2/15/2017 11:30:45 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
This ought to set off all you cruel, blood thirsty, baby killing, Obama loving, “poopy pants” Hillary loving, wacked out Liberals shamelessly posting here. You know, the ones that think women are not human and have not rights till they are old enough to grow and murder their own babies, and who think the fathers of their children have no say:
Abortion bill requires Fathers to OK the procedure. State would force women to provide “written informed consent from the baby’s father”: http://www.wnd.com/2017/02/abortion-bill-requires-fathers-to-ok-procedure/?cat_orig=health
Times, they are a changing, thank the Good Lord, there’s a new sheriff in town.

Louie's mother rejected him when he was young and he has hated her and all wonen ever since.
So,Louie, tell why you went through with the transition. Was it because your mom found all her panties under your mattress and accused you of being a boy?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/15/2017 11:36:11 AM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Louie's mother rejected him when he was young and he has hated her and all wonen ever since.
So,Louie, tell why you went through with the transition. Was it because your mom found all her panties under your mattress and accused you of being a boy?
Text book examples of strawman arguments.
2/15/2017 11:37:57 AM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Quote from cupocheer:
Rough words against my country, Nappy.
Proof, please.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Cup 
Hey Cup, perhaps you've missed the information you requested.
2/15/2017 11:46:03 AM |
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Loganville, GA
53, joined May. 2010
online now!
Louie's mother rejected him when he was young and he has hated her and all wonen ever since.
So,Louie, tell why you went through with the transition. Was it because your mom found all her panties under your mattress and accused you of being a boy?
Louie has some good points particularly with immigration, but old white conservatives get too side tracked on non-economic issues that matter little in the grand scheme of things and the good points they have get drowned out by their obsession with fringe social issues. Left wingers have the same problem.
Non of these social issues are going to matter if we are reduced to a 2 class society. The economic royalists use social issues to divert attention away from internal economic issues. Divide and conquer so to speak. Unfortunately Louie falls victim to this and takes the "social issues" bait. And so do many liberals/progressives as well.
What the economic royalists don't want is for people like Louie and people like us to join forces against the common internal enemy. The economic royalists or corporatists as known to some. Hillary Clinton was an economic royalist/corporatist. Bernie was not. And what was the major difference between Clinton and Trump? Social issues, not economic. See the pattern? Divide and conquer.
2/15/2017 12:01:55 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
The women marched for rights they already have. So what was the real reason or reasons for the march? The overwhelming theme was p*ssy grabbing and that was just asinine. Where were they when Bill took advantage of a young WH inturn?
A really good organizer knows they need a common cause something that will gather a lot of support. What better cause than Women's Rights... Once you get the momentum you can try and guide it in a different direction.
This will die just like Occupy Wall Street died. Too mnay different agendas all fighting for their voice to be heard.
2/15/2017 12:03:23 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Clearly their voice has been heard if you're still complaining about the march, robot.
2/15/2017 12:04:49 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Clearly their voice has been heard if you're still complaining about the march, robot.
They talked a lot but what did they accomplish? ZERO
2/15/2017 12:08:35 PM |
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Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
I disagree it is not every day
You get to wear a vagina hat
And trash the streets
2/15/2017 12:11:56 PM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
I disagree it is not every day
You get to wear a vagina hat
And trash the streets.
And lets not forget pepper spraying a lady that supports the rights of our unborn children
2/15/2017 12:22:18 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
They did prove that you can gather a million feminists and watch them make asses of themselves. Other than that nothing will ever come from it.
2/15/2017 12:41:02 PM |
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Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Ahh maybee those vagina hats will be collectors items someday
2/15/2017 12:42:12 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
They did prove that you can gather a million feminists and watch them make asses of themselves. Other than that nothing will ever come from it.
i think they also proved that they can walk for miles just not in reality shoes.....
since many of them are getting a paycheck for walking for miles and they like to block
highways and biways, maybe we could hand them a trash bag along with their paycheck and
they could do something constructive (rather than DEstructive) and clean up the highways
just a thought!
2/15/2017 12:47:53 PM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
i think they also proved that they can walk for miles just not in reality shoes.....
since many of them are getting a paycheck for walking for miles and they like to block
highways and biways, maybe we could hand them a trash bag along with their paycheck and
they could do something constructive (rather than DEstructive) and clean up the highways
 just a thought! 
Clarity i will give you
A dollar if you put on one
Of those vaginer hats and go
Clean the highway.
2/15/2017 12:57:41 PM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Clarity i will give you
A dollar if you put on one
Of those vaginer hats and go
Clean the highway.

ohemmgeeeeeeeeee i would not be caught dead OR alive in a disgusting pink vagina hat
but i found an online shop for ya if you wanna take up 'arms'
Shop for women's march in vagin... on Google
P*ssyhat - Pink Cat Hat - Women's March Cat Hat

P*ssyhat - Pink Cat Hat - Women's March Cat Hat
$11.99 - Etsy
Adult Female Hat

Adult Female Hat
$35.39 - Google Trusted StoreCostumes4less.com
2/15/2017 1:01:27 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Look, Nole, I know from your “didn’t say” profile and from your comments above that you are a Godless Liberal, but please, give me a break. Do you think that God, who is going to judge you when you die, only cares how much money you made? Do you think he is going to ask you when you appear before his throne for judgment how much money you made, or do you think it is the social issues that he is going to judge you on? You know, things like waging war against God, bearing false witness against your neighbor, and murdering you infants.
God has revealed—oh, I know, you don’t want to hear anything about God—but bear with me for a moment, God has revealed that God raises nations up and he brings them down, and that the greatness of a Christian nation depends on its loyalty to God, that if it turns against God, it will be destroyed. Ignore social issues at your own risk. If our nation is destroyed, it will affect every single one of us, you included.
A nation cannot wage war against God, murder over 55 million of its infants, promote a plague of homosexuality, and on and on and on, without eventually bringing the wrath down upon itself and the world. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? God has been patient, but his justice will not sleep forever. When men think that God sleeps, he stands, ever on watch, and he will not be mocked. The Great Chastisement of God and its Third World War is coming.
Our election of President Trump has diverted the punishment of America, for now. Thank the Good Lord for President Trump. Please ask God to bless, guide, and protect him. The survival of America depends on it.
2/15/2017 1:26:16 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Funny thing was not one specific item was mentioned during the march. No one was demanding new legislation no real specific rights were mentioned it was all generalized.
2/15/2017 1:30:42 PM |
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West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Cup, why request information if you just intend to ignore it?
Quote from cupocheer:
Rough words against my country, Nappy.
Proof, please.
Quote from naprinciple:
2/15/2017 1:38:37 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Robot, for someone who claims nothing was accomplished with the march, you've been talking about it non stop since then. If it were really nothing, you and others like you would have stopped worrying about it weeks ago.
2/15/2017 1:45:23 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Robot, for someone who claims nothing was accomplished with the march, you've been talking about it non stop since then. If it were really nothing, you and others like you would have stopped worrying about it weeks ago.
Then what brings you here defending it?
2/15/2017 1:48:07 PM |
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Loganville, GA
53, joined May. 2010
online now!
Look, Nole, I know from your “didn’t say” profile and from your comments above that you are a Godless Liberal, but please, give me a break. Do you think that God, who is going to judge you when you die, only cares how much money you made? Do you think he is going to ask you when you appear before his throne for judgment how much money you made, or do you think it is the social issues that he is going to judge you on? You know, things like waging war against God, bearing false witness against your neighbor, and murdering you infants.
God has revealed—oh, I know, you don’t want to hear anything about God—but bear with me for a moment, God has revealed that God raises nations up and he brings them down, and that the greatness of a Christian nation depends on its loyalty to God, that if it turns against God, it will be destroyed. Ignore social issues at your own risk. If our nation is destroyed, it will affect every single one of us, you included.
A nation cannot wage war against God, murder over 55 million of its infants, promote a plague of homosexuality, and on and on and on, without eventually bringing the wrath down upon itself and the world. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? God has been patient, but his justice will not sleep forever. When men think that God sleeps, he stands, ever on watch, and he will not be mocked. The Great Chastisement of God and its Third World War is coming.
Our election of President Trump has diverted the punishment of America, for now. Thank the Good Lord for President Trump. Please ask God to bless, guide, and protect him. The survival of America depends on it.
You have taken the bait. Divide and conquer. God will judge you as an individual. Live your life as you see fit. Worry about your own relationship with God. You won't convert others to your way of thinking by being a judgemental ass.
That being said, when Americans get laid off, can't pay their mortgage, and lose their homes they are going to care little about your fringe issue crusades. And they'll blame people like you for not focusing on the issues that matter.
2/16/2017 9:36:46 AM |
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New York, NY
29, joined Aug. 2015
online now!
My dear friends today the US dollar and US stocks overall money, American capitalist economy and stock alone than previous decades, a lot of people to abandon the gold and gold stock investment in high-tech stock investment in the United States and the United States dollars! Full day the stock to make money, the U.S. stock investment bank investment group, aerospace, technology, culture, health, prevention communication, intelligent robots, chat system, urban function, the increase in stock
2/16/2017 10:16:59 AM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |

New York, NY
29, joined Aug. 2015
online now!
U.S. stock code TSLA, in November 2016, at about $178, today is more than 277 U.S. dollars of 1 shares, is high-tech stocks
2/16/2017 11:42:41 AM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |


Loganville, GA
53, joined May. 2010
online now!
U.S. stock code TSLA, in November 2016, at about $178, today is more than 277 U.S. dollars of 1 shares, is high-tech stocks
Judging by your pic it looks like you chew tobacco.
2/16/2017 12:16:34 PM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |

Sugar Land, TX
58, joined Jun. 2016
oh, man, I feel so empowered. I don't have to pay for birth control anymore or need abortions.   
2/16/2017 12:29:38 PM |
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Loganville, GA
53, joined May. 2010
online now!

2/16/2017 12:38:27 PM |
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Sugar Land, TX
58, joined Jun. 2016
2/16/2017 8:08:47 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Nole: you say; “God will judge you as an individual.” Yes, but he also judges nations. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah and their sister cities where he judged cities for the wide spread practice of sodomy? Remember the Great Flood of Noah where he judged the whole world? God reveals that he raises up nations and he brings nations down, and that the greatness of a Christian nation depends on its loyalty to God. If a Christian nation turns against God to wage war against him, it will be destroyed. This is revealed. Ignore it at your own peril.
Nole, your beloved practicing homosexuals and baby killers and those like you who tacitly defend these things by trying to silence Christians and Conservatives, are going to bring the wrath of God down upon this once great nation, unless it stops. I hope you abandon Liberalism and climb aboard Trump's train before it's too late.
Nole, by defending evil, you make yourself a party to it. Look Nole, I lay before you today life on the one hand, and death on the other. Chose one, you cannot sit the fence on this one. And when you side with evildoers, you make yourself a party to evil. Don’t you know that time is running out? Are you aware that Nemesis is coming? NASA and the major news media, after years of denying it and killing astronomers to keep it quite, have now begun announcing it. It is closing in on us and is sweeping comets and asteroids in with it.
2/16/2017 8:25:18 PM |
The women march was a failure | Page 9 |
Turin, GA
22, joined Sep. 2016
Ugly trashy dykes protested.
They're still, ugly trashy dykes.

A mass suicide, would've been
2/16/2017 8:52:54 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Ugly trashy dykes protested.
They're still, ugly trashy dykes.
A mass suicide, would've been
You're so unhappy with the march that you're wishing others would commit suicide?
2/16/2017 9:44:00 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
You're so unhappy with the march that you're wishing others would commit suicide?
Your for killing babies so why do you care lol
2/16/2017 9:46:42 PM |
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Turin, GA
22, joined Sep. 2016
You're so unhappy with the march that you're wishing others would commit suicide?
Apathy toward the "march".
2/16/2017 10:18:15 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Your for killing babies so why do you care lol
I've never said I was for killing babies. You made that up.
2/16/2017 10:18:45 PM |
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Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Apathy toward the "march".
Being apathetic toward something isn't going to make you wish death on someone.
2/16/2017 10:18:53 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
I've never said I was for killing babies. You made that up.
Sooo you were against this march ? I'm confused
2/16/2017 11:12:09 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I thought it was February. 
2/17/2017 2:09:11 AM |
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Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
Quote from amusicluvr:
SNL is not "media bias", moron. It is "culturally relevant comedy." SNL mocked the Clintons, Jimmy Carter, etc, too, in turn. Hang your persecution complex on the door for a bit, and try to become sane for an hour, or two.
BTW - As long as Faux News is biased for the GOP, none of you clowns have a right to complain even if some leftist media bias does exist somewhere.
Logic aint your thang, eh, Jethro?
You can't have it both ways. What was that about logic?
Quote from amusicluvr:
It was designed to annoy Trump...which it did...just like the SNL skits. Annoying Trump is a battle tactic.
My logic is fine. Your comprehension of English is a bit off though.
"Bias" suggest 'one sidedness'. Like Mad Magazine, SNL attacks EVERYONE....Democrat, and Republican, white, and black, etc, in turn...and so is not one sided. If it is a white Republican's turn to get mocked this week, it is because he / she said, or did, something mockable. Maybe he / she is "biased" against him / her self, eh? SNL mocked Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter, and Dumbya Bush. Now it is Dummy Donny's turn in the barrel....because he is POTUS, and he is saying, and doing, extremely mockable things....which would be HIS fault. He applied for the job, and he mishandled it once he'd gotten it.
2/17/2017 2:15:05 AM |
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Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
I'm for killing all the babies who would-if not killed as infants-grow up to become: Adolf Hitlers, Ted Bundys, Osama Bun Ladens, etc. Let me go sharpen my Post Mortem Knife, and I will be ready to roll.
2/17/2017 2:18:30 AM |
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Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
Fetuses aint babies, any more than fingernails are hands. Get over it.
2/17/2017 2:20:44 AM |
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Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
God roasted millions of babies, and fetuses, in Sodom, and Gomorrah, and slaughtered many more in Egypt, and elsewhere. God has nothing against such killing, because if He had, He would not be doing it Himself.
2/17/2017 5:26:58 AM |
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Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Jul. 2014
It was a sad pathetic failure except it gave us the derisory term p*ssyhats, which is a gift that just keeps on giving.
Just like your empty pantsuited leaders Deplorables gaffe of all gaffes.
2/17/2017 7:13:25 AM |
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Turin, GA
22, joined Sep. 2016
Being apathetic toward something isn't going to make you wish death on someone.
Work on your word comprehension skills.

2/17/2017 7:18:13 AM |
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West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
God roasted millions of babies, and fetuses, in Sodom, and Gomorrah, and slaughtered many more in Egypt, and elsewhere. God has nothing against such killing, because if He had, He would not be doing it Himself.
The god of the Bible is pure evil