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12/28/2016 4:50:32 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
obama being the lowlife scumbag that he is,is doing his best to throw a monkey wrench into the transition of power.obama is nothing more than a spoiled brat who should be spanked----or maybe shot for treason.
Semper Fi !!!
Donald Trump was promised a smooth and respectful transition by President Barack Obama, but it’s been anything but. Obama’s massive ego and thin skin now has him publicly degrading Trump’s landslide Electoral College victory and diligently working behind the scenes to thwart the will of the people.
Barack Obama sat in the Oval Office with Donald Trump about one month ago and vowed to do his best to foster a peaceful transition of power and to carry out the desire of the American people. Those lofty sentiments turned snarky quickly when it came time for Obama to start packing up his belongings and vacate the people’s house.
Donald J. Trump ? @realDonaldTrump
Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!
7:07 AM - 28 Dec 2016
Over the course of the past month, Obama added a record number of new regulations across a myriad of federal agencies that try to control our lives – and livelihoods. In the past few days, he surpassed his own record and likely isn’t done trying to curtail President-Elect Trump’s authority after he is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.
Obama instructed his ambassador to the United Nations to abstain from a vote which drastically impacted one of our most staunch allies, Israel. A veto by the United States, which has been done in the past, would have prevented the U.N. Security Council from attempting to create a “two-state solution” between Israel and the Palestinians by demanding that settlement building in disputed areas cease immediately.
Very quietly, Obama also welcomed more than 2,000 new Muslim refugees onto American soil. These people, largely men, already had their asylum requests denied by the Australian government. They were being held in a detention facility when Obama decided the American taxpayers should begin paying for their resettlement – regardless of the risks to national security.
President Obama had heralded George W. Bush’s commitment to a respectful transition and promised his distraught staff would adhere to the same level of professionalism and decorum. Instead, he led the charge to behave like a petulant spoiled child himself.
First, Michelle Obama sat down for a chat with Oprah Winfrey and claimed America is now without hope. Tens of millions of Americans are feeling hopeful for the first time in eight years, but those of us who live in flyover country or are part of blue collar communities or the middle class really don’t matter to liberals.
Lashing out at Donald Trump because We the People chose him over a corrupt, lying career politician simply showcases how shallow and self-involved Barack Obama and his wife truly are. There is nothing Democrats in Congress can do to stop Trump’s agenda from passing—thanks to Harry Reid’s short-sighted pushing for the “nuclear option.”
Michael Moore and his horde of liberal followers will not be able to stop Trump from being sworn in on January 20 – nor will they succeed in pushing his oath-taking ceremony inside. The efforts of #Disrupt20 protesters will fail just as surely as Jill Stein’s recount endeavors.
If Barack Obama wanted his legacy to involve appearing small, glib, and completely delusional, he has succeeded. He is now nothing more than a frustrating nuisance for President-Elect Donald Trump and the patriotic Americans who cast ballots in his favor. Soon Obama will finally be gone, and Trump can repeal his foolish liberal regulations and executive orders and put the nation back on the track to greatness and prosperity for ALL!
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12/28/2016 5:29:48 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
Have you noticed that everytime Trump announces some sort of change, that the dumbs don't like, they go into panic mode? It wouldn't surprise me at all that during his opening speech after he's sworn in, he rescinds all of pajama boy's executive orders. I'm so ready to see his legacy go swirling down the hole. I think it's funny that he keeps yelping about racism, yet he keeps driving his racist agenda forward.
12/28/2016 5:49:13 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Have you noticed that everytime Trump announces some sort of change, that the dumbs don't like, they go into panic mode? It wouldn't surprise me at all that during his opening speech after he's sworn in, he rescinds all of pajama boy's executive orders. I'm so ready to see his legacy go swirling down the hole. I think it's funny that he keeps yelping about racism, yet he keeps driving his racist agenda forward.
Yeah p*ssyboy obama is going to get his comeuppins one of these days.I'd sure like to be there when he takes the fall!!
Semper Fi !!!
12/29/2016 9:53:40 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Someone needs to kick the shit out of obama and anyone else that is helping him.
Semper Fi !!!
Outgoing President Obama is launching a scorched earth policy to destroy international relations before President-elect Trump takes office.
As Obama withdraws from the presidency, he’s inflicting damage on anything that could help the transition of incoming President Trump, such as friendly relations with world leaders.
Right now, Obama is fueling so many international fires that President Trump will likely spend his first 100 days in office simply putting them out.
It’s about the only thing a lame duck president can do to undermine his successor, and Obama’s destructive behavior is the same tactic Civil War General Sherman used in his March to the Sea in which he systematically destroyed everything in his path to psychologically destroy the South.
The strategy explains why the Obama administration is announcing economic sanctions against Russia for unproven “election hacking” despite the fact that moving trucks are figuratively lining up outside the White House.
“While Obama and Democrats continue their crusade to delegitimize the Trump administration, we would point out once again that, despite all the rhetoric, not a single person has gone on the record and/or presented a single shred of tangible evidence to confirm Russian involvement in the DNC and/or John Podesta email hacks,” Zero Hedge pointed out.
And the strategy also explains Obama’s recent move against Israel, which is not only unprecedented for a president but also offers a greater chance of triggering a war than the random encounters that actually sparked World War I.
In particular, the Obama administration refused to veto a UN proposal demanding that Israel stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, and the refusal broke a long-standing tradition of the US serving as a diplomatic shield for Israel.
While there’s strong arguments that Israel was in the wrong and shouldn’t infringe on Palestinian land, the Obama administration wasn’t motivated by Palestinian plight but rather the desire to create another mess in the Middle East the globalists could ultimately pin on Trump.
12/29/2016 2:35:42 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Obama has bought a house in D.C. just to be close to cause chaos.
12/29/2016 2:43:47 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
i think he thinks he is going to be nominated for the supreme court.....
didnt he and mo lose their law licenses before he became a community organizer,
cuz he could not become a lawyer.
12/29/2016 4:55:24 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
The first allegation of Russian interference was dismissed by the administration as highly unlikely and almost laughable. Then, after clinton lost, it became possible. Now it's a fact. Stop and think for one minute. Who would the Russians rather have in the White House? clinton or Trump. clinton will just continue obama's polices of not interfering with Putin while Trump will stand up to him. All in all, this is just another attempt to discredit Trump's victory.
It's like I've been saying all along that Ryan is a gutless punk.
Semper Fi !!!
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., thinks the Obama administration was justified in retaliating Thursday against Russia with sanctions for interfering with U.S. institutions. But he said it should’ve been done long ago.
Far from a full-throated endorsement of Obama’s actions, Ryan’s statement condemned the commander in chief for eight years of what he considers “ineffective foreign policy” that left the United States more vulnerable than it was when he took office in 2009. Nevertheless, Ryan agreed that Russia is a threat to global security.
“Russia does not share America’s interests. In fact, it has consistently sought to undermine them, sowing dangerous instability around the world,” Ryan said shortly after the White House announced the punishments. “While today’s action by the administration is overdue, it is an appropriate way to end eight years of failed policy with Russia. And it serves as a prime example of this administration’s ineffective foreign policy that has left America weaker in the eyes of the world.”
12/29/2016 5:58:31 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
i think he thinks he is going to be nominated for the supreme court.....
didnt he and mo lose their law licenses before he became a community organizer,
cuz he could not become a lawyer. 
I'd nominate him to ride on the tailboard of a garbage truck. He'd still be in employed by the government, then.
12/29/2016 7:09:34 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
I'd nominate him to ride on the tailboard of a garbage truck. He'd still be in employed by the government, then.
Hell ya,that works for me!!
Semper Fi !!!
12/29/2016 8:04:49 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
22 more days. Semper Fi.
12/30/2016 10:07:49 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
You know,I really don't have a problem with the US and sanctions against Russia,The problem I have is with the timing of it.This should have been done years ago but I think for one obama didn't have the guts to do it when he should have and second I think he is doing this now to cause problems with or for Trump to have to deal with right off the bat.
Now all of the sudden we have guys like mccain,graham,and ryan jumping on the band wagon.These guys are a bunch of suck up leeches and should go away.
Semper Fi !!!
12/30/2016 10:13:33 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/30/2016 10:24:39 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
obama has been doing this back door law thing for 8 years.None of these rules or so called laws are valid.All of this was done without the approval of congress.obama thinks himself a king and we are all beneath his feet.When he is out of office I would really like to see the Trump run DOJ and guys like Tray Gowdy go after obama for anything they can nail his a** on.
It came out yesterday that the obamas spent in excess of 100 million dollars on vacations.That is enough money for everyone in this group to live comfortably forever.
Semper Fi !!!
(Washington Examiner) – President Obama, who this week has issued a flurry of environmental rules, is planning to unleash another set of “midnight regulations” right before he leaves office that will cost Americans $6 billion.
Obama has already broken all past records on creating federal regulations and red tape, and his new adds will boost the overall price tag to over $1 trillion.
The new regulations, according to the watchdog group American Action Forum, include four from the Environmental Protection Agency and one from Interior.
“These five measures alone could impose $5.1 billion in costs and more than 350,000 paperwork burden hours. In addition, three other rules in proposed form could add $898 million in burdens and 146,000 paperwork hours, for a cumulative total of nearly $6 billion in potential midnight costs and nearly 500,000 burden hours from the two agencies. Consider, EPA and Interior have already imposed $349 billion in previous burdens since 2009,” said AAF’s Sam Batkins.
He raised concerns that the new environmental rules were rushed to build on Obama’s legacy of attacking climate change.
“The magnitude, $5 billion in long-term costs, and timing could raise suspicion in Congress,” he said on the AAF website.
President-elect Trump has promised to cut regulations and several House and Senate commmittees are already producing target lists.
12/30/2016 10:39:46 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/30/2016 11:38:10 AM |
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Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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12/30/2016 11:47:18 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
21 more days.
The slowest countdown in history.
Semper Fi !!!
12/30/2016 12:27:56 PM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
The slowest countdown in history.
Semper Fi !!!
And Obama's f**king up everything he can.
12/31/2016 5:43:59 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
I was watching Hannity last night, Ralph Peters had said that the golfer-in-chief has had the worst foreign policy this country had ever seen. I agree with him on that point. He seemed concerned that Trump was trying to side with Putin on this election hacking garbage. It's not the way I see it..................................Since The election started, everyone underestimated Trump. All the " He won't, never, can't," rhetoric that followed him, never paid off. I think he's played them all like a fiddle. And I think he's playing Putin the same way. Rex Tillerson has made deals with Russia, and Putin. They already have a dialogue going. It wouldn't surprise me at all that Tillerson has already talked with Putin about this hacking garbage. Which is why Putin is doing nothing to the US after pajama boy tossed out his sanctions against Russia.(Betcha Tillerson's got Putin on speed dial) Nobody in this world becomes a billionaire by making stupid moves. Between the libs and the drive-by media, they'd love to paint Trump as a complete boob. And each time, he's turned the tables on them. You know, I think Donald Trump knows EXACTLY how much rope to feed out to his naysayers, so they can hang themselves properly.
12/31/2016 9:42:19 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
obama tries-obama fails.Part 1
Semper Fi !!!
President Barack Obama’s final weeks in office seem dedicated to setting foreign and domestic policy on fire to make life as difficult as possible on his successor, Donald Trump. Here are some of the biggest mousetraps Obama scattered across the White House floor on his way out:
Betraying Israel at the United Nations: Obama’s refusal to block a United Nations vote against Israel, his administration’s shadowy machinations to bring that ugly motion to the floor, and Secretary of State John Kerry’s long-winded broadside against Israel will leave President Trump with a massive political crisis in the Middle East, and quite possibly a security crisis, if terror groups and their “political wings” are emboldened by the rebuke of Israel.
Obama’s Israel maneuver also damages American credibility, teaching would-be allies that the United States is not the best friend to have. America’s erstwhile battlefield allies in Syria can teach the same lesson, assuming any of them are left alive to take the podium. This comes at the very moment aspiring hegemons in China and Russia are showing their allies how Beijing and Moscow will go to the mat for them.
Obama’s team thinks it was clever to saddle Trump with an international edict the U.S. president cannot easily reverse. They might not have thought this all the way through, because some of the options that are available to Trump could leave internationalists, and Palestinian leaders, cursing Barack Obama’s memory.
Note that even some commentators friendly to Obama, and sources within the Obama Administration itself, have described the Israel vote as a deliberate act of sabotage aimed at Trump, because Obama is “alarmed” by some of Trump’s appointees.
A new Cold War with Russia: After eight years of relentlessly mocking anyone who said Russia was a major geopolitical threat to the United States (most famously including his 2012 presidential opponent, Mitt Romney) Barack Obama suddenly realized: “You know what? Russia is a major threat!”
He also awoke to the dangers of cyber-warfare, after an entire presidency of treating electronic espionage as a purely political problem to be minimized and spun away, because taking it seriously made him look bad. Who can forget how Obama left victims of the OPM hack twisting in the wind for weeks, because the administration didn’t want to admit how serious the attack was?
But then a top Democrat political operative fell for a crude phishing scam, and the Democratic National Committee got hacked, so Obama… well, he still didn’t take cyber-espionage seriously. He slapped the snooze bar again, because as one anonymous official put it, they thought Hillary Clinton was a cinch to win the 2016 election, “so they were willing to kick the can down the road.”
No, it was Hillary Clinton’s loss in the election, and the desperate push to damage President-elect Trump’s legitimacy, that made the president who politely ignored China hacking 25 million American citizens’ private data get tough on information security. Until now, states involved in cyber-espionage never got anything worse than a few carefully-chosen words of sour disapproval from the expiring administration, but the Russkies received a sprinkling of sanctions, and 35 diplomats were expelled.
Russia responded by unleashing an army of ducks and trolls from the depths of the Kremlin. The New Cold War is only a few days old, and it’s already weirder than the old one was.
Presumably Obama thinks he’s maneuvered Trump into a position that will make whatever rapprochement he might have entertained with Moscow more difficult, or at least more politically costly for the new President. The end result might be easier relations between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a lingering memory of how little Barack Obama cared about cybersecurity until it was politically expedient for him to freak out.
12/31/2016 9:42:44 AM |
Smooth Transition My Ass |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Part 2
Semper Fi !!!
Ban on oil drilling: An overt act of sabotage directed at the American economy itself, leaving an especially heavy bootprint on Alaska. Smug administration flacks spent the past couple of weeks assuring media talking heads that Obama’s unprecedented abuse of an obscure law was impossible for his successor to reverse. It’s like they stayed up all night, looking for executive actions that can’t be undone by the new President four weeks later. (Amusingly, Obama dropped this bomb on our energy sector just a few weeks after publicly advising Trump not to abuse executive orders.)
It’s likely that legions of lawyers will battle throughout 2017, and perhaps beyond, to determine if Obama’s “latest poke at Trump” (as Politico put it) really is irreversible. What a lovely parting gift from the departing President to the country that elected him twice: a pile of gigantic wealth-destroying lawsuits!
National-monument land grab: The other theoretically irreversible presidential edict discovered by Obama’s munchkins is the ability to designate national monuments. Another 1.65 million acres in Utah and Nevada was yanked off the market in the last week of December, bring Obama’s Antiquities Act acreage up to an unprecedented 553 million acres.
“This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand. I will work tirelessly with Congress and the incoming Trump administration to honor the will of the people of Utah and undo this designation,” thundered Senator Mike Lee of Utah. Sixty-five percent of his state is now under the wise and compassionate environmental protection of the same government that turned the Colorado River into a toxic-waste dump.
Eliminating the national immigration registry: Just in case Trump got any ideas about using it as the basis for the “enhanced vetting” he has promised for immigrants from terrorist-infested regions, the Obama administration killed a long-dormant program called NSEERS that once committed the unforgivable politically-incorrect sin of tracking military-age males from violently unstable Muslim-majority countries.
It’s highly debatable whether the NSEERS program was of any practical use. When it pulled the plug, the Department of Homeland Security noted that the post-9/11 program called for collecting data that is now routinely collected for most foreign visitors, along with more sophisticated biometric information. Almost everyone saw the elimination of these roles as a purely symbolic act — i.e. political sabotage directed at the incoming President.
The great Guantanamo jailbreak: After paying little more than lip service to his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for much of his presidency, Obama went into overdrive in his last years, transferring over 150 detainees. A shocking number of them ended up back on the battlefield.
Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week to sound the alarm about Obama’s “midnight push to empty out Guantanamo.”
“The White House has repeatedly released detainees to countries it knew lacked the intent and capability to keep the detainees from returning to terrorism. The results have been deadly,” Royce wrote, challenging the wisdom of such Obama administration brainstorms as dropping al-Qaeda’s top bomb maker into Bosnia, a country with “limited security services” but plenty of radical mosques and unemployed military-age males. Royce’s committee has been investigating allegations the administration tried to pay the bomb-maker $100,000 to refrain from passing his deadly skills along to eager apprentices. Hunting down the rest of the transferred prisoners who transferred themselves right back into the global jihad will be a job for the Trump administration.
Depicting Trump’s election as a disaster: Let’s not forget Obama’s acts of rhetorical sabotage, such as describing Trump’s presidential campaign as a crime against American class and racial harmony, or his wife wailing that all hope was lost for America’s children. Trump himself has taken note of the “many inflammatory President Obama statements and roadblocks.”
It’s hard to remember a previous instance of the outgoing president attacking the legitimacy of his successor this way, especially during the transition, before the new chief executive has actually done anything. And it’s probably not over yet. The time for big executive orders is growing short, but Obama is always just one day away from calling a press conference and saying something else that will make the transition more difficult.
Of course he can still talk all he wants after January 20th, and he’s given every indication he won’t follow the dignified path of his predecessors and allow the new president time to chart his own course, but there’s no substitute for the bully pulpit of the presidency. The timber of Barack Obama’s political voice will be very different on January 21st than it was on January 19th. More likely than not, he’ll use it before he loses it.
12/31/2016 9:58:49 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/31/2016 10:53:40 AM |
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1/1/2017 12:29:49 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
This is how you pass the buck-----er-----Bucks!!
Semper Fi !!!
Hillary and the democrats first tried to blame the media for her loss, but when they came to grips of how the American public wasn't buying that, knowing ful well that the vast majority of Americans knew the media was in the tank for Hillary. When that didn't work, they tried to blame Bill Clinton but since no one listens to a word he says anymore, that didn't work either. Then they tried to blame Comey and the FBI. When that never gained any traction they then turned to the Electoral college and blamed the system even though she played the same game the opposition played, only she got outfoxed. Then she reverted back to the media for publicizing her worst moments like when she said how she would put a lot of coal mines and the miners out of work, or when she called Trump people "deplorables". None of the things she tried to put the blame on worked including many other things not listed above, so she blamed the Russians without a shred of evidence.
1/2/2017 12:06:25 AM |
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1/5/2017 12:18:28 PM |
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