12/18/2016 8:10:44 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
At the council of Nicea the nature of God and Jesus was decided on by a group of men. I wonder if this event had never happened would we have a more pantheistic view of God?
[Edited 12/18/2016 8:11:23 AM ]
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12/18/2016 8:15:49 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Many folks who are staunch Christians, don't even know about, or at least not much about this meeting of human minds to create the God of their perspective.
This God was created with the express purpose of repressing any individual perspective, and for mind and body and soul control.
The Goddess, demonized, and suppressed
[Edited 12/18/2016 8:17:05 AM ]
12/18/2016 8:38:26 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
Many folks who are staunch Christians, don't even know about, or at least not much about this meeting of human minds to create the God of their perspective.
This God was created with the express purpose of repressing any individual perspective, and for mind and body and soul control.
The Goddess,  demonized, and suppressed 
I think left to our own reasoning most people would have concluded that God is nature or consciousness or the universe itself. Do you think it is fair of me to suggest that at the council of Nicea a group of men decided for everybody else that God was a separate creator?
I know people say the universe was created by God, but that just does not ring true for me. Do you get what I am saying?
12/18/2016 8:57:15 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Absolutely, I get it, I practice it, nature is my deities, and my cathedral!!
The worst thing that ever happened to a collection of books!!
[Edited 12/18/2016 8:58:05 AM ]
12/18/2016 10:01:37 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Many folks who are staunch Christians, don't even know about, or at least not much about this meeting of human minds to create the God of their perspective.
This God was created with the express purpose of repressing any individual perspective, and for mind and body and soul control.
The Goddess,  demonized, and suppressed 
although Rome was scared for their lives when the Christian regime came to destroy the nation and its capital, the pagan leaders quickly switched tactics.
they removed the statues of Demeter, Zeus, all greek/roman deities and replaced them with statues of the disciples of Christ.
they turned pagan worship centers into Christian cathedrals by including other false items like prayer beads, and other trinkets that once were pagan but now Christian.
in reality did the Romans really become Christian or just hid their pagan system with the disguise of Christianity.
at the council the roman leader's own mother was high priestess or referred to as a goddess....kind of makes you think they messed with actual scripture hoping to mislead those who read it.
but, Christ is not about a book.
he is not about what people claim.
he is not about finances.
he is not about any of the bullshit you see in churches today.
none of what is happening in organized religion and churches have anything to do with Christ.
if there is a God...and he came to this earth to save those who would just believe...it is rather clear this deity then ((knew)) all along he was sacrificing himself for everyone else.
no other faith path does your deity willingly tell its followers "i will do the hard work and make this easy for you and then dies for you"...and all you have to do is simply ""believe" and nothing else.
yeah, you cannot manipulate Christ because if preachers are lying you know it right away.
the lying separates Christ from preachers immediately.
maybe people just need to get a damn clue that believing in a faith path should be easy...which just believing in Christ is as easy as it gets "since he did all the hard work and died for us"...like no other deity ever done...
12/18/2016 10:02:04 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
What a crock of BS. Again!
12/18/2016 4:14:05 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
What a crock of BS. Again!
12/18/2016 4:32:29 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Jacksonville, FL
77, joined Apr. 2011
I think left to our own reasoning most people would have concluded that God is nature or consciousness or the universe itself. Do you think it is fair of me to suggest that at the council of Nicea a group of men decided for everybody else that God was a separate creator?
I know people say the universe was created by God, but that just does not ring true for me. Do you get what I am saying?
Quote from fyathyrio:
it just seems that it makes more sense to assume an eternal universe known as God than to imagine an invisible God that created it.
Only a "personality" can place "value" on words/concepts/meanings. The physical universe is wholly unconcerned with love, truth, goodness and righteousness.
I said this before and you didn't comment. Perhaps you will now?
12/18/2016 8:33:44 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
At the council of Nicea the nature of God and Jesus was decided on by a group of men. I wonder if this event had never happened would we have a more pantheistic view of God?
What, in your view, is the nature of God, and what is the nature of Jesus? How is your view different from what was taught by the Council of Nicea?
12/18/2016 9:52:00 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
Only a "personality" can place "value" on words/concepts/meanings. The physical universe is wholly unconcerned with love, truth, goodness and righteousness.
I said this before and you didn't comment. Perhaps you will now?
Personality is what other people see in a person. We are each unique with our own individuality. To say God is a personality seems a bit off. One may comment on the kind of personality they think a God might have.
The physical universe?
Why don't you just call it the universe?
What about consciousness?
You are asserting something about the universe you couldn't possibly know.
12/18/2016 10:03:10 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
What, in your view, is the nature of God, and what is the nature of Jesus? How is your view different from what was taught by the Council of Nicea?
I feel that God is what is
I reject the idea that God is the invisible creator of what is.
I feel that Jesus taught us what the nature of God is by instructing us to love our neighbor as ourselves
The nature of God is love and Jesus came to teach that
Those men at the council of Nicea created a story to consolidate the different opinions and reign in opposing views on the subject of the nature of God and Jesus. It was part of a consolidation of power and rule.
In other words they made some shit up and Christians have been believing it for over 2000 years rarely questioning it and mostly ignorant that there was ever such a council.
12/18/2016 11:03:17 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I feel that God is what is
I reject the idea that God is the invisible creator of what is.
I feel that Jesus taught us what the nature of God is by instructing us to love our neighbor as ourselves
The nature of God is love and Jesus came to teach that
Those men at the council of Nicea created a story to consolidate the different opinions and reign in opposing views on the subject of the nature of God and Jesus. It was part of a consolidation of power and rule.
In other words they made some shit up and Christians have been believing it for over 2000 years rarely questioning it and mostly ignorant that there was ever such a council.
but if God is existing as we post he obviously knew this would happen.
I am positive what is in the Bible then has enough specific truth to follow the right path.
and remember, the other transcripts like Book of Thomas, Enoch, Maccabees, and others only vary a little except Enoch gets out there but not enough to sway anyone.
so really, the council did nothing since we have access to all of those manuscripts today and know they are all relative to one another and specific to the idea of Christ/Jehova.
12/18/2016 11:11:25 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Except the council tried to get rid of all the other books, we would never have found out how badly they tried to rob us of these books if not for the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and and the Nag Hamadi library in Egypt.
NO they tried to shit can those books NEVER intending for the masses to benefit from them!!
12/18/2016 11:47:08 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
but if God is existing as we post he obviously knew this would happen.
I am positive what is in the Bible then has enough specific truth to follow the right path.
and remember, the other transcripts like Book of Thomas, Enoch, Maccabees, and others only vary a little except Enoch gets out there but not enough to sway anyone.
so really, the council did nothing since we have access to all of those manuscripts today and know they are all relative to one another and specific to the idea of Christ/Jehova.
Believe what and how you want to. I happen to feel that the sense of separation people have about God is a false sense. It just goes back to that question.....
If you believe in an eternal and separate God that created the universe, then why not, why cant, why wont you just as well believe in an eternal universe understood as God.
The God you already believe in is invisible anyway so I don't understand what changes for you.
Well, I do really and its the part about Jesus dying for your sins and saving you right?
I for one do not feel that jesus died for me. I feel that he was murdered for teaching the true nature of God and years later these men convinced many people of a lie they told to help them stay in power,
[Edited 12/18/2016 11:48:50 PM ]
12/19/2016 3:14:07 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
I feel that God is what is
I reject the idea that God is the invisible creator of what is.
I feel that Jesus taught us what the nature of God is by instructing us to love our neighbor as ourselves
The nature of God is love and Jesus came to teach that
Those men at the council of Nicea created a story to consolidate the different opinions and reign in opposing views on the subject of the nature of God and Jesus. It was part of a consolidation of power and rule.
In other words they made some shit up and Christians have been believing it for over 2000 years rarely questioning it and mostly ignorant that there was ever such a council.
If God did not create the universe, who did? Apparently you do believe in God. And which decree of the Council of Nicea said God or Jesus was not a God of love?
12/19/2016 3:38:19 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Believe what and how you want to. I happen to feel that the sense of separation people have about God is a false sense. It just goes back to that question.....
If you believe in an eternal and separate God that created the universe, then why not, why cant, why wont you just as well believe in an eternal universe understood as God.
The God you already believe in is invisible anyway so I don't understand what changes for you.
Well, I do really and its the part about Jesus dying for your sins and saving you right?
I for one do not feel that jesus died for me. I feel that he was murdered for teaching the true nature of God and years later these men convinced many people of a lie they told to help them stay in power,
well, you cannot believe God is universal if hell exist.
God obviously does not represent hell and its location.
since the concept of hell and heaven exists along with earth then God can only be represented by that which is godly.
God will never represent hell therefore he is not universal in the concept you are imagining.
I do not believe in an invisible entity as well.
from cover to cover the entire bible is history about Christ.
Christ was Abram's first high priest (pastor), he was the Angel of Lord we see when he visits Abram before Sodom and Ghomorrow.
he is the angel who gives water to Ishmael and sends him off after Abraham sent him away for Isaac.
he was the cloud and protection for Moses and he parted the red sea and provided manna and quail for the Hebrews in the wilderness...
...remember the burning bush "I AM THAT I AM"...
John chapter 8 they ask Christ, who are you?
His reply, I am before Abram for "I AM THAT I AM"...
so God has been physical on the scene all along.
yes, he was resurrected but he is still on the scene and will be physical in his return.
you are grasping at straws because you cannot fathom God could make things so simple even the fools will complicate it 
12/19/2016 3:42:46 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Except the council tried to get rid of all the other books, we would never have found out how badly they tried to rob us of these books if not for the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and and the Nag Hamadi library in Egypt.
NO they tried to shit can those books NEVER intending for the masses to benefit from them!!
exactly, but what the 66 Books they did compile was enough to tie the missing pieces.
and when those other Books were discovered, it just filled in the blanks that we already knew.
so ultimately, they failed 
12/19/2016 6:11:51 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
If God did not create the universe, who did? Apparently you do believe in God. And which decree of the Council of Nicea said God or Jesus was not a God of love?
ok finally somebody asked it. If not God, then how did the universe happen?
To suggest that the universe had a creator because it just could not happen on its own seems a logical conclusion. I get that, but if your answer is to say therefor God, then why does God then not need a creator? How did God happen?
That is what begs the question I ask
If you can believe in an eternal God that created the universe then why not believe in an eternal universe understood as God.
Just because we have been conditioned to think the universe had a beginning does not exclude the possibility that the universe has always existed.
I am simply saying God is creation itself, energy, life, love
Not separate. Not standing apart from everything else. Its not a "who" thing
12/19/2016 6:23:42 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Don’t ask that. You are only human and have no right to question God. A clay jar does not question the one who made it. It does not say, “Why did you make me like this?”
(see Romans 9:20)
12/19/2016 6:27:15 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
well, you cannot believe God is universal if hell exist.
God obviously does not represent hell and its location.
since the concept of hell and heaven exists along with earth then God can only be represented by that which is godly.
God will never represent hell therefore he is not universal in the concept you are imagining.
I do not believe in an invisible entity as well.
from cover to cover the entire bible is history about Christ.
Christ was Abram's first high priest (pastor), he was the Angel of Lord we see when he visits Abram before Sodom and Ghomorrow.
he is the angel who gives water to Ishmael and sends him off after Abraham sent him away for Isaac.
he was the cloud and protection for Moses and he parted the red sea and provided manna and quail for the Hebrews in the wilderness...
...remember the burning bush "I AM THAT I AM"...
John chapter 8 they ask Christ, who are you?
His reply, I am before Abram for "I AM THAT I AM"...
so God has been physical on the scene all along.
yes, he was resurrected but he is still on the scene and will be physical in his return.
you are grasping at straws because you cannot fathom God could make things so simple even the fools will complicate it 
It sounds like you yourself question the existence of hell. You said "If" it exists.
I do not feel that there is an heaven or a hell in a literal sense. In the Bible heaven is described as having streets of Gold. Why would that be necessary? Anyway heaven and hell represent states of mind in my opinion not actual places.
Every human being says or thinks "I AM" millions if not billions of times in a lifetime.
God says I am that I am.
Don't you see it ?
God is that "I am"
In us and all around us as life, energy, love, consciousness.
How could it be otherwise?
12/19/2016 7:12:24 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
exactly, but what the 66 Books they did compile was enough to tie the missing pieces.
and when those other Books were discovered, it just filled in the blanks that we already knew.
so ultimately, they failed 
YOU are delusional
They ultimately failed???
Yes, and SO did the inquisition,........... eventually, after millions, billions were duped, and millions were murdered!!!
12/19/2016 8:56:46 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
Don’t ask that. You are only human and have no right to question God. A clay jar does not question the one who made it. It does not say, “Why did you make me like this"
only human?
Not so.
I am an electro-spiritual energy field existing in an unlimited field of energy and information.
I am an aperture through which the energy of the universe becomes aware of itself.
I am made of the same stuff the stars are made from.
The universe is in me and I am of it.
I am a living soul comprised of spirit, mind, and body..
"Only human"
I don't accept that and neither should you.
Don't let your religion tell you otherwise
12/19/2016 10:10:09 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
12/19/2016 12:08:02 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
YOU are delusional 
They ultimately failed???
Yes, and SO did the inquisition,........... eventually, after millions, billions were duped, and millions were murdered!!!
how is it delusional to know the Truth from those 66 Books compared to those that never understood but took literal meanings and applied them onto others.
the ignorance and actions of others does not make me delusional.
I can see what the 66 Books mean.
if no one could until now it is not my fault.
ultimately, the council did not fool me.
bible says this world is full of fools.
well for those who never get it, this will apply to each one of them.
12/19/2016 12:34:19 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
It sounds like you yourself question the existence of hell. You said "If" it exists.
I do not feel that there is an heaven or a hell in a literal sense. In the Bible heaven is described as having streets of Gold. Why would that be necessary? Anyway heaven and hell represent states of mind in my opinion not actual places.
Every human being says or thinks "I AM" millions if not billions of times in a lifetime.
God says I am that I am.
Don't you see it ?
God is that "I am"
In us and all around us as life, energy, love, consciousness.
How could it be otherwise?
I use "if" for those who do not believe but wish to read the thoughts of those who do follow.
and still, he being God is ultimate/everything/first-last-to come...as in physical presence.
he chose to dwell with his creation on a one on one bases.
there was no need for his death other than to show his love for us.
but, you cannot show your love to anyone unless you go to them.
that makes it personable and why the one on one relationship theory is correct.
we can think of God as all of what there is to see and know or to view him as your personal savior.
he showed us how.
there is a reason for that.
to not always see God as the whole (because he chose not to force us to believe and do right vs wrong)(therefore, the world is no reflection of God)(due to free will).
this is why God is on a level to where you understand him best.
the level to which he himself came to us to be with us.
12/19/2016 12:43:28 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
if people believe aliens can change form and dwell among us then why cannot angels do the very same thing?
that now becomes physical God being with us...
[Edited 12/19/2016 12:44:07 PM ]
12/19/2016 12:46:52 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
the ultimate and most amazing aspect about the entire greatness of there being a God, is that he makes it so simple to be with even we begin to fool our own selves about it 
12/19/2016 3:17:31 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
the ultimate and most amazing aspect about the entire greatness of there being a God, is that he makes it so simple to be with even we begin to fool our own selves about it 
I cant think of anything more simple than God is what is.
As most religions claim to be the "true" religion they all ask you to believe something in which in return you will receive something. At the same time they preach how much God loves you, they claim if you don't believe what they say then you go to hell, But God loves you?
that's not that simple
12/19/2016 5:09:07 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
God LOVES us! The end.
Genesis 6:6
King James Version (KJV)
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Gods creation, MAN, disobeyed God and was punished with physical death.
MAN thought to become equal, or superior to, God, and evil ensued.
God destroyed what he had created and gave MAN a second chance.
The Jews disobeyed God and were punished.
God, again, gave MAN a third opportunity to obey.
John 3:16 ~~ For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son that whomsoever believeth in him shall have eternal life.
God loves us but has God given MAN his last opportunity to obey? I believe that He has. Jesus Christ (God Himself) was the ultimate sacrifice for man to obey.
Are you obeying God?
Do you believe?
12/19/2016 6:51:40 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
God LOVES us! The end.
Genesis 6:6
King James Version (KJV)
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Gods creation, MAN, disobeyed God and was punished with physical death.
MAN thought to become equal, or superior to, God, and evil ensued.
God destroyed what he had created and gave MAN a second chance.
The Jews disobeyed God and were punished.
God, again, gave MAN a third opportunity to obey.
John 3:16 ~~ For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son that whomsoever believeth in him shall have eternal life.
God loves us but has God given MAN his last opportunity to obey? I believe that He has. Jesus Christ (God Himself) was the ultimate sacrifice for man to obey.
Are you obeying God?
Do you believe?
I believe that sacrificing for God has always been a major theme in most religions even more so during the dark ages. The story of Jesus "who is God" and God's son at the same time dying for our sins is made up B.S. in my opinion. So, NOPE, I do not believe that.
You said it was simple. Believe that God sent his son who is also God to be tortured and murdered as a sacrifice for all the sins of man and by doing so you are promised a place in heaven. If not, your are doomed to hell.
So simple so loving.......

12/19/2016 6:57:41 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
God is Jesus.
Jesus is God.
Is not made up BS.
Jesus (God) said it.
Jesus (God) does not lie.
12/19/2016 7:32:55 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
God is Jesus.
Jesus is God.
Is not made up BS.
Jesus (God) said it.
Jesus (God) does not lie.
hey, believe what you want man. I'm just expressing my view.
12/19/2016 8:20:17 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I'm not a man but I do believe what I believe and will continue to do so.
12/20/2016 10:51:41 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I cant think of anything more simple than God is what is.
As most religions claim to be the "true" religion they all ask you to believe something in which in return you will receive something. At the same time they preach how much God loves you, they claim if you don't believe what they say then you go to hell, But God loves you?
that's not that simple
I get what you are saying as if we label God then we limit Him.
however, how powerful and great He may be he still chose to come to humans on our level to introduce Himself to us.
once God commits to making that way of connection by coming to you, you no longer need to always see God as everything because you will now see him as beside you and your best friend.
12/20/2016 10:54:15 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
as a machinist toolmaker I can produce energy waves and I can use electricity to create same effects.
now, if that energy was same energy as spirits it should draw the spirits but it does not.
because life is not static nor a wavelength of electricity within the volt meter 
12/20/2016 6:21:42 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
as a machinist toolmaker I can produce energy waves and I can use electricity to create same effects.
now, if that energy was same energy as spirits it should draw the spirits but it does not.
because life is not static nor a wavelength of electricity within the volt meter  [/quote
this word>>>>>>>>>>>> "spirits" or "spirit"
I see it get used often to describe God or other worldly beings.
The word spirit actually means energy or enthusiasm.
The word enthusiasm in the Greek translation means "God within" or "with God"
It seems like when people say God is a spirit or they talk of spirits they are referring to some Hollywood movie idea of the word spirit.
I think spirit is energy......plain and simple
Our reality is that we live in a spiritual world and we are spiritual beings
And God is spirit. ( not a spirit )
just spirit
12/20/2016 6:47:35 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
you say the word spirit means energy but God never said that about good or evil spirits.
in fact, he said those spirits can and will harm your life.
how can invisible energy harm physical energy?
it is impossible even mathematically.
why are you using your terminology instead of God's to explain God?
that just makes you wrong before you ever begin.
12/20/2016 6:54:33 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
he also said if you were to discredit, talk bad, or claim it is of the devil it would be classified as blasphemy...speaking of the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God.
so to say spirit is energy is to discredit God classification of manifestation.
so, in essence it is clear to have a spirit there also must be a physical form.
physical God gives His Spirit to us.
it would make no sense for a spirit God to pass a spirit because a spirit did not bleed and die upon the cross.
12/20/2016 8:03:26 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
I disagree with your assessment of my previous statement. You say I limit God when I use the word energy, but you refer to God as "He".
Do you really think God is a "He"?
Please consider that women didn't get the right to vote until some 2000 years after Jesus died. So it is clear to me that the only reason we use "He" is because men wrote the Bible.
Don't you think that is reasonable considering how women even today are still being discriminated??
Energy isnt created and cant be destroyed it only changes form. God does not change.
The word "Universe" translates to>>>>> one verse or one song...God
We say God is everywhere....so is the universe
We say God is all knowing....the universe contains all the knowledge
We say God is all powerful....all power exists with the universe
We say God is one.........it is called the "Uni" verse
I challenge you to tell me why you think God is something else
12/20/2016 9:34:09 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I disagree with your assessment of my previous statement. You say I limit God when I use the word energy, but you refer to God as "He".
Do you really think God is a "He"?
Please consider that women didn't get the right to vote until some 2000 years after Jesus died. So it is clear to me that the only reason we use "He" is because men wrote the Bible.
Don't you think that is reasonable considering how women even today are still being discriminated??
Energy isnt created and cant be destroyed it only changes form. God does not change.
The word "Universe" translates to>>>>> one verse or one song...God
We say God is everywhere....so is the universe
We say God is all knowing....the universe contains all the knowledge
We say God is all powerful....all power exists with the universe
We say God is one.........it is called the "Uni" verse
I challenge you to tell me why you think God is something else
I believe in the God of Abraham and he did not profess to be a woman but a man.
I believe that same God of Abraham who said, I AM THAT I AM in John as Christ.
if he is calling the church "His Bride" then God is 100% male since he does not find homosexuality to be acceptable.
yeah, you clearly are drawing at straws.
wow, you really are lost.
too bad 
12/20/2016 9:45:26 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
12/20/2016 9:53:55 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
mary is like the disciples nothing but a tool to get the Word out...
even the mother of Christ is nothing but a tool to do the will of God.
[Edited 12/20/2016 9:54:10 PM ]
12/20/2016 10:09:46 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
I believe in the God of Abraham and he did not profess to be a woman but a man.
I believe that same God of Abraham who said, I AM THAT I AM in John as Christ.
if he is calling the church "His Bride" then God is 100% male since he does not find homosexuality to be acceptable.
yeah, you clearly are drawing at straws.
wow, you really are lost.
too bad 
I understand that you believe what these men at the council of Nicea decided to represent to you as the word of God. So lets be clear on that ok. In our discussion so far we seem to be pretty cordial each expressing our point of view, but now you are calling me lost because I don't believe as you do. This is the wonderful arrogance of Christianity that too many Christians do not acknowledge. You think you are right. You think you are saved. So, you feel justified telling others they are lost. You can't admit that we are all just guessing. Its funny you know...a scientist will read books their entire life and still think they have more to learn, but a Christian will read only one book (the bible) and think they know it all. Trust me! nobody is lost we are all where we are supposed to be.
[Edited 12/20/2016 10:11:37 PM ]
12/20/2016 10:17:38 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I understand that you believe what these men at the council of Nicea decided to represent to you as the word of God. So lets be clear on that ok. In our discussion so far we seem to be pretty cordial each expressing our point of view, but now you are calling me lost because I don't believe as you do. This is the wonderful arrogance of Christianity that too many Christians do not acknowledge. You think you are right. You think you are saved. So, you feel justified telling others they are lost. You can't admit that we are all just guessing. Its funny you know...a scientist will read books their entire life and still think they have more to learn, but a Christian will read only one book (the bible) and think they know it all. Trust me! nobody is lost we are all where we are supposed to be.
I don't care about the fools from Rome hahahahaha seriously, you really have no idea what I am talking about.
every repost from you is some new attempt to analyze me.
that means you are lost and clearly not connected.
if you cannot get it then why should people let you piggy back.
if you believe as you do then test it.
I test God.
you should try one time.
it might just give you a clue 
12/20/2016 10:28:31 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
I don't care about the fools from Rome hahahahaha seriously, you really have no idea what I am talking about.
every repost from you is some new attempt to analyze me.
that means you are lost and clearly not connected.
if you cannot get it then why should people let you piggy back.
if you believe as you do then test it.
I test God.
you should try one time.
it might just give you a clue 
Of course you don't care. You like what you believe. Your ego is all tied up in your faith so you are protecting it. That is why you are calling me lost. I have made you question your belief and there is obviously a bit of cognitive dissonance happening here. Remember this is not a thread you started so you have nothing to defend here and yet, here you are being defensive. Interesting huh?
12/20/2016 10:31:24 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Of course you don't care. You like what you believe. Your ego is all tied up in your faith so you are protecting it. That is why you are calling me lost. I have made you question your belief and there is obviously a bit of cognitive dissonance happening here. Remember this is not a thread you started so you have nothing to defend here and yet, here you are being defensive. Interesting huh?
my ego is about Christ said, he never changes.
he said, he will be the same as he was back then, today, and tomorrow.
if Christ said then who are you to assume you suddenly know better than Christ?
I know nothing but what Christ said Himself.
there is no ego but I quote the WORD of GOD and you quote your opinion.
I trust God, not you 
12/20/2016 10:51:44 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
my ego is about Christ said, he never changes.
he said, he will be the same as he was back then, today, and tomorrow.
if Christ said then who are you to assume you suddenly know better than Christ?
I know nothing but what Christ said Himself.
there is no ego but I quote the WORD of GOD and you quote your opinion.
I trust God, not you 
But you are not acknowledging the elephant in the room.
You trust what is being represented to you as the word of God by men who decided the nature of God and of Jesus in the year 325. In one of your opening statements you expressed
that it looked as if these men attempted to change scripture.
To say you have no ego is well...................misinformed...we all have an ego
[Edited 12/20/2016 10:53:11 PM ]
12/20/2016 10:55:40 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

12/20/2016 11:02:12 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
see, you are analyzing again.
if I come at you it is because I know the WORD better than you.
I do not attend church.
I have no time for liars and thieves.
you clearly have no clue man...clearly.
12/20/2016 11:27:45 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Savannah, GA
49, joined Nov. 2009
see, you are analyzing again.
if I come at you it is because I know the WORD better than you.
I do not attend church.
I have no time for liars and thieves.
you clearly have no clue man...clearly.
Right . I get it....You are a Christian you know more about God than Me and I am clueless.
Thanks. Feel free to stay on the thread for I never block anybody.
[Edited 12/20/2016 11:28:26 PM ]
12/21/2016 12:14:03 AM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
nah, I have no title.
I just believe in the Words of Christ.
it is not like it is some big secret.
God made His path simple to follow and I keep it simple.
and nothing is simpler than just following the WORDS of Christ.
[Edited 12/21/2016 12:14:20 AM ]
12/21/2016 3:38:01 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
mary is like the disciples nothing but a tool to get the Word out...
even the mother of Christ is nothing but a tool to do the will of God.
That's your opinion!!!
Are you a tool
12/21/2016 4:55:55 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
nah, I have no title.
I just believe in the Words of Christ.
it is not like it is some big secret.
God made His path simple to follow and I keep it simple.
and nothing is simpler than just following the WORDS of Christ.
I agree.
But..., if you want the true words, accurate and complete, of Jesus, you can only find them for sure in The Urantia Book. Part IV of The Urantia Book is The Life and Teachings of Jesus. In essence, Part IV of the book is what John talked about when he wrote:
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written." John 21:25
We have it now. This cover is the one to get:

It's less than $20 at Amazon.com.
12/21/2016 10:42:01 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
That's your opinion!!!
Are you a tool 
if Christ told me to go tell people he is real and it would be the end of my life I would do it.
because, I would know it was Christ first before doing it.
that would make me a tool 
12/27/2016 3:01:15 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
What is a Christian? A Christian could be defined as one who has allowed God to use him or her as His tool.
12/27/2016 3:27:20 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Ohhhhhhhhh now, it's okay to be a tool, but it's used as less than, or derogatory towards the two Mary's.
I see how it is, the minute there's talk of the sacred Balance of the divine feminine then we gotta start slinging testosterone to repress that shit
You're both tools alright, and you're both pathetic.  
12/27/2016 5:24:09 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
What are you talking about, Rufftreasure?
12/27/2016 5:26:48 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
mary is like the disciples nothing but a tool to get the Word out...
even the mother of Christ is nothing but a tool to do the will of God.
That you two are tools.
For one thing.
12/27/2016 5:37:14 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
mary is like the disciples nothing but a tool to get the Word out...
even the mother of Christ is nothing but a tool to do the will of God.
This ,Lud, for another.
12/27/2016 5:38:48 PM |
325 AD. when God was made separate. |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Excuse me that last one was a repeat.