8/24/2016 3:37:19 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Oklahoma City, OK
55, joined Feb. 2011
By Stephen Braun ASSOCIATED PRESS AUGUST 24, 2016
WASHINGTON — More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation.
Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran, and a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem.
Estee Lauder executives were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm’s corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa.
They are among at least 85 of 154 people with private interests who either met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton and also gave to her family’s charities, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to the Associated Press.
Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. The 154 does not include US federal employees or foreign government representatives.
The AP’s findings represent the first systematic effort to calculate the scope of the intersecting interests of Clinton foundation donors and people who met personally with Clinton or spoke to her by phone about their needs.
The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009.
But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton. Her calendars and e-mails released as recently as this week describe scores of contacts she and her top aides had with foundation donors.
Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, Mike Pence, said Tuesday the overlaps identified by AP were ‘‘further evidence of the pay-to-play politics at her State Department’’ and called for a special prosecutor to investigate.
A day earlier, Trump also said a special prosecutor should be named to investigate the foundation, which he said should be shut down.
Last week, the Clinton Foundation moved to head off ethics concerns about future donations by announcing changes planned if she is elected. Those planned changes would not affect more than 6,000 donors who have already provided the Clinton charity with more than $2 billion in funding since its creation in 2000.
‘‘There’s a lot of potential conflicts and a lot of potential problems,’’ said Douglas White, an expert on nonprofits at Columbia University. ‘‘The point is, she can’t just walk away from these 6,000 donors.’’
Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement Tuesday the standard set by the Clinton Foundation’s ethics restrictions was ‘‘unprecedented, even if it may never satisfy some critics.’’
Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist who won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for pioneering low-interest ‘‘microcredit’’ for poor business owners, met with Clinton three times and talked with her by phone during a period when Bangladeshi government authorities investigated his oversight of a nonprofit bank and ultimately pressured him to resign from the bank’s board.
Throughout the process, he pleaded for help in messages routed to Clinton, and she ordered aides to find ways to assist him.
Grameen America, the bank’s nonprofit US flagship, which Yunus chairs, has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation — a figure that bank spokeswoman Becky Asch said reflects the institution’s annual fees to attend CGI meetings.
In another case, Clinton was host at a 2009 meeting at the New York Stock Exchange that listed Blackstone Group chairman Stephen Schwarzman as one of the attendees. The next day, according to Clinton e-mails, the State Department was working on a visa issue at Schwarzman’s request.
Blackstone donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Blackstone officials did not make Schwarzman available for comment. Just a tip of the iceberg.
No wonder she has avoided a press conference for 262 days!
[Edited 8/24/2016 3:37:40 PM ]
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8/24/2016 3:42:37 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Quote from artfullyme2:
The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009.
But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton.
THAT'S the meat of it right there.
BUT, let's make a big f**king issue out of it.
Do we know who gives to chrump's foundation? Hmmmmmmm? Do we know how much the give? Hmmmmmmm?
8/24/2016 3:44:37 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

And the Clinton Foundation is Veeeeeeeery interested in selling America off by the pound...

Clinton campaign slogan -
""Pay for Play, we're selling your future today!!"
8/24/2016 3:45:47 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Oh, I forgot the "press conference in the past 262 days" comment...SHE DOESN'T NEED TO! 
Politics 101, if everything is going your way, I.E. your opponent is a complete and utter f**kup that don't know shit from good apple butter, just kick back and watch him unravel 
8/24/2016 3:48:10 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Oklahoma City, OK
55, joined Feb. 2011
Quote from artfullyme2:
The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009.
But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton.
THAT'S the meat of it right there.
BUT, let's make a big f**king issue out of it.
Do we know who gives to chrump's foundation? Hmmmmmmm? Do we know how much the give? Hmmmmmmm?
Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations
8/24/2016 3:50:50 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Eaton Rapids, MI
44, joined Jul. 2014
Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations
Neither was Clinton cupcake. 
The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009.

8/24/2016 3:51:47 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
Trump can't complain about pay to play, because he admits to having paid to play often. The ocean does NOT get to call the tear drop wet.
8/24/2016 3:53:54 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from scarredandtatto:
Do we know who gives to chrump's foundation? Hmmmmmmm? Do we know how much the give? Hmmmmmmm?
Actually, we do.

Average Trump supporters – total bros.

Average HiLIARy supporters – need I say more?
8/24/2016 4:00:29 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Did Hillary Clinton Violate the Espionage Act????!!!
"Contributions, either directly, or indirectly to Clinton’s Foundation are more
than a “Conflict of Interest”. Since her job description was to specifically
protect US interests, any remuneration could be prosecuted under the Espionage
Act of 1917. In the words of Woodrow Wilson:
“There are citizens of the United States, … who have poured the poison of
disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to
bring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt, to
destroy our industries wherever they thought it effective … to strike
at them, and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue …"
[Edited 8/24/2016 4:00:56 PM ]
8/24/2016 4:03:33 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Quote from artfullyme2:Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations
Fair enough...and how was it not legal for her foundation to receive donations?
OH WAIT, it wasn't.
Just more for you whiney asses to b*tch about.
Sooooo, do we know WHOM and HOW MUCH is donated to chrumps charity? Silly question though, he can't even find funding for his campaign
CHRUMP 2020!!
8/24/2016 4:08:17 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Passing State Secrets. Check
Taking Foreign Bribes. Check
Working against US Interests? Check
Corrupt administration in collusion with corrupt media. Double Check
Yep. Traitors helping Traitors.
8/24/2016 4:54:16 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Edmonton, KY
61, joined Apr. 2010
Bobby, Don't forget approving the sale of arms after the "donations"
8/24/2016 4:56:23 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Edmonton, KY
61, joined Apr. 2010
That’s it folks, Hillary is officially circling the drain.
Hillary’s media cronies have pulled the plug on the Hilldabeast.
Most official visitors paid Clinton Foundation to get access
WASHNGTON – Under Hillary Clinton’s leadership, the State Department was run like a mob-run shakedown operation, with more than half the visitors she met with from outside government paying money to the Clinton Family Foundation for the privilege, according to an Associated Press investigation of her calendars.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/08/hillarys-state-sponsored-graft-racket-exposed/#5rIaTdIPKsPp6hXi.99
In case I wasn’t clear, the Associated Press (AP) has just outed Hillary. The AP has a near stranglehold on the news media. They control a lot of what the public calls news. This was not Fellowship Of The Minds or Alex Jones or Breitbart outing her, it was the “other side,” the infamous Main Stream Media (MSM). That means that even MSNBC and CNN will be forced to expose her.
Today on 700 Club, Pat Robertson speculated that she is as good as gone.
8/24/2016 5:03:53 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013

OOOOOOOOOOO The 700 Club as a news source. That's quint.
8/24/2016 5:16:27 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
8/24/2016 5:18:22 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Quote from artfullyme2:Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations
Fair enough...and how was it not legal for her foundation to receive donations?
OH WAIT, it wasn't.
Just more for you whiney asses to b*tch about.
Sooooo, do we know WHOM and HOW MUCH is donated to chrumps charity? Silly question though, he can't even find funding for his campaign
CHRUMP 2020!!
you must be pretty scarred, why dont you tell us how good hitler was for germany and the world, next?
[Edited 8/24/2016 5:19:39 PM ]
8/24/2016 5:19:14 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Edmonton, KY
61, joined Apr. 2010
VIA| The hackers seemed to have used “spear phishing” techniques – the same way the hackers broke into the other leftist organizations. They used the same technique to break into George Soros’ non-profit organization as well.
“Spear-Phishing” involves sending a bogus email or setting up a bogus website to gain access to emails and the company itself.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the U.S. officials said the hackers used the same techniques Russian intelligence agencies or their proxies employed against the Democratic Party groups, which suggests that Russians also attacked the Foundation.
Kremlin officials dismissed as absurd the allegations of Moscow’s involvement, which were made last month amid political party nominating conventions for the Nov. 8 election.
A former White House Lawyer – who is also the Clinton Foundation’s main attorney (surprise!) would not comment to Reuters on the hacking or what the Foundation has done to prevent it.
Although no documents have emerged, the attacks have left some Democrats and Clinton campaign officials worried that the hackers might have obtained emails and voice messages that could be used to reinforce Republican charges that donors to the Clinton Foundation were rewarded with access to Clinton and her aides while she was Secretary of State, or to her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The Clinton Campaign is terrified that the leaks from the Clinton Foundation could prove damaging to her presidential campaign, as they might show even more “pay to play” tactics revealed in the past.
Wednesday night, Democrats held a closed-door meeting to discuss how to deal with the constant hacking. One recommendation was to change phone numbers and email addresses, as they were likely obtained by the hackers.
A third U.S. official familiar with the attacks said that, so far, there is no evidence that the hackers were able to follow any of the hacked emails into the State Department’s classified email systems.
Anxiety in Washington over the possibility that a foreign power might be using hacked information to meddle in the U.S. election has prompted some Democrats and cyber security experts to urge the Obama administration to blame Russia publicly.
Rep. Jim Himes, a Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, said the United States should carry “a big stick” in cyber security matters. “The U.S. government needs to be very clear, very direct, and hold these people accountable.”
Current and former White House and intelligence officials said the Obama administration is unlikely to blame Russia publicly, given the difficulty of attributing the attacks without revealing American sources and methods, the geopolitical concerns at play, and a fear that doing so could risk aggravating cyber conflict.
8/24/2016 5:20:10 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
New revelations show a nation for sale under Hillary Clinton

The Democratic Party often warns us that mixing big money and politics will corrupt democracy. They must have nominated Hillary Clinton to prove it.
The Clinton Foundation was ostensibly set up to solve the world’s most pressing problems. Though it’s done some fine work, its most fruitful program has been leveraging Clinton’s position in the State Department to enrich her family, friends and cronies.
It’s against federal law for charities to act in the interests of private business or individuals. Yet the Clinton Foundation secured high-paying gigs for its namesakes and helped for-profit corporations with family ties set up lucrative deals.
As it turns out, that’s probably the least corrupt part of the story.
It is becoming clear the foundation was a center of influence peddling. Rock stars. Soccer players. Conglomerates. Crown princes. All of them paid in. All of them expected access to the US government.
Want a seat on a government intelligence advisory board even though you have no relevant experience? The Clinton Foundation may be able to help.
Recently released emails prove the charity’s officials had sought access to State Department personnel while Hillary was in charge. Folks like the prince of Bahrain, who donated $32 million to the foundation, needed to get in touch.
An Associated Press investigation finds that more than half the private citizens who met or spoke with Clinton while she was secretary of state also happened to donate to her foundation. What are the odds?
It’s implausible that a majority of the 154 citizens — people who’d kicked in at least $156 million to her charity — would also happen to catch Clinton’s ear as she toiled away at State. It’s also worth remembering this list doesn’t even include officials from the 16 governments — many of them autocrats — who threw the foundation another $170 million.
Recently, the foundation announced it would ban donations from corporations and foreign countries if Hillary is elected president. The question is: If it’s a conflict of interest when Hillary will be president, why wasn’t it a problem when she was secretary of state?
Let’s also not forget that during Clinton’s tenure at State, she failed to disclose that regimes across the world were giving her charity hundreds of millions. Because she needed to hide this, she ended up sending 110 emails containing classified information — eight of which had “top secret” information, according to the FBI.
These days, Hillary brazenly goes on Jimmy Kimmel to clown around about her “boring” emails.
Well, if they’re so irrelevant, why was she hiding them from the Justice Department? If it’s no big deal, why did it take four years and a lawsuit against the State Department to gain access to her planning schedules? Why did she lie to the American people? Erase tens of thousands of emails? Set up a private server in the first place?
Hillary claims running the State Department gave her the experience and temperament necessary to be president. But if anything, it reminds us of the Clintons’ propensity for scandal and dishonesty. And if Clinton wins this year, she’ll become the most ethically compromised president in contemporary times. Perhaps ever.
8/24/2016 6:25:03 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
* ATTENTION: Tweety Birds !
8/24/2016 6:37:35 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Sugar Land, TX
96, joined Jun. 2016
She just keeps giving

8/24/2016 6:50:08 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Oklahoma City, OK
55, joined Feb. 2011
Connect the dots and follow the money, especially the Saudis
8/24/2016 6:53:06 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Sugar Land, TX
96, joined Jun. 2016
Connect two sets of teats 
8/24/2016 6:55:08 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Dec. 2007
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
8/24/2016 6:58:09 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Dec. 2007
Bush 41 as well...my favorite . I served in his Inauguration!!!
House of Bush and House of Saud....very close, very dear old friends and deep ties- makes perfect sense, oil business and horses.

8/24/2016 6:59:41 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from barrydalmi:
Bush 41 as well...my favorite . I served in his Inauguration!!!
Was that your first year as a catamite?
8/24/2016 7:01:24 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

96, joined May. 2011
What else would you expect from a corrupt, banana republic, bureaucracy???
8/24/2016 7:11:49 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Oklahoma City, OK
55, joined Feb. 2011
Nice try Barry, You losers are still living in the past and blaming Bushs a decade ago.
LMAO Try talking and defending Killary's foreign policy if you can? a complete failure
[Edited 8/24/2016 7:12:18 PM ]
8/24/2016 7:18:20 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Bush 41 as well...my favorite . I served in his Inauguration!!!
House of Bush and House of Saud....very close, very dear old friends and deep ties- makes perfect sense, oil business and horses.
gotta love that logic, for LIEberals, a wrong and a SH(T wrong are supposed to make a right
8/24/2016 7:21:23 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Nice try Barry, You losers are still living in the past and blaming Bushs a decade ago.
LMAO Try talking and defending Killary's foreign policy if you can? a complete failure
Barry also forgot a little something. Homosexuals don't like heterosexuals working for or ... um, ... (ahem) ...serving them, as Barry claimed he did.
If the Bushes are queer as a 3 dollar bill, then...(guess what?)
[Edited 8/24/2016 7:21:55 PM ]
8/24/2016 7:35:43 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

New Hope, PA
75, joined Feb. 2008
Will the Trump family be divesting themselves of all financial interest in properties anywhere in the world bearing the Trump name, or at the very least refuse entry to any elected or hired employee of the Federal government at all Trump named properties as having any government employee stay or play there would constitute a blatant conflict of interest and could be construed as play for pay??
8/24/2016 7:38:14 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Castle Rock, CO
59, joined Jan. 2009
Quote from scarredandtatto:
Do we know who gives to chrump's foundation? Hmmmmmmm? Do we know how much the give? Hmmmmmmm?
Actually, we do.
Average Trump supporters – total bros.
Average HiLIARy supporters – need I say more?
Is that Chelsea back row far right? Perhaps. Makeup can do a lot.
8/24/2016 7:40:53 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations

8/24/2016 7:41:44 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Is that Chelsea back row far right? Perhaps. Makeup can do a lot.
You mean "Diane Reynolds"?
67 Hillary Emails to Diane Reynolds aka Chelsea Clinton
Wikileaks found 67 emails between Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea under her fake name–
–At least one was during a foreign policy meeting
— Another was on September 11, 2012 during the Benghazi terror attack!
In one email Hillary tells Chelsea (Diane) she is sitting in a meeting on Libya waiting for “the other shoe to drop.”
Shows they knew at that time it was an Al Qaeda type group and not the movie, what gets me is this, there was a UN ban on weapons to Libya at the time, yet Obama and Hillary violated that ban, and could be the reason they hid and lied about the whole ordeal.
8/24/2016 7:45:23 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Santa Clarita, CA
96, joined Feb. 2013
Let's make this simple so even you can understand.......
Trump was NOT the Sec of State recieving donations
This is what he has on his profile ......
When God mad little girls
He made them out of lace.
He ran a little short
So he left a little space.
When God made little boys
He made them out of string.
He had a little extra
So he left a little thing.
Pedophile ..... 
8/24/2016 7:47:46 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
In one email Hillary tells Chelsea (Diane) she is sitting in a meeting on Libya waiting for “the other shoe to drop.”
Telling Diane aka Ugly about national security issues; hummm, seems like that's a no no.
8/24/2016 7:49:40 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Will the Trump family be divesting themselves of all financial interest in properties anywhere in the world bearing the Trump name, or at the very least refuse entry to any elected or hired employee of the Federal government at all Trump named properties as having any government employee stay or play there would constitute a blatant conflict of interest and could be construed as play for pay??
bhillary isnt, so why should anyone else?
8/24/2016 11:13:23 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013
What were they saying about ther code names "Diane Reynolds" to bypass the public access rule. Was that for the EPA?
8/24/2016 11:22:15 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
well, thiis afternoon ... Hillary made a phone call to ONE reporter ... and had a phone statement no face time in front of a TV .. as YOU KNOW ... they would have jump a**holes to get her on the air for this.
BUT NOooooooooo ... she had to make a face less no Skype phone call so no one could see Human with the script.
She was SO BUSY get more donors to make money to her and the Clinton Foundation.
She of course will not do anything for .. as she is not some kind of taco sauce licking slut.
No money ... YES f**kie bang bang long time ...
sure ...
sumbuddie wear blind sea
8/24/2016 11:57:08 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.
where are the khans shaking the constitution in everyone's face when you need them?
[Edited 8/24/2016 11:58:14 PM ]
8/25/2016 12:37:03 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Quote from peterk2:you must be pretty scarred, why dont you tell us how good hitler was for germany and the world, next?
Well, I would say that he'd be comparable to your boy chrump.
Religious persecution
Actually I've drawn this comparison many times. I thought that you knew this already
Quote from annamally:This is what he has on his profile ......
When God mad little girls
He made them out of lace.
He ran a little short
So he left a little space.
When God made little boys
He made them out of string.
He had a little extra
So he left a little thing.
Pedophile ..... 
Silly cow's checkin me out.
[Edited 8/25/2016 12:40:27 AM ]
8/25/2016 1:53:02 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
** Presidential Scandal **
Jerome Corsi has been a student and analyst of history,
geopolitics and world affairs for decades.
He discuss his recent work investigating how the Clintons
amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in personal net worth,
while building up their Clinton Foundation.
He characterizes it as a sordid tale involving suspicions of
Enron-like fraudulent accounting practices, as well as several
"shell corporations" and "pass-through" bank accounts, set up
by Bill Clinton
Website: wnd.com/author/jcorsi
Book: 'Partners in Crime:' The Clintons' Scheme to Monetize the White House
The crooked - Lying - Greedy - Clinton Crime Family
- Crime For Higher A Vast Criminal Conspiracy of Charity FRAUD !!

8/25/2016 1:56:14 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Sugar Land, TX
96, joined Jun. 2016
I sure looks like her. Chelsea Hubble 
Is that Chelsea back row far right? Perhaps. Makeup can do a lot.
8/25/2016 2:53:58 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Eaton Rapids, MI
44, joined Jul. 2014
Connect the dots and follow the money, especially the Saudis
So make shit up as we go along. Gotcha.
8/25/2016 3:39:12 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
Will the Trump family be divesting themselves of all financial interest in properties anywhere in the world bearing the Trump name, or at the very least refuse entry to any elected or hired employee of the Federal government at all Trump named properties as having any government employee stay or play there would constitute a blatant conflict of interest and could be construed as play for pay??
False f*gcum. No one would expect a welfare n**ger to know that though. Each department has their own regulations about acceptable accommodation for its employees. When I was a contracted scientist for the EPA they would not reimburse meals at hooters. When I was at the DOD (as a contractor, not an employee) they would. But even further than this be has to turn over all operations of his companies to someone else. He's not allowed to have any day to day iteration input, again but how would a welfare leech know this?
8/25/2016 4:25:38 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Dec. 2007
Nice try Barry, You losers are still living in the past and blaming Bushs a decade ago.
LMAO Try talking and defending Killary's foreign policy if you can? a complete failure
Madam, I wasn't "trying" anything. Nor am I a "liberal" [nor do I see that as a slight or slur, as perhaps some tend to use it]. My voting record, of which I am proud, includes both Republicans and Democrats and I am currently a registered Republican.
I was simply pointing out that the Bush family and the Saud family have very close ties. That those ties are perfectly logical. That the Clinton's and the Bush's while political rivals are at least pragmatic about a larger complex world in whic the Suadis (for all their negatives) are a key player in our giant globally linked economy.
So any deeper analysis than what passes for thought here in DH- concludes that U.S. National level leaders and would be world leaders would have links to House of Suad and any other of the .5% (in wealth).
The world is not the local Feed & Seed store. It's not your family and friends. It is a complex, delicate dance of balancing allies, enemies and national interests- leveraging those pillars sometimes requires choices that don't "look good".
Look at varying sources, read things you don't agree with, watch multiple channels, see how each covers a topic. Assume noble intent of even people you have been told you don't like.
I expect to be quoted and called names by an idiot (not you ma'am feel free to engage).
8/25/2016 7:17:17 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.
where are the khans shaking the constitution in everyone's face when you need them?
8/25/2016 10:12:40 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
Yes barry is one of those rare black conservatives who voted twice for Obama and wants hillary to win based on their fiduciary voting records and their insistence on traditional values.
8/25/2016 11:42:59 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
I have a feeling this is what Wikileaks was going to disclose in October. .
Clinton and her ilk.are trying to get in front of it..
So 45 days from now they can do that now famous Mule Dork maneuver..
"Oh this is just old scandals being rehashed for.political gain"
But they are scared...
They don't know how much Julian Assange has in his hand..
I always liked a good game of Liars Poker....
[Edited 8/25/2016 11:43:38 AM ]
8/25/2016 4:13:22 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
I sure looks like her. Chelsea Hubble 
* Chelsea and her REAL BLOOD father

8/25/2016 4:20:35 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Albuquerque, NM
60, joined Jan. 2013
* Chelsea and her REAL BLOOD father

Chelsea tried to join the Army but was kicked out after her Drill Sargent asked her "what's wrong with your lips?" she replied "My real Father had big gums."...."Well we can't let you go into the field with, those "Webb Hubbell" lips, liable to getem' caught on a trip wire & blow the entire squad to kingdom come."
8/25/2016 4:26:36 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Oklahoma City, OK
49, joined Apr. 2014

8/25/2016 4:35:02 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Albuquerque, NM
60, joined Jan. 2013
"Is it safe to say our government is a world class criminal enterprise that most people are merely unaware of?...It's more than safe to say, it's a fact & I worked for that criminal enterprise - The same oligarchy that was in play when I was active, is still there, Bush, Clinton, it's the same players, & for anyone to think that times have changed & things are going to get better...their not, if you keep these players in play." - Chip Tatum.com
8/25/2016 4:41:13 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Castle Rock, CO
59, joined Jan. 2009
Maybe Hillb*tch should start thinking about copping a plea while she has friends in the justice department, if the Don gets in he may just send her corrupt lying a** to prison. This way if she cops a plea, gets convicted then Oshithead can pardon her.
She won't get her coveted white house but she will stay out of the big house. Hopefully the skank will fade out of public so we don't have to witness that cow in polyester anymore.
8/25/2016 8:18:28 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013
This is getting better and better, WHY was it ok when she was SOS to take these large sums of money. HA HA can't wait for Julian Asange to drop some more emails. 
8/25/2016 9:33:16 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
FREE HERE @ : http://www.breitbart.com/clinton-cash-movie/

8/25/2016 11:22:44 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
FREE HERE @ : http://www.breitbart.com/clinton-cash-movie/

Breitbart = alt right (Dummy)
8/25/2016 11:28:19 PM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Has Crooked hiLIARy's vag caught the ZIKA?
Hillary Wore a Hospital Gown to Latest Fundraiser. Ladies of DH what is going on here?
What is going on with this she-beast? She's completely lost her mind. Is there something under those clothes that she's hiding? Maybe she really is wearing a bullet proof vest?
Not one up on old lady style, but this is ridiculous.

[Edited 8/25/2016 11:28:35 PM ]
8/26/2016 1:48:28 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
A very good Video @ : http://www.breitbart.com/clinton-cash-movie/
Africa: How the "Clinton Foundation" helped poor African countries.
Haiti: How the Clinton's flew to Haiti right after
the devastating Earth Quake and gave verbal support to help
with $$ relief, rebuild and to
improve Haiti's economy.
Environmental: How Hillary Clinton promised to
improve Americas economy and eliminate Fossil-Fuel for
the Environmentalists Movement.
Columbia: The 'Clinton Foundation' helped the peoples
economy withnew mining operations. Creating lumber business
for their economy with environmentally sustainable forest.
"The planet need healthy standing forests" - Bill Clinton
India: Helping the 'Clinton's' and the 'Clinton Foundation'
Russia: At the end of the day... a good deal.
Tajikistan: 'Human Rights Program'
Uranium Mining for America: Helping the world with
expansion of Nuclear Power. A good deal for all.
Canada: Gave donations to the 'Clinton Foundation'
Greetings From Washington: Hillary says - " I want to
thank you for you work in rooting out corruption that weakens
economical development and feeds 'Black Markets' and 'Organized
Crime' and undermines the promise of Democracy !
As we work together to eradicate corruption in our own country,
we should also hold the highest standards of Transparency and
accountability in "OUR" development accomplishment around the world.
Corruption and emerging markets around the world while responsible
Governments help create and foster sustainable economies around the
world for investors and citizens a like. "
* Progressive Values, Labor Rights, Human Rights, Equality,
Labor Unions, Women's Rights, A Vibrant Economy, Fairness and
Transparency, A Sustainable Future and Political Correctness for all !
8/26/2016 2:19:13 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |

Eaton Rapids, MI
44, joined Jul. 2014
So what did Trump get for his $100,000 donation because "the org did good work" get him from the Clinton's ?

8/26/2016 4:01:20 AM |
Clinton's PAY TO PLAY Cash Cow foundation |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
* shes far, FAR worse and more Dangerous then just a big shitting lie ! 
** 11 Calls to Shut Down Clinton Foundation from Left-Wing Media **
Posted By: earlybird- 8/25/2016
New reporting on allegations that Hillary Clinton used her position
as Secretary of State to sell access to major Clinton Foundation donors
— charges first detailed in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large
Peter Schweizer’s New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash —
have led to a flood of calls from left-wing and center-left media
for the Clintons to shut down their multibillion-dollar charity fraud.
Below is a list of eleven of these establishment outlets and journalists
urging the Clintons either to shutter the Foundation or pass off its
assets to some other unaffiliated nonprofit.....
MORE @: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/08/24/11-left-leaning-journos-publications-calling-clinton-foundation-shut/

1. The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post began the week with a front page banner that read “Just Shut it Down.” The HuffPo headline linked to a New York Times article that shined the spotlight on several major Clinton Foundation donors who saw their multi-million dollar donations coincide with favorable federal actions while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
2. The Washington Post
The Washington Post editorial board wrote Wednesday that “should Ms. Clinton win, all of that work and all of the foundation’s assets should be spun off to an organization with no ties to the first family.”
3. USA Today
The USA Today editorial board said Wednesday that “the only way to eliminate the odor surrounding the foundation is to wind it down and put it in mothballs, starting today, and transfer its important charitable work to another large American charity such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.” < is a FRAUD
4. The New Yorker
Writing in The New Yorker, John Cassidy argues: “Rather than torpedoing the foundation, it would surely make more sense, at least for the duration of a Clinton Presidency, to separate it from its founding family and turn it into an independent organization run and overseen by people unconnected to the Clintons. The reforms that Bill Clinton announced on Monday go some way in this direction, but not far enough.”
5. The Boston Globe
Last week, the Boston Globe editorial board asserted that “the Clintons should move now to end donations to the Foundation, and make plans to shut it down in November.”
6. Slate
Over the weekend, Slate senior writer Josh Voorhees wrote that “as long as Hillary Clinton is either running for the White House or running the country from inside it, she and her husband should temporarily shutter their foundation.”
7. The Daily Beast
Daily Beast special correspondant Michael Tomasky wrote Tuesday that
“The Clintons should shut the foundation down.”
8. Huffington Post Senior Politics Editor Sam Stein
In an appearance Wednesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Stein said, “[T]hey definitely need to shut this thing down or transfer it to the — to some other foundation. … I mean, can you imagine, the people she’s going to have to meet with as president, assuming she wins, it’ just going overlap constantly. We’ll have stories like this nonstop. There’s too much ethical murkiness here.”
9. Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim
Grim took to Twitter on Monday and mocked the Clinton Foundation, writing: “If you shut down the Clinton Foundation. How would the world’s oligarchs achieve their main goal in life, eradicating disease and poverty??”
10. Longtime Clinton ally and former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell
Last week, Rendell told the New York Daily News he believes that if Hillary Clinton wins in November that the Clinton foundation should be disbanded. “It’d be impossible to keep the foundation open without at least the appearance of a problem.”
11. New York Magazine columnist Jonathan Chait
Oft-celebrated left-wing columnist Jonathan Chait wrote last week that
“the Clinton Foundation needs to die.”