2/4/2017 5:57:15 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
I have been studying this current political landscape and comparing it with everything I can remember about past changes of power between Republicans and Democrats alike. What I have brewed up in my mind appears to be the best working theory I can come up with as it pertains to Democratic strategy to undermine the current Republican President Donald J. Trump... Democrats would probably refer to it as "operation damage control".
So here we go,
It would appear that Democrats, historically and at least as far back as I can remember (Regan), never take losing well. In the case of Bill Clinton it ended badly, with his being caught cheating and lying, he was impeached. When George W. Bush took office, it was less than 9 months before a major attack on the World Trade Center. Many people today are very confused as to why this happened, and they point fingers at people responsible without even the slightest idea... They try and distract by going over details "after" the planes struck the towers, which could only be described as reducing collateral damage anyway.
Where am I going with this? Well, it's like this... 9/11 was a major distraction for President Bush, and it brought about war, which everyone knows is not popular with the people. As necessary as it may be in instances, people just get tired of war after awhile, even if they were all for it in the beginning. This is where the Democrat strategy comes in... Create a war when Republicans are in office to distract them from what would almost certainly result in a gainful life of capitalism, national pride and freedom for the American people.
How can Democrats really be pushing for more lax vetting right now, when they know, historically, that the $hit hits the fan when Republicans take office and other hostile nations get upset to the point they want to do us harm? Is it really worth another war to get your party elected in 8 years!? Wouldn't it just be easier to join your fellow Americans in the efforts to keep ALL AMERICANS safe? If there is war it won't matter what color you are, but I am sure it's not going to sit well with a majority of Americans who go off to war while people of Islamic faith claim an exception due to religious beliefs. Think about that for a minute! All our men and women going off to war, leaving behind a majority of radicalized draft dodgers to slaughter the homeland. I don't think that is going to sit well, with anyone, expect for someone who is not American, and who does not have America in their hearts.
So I say to you Democrats... WTF is wrong with you!? Why do you have to keep starting wars and conflicts!? Is this your long game? Aid our enemy who is trying to destroy us to weasel your way back into power? That's treason! Republicans may have not been happy with Obama, but they never took us to war or incited race wars to divide the people! Democrats are some of the most bigoted people you will ever meet! President Trump better not be playing checkers with these Democrats, because it's clear what they are doing is a long protracted game of chess, throwing caution to the wind as they incite riots and war!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/4/2017 6:00:50 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
Something tells me you don't play chess.
Also, yeah, that's cute. Pin the Iraq and Afghan War on Democrats? Democrats aren't starting wars. Also, if memory serves, it was Republicans writing open letters to Iran saying to take diplomacy off the table.
2/4/2017 6:03:22 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
That is because we knew that Iran could never live up to the letter of the agreement, and they have shown us time after time both under Obama and Trump.
[Edited 2/4/2017 6:03:54 PM ]
2/4/2017 6:06:36 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |
Turin, GA
22, joined Sep. 2016
Liberals are dumb c*nts.
2/4/2017 6:09:05 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Wouldn't it just be easier to join your fellow Americans in the efforts to keep ALL AMERICANS safe? If there is war it won't matter what color you are, but I am sure it's not going to sit well with a majority of Americans who go off to war while people of Islamic faith claim an exception due to religious beliefs. Think about that for a minute! All our men and women going off to war, leaving behind a majority of radicalized draft dodgers to slaughter the homeland. I don't think that is going to sit well, with anyone, expect for someone who is not American, and who does not have America in their hearts.

Here we had someone dodge the draft under religious grounds (converted to Islam), all the while being a boxer who would beat people mercilessly until the bell rung from round to round, or a referee declared the opponent technically knocked out.
Imagine millions of draft dodging liberals lined up at the mosques to get converted!
Of course, this is a worse case scenario... But do you really think Democrats are going to be able to hold it together for longer than a year, much less the full 8 that Trump will lead?
[Edited 2/4/2017 6:09:37 PM ]
2/4/2017 6:19:36 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
you mean conservatives don't take winning good
considering George H. W. Bush was the last republican to win the popular vote in 1988
so we get the fact there is a chip on your shoulder of sorts
it ended badly for Bill Clinton?......he showed the world that the GOP was all about party first and country second.......60 million dollars of OUR tax dollars to find out he got a BJ while in office.....i will trade you Iran contra for Bill's "scndal" any day
Bill left as a very popular president and is still respected around the world.....can you say teh same for the Bush's???
if Bill Clinton could of ran against Trump??.......would of been a beating and a half with Bill winning
2/4/2017 6:21:28 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Here we had someone dodge the draft under religious grounds (converted to Islam), all the while being a boxer who would beat people mercilessly until the bell rung from round to round, or a referee declared the opponent technically knocked out.
Imagine millions of draft dodging liberals lined up at the mosques to get converted!
Of course, this is a worse case scenario... But do you really think Democrats are going to be able to hold it together for longer than a year, much less the full 8 that Trump will lead?
8 years???       
odd makers are already predicting he doesn't make it through his first term without doing something impeachable
8 years????............you are a funny one
Trump would rather quit than give up twitter
2/4/2017 6:22:18 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
NOBODY wanted another Clinton or Bush in office again ....
2/4/2017 6:24:19 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
NOBODY wanted another Clinton or Bush in office again ....
the majority didn't want trump or Clinton
2/4/2017 6:37:41 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Something tells me you don't play chess.
Also, yeah, that's cute. Pin the Iraq and Afghan War on Democrats? Democrats aren't starting wars. Also, if memory serves, it was Republicans writing open letters to Iran saying to take diplomacy off the table.
Democrats have started almost 70 percent of the wars
2/4/2017 6:38:18 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Sugar Land, TX
58, joined Jun. 2016
I can envision this.
2/4/2017 6:38:23 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Already, Bernie Sanders is warming his people up to this plan..
2/4/2017 6:45:24 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Democrats 16 wars vs republicans 10 wars
2/4/2017 7:06:03 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
We have Muslims in our military right now,according to you they shouldn't be there because of religious beliefs??
2/4/2017 7:08:25 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
The orange orangutan's right hand man BANNON is obsessed with war according to the people who know him.We have an atrocious record in wars we have been in,our last win was WW2.
2/4/2017 7:10:44 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
We have Muslims in our military right now,according to you they shouldn't be there because of religious beliefs??
A true American would join the military, unless he or she turned or is a spy. Obviously a Muslim in the military serving alongside other Americans without special concessions is an American Muslim. America is his/her home, and in his/her mind, I'm sure he feels the same way as I do right now.
[Edited 2/4/2017 7:12:36 PM ]
2/4/2017 7:14:34 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Too many he/shes...
But you know what I am trying to say.
2/4/2017 7:17:31 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim.
2/4/2017 7:21:44 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim.
IF that's what you liberals think.... An even better reason to keep them ALL out !
So YOU think the " religious " beliefs of the 9/11 attackers were the same beliefs of all ME Muslims ....
Got it .
2/4/2017 7:22:45 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Pardon me, OP.
Did you type in:
The Democrats plan to distract the President?
2/4/2017 7:24:10 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
2/4/2017 7:26:00 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
IF that's what you liberals think.... An even better reason to keep them ALL out !
So YOU think the " religious " beliefs of the 9/11 attackers were the same beliefs of all ME Muslims ....
Got it .
Well put!
2/4/2017 7:26:50 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
with a laser pointer, a feather and a ball of yarn.
2/4/2017 7:40:34 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
I have been studying this current political landscape and comparing it with everything I can remember about past changes of power between Republicans and Democrats alike. What I have brewed up in my mind appears to be the best working theory I can come up with as it pertains to Democratic strategy to undermine the current Republican President Donald J. Trump... Democrats would probably refer to it as "operation damage control".
Nah! It's an organized propaganda war against Trump by the usual suspects.
David Brock: Confidential Plan to bring down Trump leaked online
2/4/2017 7:44:42 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from The Minister of Propaganda: loony bird Dirty falcon_
The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim.

Two way street fallacy much?
The political ideology of a cultural marxist in America is the same as the International J()().
2/4/2017 8:02:49 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim.
2/4/2017 8:07:13 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Oh yeah? What's the difference?
2/4/2017 8:10:07 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
IF that's what you liberals think.... An even better reason to keep them ALL out !
So YOU think the " religious " beliefs of the 9/11 attackers were the same beliefs of all ME Muslims ....
Got it .
clumping together radicals with the rest..........that is why trump'd view isn't America's view
someday your kind will get it together
2/4/2017 8:14:53 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Oh good -- then I did read it correctly.
Quite nice to know that things will be improving, politically.
2/4/2017 8:23:29 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
I said jobs would be created quickly because business owners are optimistic. Check.
I said Democrats would say "thank Obama for those jobs" when the only thing Obama did to create those jobs is LEAVE! Check.
I said Democrats would obstruct just like the W days. Check.
I said they would continue the violent protests. Check.
I said the MSM was exposed so badly that they will go into full slander mode to do damage control. Check.
I said the Democrats will say "things would be sooo much better if it weren't for Trump. Pending. ETA 3.5 years.
2/4/2017 8:26:04 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yeah? What's the difference?
The Atlantic Ocean. Like it or not, the surge of Wahabi-style Islam and Jihad is unique to the ME region. Yeah, of course you'll have terrorists who are Western Muslims, but they're truly the outliar. The bulk of extremist Muslims are in the ME, and don't necessarily believe what a Muslim here might believe.
Fact is, we have a buffer zone. That you have to change flights several times to get here does a lot to filter out bad guys. Even non-terrorist Muslims don't believe in the same moderation that Western ones do. There's an incredible number of Muslims who are in favor of at least some aspects of Sharia Law who aren't terrorists. Very few of them are here. That's not coincidence.
Of course, this test is easy. Does a European Christian think like an American one? Belief in the Bible as the literal word of God is something unique to our brand of Christianity, primarily this evangelical Southern Baptist type. The same applies to Muslims.
2/4/2017 8:33:20 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
clumping together radicals with the rest..........that is why trump'd view isn't America's view
someday your kind will get it together
" The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim. "
Did YOU even bother to read this ?
And YOUR KIND .... Will NEVER get it !
That IS the PROBLEM !!!!!
[Edited 2/4/2017 8:34:37 PM ]
2/4/2017 8:36:37 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
AH! And where do you deduce this from?
2/4/2017 8:41:54 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
AH! And where do you deduce this from?
From the fact that there is no terrorist army here. Now formulate a hypothesis as to why. It could have something to do with stability, but that's a poor man's explanation. Some people welcomed ISIS rule at first, and others even partook in the barbarity of their government, such as the father who stoned his own daughter. That they have enough like-minded people there to form their own army and civic government should tell you that there's more there who think that way than here. This isn't hard to figure out. Like I said, apply the test.
2/4/2017 9:39:45 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
From the fact that there is no terrorist army here. Now formulate a hypothesis as to why. It could have something to do with stability, but that's a poor man's explanation. Some people welcomed ISIS rule at first, and others even partook in the barbarity of their government, such as the father who stoned his own daughter. That they have enough like-minded people there to form their own army and civic government should tell you that there's more there who think that way than here. This isn't hard to figure out. Like I said, apply the test.
It ONLY took 19 terrorists to pull off 9/11 .....
2/4/2017 9:43:28 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! So you pulled this all out of your ass, like shit!
F**K you
2/4/2017 10:22:33 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! So you pulled this all out of your ass, like shit!
F**K you 
Mature. Real credit to our side you are.
2/4/2017 10:22:54 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
It ONLY took 19 terrorists to pull off 9/11 .....
2/4/2017 10:23:36 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Don't make shit up and present it as fact, b*tch.
2/4/2017 10:24:51 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
Really ?         
That's how stupid you are !!
2/4/2017 10:44:18 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
Don't make shit up and present it as fact, b*tch.
I didn't make shit up. It's observable fact. All I did was hypothesize why it is the way it is. Don't get your panties wadded, sweetheart.
2/4/2017 10:59:00 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
" The RELIGIOUS beliefs of an American Muslim are the same as a Middle East Muslim. "
Did YOU even bother to read this ?
And YOUR KIND .... Will NEVER get it !
That IS the PROBLEM !!!!!
again........there are 1.6 BILLION Muslims in the world........do the math,lol
oh wait math and science aren't subjects conservatives can gasp
so,how come there hasn't been an attack every single hour of every day around the clock? if ALL Muslims belief the same?
Definition of extremist in English:
A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action:
‘right-wing extremists’
[as modifier] ‘extremist groups’
2/5/2017 2:20:23 AM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

She was reportedly boarding a plane for Qatar within the last day or so. She's was under house arrest; but, now that she is a flight risk, she is likely in custody.
She knows Trump has the smoking gun.
Alefantis is screwed!
#Pizzagate PROOF: James Alefantis is Running MASSIVE CIA Finders Child Trafficking Website “KIDZWORLD.COM INC.”
2/5/2017 5:37:05 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
I have been studying this current political landscape and comparing it with everything I can remember about past changes of power between Republicans and Democrats alike. What I have brewed up in my mind appears to be the best working theory I can come up with as it pertains to Democratic strategy to undermine the current Republican President Donald J. Trump... Democrats would probably refer to it as "operation damage control".
So here we go,
It would appear that Democrats, historically and at least as far back as I can remember (Regan), never take losing well. In the case of Bill Clinton it ended badly, with his being caught cheating and lying, he was impeached. When George W. Bush took office, it was less than 9 months before a major attack on the World Trade Center. Many people today are very confused as to why this happened, and they point fingers at people responsible without even the slightest idea... They try and distract by going over details "after" the planes struck the towers, which could only be described as reducing collateral damage anyway.
Where am I going with this? Well, it's like this... 9/11 was a major distraction for President Bush, and it brought about war, which everyone knows is not popular with the people. As necessary as it may be in instances, people just get tired of war after awhile, even if they were all for it in the beginning. This is where the Democrat strategy comes in... Create a war when Republicans are in office to distract them from what would almost certainly result in a gainful life of capitalism, national pride and freedom for the American people.
How can Democrats really be pushing for more lax vetting right now, when they know, historically, that the $hit hits the fan when Republicans take office and other hostile nations get upset to the point they want to do us harm? Is it really worth another war to get your party elected in 8 years!? Wouldn't it just be easier to join your fellow Americans in the efforts to keep ALL AMERICANS safe? If there is war it won't matter what color you are, but I am sure it's not going to sit well with a majority of Americans who go off to war while people of Islamic faith claim an exception due to religious beliefs. Think about that for a minute! All our men and women going off to war, leaving behind a majority of radicalized draft dodgers to slaughter the homeland. I don't think that is going to sit well, with anyone, expect for someone who is not American, and who does not have America in their hearts.
So I say to you Democrats... WTF is wrong with you!? Why do you have to keep starting wars and conflicts!? Is this your long game? Aid our enemy who is trying to destroy us to weasel your way back into power? That's treason! Republicans may have not been happy with Obama, but they never took us to war or incited race wars to divide the people! Democrats are some of the most bigoted people you will ever meet! President Trump better not be playing checkers with these Democrats, because it's clear what they are doing is a long protracted game of chess, throwing caution to the wind as they incite riots and war!
My, what a mish-mash of false rewrites of history you've posted.
You start right in misspelling Reagan's name, and then suggest that Clinton was impeached, because "democrats don't take losing well." Complete non sequitur.
From there, you go on to making a confused and almost drunken-sounding claim, that the 9-11 attacks took place because the Democrats wanted to "distract" Bush. That's outright insane.
You follow this with a paranoid claim that the Democrats are actively trying to REDUCE vetting (an outright lie), as a part of a plan to create another foreign war, this time to "distract" Trump.
Trump himself, has tried to blame Obama for initiating INCREASED VETTING of the same countries that he is trying to effect a complete temporary ban against. You must therefore claim that Trump is a liar, or admit that you are, or maybe you are going to claim now that Obama was secretly a Republican? Or maybe you are going to pretend that Democrats INCREASED vetting, as a "distraction" to trick Republicans in to doing...what?
2/5/2017 5:42:08 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
My, what a mish-mash of false rewrites of history you've posted.
You start right in misspelling Reagan's name, and then suggest that Clinton was impeached, because "democrats don't take losing well." Complete non sequitur.
From there, you go on to making a confused and almost drunken-sounding claim, that the 9-11 attacks took place because the Democrats wanted to "distract" Bush. That's outright insane.
You follow this with a paranoid claim that the Democrats are actively trying to REDUCE vetting (an outright lie), as a part of a plan to create another foreign war, this time to "distract" Trump.
Trump himself, has tried to blame Obama for initiating INCREASED VETTING of the same countries that he is trying to effect a complete temporary ban against. You must therefore claim that Trump is a liar, or admit that you are, or maybe you are going to claim now that Obama was secretly a Republican? Or maybe you are going to pretend that Democrats INCREASED vetting, as a "distraction" to trick Republicans in to doing...what?
So you got me on ONE thing...
2/5/2017 5:51:32 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
I'm here to distract the Prez.

2/5/2017 5:53:14 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
My, what a mish-mash of false rewrites of history you've posted.
You start right in misspelling Reagan's name, and then suggest that Clinton was impeached, because "democrats don't take losing well." Complete non sequitur.
From there, you go on to making a confused and almost drunken-sounding claim, that the 9-11 attacks took place because the Democrats wanted to "distract" Bush. That's outright insane.
You follow this with a paranoid claim that the Democrats are actively trying to REDUCE vetting (an outright lie), as a part of a plan to create another foreign war, this time to "distract" Trump.
Trump himself, has tried to blame Obama for initiating INCREASED VETTING of the same countries that he is trying to effect a complete temporary ban against. You must therefore claim that Trump is a liar, or admit that you are, or maybe you are going to claim now that Obama was secretly a Republican? Or maybe you are going to pretend that Democrats INCREASED vetting, as a "distraction" to trick Republicans in to doing...what?
Shhh! If they think that's our liberal plan, then they'll never notice us indoctrinating their children into veganism.
2/5/2017 8:32:42 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
So you got me on ONE thing...
No, that's just where you stopped reading. Try again.
2/5/2017 8:46:57 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
I'm here to distract the Prez.

Yeah? Whatcha got?
So you got me on ONE thing...
DAH F**K?!?!? You must be doing some alternative fact counting huh?
2/5/2017 9:37:55 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
No one needs to distract the President. He distracts himself. Mention anything, and he will turn it into a discussion about him, how the media treats him, what he wants to do about something else, etc. Even when reading from a prepared script, the fool goes off on self directed tangents. Just letting Trump be Trump is distraction enough for Trump.
[Edited 2/5/2017 9:39:03 PM ]
2/5/2017 9:41:51 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
They won't have to try to hard,he has the attention span of a 4 year old.
2/5/2017 9:55:22 PM |
Political Chess - The Democrats plan to distract the President |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Yes, the majority of Americans are playing chess- And Donald Trump's/STeve Bannon Biggoted travel ban got Checkmated!