1/22/2017 5:36:41 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012

(Angry Patriot) – Wow, it’s about dang time. Never in the past three decades has there been a bill so infused with common sense introduced in Congress.
Liberals rioters — you know, the people the mainstream media like to refer to as “protesters” — will now have to face consequences for their stupidity. Drivers who accidentally hit protesters who are blocking roadways will now be protected from arrest if this new bill is approved! 
North Dakota Republican Representative Keith Kempenich introduced the bill, The Rioters in Traffic Bill. The many times liberal activists, like Black Lives Matter groups and anti-Trumpers, obstructed traffic on streets could have caused loss of life, as per Bismark Tribune.
“It’s shifting the burden of proof from the motor vehicle driver to the pedestrian,” Representative Keith Kempenich said. He noted the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline protests near the Standing Rock reservation also prompted him to introduce House Bill 1203.
“They’re not there for the protesters,” Kempenich said when referencing public roadways. He added that when protesters block the roads they are “intentionally putting themselves in danger.”
The rioters in traffic bill has not yet been debated by House committees. Now that Donald Trump is officially president of the United States, we should expect to see far more common sense legislation being voted upon in both the House and the Senate.
Liberals, of course, quickly came out against the protesters in the roadways bill. They claim it would essentially legalize the murder of protesters by permitting drivers to simply run them over.
Perhaps the liberals would feel differently if it was their home that was burning when the fire trucks couldn’t get through or their loved ones waiting on an ambulance that is stuck behind protesters.
“If you stay off the roadway, this would never be an issue,” Kempenich said. “Those motorists are going about the lawful, legal exercise of their right to drive down the road…Those people didn’t ask to be in this.”
Patriots support the free speech rights of all but not at the intrusion upon the rights of others. “This bill puts the onus on somebody who’s made a conscious decision to put themselves in harm’s way,” Representative Kempenich continued. “You can protest all you want, but you can’t protest up on a roadway. It’s dangerous for everybody.”
There a conservative goes again, trying to teach common sense to liberals. Such a task is futile and will ALWAYS leave you with a whopper of a headache, the type of pain akin to beating your head up against a brick wall.
[Edited 1/22/2017 5:37:42 AM ]
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1/22/2017 6:19:43 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
If only this had passed sooner.
It would have been perfectly legal to plow through Trump rallies! 
1/22/2017 6:26:16 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

97, joined May. 2011
The rioters in traffic bill has not yet been debated by House committees. Now that Donald Trump is officially president of the United States, we should expect to see far more common sense legislation being voted upon in both the House and the Senate.
If God can NOT move the stooges of congrefs to draft legislation that is inherently pragmatic, I have some REAL doubts that a Donnie Boy pres'dency will have any impact on that either...
Put me down for skeptical then...
1/22/2017 6:28:46 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
If only this had passed sooner.
It would have been perfectly legal to plow through Trump rallies!  When did a Trump rally block the road and refuse to let anyone by?
1/22/2017 6:30:11 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
If God can NOT move the stooges of congrefs to draft legislation that is inherently pragmatic, I have some REAL doubts that a Donnie Boy pres'dency will have any impact on that either...
Put me down for skeptical then...
You mean 'prezdintcy"
1/22/2017 6:31:13 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
When did a Trump rally block the road and refuse to let anyone by?
Look at pictures of his outdoor rallies.
There were definitely some targets..eerrmm people standing in the streets. 
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:31:57 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:34:25 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Look at pictures of his outdoor rallies.
There were definitely some targets..eerrmm people standing in the streets.  Well the bill clearly states "accidental" hits so you best think twice. If you are comparing Trump rallies to blocking the freeway then you may be a stupid a** libtard.
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:34:58 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:36:36 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Well the bill clearly states "accidental" hits so you best think twice. If you are comparing Trump rallies to blocking the freeway then you may be a stupid a** libtard.
If you think "traffic" only occurs on freeways, Nurse Cratchit needs to up the dosage on your medications. 
"What was that bump"? 
Another "accident" 
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:37:36 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:37:42 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
We can add this little bit of right-wing blood-lust to their love for war, torture, snipers, racism, electric chairs, killer-cops and nukes.
Just when you think that right-wingers have already embraced all the killing they possibly can, they come up with something new. This time, it's running down, in cold blood, people who are protesting against the crimes being committed by the gangster-capitalist, ruling-class elites.
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:38:58 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:38:03 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
If you think "traffic" only occurs on freeways, Nurse Cratchit needs to up the dosage on your medications.  OK if you compare Trump rallies to traffic blockers then you might be a stupid a** libtard...sorry to confuse you.
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:38:31 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:39:07 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
We can add this little bit of right-wing blood-lust to their love for war, torture, snipers, racism, electric chairs, killer-cops and nukes.
Just when you think that right-wingers have already embraced all the killing they possibly can, they come up with something new.
Best not lay down in the road condom.
1/22/2017 6:40:13 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
OK if you compare Trump rallies to traffic blockers then you might be a stupid a** libtard...sorry to confuse you.
If you're standing in the street, you're "blocking" my "traffic".
You roll the dice, you take your chances. 
"What was that bump"?
Another "accident"
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:40:52 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:41:21 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
If you're standing in the street, you're "blocking" my "traffic".
You roll the dice, you take your chances.  Fair is fair, I lay odds 10 of yours will go down first.
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:41:39 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:42:51 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Time will tell.
I'll give you a 100 to 1 the retard that wrote the bill is "pro-life".. 
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:43:56 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:46:21 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
The news just released that all the rioters will do jailtime,no doj protection now. Up to 10 years.
1/22/2017 6:46:50 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Bundy Ranch rioters blocking the road

[Edited 1/22/2017 6:47:59 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:47:56 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Bundy Ranch protesters marching down the road

So many targets, so little time. 
1/22/2017 6:51:00 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
So many targets, so little time. 
Those f**king right-wing, road-blocking rioters need to be run over, by God. I mean, I got to get to Walmart and I'm in a hurry! Any right-wing rioters that get in my way deserve to get run over and killed. I can't miss that sale on big-screen TVs or somebody's gonna f**kin' pay.
1/22/2017 6:51:59 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
The news just released that all the rioters will do jailtime,no doj protection now. Up to 10 years.
The Constitution of the United States says that each and every one of them has a right to a trial by jury of their peers.
Good luck finding a jury to convict them. It must really suck for Donnie to be the most hated president in history.
1/22/2017 6:53:45 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
The bill is directed at the violent lefts mob mentality when they cover a car threatening the occupants..The driver can now flee the animal like violence through the threat.
1/22/2017 6:54:40 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Bundy Ranch rioters blocking the road
Looks like a parking lot to me...js
1/22/2017 6:56:32 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You sell a car anybody can buy it.
You think people are going to ask for voter registration cards before plowing through?
Looks like a parking lot to me...js
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:57:37 AM ]
1/22/2017 6:57:05 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
The Constitution of the United States says that each and every one of them has a right to a trial by jury of their peers.
Good luck finding a jury to convict them. It must really suck for Donnie to be the most hated president in history. 
Unlike the previous administration the charges are felonies instead no charges.
1/22/2017 6:59:59 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Unlike the previous administration the charges are felonies instead no charges.
No, the charges are charges.
The CONVICTIONS are felonies.
"Not guilty" = no felonies.
1/22/2017 7:00:48 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
1/22/2017 7:08:17 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Looks like a parking lot to me...js
That's what happens when you right-wing rioters do your evil shit. You turn roads into parking lots. You're all such America-hating scum -- which is why you all love Trump and right-wing politics.
The right-wing political agenda consists basically of one treasonous, America-hating thing and one thing only -- doing everything in their power to help raping, looting, billionaire, gangster-capitalist one-percenters get richer by raping the f**k out of the American people. If that means lying America into war so that Haliburton and the military industrial complex can loot the public till, no problem. Right-wingers don't care how many soldier's lives are sacrificed in their lootfest. They don't care how many trillions the gangster-capitalist elite loot from the public till. They want low, poverty wages for American workers and huge tax cuts for billionaire, gangster-capitalist one-percenters. You all should be shot for treason.
Study: Bushies Lied 935 Times to Sell Iraq Invasion
January 23, 2008
Greenspan admits Bush Lied and That Iraq War was Really About oil, as Deaths put at 1.2 MILLION
Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters in New York
The Observer, Saturday 15 September 2007
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study
[Edited 1/22/2017 7:10:17 AM ]
1/22/2017 7:12:52 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
This has me thinking about that guy who ran over a biker. I believe it was in NY. Remember when an entire biker gang attacked a guy and his family because they felt one of the riders was cut off? When faced with the option of stopping and putting his family in danger or running over a biker, he chose to run over the biker. It turned out to be a good decision.
1/22/2017 7:13:59 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Haven't you never watched any police TV shows or movies?
Do you really not know the difference between a charge and a conviction?
IF they get convicted, they MAY be sentenced to up to 10 years. If they are acquitted (that means found not guilty), they get to walk out of court 100% free.
As I said before, good luck finding a jury to CONVICT any of them.
1/22/2017 7:15:59 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Woo hoo! Now we can just run these right-wing mother-f**kers over!
Congressman: Bundy Militia Has Set Up Road 'Checkpoints' In Nevada
By Dylan Scott
April 29, 2014

A Democratic congressman from Nevada said in a letter this week that his constituents have reported the armed militia supporting rancher Cliven Bundy have set up checkpoints to verify the residency of anybody passing through.
Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV), who represents the area, sent the letter Sunday to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, asking him to investigate.
"I am writing to bring your attention to the ongoing situation in northeastern Clark County which has caused many of my constituents to fear for their safety," Horsford wrote. Residents in the area "have expressed concern over the continual presence of multiple out-of-state, armed militia groups that have remained in the community" since Bundy's dispute with the Bureau of Land Management came to a boil.
The militia, as reported by Horsford's constituents, "have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass," the letter said.
They have also maintained a presence, sometimes armed, along highways and roads, as well as community sites like churches and schools, the letter asserted.
Journalists on the scene at the height of the Bundy Ranch standoff estimated as many as 1,000 protesters had gathered earlier this month.
1/22/2017 7:18:06 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
This has me thinking about that guy who ran over a biker. I believe it was in NY. Remember when an entire biker gang attacked a guy and his family because they felt one of the riders was cut off? When faced with the option of stopping and putting his family in danger or running over a biker, he chose to run over the biker. It turned out to be a good decision.
Yep! We just need more f**kin' killin' of each other, by God! That's what will "make America great, again." Why can't America be more like the Middle East?
[Edited 1/22/2017 7:18:34 AM ]
1/22/2017 8:42:48 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
You sell a car anybody can buy it.
You think people are going to ask for voter registration cards before plowing through?
Looks like a parking lot to me...js
EXACTLY!  The difference is our peaceful protesters get murdered in the woods whereas your violent protesters get empathy from your ex prezdint.
1/22/2017 8:49:30 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Well, if this bill passes, we will soon be able to murder you right-wingers in the streets where you stand instead of carting your treasonous asses off into the woods -- which makes me wonder why you poor, peaceful, Kumbaya-singing, right-wingers would be so eager to see such a bill passed.
1/22/2017 10:48:29 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
this would be a great addition of another layer of protection to be added with
Castle Doctrune!
1/22/2017 10:54:22 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
Blocking roads is a form of domestic terrorism, regardless what the protest is. They are holding people hostage against their will, since they are stuck in one place and cannot go anywhere. Not to mention preventing people from going to or returning from work, and more importantly, preventing those with life saving jobs such as EMT's, doctors, nurses, firefighters from getting to their destinations. If people die as a result of them being delayed, they should also be charged with manslaughter. Break out the water cannons on them.
1/22/2017 10:54:50 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
The news just released that all the rioters will do jailtime,no doj protection now. Up to 10 years.
It is about time!
1/22/2017 10:59:29 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Bloomingdale, GA
50, joined Sep. 2016
Sad day in this country when common sense has to be legislated.
1/22/2017 12:02:42 PM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Dr. Phil did a show on this some years ago when there were protests about the war and people blocked the streets, in effect draining police and fire rescue of the ability to respond appropriately and efficiently to people that needed their services.
Not only were they giving the enemy food for fodder, that they used against our soldiers in captivity to say "your own country does not support you", but they delayed ambulance response times by blocking the streets. Police could not respond fast enough and they took resources from other communities because of the trouble they were causing.
1/22/2017 12:03:50 PM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Sad day in this country when common sense has to be legislated.
Flap, don't forget, the PC police have been doing that for years.Making everyone lose their identity.
1/22/2017 12:17:54 PM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
The rioters helped Trump win.
The plan for awareness only pissed drivers off,
Their plan backfired.

[Edited 1/22/2017 12:18:41 PM ]
1/22/2017 5:19:30 PM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |

Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Well, if this bill passes, we will soon be able to murder you right-wingers in the streets where you stand instead of carting your treasonous asses off into the woods -- which makes me wonder why you poor, peaceful, Kumbaya-singing, right-wingers would be so eager to see such a bill passed.
The bill is not a license for murder as the op clearly indicates dumbass! 
1/23/2017 7:04:31 AM |
The Rioters in Traffic Bill |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
The bill is not a license for murder as the op clearly indicates dumbass! 
Just remember to say after you plow through.