4/14/2016 10:57:50 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
i am not against capitalism. i love the idea of working hard so that one day you can live the life you want to live. it gives you purpose and something to strive for. but we don't need to kill to achieve the american dream. we dont need to hate each other. we dont need to take advantage of the desperate. we dont need to forget each other and reward narcissicm, we don't need that. we need more wide open arms, more care and support. what happens when you become disabled by no fault of your own much like my mother with her brain tumor enigma? what happens when LIFE happens to you and you suddenly become this person that you despise so much? what then enigma? will you truthfully tell me that you will not receive this 'handout' so that you can survive another day? i think you will enigma. i think you just like the italian lady that came here from overseas and made a life for herself, i think when all of you fall on hard times you will resort back to what you hate the most. but yet you deny that which saves us from ourselves? and you want to hate on it as thou you wouldnt take advantage of something that is there to help you and to serve you and to make your stronger. you would be a fool not to in my opinion. to accept a life that is below you or no life at all. you want more for yourself and so do i enigma, we've just chosen different paths. i just wish your path didn't involve so much hate for something you can not understand!
Yea I believe in that zeitgeist movement . This money system isn't going well at all .
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4/14/2016 11:37:03 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Chelan, WA
71, joined Nov. 2008
online now!
Any person, thing, situation, - Every thing depresses chris3357m... - ! -,
Chris really needs to see a good shrink ! 
AND... clean up your dirty potty mouth language ! 
4/14/2016 11:45:03 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Chelan, WA
71, joined Nov. 2008
online now!
Yea I believe in that zeitgeist movement . This money system isn't going well at all .
Most people wont wake up until the party is over. - CRASH !!
* New Book: "Technocracy Rising" By, Pat Wood.
= the 'Old Utopian Economics' of the 1930's - Rising with new
'Global Government' - with 'Trilateral Commission' to implement
a new economical order.
* "NWO" To replace "Free Market Capitalism" )
* the book 1984 was all about ''Technocracy'
* Agenda 21
* 20-30 Agenda by the UN
* Global Warming Control for big Corporate
new big $ Profits
* $ Trillions put into new "Green Economy"
for Global Corporations big $ Profits.
IE: Global Government: Surveillance, banking, food control,
tax payer subsidized wind & solar power, for Crony energy and
by Crony Corporation. - aka, Corporate Welfare ! - "Salindra"
* The global controllers pushing for a total "Cashless Society"
IE: with all $$$ transactions.
* USA & Globally: City / country / farms / Water / E-power / Resources /
Land / BML all slowly being bought up and put into the hands of the
'Globalist Elitist' for their control = Agenda 21.
^^^^ Gorge Soros is in the middle of all that !
* Americans need to root out the 'Agenda 21' people and their BIG
private money, within our own local communities / cities / states.
* Germany is discontinuing their wind power by 2018,
it's seen as a big economical failure and has raised Germans homes /
factories E-power coast by a factor of 3. Plus the peoples taxes being
used to subsidize the "crony wind power" industry.
* Not coast effective !
There's a lot, lot more - " ITS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE !!"
4/14/2016 11:51:00 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
and no one here has ever been needy..your a liar if you say no,not ever at any time..you were born a perfect adult......not.we all need people...allways......
4/15/2016 12:12:13 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Madison, TN
24, joined Feb. 2016
Nope, not at all 
Should it ?
4/15/2016 3:23:52 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


New York, NY
41, joined Aug. 2014
I enjoy my singleness. 
Always something different to do,
when to do it,
who to do it with.
How to do it.

4/15/2016 8:15:48 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Houston, TX
65, joined May. 2012
I'm 65 if I haven't learned what a relationship is about by now I really should give it up .. I've been married 38 years of my adult life... NO I'm not materialistic ... I don't have a new vehicle - because I don't have a big ego therefore feeding it to make me feel important (to who) is not necessary... I have a house own it I don't need financial support ... Hell yes I know I'm NOT materialistic .!!
I don't need stuff to make me happy !
4/15/2016 10:37:44 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
Then stop whining about your life of poverty. If you didn't have to pay excessive amounts of taxes, to show that your arms are SO open for the "less fortunate"(lazy bums and single mothers), you wouldn't be as bad off as you are. Maybe if you were raised by a REAL man, that taught you how to have a spine, instead of neutering you, you would have figured out how to use your degree to find a financially fulfilling career.
And what you support is called Socialism, NOT Capitalism.
Didn't they teach you how to use Google, or a Dictionary, at college?
"We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization."-Franklin D. Roosevelt
it is my belief that everyone has you blocked at this point enigma except for me because you're just not able to be reasoned with. you infect the threads that i create and others with your crony capitalism supporting ways. you see the world one way and you can't see it any other way and that is sad to me, i'm sorry. you lack any care in the world for anyone but the 1% but tell the truth enigma you are no where near a 1%er and you most likely never will be, especially with your hateful and disgraceful attitude towards very real working class and poor individuals who i guaruntee as their lives slip further, as they are degraded and devalued further, will become increasingly in opposition to a capitalistic environment that no longer serves them.
these people don't want to be poor as would be inferred by your messages, they don't want to be a leach on society, most of them anyways, they don't want to be living paycheck to paycheck, despite what you have inferred and what you are being told. many of them like myself really do just want to help society and make it better, they want to do better than their parents who have came before them.
yes our society and the hate that is being spread by repubs and democrats just like yourself is depressing to me, just as is being single because i can't be as cut throat as you and so easily make the choices you would like to make for your life that lead to what some would call 'success'. i do not intend to cheat my way to the top, i'm not going to steal from the american people, i'm not going to lie to them and support the decimation of the middle class. that doesn't make me a bad person. maybe thru your eyes, but honestly your opinions and the opinions of bigots and haters just like yourself have no relevancy to me.
but i am one of the few still hopeful for the poor and working class, still in belief that if we stand together united we can change this country for the better instead of watch it continue its collapse. the problem with you and people like you is that you think that the poor and working class, millions of people, will just stand idly by while you take from them and starve them more and more everyday, while you attempt to silence them completely and forever. i do not believe these people will allow it these great people who want a chance at the american dream will not allow theirselves to be killed off systematically.
what i believe is that if we stand together we can guarantee health care as a right, we can make college and universities tuition free, we can break up the large financial institutions, we can make the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, we can lead the world in transforming our energy system and combating climate change. we can create a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%!!! when we stand together united, when we stop allowing the donald trumps like enigma to divide us up, when millions of us say enough is enough, we will start to see real change in this economy for all people, not just the 1%.
[Edited 4/15/2016 10:40:12 AM ]
4/15/2016 10:45:47 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
I'm 65 if I haven't learned what a relationship is about by now I really should give it up .. I've been married 38 years of my adult life... NO I'm not materialistic ... I don't have a new vehicle - because I don't have a big ego therefore feeding it to make me feel important (to who) is not necessary... I have a house own it I don't need financial support ... Hell yes I know I'm NOT materialistic .!!
I don't need stuff to make me happy !
obviously being in a relationship is not for everyone. some of us are loners not by choice. some of us lack the ability for compromise, some of us give up too easily, some of us need to learn to love ourselves first. i haven't gave up necessarily but i'm definitely taking a break until i get my life where i want it so that i can be the kind of guy that a lady would want to be with, and not just any lady, especially those who would be unfaithful and/or use me, but the right lady that i want and deserve who will have love and respect for me, appreciate me, and care for me. i can't attract that kind of lady i am looking for at this point and so i will be single indefinitely until i can 
~"you can't always get what you want, but you can try sometimes. you just might find, you get what you need."
4/15/2016 3:34:47 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
Any person, thing, situation, - Every thing depresses chris3357m... - ! -,
Chris really needs to see a good shrink ! 
AND... clean up your dirty potty mouth language !
Agree. And those who complain need to get their act together and change their life. It can be done...i did it.
4/15/2016 3:37:22 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Houston, TX
65, joined May. 2012
I'm confused I thought this was a relationship forum not political ...
What happened ?
4/15/2016 3:47:37 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Grove City, OH
38, joined Feb. 2012
Sometimes it does. Especially if I'm hurting or going through something that I just need an ear or shoulder to cry on. But I think whatever is meant to be, will be. Whether I continue being single or finally meet a good man.
4/15/2016 7:00:05 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Houston, TX
65, joined May. 2012
Your in a totally different age group.
Some people think what they wear defines them as to who they are....
I have children like that ! I didn't raise them like that way either.... Who are who choose to be . We either carry around a empty glass or a full one that weighs you down .... Our choice
4/15/2016 7:51:54 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Trussville, AL
45, joined Feb. 2016
nah. Just gets lonesome at times is all.
4/15/2016 8:47:27 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Huntingdon, TN
40, joined Apr. 2015
The problem is never being alone.. that part is awesome.
It's natural to get lonely from time to time and desire human interaction.
4/15/2016 9:10:28 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
The problem is never being alone.. that part is awesome.
It's natural to get lonely from time to time and desire human interaction.
Spend enough time around American women, and you won't desire human interaction anymore.
4/15/2016 10:01:20 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Sometimes, but being single beats being unhappily married.
4/15/2016 10:02:09 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Spend enough time around American women, and you won't desire human interaction anymore.
Have to agree. A little goes a long way.
4/15/2016 10:02:38 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
The problem is never being alone.. that part is awesome.
It's natural to get lonely from time to time and desire human interaction.
lol maybe so. maybe so... 
4/15/2016 10:05:35 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
Have to agree. A little goes a long way.
enigma and driver where would you guys suggest we get our ladies from if not america ^_^. you guys crack me up. i mean i understand, i really do but at the same time anything in moderation is good but too much of anything can be a bad thing and i think that would apply to ladies as well, right? maybe you guys just need to make sure you get your space in a relationship...
4/15/2016 10:14:00 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |
Goleta, CA
47, joined Oct. 2007
You buy them online and they ship you the International edition lady.
[Edited 4/15/2016 10:16:58 PM ]
4/15/2016 10:15:04 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Houston, TX
65, joined May. 2012
I get lonely I miss climbing in bed at night and someone being there ...
4/15/2016 10:43:48 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
enigma and driver where would you guys suggest we get our ladies from if not america ^_^. you guys crack me up. i mean i understand, i really do but at the same time anything in moderation is good but too much of anything can be a bad thing and i think that would apply to ladies as well, right? maybe you guys just need to make sure you get your space in a relationship...
You can tell how full a man's bank account is, by how full his bed is with women. PERIOD!
Let's play a game: She Said, He Heard
She Said: I am looking for a "goal-oriented" man.
He Heard: I want a bust a** of a man, that will eventually run the company he works for, so I can sit on my lazy, self-entitled ass, and cheat on him with the mailman, while telling HIM he is the father of my children, so I never have to reduce myself to the "Equality" of men, by working for a living.
She Said: My children are my life.
He Heard: You are dead last on my priorities, especially when it comes to the self-entitled, disrespectful, spoiled little brats I am raising.
She Said: I don't care about money.
He Heard: I am lying, foul-mouthed, hypocritical, blasphemous skank, that gives it up to the highest bidder.
She Said: I won't leave.
He Heard: The minute you fall smack on your face, I'll be shacked up with your brother so fast, it will make your head spin.
4/15/2016 11:02:31 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Redding, CA
52, joined Mar. 2016
online now!
No not at all....I would much rather be single then be with the wrong person and living a life of hell...been there and done that.......now would I like to be with someone that was totally awesome and love doing things together and working together and having nice things in life.....hell ya
4/15/2016 11:36:17 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
You can tell how full a man's bank account is, by how full his bed is with women. PERIOD!
Let's play a game: She Said, He Heard
She Said: I am looking for a "goal-oriented" man.
He Heard: I want a bust a** of a man, that will eventually run the company he works for, so I can sit on my lazy, self-entitled ass, and cheat on him with the mailman, while telling HIM he is the father of my children, so I never have to reduce myself to the "Equality" of men, by working for a living.
She Said: My children are my life.
He Heard: You are dead last on my priorities, especially when it comes to the self-entitled, disrespectful, spoiled little brats I am raising.
She Said: I don't care about money.
He Heard: I am lying, foul-mouthed, hypocritical, blasphemous skank, that gives it up to the highest bidder.
She Said: I won't leave.
He Heard: The minute you fall smack on your face, I'll be shacked up with your brother so fast, it will make your head spin.
lol i wish this weren't as true as it is, however funny it may be. there is some bit of truth to it too. but you can't live in a capitalistic society and not expect your women to be just as cut throat and capitalistic as you. that sounds absolutely absurd to even think for a second that you should get to live like a king and have this woman of your dreams pander to you while providing nothing in return for her. relationships are give and take and any lady i've been with when we break up i ask why did you even get with me in the first place if you never liked me and there is always some underlying reason why these ladies chose to be with me for that period of time. it's quite amazing how that works, it really is lol but at the same time i accept it as such because of the society in which i live. we have a society where in fact no one wants to help anymore and everyone wants to take from everyone else, no one wants to give or be the follower or be helpful anymore. to be kings and not enough kingsmen basically. unfortunately no one wants to be with you because you have nothing of value to offer them at this time, that's what it comes down to. but i think once you can understand what you do provide to them, you will be much better off if you want to date ladies like that.
idk there's no winning in a relationship, everything is give and take i believe, and even though your in a capitalistic environment i do think there are women out there who will treat you good they are just reallllllllllly hard to find, especially if you are not the 1% and you can't give them everything they ever dreamt of and more. i feel ya enigma i really do and i understand your point again 100% because i feel like i see the same things with ladies and it is really frustrating. but i try to be understanding at the same time, we are all human after all. we are still animals at our core, still so very primitive in our thinking and our behavior. while i can't support this type of behavior, and keep hoping for something better, i at least try to understand given the circumstances, given that their is no better way being offered at this time... it's a sad reality, it really is! but i'm still hopeful that i can find a lady out there that will be appreciative and respectful, honest, and loyal. i don't expect it to happen over night at least not for myself, and i've got to keep recovering from relationships that go exactly the way you described which is really draining.
[Edited 4/15/2016 11:39:46 PM ]
4/15/2016 11:46:54 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Jacksonville, FL
58, joined Oct. 2015
i enjoy being single
4/16/2016 12:21:18 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
lol i wish this weren't as true as it is, however funny it may be. there is some bit of truth to it too. but you can't live in a capitalistic society and not expect your women to be just as cut throat and capitalistic as you. that sounds absolutely absurd to even think for a second that you should get to live like a king and have this woman of your dreams pander to you while providing nothing in return for her. relationships are give and take and any lady i've been with when we break up i ask why did you even get with me in the first place if you never liked me and there is always some underlying reason why these ladies chose to be with me for that period of time. it's quite amazing how that works, it really is lol but at the same time i accept it as such because of the society in which i live. we have a society where in fact no one wants to help anymore and everyone wants to take from everyone else, no one wants to give or be the follower or be helpful anymore. to be kings and not enough kingsmen basically. unfortunately no one wants to be with you because you have nothing of value to offer them at this time, that's what it comes down to. but i think once you can understand what you do provide to them, you will be much better off if you want to date ladies like that.
idk there's no winning in a relationship, everything is give and take i believe, and even though your in a capitalistic environment i do think there are women out there who will treat you good they are just reallllllllllly hard to find, especially if you are not the 1% and you can't give them everything they ever dreamt of and more. i feel ya enigma i really do and i understand your point again 100% because i feel like i see the same things with ladies and it is really frustrating. but i try to be understanding at the same time, we are all human after all. we are still animals at our core, still so very primitive in our thinking and our behavior. while i can't support this type of behavior, and keep hoping for something better, i at least try to understand given the circumstances, given that their is no better way being offered at this time... it's a sad reality, it really is! but i'm still hopeful that i can find a lady out there that will be appreciative and respectful, honest, and loyal. i don't expect it to happen over night at least not for myself, and i've got to keep recovering from relationships that go exactly the way you described which is really draining.
I fail to see how Capitalism has anything to do with creating shallow, superficial, backstabbing, greedy, lying, manipulative sluts, that drop any man once he can no longer financially support their lazy, entitled asses.
But, if that is what you want to blame it on, that is fine with me. Women, in Socialist/Fascist countries are the same exact way, which eliminates a countries' Political system all but entirely, by process of logical elimination of the variables.
4/16/2016 12:29:28 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Bristol, CT
49, joined Mar. 2014
More fun being had in here too I see... You are BUSY tonight. Don't forget to breathe. 
4/16/2016 12:32:23 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Chris, here, is from Ohio. So he knows all about how thirsty these Ohio sluts are. He knows, that they are proud of graduating high school, without getting knocked up, let alone actually making it through college without getting knocked up.
4/16/2016 12:39:50 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Bristol, CT
49, joined Mar. 2014
Wow, so strange, to have that seen as an achievement.
4/16/2016 4:07:15 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Well, Ohio Law REQUIRES the birth to be reported to the CSEA. If the father signs the birth certificate, he automatically gets garnished for Child Support, and it is even written in Ohio Law. The CSEA WILL aid to establish paternity, however, the will NOT aid to deestablish paternity, if the woman lied to the man and told him he was the father of that child.
Sp, having a child males them MORE income, than the jobs we have will pay them, and they don't have to work, and they get that in CASH that is TAX-FREE.
my best friend has two, with a woman. She gets $832/month, for their two kids. That is over $10,000/year, in tax-free income. She gets EIC and extra tax refunds, more than what she actually paid into her taxes, she got her STNA license FREE.
4/16/2016 7:29:07 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Houston, TX
65, joined May. 2012
That's kinda labeling us ... What's so different? And what about American men ? Categorizing isn't truly fair unless you've dated so many women or men you could do that. What is that so and yes many young guys go after older women ? Yikes I'm uncomfortable with 38, 45, 49 also
Ok even 55 I think ...
4/16/2016 7:31:00 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
stop with the woman hating, anyone can be like that and chose to be greedy or back stabing, it isn't gender specific.
CHILDREN COST so 416 isn't that much a fornight, children Cost money. and if she can't work because she is looking after two children under 3 then really it makes sense.
4/16/2016 7:41:36 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


100, joined Dec. 2014
I had 6 sons.
I worked..Better to earn yourself than to rely on him/welfare.
No excuse not to work because if you can't take care
of your kids you shouldn't of bloody had kids.
4/16/2016 10:32:18 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
stop with the woman hating, anyone can be like that and chose to be greedy or back stabing, it isn't gender specific.
CHILDREN COST so 416 isn't that much a fornight, children Cost money. and if she can't work because she is looking after two children under 3 then really it makes sense.
true, true. 
enigma don't attempt to speak for me, you should have figured out by now we don't see eye to eye on anything lol 
[Edited 4/16/2016 10:32:44 AM ]
4/16/2016 11:02:49 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
Good lol
4/16/2016 12:18:48 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Enid, OK
56, joined Feb. 2010
Why get depressed over something you can not change??
I know that I will be single for the rest of my life, so I have accepted my lot in life.
4/16/2016 12:23:55 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
I had 6 sons.
I worked..Better to earn yourself than to rely on him/welfare.
No excuse not to work because if you can't take care
of your kids you shouldn't of bloody had kids.
In America, women think they have a RIGHT to have as many children as they please, even IF they can't afford to care for them, and if any State cuts the welfare funding, they get all up in arms and protest, because they can't sit on their lazy asses and get free handouts, while us MEN break our God-damned backs and slave away at jobs, for the government to take all of it from us and give it to them for free.
4/16/2016 12:25:09 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Yes, OP, it does. 
But oppression, at my size and weight, made it hard to breathe.
4/16/2016 12:26:41 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
stop with the woman hating, anyone can be like that and chose to be greedy or back stabing, it isn't gender specific.
CHILDREN COST so 416 isn't that much a fornight, children Cost money. and if she can't work because she is looking after two children under 3 then really it makes sense.
Then maybe she shouldn't have had the children, and kept an aspirin bottle squeezed between her legs, until she had a career and a home to raise them in. It is called "Being Responsible", a concept that American women have continuously failed to grasp.
4/16/2016 3:42:25 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
Then maybe she shouldn't have had the children, and kept an aspirin bottle squeezed between her legs, until she had a career and a home to raise them in. It is called "Being Responsible", a concept that American women have continuously failed to grasp.
we should get you an award, DH hater of the year award 2016 ^_^. does it depress you being single enigma? =P
4/16/2016 3:47:11 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Austin, TX
56, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
No not depress, just lonely.
4/16/2016 4:42:32 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Jeannette, PA
58, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
As long as there are tequila and hookers, I'm never depressed! 
4/16/2016 5:20:33 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


100, joined Dec. 2014
In America, women think they have a RIGHT to have as many children as they please, even IF they can't afford to care for them, and if any State cuts the welfare funding, they get all up in arms and protest, because they can't sit on their lazy asses and get free handouts, while us MEN break our God-damned backs and slave away at jobs, for the government to take all of it from us and give it to them for free.
What pisses me off is they have kids knowing the bloke doesn't want kids
and then are quick to put their hand out for $$$$$$$$$$.
Use contraception or terminate the pregnancy if you need to rely on others!~
4/16/2016 5:54:44 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Chelan, WA
71, joined Nov. 2008
online now!
I get lonely I miss climbing in bed at night and someone being there ...

4/16/2016 6:03:06 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
terminate the pregnancy
oh please get out of others uteruses
4/16/2016 8:18:15 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Columbus, OH
44, joined Dec. 2009
Yes. Man and woman Were Meant to couple. Share love in the most intimate and deepest way. Become one together in life and in passion.
4/16/2016 9:00:35 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
we should get you an award, DH hater of the year award 2016 ^_^. does it depress you being single enigma? =P
Not at all. I tale pride in staying single, and NOT being some sicker that gets trapped by some thirsty ass, money-grubbing, backstabbing, lying, manipulative, controlling, cheating slut.
4/16/2016 9:02:12 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
What pisses me off is they have kids knowing the bloke doesn't want kids
and then are quick to put their hand out for $$$$$$$$$$.
Use contraception or terminate the pregnancy if you need to rely on others!~
I'm fixed, so they don't want anything to do with me, because they know they can't get a free meal ticket while I have to slave away 90+ hours a week, to afford Ramen Noodles and just enough fuel to get to and from my job.
4/18/2016 1:46:35 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
Sup Chris
4/18/2016 4:29:53 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
Yes. Man and woman Were Meant to couple. Share love in the most intimate and deepest way. Become one together in life and in passion. 
hey sienna <3.
and this quote right here is one that i would like to believe in, that we are meant to be together. i don't know how i feel about the quotes here that are essentially saying welp i'm meant to be single and i'm just going to be alone forever.
we shouldn't be making it so hard or putting the bar so high so that no one can date us. where so many literally have to drop out of the dating game because their dates have too many perceived options and can't make up their minds. i think this more than anything else is why so many people are single. the bar to entry is just entirely too high and you end up losing out on a real chance at love with someone maybe that's not rich or extremely athletic or the smartest of us, but with someone who will genuinely love and appreciate you.
watching married at first site shows me that yeah maybe arranged marriages still aren't the answer even if scientifically you are right for that person, you still run in to issues bc it's just not a natural way to mate. what is their success rate so far like 20%? i think it just comes down to our collective greed essentially barring us from love.
4/18/2016 4:38:22 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Louisville, KY
29, joined Mar. 2016
Not at all! I have a full busy life, a great family and friends, wonderful church family, job I love. When it's right I'll know it, untill then I'm going to enjoy the life God gave me.
4/18/2016 6:48:55 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Not at all! I have a full busy life, a great family and friends, wonderful church family, job I love. When it's right I'll know it, untill then I'm going to enjoy the life God gave me.
And here is another, with the laundry list of unreasonable and unrealistic expectations from her men......
4/18/2016 8:12:25 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
I just want a guy who will raid my enemies is that so hard to find!! lol
4/18/2016 8:21:12 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
you have had one all along..not good enough i guess,hunny??
4/18/2016 8:49:20 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
and u can raid my enemies?
4/19/2016 9:37:09 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Jeannette, PA
58, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
And here is another, with the laundry list of unreasonable and unrealistic expectations from her men......
Oh, so you read her profile too?
4/19/2016 9:43:39 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
No. I could tell, by her response. When any woman states some lame a** sh*t about "when the time is right....., blah, blah, blah...." that is female code for "I can't find a perfect man with lots of money, no desire to cheat, that will let me walk all over his life.
I hear it all the time, especially from single mothers that can't understand why men don't care to commit to them and their 5 kids from 4 different men, already.
4/19/2016 11:38:47 AM |
Does it depress you being single? |


San Pedro, CA
39, joined Jan. 2013
Not until I read this thread...thanks op 
4/19/2016 4:11:15 PM |
Does it depress you being single? |

Ashley, OH
28, joined Dec. 2012
Not until I read this thread...thanks op 
awe =[ i def am not intending to depress more people but to understand how those that are single are not depressed. for the most part it sounds as though they are or they are in denial. i think we are not mean to be alone, unfortunately and the longer we are the colder we become to the world. look at enigma for example, he's a perfect example of how you become when you are alone for entirely too long lol.