7/12/2016 8:57:45 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Atlanta, GA
41, joined Jun. 2014
So tell us who you were in your past lives and what happened to you.... this is the DH gossip newspaper 
My first life here was:
1) SofiaLoren...well sorry my ex hubby and parents in law used to call me like that..
But that name made sooo many women so furious that their mestrual blood was litterally boiling inside their pants...even if most of them were probably in menopause already...
Because in order to get women to like you I guess you have to chose nicknames like "uglychick"..."iflylow"...maybe "stinkygal"???  
2) Fantasticdreamer...during that life a troll with 13 profiles posted all my pics from Facebook and my data in the forums.
So I opened a bashing thread about the b*tch and we had been both condemned to death by DH.
3) Shary I had a lot of fun as Shary until they flagged me to deletion. 
4) Sharyagain I don't remember how this one ended but I had fun...
5) Stregaleonora 
What your previous lives on DH have been?? 
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7/12/2016 10:03:03 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jan. 2016
Probably 2 or 3 others I can't recall
7/12/2016 10:17:29 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Ocala, FL
96, joined Jan. 2016
i cant remember had like 14,,
firt was smartwithsparks
7/12/2016 10:20:53 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |
Virginia Beach, VA
90, joined Jun. 2016
various versions of the Chambella ... and a while back icecreeme, all but one of my profiles were FTD and/or frozen. (like my last one) and why? I will never understand I don't go hating on people.. 
(edited to add: oh and I forgot a pro called Bezt.. it was given to me also FTD)
[Edited 7/12/2016 10:23:45 PM ]
7/12/2016 10:38:31 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Atlanta, GA
41, joined Jun. 2014
This alias is cute chambella...
I remem er holly...
Spark you had had all versions of Sparks, I remember S_p_a_r_s...and craftyb*tch! 
7/12/2016 11:03:38 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Ocala, FL
96, joined Jan. 2016
most wont admit who they were
and still dont
7/13/2016 1:08:17 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
flirty_n_fun67 and im2thexy....were my only other 2 profiles....
7/13/2016 1:21:21 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Just this one profile....as far as DH goes.
but in real life, as far as I know...I'm on my 3rd life
[Edited 7/13/2016 1:21:37 AM ]
7/13/2016 1:29:12 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Laval, QC
53, joined Jul. 2014
I've always had dan9787 in the name so people could recognize me easily.
5 years, 3 profiles... and dh is getting shittier all the time! 
7/13/2016 2:55:17 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Bakersfield, CA
34, joined Aug. 2014
ZekeGR and MachoBelGrande
7/13/2016 3:07:39 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
I was MachoBelGrande Jr.
7/13/2016 3:14:43 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

97, joined Jun. 2014
7/13/2016 3:38:40 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Bakersfield, CA
34, joined Aug. 2014
I was MachoBelGrande Jr. 
That's a good Jr to be sir
7/13/2016 3:41:55 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
That's a good Jr to be sir 
Not only were you a mentor you also paid for all the drinks and provided bail money.  
7/13/2016 3:52:48 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Bakersfield, CA
34, joined Aug. 2014
Not providing bail money would be f**ked seeing as how many of my ideas put ya there.
7/13/2016 3:56:03 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
Lol...if people only knew...still 27% of your scams were successful.
7/13/2016 3:59:41 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Bakersfield, CA
34, joined Aug. 2014
Amazon had no clue what they were getting into when they let me become a merchandiser
7/13/2016 9:55:11 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

97, joined Dec. 2013
7/13/2016 9:59:51 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Greenville, SC
24, joined Apr. 2014
This one is my first, my only, and my last...

7/13/2016 10:12:23 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Pittsburgh, PA
63, joined Feb. 2014
I had one other but I was deleted by DH for my positive comments about Frederick Douglass and his very extended family. At first I didn't understand this until I found out the history of the Frederick Douglass Statue and what it really means.
7/13/2016 11:53:16 AM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Avenel, NJ
79, joined Jun. 2015
7/13/2016 1:10:17 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Phoenix, AZ
38, joined Aug. 2012
online now!
I am still on my first life.
I want to beat the game without dying.
7/13/2016 4:22:24 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
Streg: Didn't know where to put this so posted here.
Italy Faces Economic Collapse, Considers Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins”
Italian government looting public to protect politically-connected bondholders
Kit Daniels - July 13, 2016

Italy is nearing a Cyprus-style depression that could trigger a global economic meltdown.
The Mediterranean country, whose GDP is still 8% smaller than before the 2008 financial crisis, is drowning under bad bank debts which equal about one-fifth of its GDP.
The Italian government is reportedly considering using taxpayer funds to “bail in” banks – surpassing already draconian EU banking rules – to protect politically-connected, wealthy households that own almost half of the bank junior bonds instead of forcing them to take the burden.
“This would explain why the Italian government is so hell bent on using taxpayer funds from the get-go to bail out the banks,” Joseph T. Salerno of mises.org pointed out. “Let us consider the ‘small savers’ whom the Italian government is so eager to protect: In 2013, net wealth of the median Italian household was 145,469 euros, including real and financial assets.”
“It is hard to believe that a household which was savvy and disciplined enough to accumulate this amount of net wealth would be so naive as to rashly invest almost one quarter of it in risky junior bank bonds, especially considering that total bank bonds constituted around 3% of gross household wealth in 2013.”
In other words, the general public would suffer the most.
Cyprus similarly ripped off the general public to protect the financial elite in 2013 when the country pillaged people’s bank accounts as part of a “bail-in” program with the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank after Cyprus’s largest bank went under from exposure to debt-crippled Greece.
“If you can do this once, you can do it again,” financial analyst Lars Seier Christensen warned at the time, adding that “bail-ins” are full-blown socialism. “If you can confiscate 10% of a bank customer’s money, you can confiscate 25, 50 or even 100%.”
7/13/2016 4:28:00 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
as far as i know...
that's it 
since i first joined in december of 2007...
and if i'm wrong
or forgot
someone is sure to let us know!!!

7/13/2016 5:12:35 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Atlanta, GA
41, joined Jun. 2014
Thank you, I know you love Italy and your cousin Alba told me so 
She says hello by the way. 
Italy is in my heart as the land of my ancestors however you know better than me what the real problem is.
Italy could be richer than Switzerland with its natural resources but the mafia existed for so long that at this point is just an infinite metastasis infiltrated in the government and institutions everywhere.
Fkn mafia ruined Italy and is still into its institutions. You can only accept it and shut up or be persecuted, or be one of them or leave the country. -like many did -
I am sure you know all the story.
Thank you Spaz. 
7/13/2016 6:12:28 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Sugar Land, TX
27, joined Jun. 2016
who knows, so many I have an Excel spreadsheet
7/13/2016 6:16:46 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Grand Prairie, TX
47, joined Jul. 2013
I was MachoBelGrande Jr.  Gayest post of the day......and you expect us to believe you didnt ask fly for d*ck pictures. 
7/13/2016 6:22:47 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
still with my same profile. I just change a picture or two from time to time.
7/13/2016 6:23:07 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


Avenel, NJ
79, joined Jun. 2015
Gayest post of the day......and you expect us to believe you didnt ask fly for d*ck pictures. 
Careful there Pat


7/13/2016 6:31:12 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Atlanta, GA
41, joined Jun. 2014
Quote from Zelda88:
who knows, so many I have an Excel spreadsheet

7/13/2016 6:35:36 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
Thank you, I know you love Italy and your cousin Alba told me so 
She says hello by the way.
Italy is in my heart as the land of my ancestors however you know better than me what the real problem is.
Italy could be richer than Switzerland with its natural resources but the mafia existed for so long that at this point is just an infinite metastasis infiltrated in the government and institutions everywhere.
Fkn mafia ruined Italy and is still into its institutions. You can only accept it and shut up or be persecuted, or be one of them or leave the country. -like many did -
I am sure you know all the story.
Thank you Spaz. 
Yup, I know Streg, one of my nephews is an elite member of ROS ( Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale ) and a few relatives have even died fighting the RB in the past ( still active ) and Mob...a lot of my relatives are in the police forces and military and all good men and women ( 1 female is in the Carabinieri. They all say the same thing...Italy sucks. My nephew claims Rome is worse now...even at street level the gypsy problem is so bad visitors leave and never return. Socialism is a failure in every nation throughout Europe...the criminals are hanging on.
7/13/2016 6:40:08 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
Gayest post of the day......and you expect us to believe you didnt ask fly for d*ck pictures. 
Hack can take a joke...f*gs like yourself can't. I never asked Fly for anything you moron...that wasn't me. I have only this account and it's time you STFU instead of lying like a b*tch trying to get attention.
7/13/2016 10:24:48 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

New York, NY
38, joined Dec. 2015
ITALIAN JOB Massive migrant camp home to hundreds of refugees springs up close to George Clooney’s £7.5million Lake Como hideaway
Serves him right for supporting Clinton. 
7/13/2016 10:30:52 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Ocala, FL
96, joined Jan. 2016
7/13/2016 10:31:12 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Original. Still trying to decide who I want to be in the next life.
7/13/2016 10:34:07 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |

Sugar Land, TX
27, joined Jun. 2016
I want to be a Kemps Ridley hatchling running to the water. The mystery of living..
LOL i'm in CC
Original. Still trying to decide who I want to be in the next life.
[Edited 7/13/2016 10:34:31 PM ]
7/13/2016 10:39:56 PM |
Reincarnation on DH |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jan. 2016
Probably 2 or 3 others I can't recall
Oh, I also used a4umposter