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6/27/2016 8:52:33 AM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
We have to look at the whole picture with this NWO crap.Britex said loud and clear we don't want a one world government,,,,,,We are going to be next to decide whether or not we want to be in it.The people who want this are the people who want to control every aspect of everybody's lives.We really need to take our country back and elect people who will adhere to the US constitution.We also need to kick the united nations out and resign from their rolls.
Semper Fi !!!
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6/27/2016 3:27:26 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
I hope Briton leaving E.U is just a start. Ever heard of the North American Union, some say NAFTA is the start of that, coupled with a porous {really open} border.
6/27/2016 4:21:10 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
You guys are right. However the USA already beat them at their own game long ago. Think about it. The 13 Colonies already formed what the EU is attempting to rope us into. Instead of a European Union, we already have "the united states of America" union. Just like Europe, we banded together 13 sovereign "Nation States" to form a union for OUR common interests against invasion, freedom of commerce, and stability of our value of currency. Those things are still under constant attacks today. Is there any question about that?
For over 200 years the nations of the World, and their puppeteers, are still ticked-off over America expressing our freedom. So much so, they have been attempting to do the same and then bait us into THEIR corrupt schemes to give a NWO supreme power to usurp our freedoms. I think not!
The Brexit vote just sent a message that the common people of GB are onto the NWO also. The next order of business for the people of GB, and others, is to vote out all the NWO moles within their Parliment and local politics.
The international pundents are spinning this around and instigating how much this will hurt world financial markets. That's what the NWO wants the ignorant folk to believe while the bankers, manipulaters, and IMF types turn the screws and create that very situation to spite the people who spoiled their NWO plans.
America needs to take GB under our protection and offer them protection, freedom, and trade until they get back on their feet. NOT their government, but their people and businesses.
Hopefully other nations are paying attention. Have we noticed that Venezuela is crumbling under the Socialist NWO utopian lies. Those citizens need to learn what the USA was meant to be and learn from their mistakes. We Americans should set aside our opinions of several foreign governments and appeal to their citizens. Eventually all people will see the corruption and have the ability to set things right.
[Edited 6/27/2016 4:22:25 PM ]
6/27/2016 4:33:31 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
There is a movement afoot by European political elites to "throw out" the BRexit vote on the grounds that the "leave" people are all a bunch of "Ignorant, Right Wing, xenophobic, low-information kooks".
Just like the elite liberal "judges" threw out the homosexual "marriage" referendum votes in America.
"The People" are just too damn stupid to be trusted with the vote, unless a liberal candidate or agenda item wins, of course.
6/27/2016 4:37:38 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
I read today that the E.U. is micro managing them to the point of telling the people what kind of tea kettle they can have. Sounds about like the U.S. government dictating to us what kind of light bulb we can have.
6/27/2016 4:57:14 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Push.....push.....push.....push......and eventually the people get pissed off enough to push back. It's called Revolution, and it's a beautiful thing.
6/30/2016 9:50:10 AM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
Yes, the New World Order has been knocked down a few pegs. For the moment. But there is more. Everyone, the entire World, needs to understand how big THEY are and how far their tentacles reach. We have touched on this subject previously, but now we have a newer perspective as we experience the latest current events. Please read the article that is linked here. It is a bit lengthy to copy and paste, and will take only ten minutes to read. Enclosed is a partial list of players, and we will recognize their names, It outlines who and where they are, as well as quoting some of their own words as testimony of what their intentions are. The general public needs to comprehend WHAT is going on, and the end result envisioned.
Allow me to explain the concept and suggest an example of how to explain it to disbelievers. The "concept" of a Global Government sounds attractive, in a perfect World. But we don't live in a perfect World, and never will, because we are human and are not perfect. All of us will make mistakes. A few of us are insane, if not evil.
Here's MY example for all to share. IF we absolutely must have and desire a Global Government, I suggest you allow ME (or insert your name here), to be the supreme leader of this New World Order. "I'm a good person, trust me"! Where have we experienced this before? History has taught us that there has always been bad players in the World. If we had ONLY one government, military, central financial system, how long before one bad apple ruins the concept? We Americans have enough difficulty choosing a Mayor or governor. How can we elect or trust some stranger on the far side of the Earth?
However, if we stay with the traditional sovereign nation concept, we have a better chance of having the ability to make self corrections as we make mistakes from time to time. One particular government or culture could make unwise decissions and the resulting negative effects have a better chance to be contained locally. Those involved can experience the problem and handle it, while the remainder of the World continues on a different or better path. The other governments and cultures have the benefit of observing the negative outcome without being part of it. And yes, we may have to extend a helping hand if and when they dig their hole too deep.
Being human has alot to do with the ability to learn. We have a choice. We can learn through experiencing our own mistakes, which is highly effective. Or, we can learn by observing the mistakes of others. The first is usually painful and/or expensive while the other is not. That is why everyone needs to learn history. It's comparable to watching re-runs, we know how the story ends! Change the channel if ya don't like the program!
Something to think about. These globalists are human, just like you and I. They don't have super-human special powers. They can be taken down. Yes they have unlimited finances and can control situations that may be out of our reach. Keep in mind, those finances came from us. They only have what WE give them. Maybe we need to stop buying what they are selling! We have witnessed how effective boycotting a major corporation can change policy, if not destroy, a thriving business. If we wish to lock-up these parasites, for the good of humanity, we just need to take back our government, courts, laws, and prisons.
Everything CAN BE corrected, but we need to act and play as a team, because that is exactly HOW they are playing. It really is a game to them. Their money isn't real. Our team, or army, is bigger than theirs. What are we afraid of? We have strength in numbers. Isn't it amusing that WE ignorantly donate to THEIR equipment fund? It's time to invest in OUR team!
Once again, "It sucks to be them"!
6/30/2016 9:57:35 AM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
are republican NWO pegs are still kicking at Trump. We have a long way to go to get our country back & make it Great again.
6/30/2016 11:42:41 AM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Indianapolis, IN
57, joined Dec. 2013
Been watching this for years. Studied this from a Christian perspective. In the end they the NWO will lose but that doesn't mean they won't make our live miserable.
6/30/2016 11:56:45 AM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
Star, we need to make a list of exactly who are afraid of Trump.
"The enemy of my enemy, is my friend"!
It is plain-as-day to me, that the Trump-attacking politicians are who we need to remove from Congress, finance and industry. Most important, we need to remove the Republican detractors. We call them RINOs. They are far more dangerous than run-of-the-mill Democrats, because they wear a mask to conceal their true allegience from their own party.
I don't like this Party business from the get-go. But when one campaigns under a party banner, they better act and vote like the Party who elected them to be their REPRESENTATIVE.
Since politics in-general has created distrust from much corruption, I am very reluctant to fully trust anyone attracted to this line of employment. With THAT being said, I FEEL that Trump may be our best bet. However, it is a remote possibility that he MIGHT also be a NWO mole to infiltrate what's left of our government. I don't think so, but all these characters have made me suspicious of the entire lot of them. I call it profiling! Profiling isn't judging, just being cautious and alert. One's actions will allow us to judge their actual character.
I would like to remind all that the President isn't the most powerful office to have. The power is in Congress, or was designed to be. The President is a lowly talking head to entertain foreign dignitaries and sign or veto legislation. He doesn't get to make legislation! Oh, unless we have a corrupt Congress and Judicial that allows one to get away with lawlessness. The most power is in Congress. Congress is what we need to fumigate. I would feel safer if we fired ALL of them and started fresh by electing random folks out of the phone book. The odds are more in our favor. There are more honest folks than dishonest. But the dishonest seem to have an attraction to politics.
The NWO is already entrenched within all levels of government. It's time to start pulling them out. It's not just at home. Like the post says, GB has started to see the light on the other side of the pond. We need to follow the good people of GB and do the same. Run away from this Globalization trap.
6/30/2016 6:51:43 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
There's a few other countries that are thinking about bailing on the EU. Germany, France, just to name a few.
7/2/2016 12:16:42 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
Nigel Farage at the European Parliament after the Brexit vote.
I have read that Italy, France, and Sweden are the most likely EU members to exit next. Additionally, if GB, New Zealand, Australia, and the USA trade with each other, they collectively have more commerce than all the European countries combined. Germany is the one doing most of manufacturing and the German people are financially supporting the entire EU and they don't like it.
The EU may break up, but what's going to happen to all the NWO multinational corporations and banking cabal? They'll still be there, just not under one umbrella. The next thing that needs to happen is to tell the IMF that ... "were done! We don't need central banking, so sue us"!
7/2/2016 12:18:38 PM |
New World Order Knocked Down A Few Pegs |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
Brexit: Elitist Hillary Still Doesn't Get It
Published on TheHillaryDaily.com on June 30, 2016
Last week, as the British people voted overwhelmingly to leave the European Union and take back economic and political control of their own country, Hillary Clinton was dramatically on the wrong side. As always, she sided with the elite establishment. She strongly opposed Brexit -- as did Bill -- in solidarity with their elitist EU friends, benefactors, and friendly global bankers. She was rewarded: Almost immediately after the vote, the former head of Goldman Sachs endorsed Hillary. No surprise.
Those people never expected to lose the referendum. Wall Street, George Soros, and the big hedge funds bet on a vote to stay in the EU. So did Tony Blair and Hillary and Bill's cronies at Teneo, the global consulting firm Like Hillary, they believed that they could easily control the "little people" who just don't understand the importance of globalism like they do.
But it was exactly those little people, the everyday citizens, who looked around at how their lives had changed because of oppressive EU policies and revolted. Fifty-two percent of the Brits voted to leave the EU -- with equal numbers of votes coming from the Conservative and Labor parties.
That's what Hillary doesn't get.
Tired of faceless and unaccountable career bureaucrats making key decisions in Brussels -- with no input from the people in the UK, the Brits yelled NO. They were sick of endless regulations that stifled small businesses and economic growth and forced massive immigration of Syrian refugees. They had enough. They wanted to determine policies themselves.
We worked with the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) on the Brexit campaign for several years in its embryonic stages in 2003. One example of the insanity that the EU created was told to us by some fishermen in South Britain. Two brothers in a fishing business that was over a hundred years old bought a large new boat -- with a large mortgage -- to replace their outdated one. They were told that all they had to do was change transfer their new boat registration at the EU Fisheries Commission, which was headquartered in landlocked Austria. The brothers dutifully sent in the forms, but received a letter back telling them that the EU Fisheries Commission was in the midst of a fundamental overhaul and review that would take two years In the meantime, no new registrations would be permitted. So their expensive mortgaged new boat sat, unable to be used, because of crazy EU policies established by non-Britains in landlocked Austria!
Prior to the EU's regulation of fishing, Britain had access to 80% of European waters. It now has a quota of 13%. That's just one example of the economic horrors inflicted on Britain. And, finally, they've had enough. They want their national sovereignty back -- understandably.
But Hillary loves the idea of globalism, where we surrender our sovereignty to an eventual "One World" government. She loves the bureaucrats and their endless studies that pepper her teleprompter speeches and memorized talking points.
She knows better than the regular people. She's supported every U.N. treaty that takes away our authority to control our laws. She wants to open our doors to a tsunami of Syrian and other immigrants. She wants to take away our nationalistic pride in America.
It's easy to image Hillary and her elite friends -- many who benefit from the EU -- shaking their heads in shock and dismay at the stupidity of the little people.
But guess what? They're the stupid people. They don't realize that the world is changing.
Watch out Hillary. Remember Bernie Sanders?
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