7/15/2016 4:22:04 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life
Dear Pope Francis,
Every single day before communion, millions of Christians verbally declare one of the most destructive phrases in human history. On Sunday, it’s tens of millions if not a half billion of the over one billion Catholic Christians worldwide—and not without repercussions.
In the Bible, a Centurion soldier relates, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof...” (Matthew 8:8) before recounting the inner workings of the blindness of patriarchal hierarchies and slavery that exists to this day.
Applying religious context, what’s important for Christians to note is that the soldier uttered the phrase pre-salvation. An unsaved (ignorant) man sharing his feelings and a religion demanding a billion saved Christians repeat the phrase daily post-salvation are entirely two different matters.
Dialogue and constructs that perpetuate “I am not worthy” are the root of all evil. It is divisiveness personified. By believing we are not worthy, we open the door for the mistreatment of ourselves and the mistreatment of others as we seek to assuage the psychological pain the false belief imparts.
The guilt of unworthiness calls for us to judge ourselves and to judge others just as harshly. We cower within power-over structures or worse; we attempt to control others in our imagined superiority. The insanity continues as inferiority complexes pursue power and wealth as outward substitutes for what Jesus, Buddha, and many other saints and sages have said can only come from within.
Tacking on “but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” is not enough. Jesus did say the Word. Yet, Christianity along with many other religions, continue to shove a dagger of inequality into the hearts of those the religious community is supposed to be serving. Where is the healing?
Daily we see the emotional pain of inner self-hatred projected into the world through acts of violence. This behavior originates from feeling disconnected, powerless, and undervalued. A false belief in unworthiness contributes to drug and alcohol abuse and deviant behavior. Many continue to leave religion as they seek more positive and supportive environments elsewhere.
It’s really a sustainability issue. Negative reinforcement is not the answer to dwindling faith. The renewal of hope and joyful living are found by reconnecting with the goodness within one another, our bountiful Earth and all of Creation, which is God. The sooner we speak of our goodness; the sooner we can truly unify as a people. Then faith isn’t even required—we become the living Word.
It’s time for a mass healing. I implore you to call for an end to the religious ritual of the declaration of unworthiness. As children of God, we are equally worthy—even the “ignorant.” I think deep down in your heart; you know this to be true. Lead the way and others will follow.
Healed, we can finally turn in service to one another instead of exploitation as so many already have. Then maybe, just maybe, we can all work together cooperatively to create a peaceful and harmonious world.
That’s what love would do.
Christine Horner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Christine Horner is the author of What Is God? Rolling Back the Veil, nominated for the 2014 Dayton Literary Peace Prize. A healed ex-Catholic, her religion is Love. Horner’s next non-fiction book is The Power of Unity Consciousness.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dear-pope-francis-end-the-religious-ritual-that-devalues_us_5787c4e4e4b0e7c8734f96f9?ref=yfp
Thought this would generate some good dialog.
What say ye?
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7/15/2016 5:57:24 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Waldron, AR
70, joined Jul. 2014
The pope can't stop it because guilt is the one thing that keeps religion alive. Religion must continue sowing the seed of guilt (real or imagined) to harvest the souls of mankind.
The guilt must be implanted early and reinforced often how else will the crows who preach find the carrion to feed on?
7/15/2016 11:00:57 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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You guys completely misunderstand what that is all about. The Roman centurion is not worthy for the Lord to enter under his roof, not because the centurion is not a Christian, but because the centurion recognizes that he is a sinner. NOBODY but NOBODY is worthy to have the Lord enter under his or her roof, not even the pope, not even the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This is the great love and mercy of Jesus---Jesus will metaphorically come under our roofs despite our sins if we invite Him in, even though we are not worthy, no matter what our race, religion, or skin color. To Jesus, there are no "inferior and degenerate strains of peoples" as the Urantia Book or Mein Kempf says. To Jesus, non-Jews are not dogs. Sin is what makes us unworty, not the religion we were born in. The Lord accepts converts from any and all religions.
During the Mass, the people say "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof", not, "Lord, non-Christians are not worthy that you should enter under their roofs." And what is the next phrase? "But only say the word and I shall be healed".
7/15/2016 11:06:04 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
I understand by that sick doctrine, and that's ALL it is, people are controlled into thinking they are unworthy, and tend to beat themselves up over man made doctrine= bullshit!!
7/15/2016 12:01:36 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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A person recognizes that he is a sinner. The person has several choices, two of which are (1) wallow in despair and beat himself up, or (2) turn to his Father in Heaven for mercy and forgiveness, and put the life of sin behind him.
7/15/2016 12:23:42 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
A person recognizes their negative behavior and realizing that they are responsible for their own actions, makes amends, seeks to change undesirable behavior, having nothing to do with any Deity.
7/15/2016 1:04:21 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
A person recognizes their negative behavior and realizing that they are responsible for their own actions, makes amends, seeks to change undesirable behavior, having nothing to do with any Deity.
I agree!
7/15/2016 1:32:36 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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I agree, to, except for the part about having nothing to do with the Divinity. Without the Divinity's grace we do not have the power to completely repent of our sins. In fact, without the Divinity's help we cannot move our little pinkies.
7/15/2016 1:36:16 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Since when, LUD?
7/15/2016 1:56:28 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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Since the day God created the human race. Even Adam and Eve, even before they fell from grace, could do nothing without God's help.
"Without me you can do nothing."
--Jesus (John 15:5)
7/15/2016 2:07:38 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Since when, LUD?
Yeah lud??
Not good enough
[Edited 7/15/2016 2:08:15 PM ]
7/15/2016 2:30:23 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Waldron, AR
70, joined Jul. 2014
I just love the way luddy illustrates the exact point being made. Listen to him and watch him turn the entire human race into worms.
7/15/2016 2:33:53 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
7/15/2016 3:01:42 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
I just love the way luddy illustrates the exact point being made. Listen to him and watch him turn the entire human race into worms. 
Lud certainly has a low opinion of humankind in general.
Just goes to show you how religious dogma can interfere with the normal thinking process of its members.
7/15/2016 4:13:23 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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I do have a low opinion of the human race and of human nature. Look at all the evil things we do, and all the evil done throughout history. Our only hope is to be transformed in Christ.
7/15/2016 4:41:16 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
You guys completely misunderstand what that is all about. The Roman centurion is not worthy for the Lord to enter under his roof, not because the centurion is not a Christian, but because the centurion recognizes that he is a sinner. NOBODY but NOBODY is worthy to have the Lord enter under his or her roof, not even the pope, not even the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This is the great love and mercy of Jesus---Jesus will metaphorically come under our roofs despite our sins if we invite Him in, even though we are not worthy, no matter what our race, religion, or skin color. To Jesus, there are no "inferior and degenerate strains of peoples" as the Urantia Book or Mein Kempf says. To Jesus, non-Jews are not dogs. Sin is what makes us unworty, not the religion we were born in. The Lord accepts converts from any and all religions.
During the Mass, the people say "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof", not, "Lord, non-Christians are not worthy that you should enter under their roofs." And what is the next phrase? "But only say the word and I shall be healed".
But that is not what the Bible tells us:
2 Corinthians 5:19 English Standard Version
that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
Matthew Henry Commentary
5:16-21 The renewed man acts upon new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and in new company. The believer is created anew; his heart is not merely set right, but a new heart is given him. He is the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Though the same as a man, he is changed in his character and conduct
Maybe your view that man has to be "clean enough" to approach God , is why you fail to understand that if one "lives by the law, they perish by it"?
You know, it is the same logic you are promoting that the Religious leaders used to promote the execution of Christ. The Pharisees really pushed the concept that one had to be "clean enough " to come to God. Quit licking the out side of the cup Lud, drink the water inside it.
7/15/2016 7:22:58 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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The Good Lord Jesus will come to anyone who asks, no matter how bad or numerous his sins. But the Lord expects the person, with the help of the Lord's grace, to reform his life. Yes, Jesus readily forgavevthe adulterous woman at the well, but then He said "go and sin no more".
Two extremes to be avoided:
1. Oh, my sins are so bad that God will never forgive me.
2. I can go to the Lord and be His disciple and never have to give up my sins.
7/16/2016 8:24:46 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I do have a low opinion of the human race and of human nature. Look at all the evil things we do, and all the evil done throughout history. Our only hope is to be transformed in Christ.
Gene Roddenberry
"" We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. ""
7/16/2016 11:16:35 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
7/16/2016 11:19:49 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Religious whackadoos always quoting the bible because they don't have an original thought in their head
7/16/2016 7:38:40 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Religious whackadoos always quoting the bible because they don't have an original thought in their head
I hope you don't think mine was a biblical quote.
7/16/2016 8:45:30 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
I hope you don't think mine was a biblical quote.
Lol. No.
Space. The final frontier.
7/18/2016 4:54:59 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Why did you perv my profile?
7/18/2016 6:11:44 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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I hit your profile by mistake. Sorry if that offended you.
7/19/2016 5:44:50 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I hit your profile by mistake. Sorry if that offended you.
Naaaaaaaaa...didn't offend me. I simply wanted to know why you did it...LOL
9/19/2016 8:52:04 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
What Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Frank) should do is to remember his days playing soccer in my town's beach...surrounded by very refined gentlemen...all wearing very revealing / tiny swimsuits.
9/25/2016 6:21:07 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dear-pope-francis-end-the-religious-ritual-that-devalues_us_5787c4e4e4b0e7c8734f96f9?ref=yfp
Thought this would generate some good dialog.
What say ye?
I forgot to respond to the original post when I posted about Luds.
I agree with this by and large.
From a Christian perspective and not a religious one, I think she hits the nail on the head.
Romans 5:8 Young's Literal Translation
and God doth commend His own love to us, that, in our being still sinners, Christ did die for us;
But much of "Christianity" the religion, ignores this . I think its a hang over still infecting us from the false Total Depravity of man", doctrine nasty kool aid.
Just my opinion, but I think she is right.
9/28/2016 11:35:49 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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Who here thinks he or she is worthy to enter Heaven by his or her own merits? Nobody is, and that's why the Roman centurion said that he wasn't worthy to have Jesus enter unti his roof at Matthew 8:8, and that is why Catholics say "Lord, I am not worthy to have You enter unti my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed" in the Mass, right before Communion.
9/30/2016 7:21:13 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
59, joined May. 2011
Who here thinks he or she is worthy to enter Heaven by his or her own merits? Nobody is, and that's why the Roman centurion said that he wasn't worthy to have Jesus enter unti his roof at Matthew 8:8, and that is why Catholics say "Lord, I am not worthy to have You enter unti my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed" in the Mass, right before Communion.
I don't believe gods or heaven exist, but if they did I'd expect God to be like most modern monarchs and open his pad in heaven up to visits by the general public without any specific entry requirements such as having to bow, scrape and protest ingratiatingly about how unworthy one is. Perhaps there'd be a small entry fee to cover maintenance costs. 
[Edited 9/30/2016 7:22:11 AM ]
9/30/2016 8:58:50 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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We really can't begin the work of reforming our lives without first recognizing that we are sinners.
9/30/2016 9:37:11 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
59, joined May. 2011
We really can't begin the work of reforming our lives without first recognizing that we are sinners.
True in a sense. I've been sinning of late by eating and drinking too much and I'd ideally like to reform my life by losing some weight. 
9/30/2016 9:41:32 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
59, joined May. 2011
Not as I'm grossly obese and bedbound with lobes of fat hanging over the side of the bed like an overstuffed fried egg sandwich or anything. 
10/5/2016 4:02:55 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Quote from rufftreasure:
A person recognizes their negative behavior and realizing that they are responsible for their own actions, makes amends, seeks to change undesirable behavior, having nothing to do with any Deity.
I agree...
Now, the funny role is played by those who say: "I made a mistake; I will ask God for forgiveness."...and the very next day they err again(probably the same mistake) and, one more time, ask God for forgiveness.
These believers, in their royal stupidity, are convinced that asking to be pardoned is enough because their never seen deity solves everything.
10/6/2016 9:39:20 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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So what are you, Duchessa, perfect in every way?
10/7/2016 7:41:17 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
So what are you, Duchessa, perfect in every way?
No, kid, I am only human...but certainly better than those who believe in images made of plaster...such as yourself.
BTW, your question was rather puerile.
10/7/2016 8:11:44 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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Duchessa, my point was that people, even the best among us, sin, and commit all kinds of follies that are not technically sins. We strive to do better, we fall, we get up, and we strive to do better some more. This goes for religious believers and non-believers. The good Lord Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in large part because He understood this human tendency. Many of the saints went to Confession daily.
All humans are imperfect. But Catholics who go to Confession on a regular basis are trying to do something about it.
10/7/2016 9:32:21 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Duchessa, my point was that people, even the best among us, sin....
lISTEN, guy, even an idiot understand all the points you make...if somebody needs them to be explained that's you and you alone.
Now, lud, let me tell you what the real point is: Everybody makes mistakes...some recognized what those mistakes are and make amends and apologize whenever necessary...others -yourself and the likes- call those mistakes "sins" and ask a piece of plaster of Paris for forgiveness.
10/7/2016 10:55:46 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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Plaster of Paris? We ask God for forgiveness, through His representative the priest. The statues are there as visual aids for prayer only.
Once upon a time three Catholics went to Confession. "Who forgave you your sins?" someone asked all three.
"God did," the first Catholic answered.
"Jesus did," the second one answered.
"The priest did," answered the third.
Who was correct? All three were! Jesus is God Incarnate so both God and Jesus forgave the sins, and the human priest is God's representative.
[Edited 10/7/2016 10:56:14 AM ]
10/8/2016 12:50:49 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Plaster of Paris? We ask God for forgiveness, through His representative the priest. The statues are there as visual aids for prayer only.
Sometimes. after reading your posts, I ask myself if you will -ever- pop out of your "convictions". I know I am being wishful.
11/21/2016 6:35:46 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Greenwood Lake, NY
32, joined Jan. 2014
I never understood it to mean that but as a humbling utterance....
"I am not worthy of your presence...."
1/13/2017 9:51:19 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

New Milford, NJFreiland
37, joined Aug. 2010
Plaster of Paris? We ask God for forgiveness, through His representative the priest. The statues are there as visual aids for prayer only.
Once upon a time three Catholics went to Confession. "Who forgave you your sins?" someone asked all three.
"God did," the first Catholic answered.
"Jesus did," the second one answered.
"The priest did," answered the third.
Who was correct? All three were! Jesus is God Incarnate so both God and Jesus forgave the sins, and the human priest is God's representative.
No offense, but I think you are naive
We have yet to see God.....I honestly think Jesus Christ is the only perfect human ..excuse me super and good-natured human and that's why he suffered.....and Priests don't participate in fornication and respond to a calling when they give their lives to their faith..... No offense, humans are born ____% : ____% [good and evil] not just good and not just evil .....they will never be perfect......so since they will never be perfect .....sin will always exist and especially as long as they view sin as committing sins or an evil acts.....
1/14/2017 1:31:26 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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Ladyseeking, you are pretty much right here. Human nature is not all good nor all bad. We are born with the effects of original sin (splitting hairs, we are not really born with original sin, only the EFFECTS of original sin), which, among other things, causes us to have a strong inclination to sin, and sometimes ignorance as to what is sin and what is not, but we aren't totally depraved from it. God does give every human the capacity, ability, and desire to do good, and even the worst people have some good traits. Even Hitler loved dogs, for instance.
It is very difficult to reach perfection in this life, but it can be done, by the grace of God and a lot of effort. Very few people achieve this---certainly not me. But this is the goal, and a good number of people, more than you might realize, do at least get close, again, definitely not me. "We are all called to be saints" we are taught in the Catholic Church. Good people who die in the state of grace without achieving perfection in Christ go to Purgatory for a time until they are perfect---that is what the Catholic belief in Purgatory is all about.
1/17/2017 4:04:42 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Waldron, AR
70, joined Jul. 2014
Plaster of Paris? We ask God for forgiveness, through His representative the priest. The statues are there as visual aids for prayer only.
The question is why does an all powerful,all knowing magician/god need a human representative ?
The answer is he would not, it's a scam fostered by the church, it is a racket.
[Edited 1/17/2017 4:06:01 PM ]
1/17/2017 4:17:23 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014

1/18/2017 3:51:29 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
Plaster of Paris? We ask God for forgiveness, through His representative the priest. The statues are there as visual aids for prayer only.
The question is why does an all powerful,all knowing magician/god need a human representative ?
The answer is he would not, it's a scam fostered by the church, it is a racket.
1/18/2017 9:08:46 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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If God had no human representatives, those who were looking for excuses not to believe in Him would say, why doesn't God have any representatives?
1/19/2017 7:23:04 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
If God had no human representatives, those who were looking for excuses not to believe in Him would say, why doesn't God have any representatives?
I have already prooved to myself that these "representatives" are worthless to me, as they are human's perception of what they perceive are representatives. I am the only representative between myself and divinity. I am the only representative that matters to me, and each of us are our own best representative.I don't need these puffed up individuals who think they can better represent me than I can. If you want to continue to be a victim to this bullshit ,that's fine with me. My way for me, has served me well, it has opened communication with a power greater than myself, I call it interaction with nature, directly and in a personally and spiritually satisfying manner.
1/19/2017 8:01:02 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
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Those who wish to reject God will find their excuses for doing so. If they only knew the blessings they are squandering.
1/19/2017 8:21:08 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Those who wish to reject God will find their excuses for doing so. If they only knew the blessings they are squandering.
What the Hell is that.
Who's rejecting God/Goddess, who I recognize as nature??
I just reject any self promoted representative of God, who would impede my spirit, rather than to see me fly. Screw that Luddy, you can live in that prison if you like. I don't have to , nor shall I do so. From the age of 9, I have been given discernment to see through the bullshit and get to the point, which always always should be able to be reduced to its lowest common denominator, and that is love, love of nature, of self and the love of others, our neighbors, (ALL).
1/19/2017 8:58:18 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
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If you reject God's representatives, i.e. Jesus Christ and the clergy of the Catholic Church, you have rejected God.
1/19/2017 11:04:36 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
If you reject God's representatives, i.e. Jesus Christ and the clergy of the Catholic Church, you have rejected God.
That's you and your corrupt institutions opinion only. I am not a sheep ,I'm a leader responsible for my own spirituality, you and your phony church doctrine and dogma can stay the f**k offa my cloud  
[Edited 1/19/2017 11:05:10 AM ]
1/19/2017 1:24:53 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
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"My sheep know hear my voice: and I know them, and they follow me."
--Jesus Christ (John 10:27)
1/19/2017 2:04:11 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Jacksonville, FL
76, joined Apr. 2011
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You have excluded yourself from the flock with your murderous beliefs and blasphemous teachings, Ludlow.
1/19/2017 4:53:37 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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KB, do you think it's blasphemy to speak out against racism and polytheism?
1/19/2017 6:13:59 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Jacksonville, FL
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Who really should care what your warped/corrupt mind thinks, Ludlow? You are a heretic since you call your Holy Father the pope a "utter idiot" and you are a blasphemer for teaching God/Jesus orders man to kill people for all sorts of absurd reasons.
But again fwiw:
Read/study The Urantia Book and rise above your primitive and blasphemous beliefs and teachings about God before you pass unto judgment if you really love and place God above the book teachings of your pope, Ludlow.
10:1.1 It would seem that the Father, back in eternity, inaugurated a policy of profound self-distribution. There is inherent in the selfless, loving, and lovable nature of the Universal Father something which causes him to reserve to himself the exercise of only those powers and that authority which he apparently finds it impossible to delegate or to bestow.
10:1.2 The Universal Father all along has divested himself of every part of himself that was bestowable on any other Creator or creature. He has delegated to his divine Sons and their associated intelligences every power and all authority that could be delegated. He has actually transferred to his Sovereign Sons, in their respective universes, every prerogative of administrative authority that was transferable. In the affairs of a local universe, he has made each Sovereign Creator Son just as perfect, competent, and authoritative as is the Eternal Son in the original and central universe. He has given away, actually bestowed, with the dignity and sanctity of personality possession, all of himself and all of his attributes, everything he possibly could divest himself of, in every way, in every age, in every place, and to every person, and in every universe except that of his central indwelling.
10:1.3 Divine personality is not self-centered; self-distribution and sharing of personality characterize divine freewill selfhood.
The universe is vast and it is organized, Ludlow. Each one of the 700,000 Paradise Creator Sons are in all attributes and for all intents and purposes are GOD in the evolutionary worlds of space and time of their making numbering for each one approximately 10 million inhabited worlds. This isn't a "throwback to paganism." This is God the Father, God the Eternal Son jointly "projecting a new, original, identical, unique, and absolute personal thought, that very instant this creative idea is perfectly and finally personalized in the being and personality of a new and original Creator Son."
7:6.1 The lack of a knowledge of the multiple Sons of God is a source of great confusion on Urantia. And this ignorance persists in the face of such statements as the record of a conclave of these divine personalities: “When the Sons of God proclaimed joy, and all of the Morning Stars sang together.” Every millennium of sector standard time the various orders of the divine Sons forgather for their periodic conclaves.
7:6.2 The Eternal Son is the personal source of the adorable attributes of mercy and service which so abundantly characterize all orders of the descending Sons of God as they function throughout creation. All the divine nature, if not all the infinity of attributes, the Eternal Son unfailingly transmits to the Paradise Sons who go out from the eternal Isle to reveal his divine character to the universe of universes.
7:6.3 The Original and Eternal Son is the offspring-person of the “first” completed and infinite thought of the Universal Father. Every time the Universal Father and the Eternal Son jointly project a new, original, identical, unique, and absolute personal thought, that very instant this creative idea is perfectly and finally personalized in the being and personality of a new and original Creator Son. In spirit nature, divine wisdom, and co-ordinate creative power, these Creator Sons are potentially equal with God the Father and God the Son.
7:6.4 The Creator Sons go out from Paradise into the universes of time and, with the co-operation of the controlling and creative agencies of the Third Source and Center, complete the organization of the local universes of progressive evolution. These Sons are not attached to, nor are they concerned with, the central and universal controls of matter, mind, and spirit. Hence are they limited in their creative acts by the pre-existence, priority, and primacy of the First Source and Center and his co-ordinate Absolutes. These Sons are able to administer only that which they bring into existence. Absolute administration is inherent in priority of existence and is inseparable from eternity of presence. The Father remains primal in the universes.
1/19/2017 7:54:00 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |

Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
10:1.3 Divine personality is not self-centered; self-distribution and sharing of personality characterize divine freewill selfhood.
What does that mean?
1/19/2017 8:18:51 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Jacksonville, FL
76, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
10:1.3 Divine personality is not self-centered; self-distribution and sharing of personality characterize divine freewill selfhood.
What does that mean?
Asanb, It should be clear that its simply a succinct statement of the truth of Gods "profound self-distribution" nature expounded upon in the two preceding UB quoted paragraphs.
1/21/2017 11:13:08 PM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
I watched two documentaries about Pope Francis on Netflix. Really awesome, seems this Pope cares mostly about humans who suffer, cares about human issues that are real, rather than dogma and doctrine.
A man who serves the people, and for much of his life he bicyled, walked, or took the train to the slums to serve them. He, to this day, performs the washing of the feet to the very poorest of humans. I think he cares more about people than the institution.
1/22/2017 12:31:29 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Pope Francis supports divorce and remarriage, homosexual marriage, and the notion that all religions are equal, all against what Jesus said. He denies that Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fishes. Washing feet and helping the poor? All priests do that.
But if you think Pope Francis is so wonderful, Ruff, why don't you become a Catholic and follow after him?
1/22/2017 3:49:41 AM |
Dear Pope Francis, End the Religious Ritual that Devalues Human Life |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
Pope Francis supports divorce and remarriage, homosexual marriage, and the notion that all religions are equal, all against what Jesus said. He denies that Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fishes. Washing feet and helping the poor? All priests do that.
But if you think Pope Francis is so wonderful, Ruff, why don't you become a Catholic and follow after him?

I thought that the Pope was infallible when it came to things like ..... Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fishes.
Please explain why and how you have chosen to ignore this supposed infallibility.