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2/5/2017 3:47:48 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012

Alternative explanations for self-fulfilling prophecy.
By Archibald, W. Peter
Psychological Bulletin, Vol 81(1), Jan 1974, 74-84.
Discusses alternative explanations for 1 type of self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon: where a person's expectations for his own behavior alter his actual behavior. These explanations include claims that events fitting prophecies are sought out in order to reduce cognitive dissonance (dissonance reduction) or anxiety (anxiety reduction); or that events are inadvertently altered because the goal or effort changes (defensive effort), because the prophet is distracted from the task (anxiety distraction), or because prophecy-induced arousal adversely affects performance (energizing arousal). Although the defensive effort explanation is most clearly supported by available research, there is not enough information to adequately evaluate the alternative explanations. Suggested strategies for future research include (a) using measures of alternative processes within the same experiment; and (b) manipulating dissonance, anxiety, effort, distraction, and/or arousal independently of prophecies. These strategies allow inferences about the frequency with which various processes occur and the sufficiency and necessity of these processes as explanations for self-fulfilling prophecy. (56 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record
alternative explanations for self-fulfilling prophecy - PsycNET

Hey, so many are willing to accept alternative fact prophecy, there has to be a reason for it.

Some have v claimed JFK was the anti Christ, then some were claiming that Carter was, then Clinton, then Obama.

Look at all the alternative dates of "the end", that people follow , over and over and over again.

I like some of the explanations here, lol.

-" or because prophecy-induced arousal adversely affects performance (energizing arousal)"


Maybe, the "alternative " rapture already happened? And you missed the flight?

Maybe the alternative Temple was blown up during the Bowling Green Massacre?

I now see how how all this stuff works!

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2/5/2017 3:56:25 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012

These Prophets sure nailed it, in an alternative fact based way, eh?

1935, 1943 1972 & 1975 Herbert W. Armstrong Armstrong, Pastor-General and self-proclaimed "Apostle" of the Radio Church of God, and then the Worldwide Church of God, felt the return of Jesus Christ might be in 1975. Of particular note was the book 1975 in Prophecy! written by Armstrong and published by the Radio Church of God in 1956. Though, never explicitly stating a date in the booklet, the title led people to believe the date was the second coming. It was actively preached in sermons in the 1960s by all of his ministers that his church would "flee" to Petra, Jordan in 1972 and Christ would return 3 1/2 years later.
After the failure to flee in 1972 (and a defection of his ministry) Armstrong was careful not to set specific dates but claimed that Christ would return before he died. He died January 1986.

Armstrong had previously predicted in a 1934 edition of "The Plain Truth" magazine that Christ would return in 1936. After that prediction failed in a 1940 edition of "The Plain Truth" magazine he stated "Christ will come after 3 1/2 years of tribulation in October 43. After those failed predictions and loss of members he moved his operation from Oregon to Pasadena, California.

After Armstrong's death in 1986 his Worldwide Church of God and the empire he created slowly disintegrated, abandoning his beliefs and philosophies and eventually the name. His three college campuses and the majority of his Pasadena headquarter properties were closed and sold. His successors changed the name to Grace Communion International in 2009.

1988 Edgar C. Whisenant Published a book "88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be in 1988.
1994 Sep 6 Harold Camping Camping, general manager of Family Radio and Bible teacher, published a book, 1994?, a prediction of Christ's return was likely pointing to 1994.
1999 to 2009 Jerry Falwell Fundamentalist preacher who predicted in 1999 that the Second Coming would probably be within 10 years.[25]
2000 Ed Dobson This pastor predicted the end would occur in his book The End: Why Jesus Could Return by A.D. 2000.[26]
Timothy Dwight IV This President of Yale University foresaw Christ's Millennium starting by 2000.[2]:81
Edgar Cayce This psychic predicted the Second Coming would occur this year.[27]
Predictions and claims for the Second Coming of Christ - Wikipedia

2/5/2017 4:07:33 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (23,641)
Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009

I'm leaving on the rature plane:

with RapChewbacca, Han Solo and Princess Virgo.

I won't be back again..

2/5/2017 4:17:10 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012


Cool ride mindya, I hitched a ride in the Darby model 617 escape device.

Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
Would you like to glide in my beautiful balloon?
We could float among the stars together, you and I

For we can fly, we can fly
Up, up and away
My beautiful, my beautiful balloon

The world's a nicer place in my beautiful balloon
It wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon
We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky

For we can fly, we can fly
Up, up and away
My beautiful, my beautiful balloon

Suspended under a twilight canopy
We'll search the clouds for a star to guide us
If by some chance you find yourself loving me
We'll find a cloud to hid us, keep the moon beside us

Love is waiting there in my beautiful balloon
Way up in the air in my beautiful balloon
If you'll hold my hand we'll chase your dream across the sky
For we can fly, we can fly
Up, up and away
My beautiful, my beautiful balloon

Webb, Jimmy L.

Read more: 5th Dimension - Up, Up And Away Lyrics | MetroLyrics

2/5/2017 4:20:25 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (23,641)
Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009

Quote from isna_la_wica:
Maybe the alternative Temple was blown up during the Bowling Green Massacre?

I missed that..

I was over at my buds (him and his missus) are Christians - we were discussing the state of Trumpland - they "shrugged" and said Jesus will sort it out when he returns.

To me that is defeatist - Christians should be advancing (and I'm not suggesting a theocracy) the kingdom not retreating in on itself.

Dispensational attitude - "you don't polish brass on a sinking ship"...

2/5/2017 4:42:19 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012

I missed that..

I was over at my buds (him and his missus) are Christians - we were discussing the state of Trumpland - they "shrugged" and said Jesus will sort it out when he returns.

To me that is defeatist - Christians should be advancing (and I'm not suggesting a theocracy) the kingdom not retreating in on itself.

Dispensational attitude - "you don't polish brass on a sinking ship"...


I bet you, Trump would be combing his hair though.

Does the Millennial Falcom serve wine with dinner? Darn, hate to tget the DT`s you know.


2/5/2017 5:11:26 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (23,641)
Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009

What kind of rature leaves the dogs behind...

No fair - me and the dog or fur get it..

2/5/2017 5:48:37 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012

What kind of rature leaves the dogs behind...

No fair - me and the dog or fur get it..


Yea, its strange how Rapture-ites can ignore the nature of christ being dscribed as the good "Sheppard".

Rapture theology is not consistent with the very nature of Christ.Let alone, Physics of flying.

2/20/2017 6:31:08 PM Alternative Fact Based Prophecy  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,722)
Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
