
Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Hey guys ...
This is how the law works with the creepy rich white guys who have sex with children like they were Dennis Hastert.
There is a new State Fire Code on all new building MUST have indoor fire sprinklers (all residential houses).
How I found this out is the 2000 homes destroyed in Lake County ... none of them can be built and repopulated until two things happen.
First the sewers and water lines have come in ... second the houses must have the fire sprinklers.
As that is the Fire Code for ALL BUILDING.
Just like it is the fire code that all building with a stove must have an exhaust vent over the stove that goes through the wall or the roof.
for old building that is grandfathered in in regards to code violations ... not a problem.
However .. if your home burns down for example with global warming making fire disasters.
Then the insurance company comes in sees you have no roof or wall vent for your indoor stove ...
or the metal vent shield is 32 inches and you have a 34 inch stove ... well to bad for you.
Same for fire sprinklers ... no fire sprinklers in your 40 year old home lets say and it burns down.
The insurance company do NOT PAY the bill insured ... cause your house is not up to code.
This is kicker ...
if you have a 40 year old home .. that the bank lender also owns ... on payment you must have insurance.
Odd thing .. is the insurance won't pay ... so maybe the bank eats it just like you do.
You certainly eat it ... you pay the insurance and you get screwed now.
Big thank you very much to Sacramento.
This is the place where in 90 days they pass a law for drug rape is now mandatory sentence and not 90 days in jail.
Cause the Judge is a Stanford Graduate ... and the defendant is a Stanford student (so is the victim but what the hell).
Sacramento passes a law for back ground checks on bullet sales that will not save one life or house ...
but does make a bunch more Treasury income that is not taxes but fees.
However .. for dead trees ... these widowmakers that burn so badly and kill people.
Sacramento can not pass that law for the Fire Marshall to tag a tree and have it cut in 30 days for public safety.
Cutting grass fields is not a problem .. but dead trees that kill people ... can't cut them down.
You guys have to toss all of them out I am sorry to day.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
