a sign they're fraternal.]
4/21/2016 8:52:51 PM |
***Great Men*** |


Anniston, AL
46, joined Oct. 2008
a nun in a blender is a twisted sister.
4/22/2016 11:50:22 AM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
...(husband) Honey, you've had me 'cut off' for a week now!
...(wife) And we're getting along great, aren't we?
4/23/2016 9:32:17 PM |
***Great Men*** |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
...(husband) Honey, did you miss a period?
...(wife) No, dear. You haven't finished your sentence yet.