1/22/2017 10:19:06 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Lake Waccamaw, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
its funny all those fat behind women out marching
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1/22/2017 10:21:30 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
2 million women marched,, 21 million women voted for trump!

1/22/2017 10:28:36 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
If you follow Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety is missing and self actuation is impaired. So that's a clue! It would be smarter to say women are marching because they are aware of the impairment forced on them and are working to eradicate those impairments from the culture that they live in.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't think you understand what I was pointing out.
It was one of the "conservatives" that said that "everyone" marching was mentally deficient.
I was merely pointing out that I highly doubt that over 6 million people are all mentally challenged - because WE don't want OUR rights taken away.
People in other countries marched for US because they have universal health care & they feel it is an atrocity that America - the richest country in the world - does not. WE only provide universal health care for the top 15% & political crooks.
And one more correction: It was not just WOMEN that marched. Many of those faces in those crowds were men.
Please do not take my quotes out of context. That's The Donald & his staff that do that to others. I will not put up with it.
1/22/2017 10:29:23 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
its funny all those fat behind women out marching
You think I'm fat, pinhead?
1/22/2017 10:31:54 AM |
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Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
its funny all those fat behind women out marching
Fat head
1/22/2017 10:35:17 AM |
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Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Largest protest EVER in Minnesnowta!!!!
Triple the numbers expected 
Only one arrest, a counter protester,a man, spraying chemicals on folks in the crowd, IN JAIL.
Our law enforcement was happy , they couldn't believe how peaceful it was.
[Edited 1/22/2017 10:35:41 AM ]
1/22/2017 10:35:56 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
@ Nycman - who also has me blocked....
If 90% of unemployed are snowflakes & blue states house all the snowflakes, why do the RED states suck up 80% of the welfare?
Anyone care to quote me to help Mr. Nyc see the real picture?
(nyce math skills, btw!)
1/22/2017 10:39:02 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Ruff -
That's why our state motto is "Minnesota Nice".
But let's be clear. We might be nice, but we will not be doormats to anyone.
Great job MINNESOTA!!!

1/22/2017 10:39:57 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Ochopee, FL
56, joined Oct. 2015
its funny all those fat behind women out marching
Only fat Women? really? I know several who marched in my home State (S).. none were fat. 
So, maybe post your proof.
1/22/2017 10:40:42 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |
Elkton, KY
28, joined Aug. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
1/22/2017 10:45:29 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Lake Waccamaw, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
the womens march took a brief halt when they seen a waffle house
1/22/2017 10:50:28 AM |
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Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
the womens march took a brief halt when they seen a waffle house
We don't have a Waffle House in Minnesnowta, there goes that theory
The women in the south took up jogging after they saw YOUR face pressed up against the window from the INSIDE of said Waffle House. 
1/22/2017 10:51:24 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Ruff -
That's why our state motto is "Minnesota Nice".
But let's be clear. We might be nice, but we will not be doormats to anyone.
Great job MINNESOTA!!!

We have always been leaders , and many faceted leaders at that!!
1/22/2017 10:55:22 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Grand Rapids, MI
38, joined Nov. 2012
So what was the point of this stupid march, trying to get back into shape?
1/22/2017 10:55:53 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
the womens march took a brief halt when they seen a waffle house
Or a homeless black guy lol
1/22/2017 10:56:16 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Funny how time changes one's perspective.
In 1979 women in masses marched in the streets of Tehran in protest of being forced to wear a Hijab. They gained the support of women from around the World.
Here we are in 2017 and a woman that wears a Hijab organizes women to protest a president that wants to free women from being forced to wear a Hijab.
A woman that tweets about how much better America would be under Sharia Law.
Linda Sarsour The executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. Known supporter of Hamas.
Now this is where it really gets weird. Women marching in protest basicly because they think Trump is an authoritarian. They follow the lead of a converted Muslim that supports a religion that is authoritarian by nature.
1/22/2017 10:59:02 AM |
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Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
The big difference, of course, is that those fat walking women were on a mission to out office an orange p*ssy grabbing man/baby.
suck it
1/22/2017 11:06:05 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
So what was the point of this stupid march, trying to get back into shape?

1/22/2017 11:07:08 AM |
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Lawrence, MA
51, joined Mar. 2008
So what was the point of this stupid march, trying to get back into shape?
Yes. they should march across the entire Country to get in shape.
1/22/2017 11:10:22 AM |
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Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
So what was the point of this stupid march, trying to get back into shape?
I have no clue.
1/22/2017 11:13:01 AM |
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Elkton, KY
28, joined Aug. 2013
the womens march took a brief halt when they seen a waffle house
1/22/2017 11:14:24 AM |
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Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
I didn't know that Trump wanted to deny women any rights. All he wanted to do is grab some A-1 p*ssy. From the looks of that crowd, I don't think it had any!
1/22/2017 11:17:26 AM |
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Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
I have no clue.
OF COURSE you don't. You've got your nose so far up peeresident cheetodust's a** that you smell what he's swallowing.
FYI It's hard to watch idols fall, but timber.
1/22/2017 11:19:35 AM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
The Gateway Pundit reported a spokesman for the Secret Service claimed the agency is aware of Madonna's comment and an investigation will be opened. Regardless of the investigation results, it is up to the U.S. Attorney's office to decide whether to prosecute the aging pop star.
1/22/2017 11:20:40 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Grand Rapids, MI
38, joined Nov. 2012
The whole thing seems really stupid to me, is this the reflection of the intelligence level of women as a group, maybe they shouldn't be voting in the future 
1/22/2017 11:24:04 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
10 year old boy beaten at woman's
So violent towards children
1/22/2017 11:32:08 AM |
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Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
I think I see the problem now, Trump is attracted to highly intelligent women and probably jealous as it does not look like these gals can think that high. They don't understand he is fighting for them, the "little" people. So they can go back to work and not have so much time on their hands. So naturally they would not understand what Trump truly stands for and will defend.
Their minds are not able to see the forest for the trees. The type that cuts off their noses to spite their face. Some cannot look beyond the surface of a person and see the depth of their soul.
1/22/2017 11:50:11 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Guy tries to have a simple conversation with women marchers on why they are marching lol they have no clue hahahahah
1/22/2017 11:55:32 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Columbia, SC
67, joined Nov. 2007
Will you join the march against the peaceful transfer of power when a liberal next wins the White House?
1/22/2017 11:58:00 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
The whole thing seems really stupid to me, is this the reflection of the intelligence level of women as a group, maybe they shouldn't be voting in the future 
You are so bent over your entire head is up your ass.
1/22/2017 11:59:11 AM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
this really shows you how un-democratic these liberals really are. It was a "women's rights" march and they were less inclusive of all women's rights even if they didn't agree with them. there are many legitimate points of view even if there are some points of disagreement.
Pro-choice means you don't have to abort if you choose NOT to--they overlook that. i don't believe tax payers should pay for abortions. there may be some need for early term pregnancy abortions if that's the choice of the parents or there's a medical need to do so. those kinds of cases are very rare. there is no reason to expect the public to pay for it. Planned Parenthood can raise donations to cover the cost or some other foundations can do so--if 500,000 women can converge on DC with this as part of their agenda, they can certainly donate a couple bucks each towards that funding if it's so damned important to them. instead of paying for protestors to disrupt people's rights to political freedom, maybe some of these folks could put some of their money towards the stuff the liberals are worried about losing if the government de-funds it. seems like a better way to spend the money than paying a bunch of creeps to riot, damage or destroy property, injure law enforcement personnel, and intimidate law abiding citizens.

the taxpayer money that will now be needed to pay for this cleanup, in so many
cities across the nation might have been better spent on educating women how to protect themselves better by actually saying 'NO'and keeping their legs closed and if they cant, they can get birth control fairly inexpensively at the local drugstore or from their 'goddess regime' of planned parenthood just around the corner and also teaching them and
ALL young men the RESPONSIBILITIES they take on when putting it into every other cute
young thing they come across. they are JUST as responsible as every woman who spreads it
for their pleasure. the two should be forced to pay for their actions!!! every damn time.
ok...now i AM just ranting about my personal beliefs which noone really cares to hear,
but if kids, and young adults and THEIR parents were held to account, this would not
even be an issue.
1/22/2017 12:01:13 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
First, it was not just WOMEN.
Second, all of you insulting these people have schtooped at least one of them.
Third, remember that schtooping with fond memories because I highly doubt it's ever going to happen again.

1/22/2017 12:04:35 PM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Grand Rapids, MI
38, joined Nov. 2012
You are so bent over your entire head is up your ass.
I see you are so inept that you result to insults.
1/22/2017 12:05:01 PM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Grand Rapids, MI
38, joined Nov. 2012
First, it was not just WOMEN.
Second, all of you insulting these people have schtooped at least one of them.
Third, remember that schtooping with fond memories because I highly doubt it's ever going to happen again.

You should probably learn how to spell.
1/22/2017 12:11:37 PM |
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Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
Seems they were all at odds with each other (WHICH IS TOTALLY TYPICAL OF WOMEN ANYWAY)
Mad because Hillary wasn't elected - yet don't put her on the list of honorees. How does that even make sense?
One says it's not about Trump, the next says it's all about Trump.
Black Lives Matter saying they don't feel like it speaks for them.
Organizers saying pro-life women not welcome.
So called celebrities with all kinds of opposing messages. And on and on.
And the big one for me - women who demand respect carrying the most vulgar signs and putting on a hat that depicts themselves as a reproductive organ. Not only as a reproductive organ but a vulgar word for a reproductive organ. And putting those hats on their little girls and even boys. How the hell do they explain that? To protest somebody else using that word! The mind boggles.
Oh well, it's over, net result zero, just like Occupy. Nobody knew what the hell they wanted either.
1/22/2017 12:21:47 PM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
I see you are so inept that you result to insults.
That is her MOO. (mode of operandi)
She is prone to throw insults rather debate in normal conversation. I block her so she has no one to talk to.
1/22/2017 12:26:24 PM |
Women's March | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Dr. Alveda King says events that occurred during Women's March hurt positive message opportunity.
1/22/2017 12:40:52 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Spell what?
Yiddish slang?
It's not in my dictionary.
Please enlighten me, but careful or you'll have the antisemites all over you.
1/22/2017 12:45:05 PM |
Women's March | Page 3 |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
You've come a long way from the level headed conservative you used to be. Now you're even attacking women's looks because they marched in a protest you don't agree with? What happened to you? You've really changed and not for the better.
1/22/2017 12:45:59 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
I see you are so inept that you result to insults.
Shall I take the statement that you made about "women NOT having the RIGHT to vote" a compliment?
I bet your mama is proud, huh?
P.S. I bet if you would have had a bow & arrow that deer would have been a great grandfather right now.
There. THAT'S an insult!
1/22/2017 12:46:12 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Every woman that was interviewed was asked why march? They all answered the same "ummmm I don't know " " trump sucks"
Lmao lol
Please provide the links to videos or transcripts of all those interviews you're talking about.
1/22/2017 12:48:51 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
LOL! Probably a 90% unemployment rate for those snowflakes! But I guess they don't want to get out of that situation and just live off the Government's teet! 
Why would you think that? Obviously I don't know about everyone there, but every person I know who went to marches are employed. Please back up your assumption with proof.
1/22/2017 12:56:16 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Please provide the links to videos or transcripts of all those interviews you're talking about.
Absolutely!!! You won't watch it though lol
1/22/2017 12:58:39 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Please provide the links to videos or transcripts of all those interviews you're talking about.
you have the nerve to ask for verification???? you who almost never verifies
that is so hypocritical!
oh yeah, wait......
i forgot.....
lieinglooneyleftyliberalsocialistprogressivedimdumdem hypocrisy is ALWAYS allowed!
silly me
1/22/2017 12:58:56 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
women protested yesterday for one reason only; the TAXPAYER FUNDED unfettered right to abortion on demand. Nothing more.
"Abortion on demand," huh? Why am I not surprised that you think that. Please show us where you got that this was the one and only reason anyone marched yesterday. I'm not talking about your opinion. I want to see some real sources that confirm that the one and only reason EVERYONE marched yesterday was "abortion on demand."
1/22/2017 12:59:01 PM |
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Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
LOL! Probably a 90% unemployment rate for those snowflakes! But I guess they don't want to get out of that situation and just live off the Government's teet! 

1/22/2017 1:05:02 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Absolutely!!! You won't watch it though lol
So, because people chose not to talk to him, you're saying they don't have reasons for marching?
He's badgering them about abortion, he's trying to justify trump's comments about women and his own daughter. Very hard to take this guy seriously.
Seems to me that many of them told him why they were there and he didn't like those answers. Did you actually watch the whole video, jitss? Doesn't seem like you actually listened to it.
1/22/2017 1:08:02 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
i did listen to the video and seems citydimwitlights favors the same
'echo chamber' familiar to alot of those dufuses!
1/22/2017 1:12:34 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
"Abortion on demand," huh? Why am I not surprised that you think that. Please show us where you got that this was the one and only reason anyone marched yesterday. I'm not talking about your opinion. I want to see some real sources that confirm that the one and only reason EVERYONE marched yesterday was "abortion on demand."
forever and a day citydimwitlights has told me to stop posting all my pictures and articles
and to just tell her what i really think and now im being told she does not want my
if she was actually consistent in any way
1/22/2017 1:16:44 PM |
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Grand Rapids, MI
38, joined Nov. 2012
Shall I take the statement that you made about "women NOT having the RIGHT to vote" a compliment?
I bet your mama is proud, huh?
P.S. I bet if you would have had a bow & arrow that deer would have been a great grandfather right now.
There. THAT'S an insult!
Considering that the women protesting don't seem to know why they are protesting, I was making a point about how stupid it was.
I have a crossbow, no problem.
1/22/2017 1:18:20 PM |
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Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
forever and a day citydimwitlights has told me to stop posting all my pictures and articles
and to just tell her what i really think and now im being told she does not want my
if she was actually consistent in any way 

1/22/2017 1:19:41 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

1/22/2017 1:22:38 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
forever and a day citydimwitlights has told me to stop posting all my pictures and articles
and to just tell her what i really think and now im being told she does not want my
if she was actually consistent in any way 
I didn't tell you to stop posting all your pictures and articles. I pointed out that you always post pictures and articles, and rarely ever use your own words to say anything. Now, I'm asking you for proof of what you claim. When you refuse to post a link to your proof, it tells me you have none.
1/22/2017 1:28:43 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I didn't tell you to stop posting all your pictures and articles. I pointed out that you always post pictures and articles, and rarely ever use your own words to say anything. Now, I'm asking you for proof of what you claim. When you refuse to post a link to your proof, it tells me you have none.
Hell I have made several request for you to do the same. Yet you refuse.
1/22/2017 1:29:22 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Hell I have made several request for you to do the same. Yet you refuse.
Says the guy who dances around actually answering questions most of the time. Hell, you flat out make up lies most of the time.
1/22/2017 1:31:07 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

1/22/2017 1:32:31 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
So, because people chose not to talk to him, you're saying they don't have reasons for marching?
He's badgering them about abortion, he's trying to justify trump's comments about women and his own daughter. Very hard to take this guy seriously.
Seems to me that many of them told him why they were there and he didn't like those answers. Did you actually watch the whole video, jitss? Doesn't seem like you actually listened to it.
He asked them about the reasons why they are there and they couldn't answer a question... that's just factual
1/22/2017 1:37:50 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Says the guy who dances around actually answering questions most of the time. Hell, you flat out make up lies most of the time.
You have never proven that I lie. I have always answered your questions. Might not be timely and you might not agree but they do get answered.
Now back at you. You owe us proof of your statements.
1/22/2017 1:38:04 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
jesse james ? @FreeJesseJames
Just Imagine if ALL these women cared as much about the homeless and Vets in this country as they do about Themselves.
1:06 PM - 22 Jan 2017
47 47 Retweets 106 106 likes
Tomi Lahren ? @TomiLahren
If only these marchers put this much time/effort into their families & life choices. Perhaps then they wouldn't have to glorify abortion..
12:12 PM - 21 Jan 2017
6,340 6,340 Retweets 22,218 22,218 likes
1/22/2017 2:20:50 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
He asked them about the reasons why they are there and they couldn't answer a question... that's just factual
They told him and he continued to badger them, just like you do here. No wonder you thought that.