2/17/2017 3:27:40 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
In their breaking story about Michael Flynn's contact with Russian officials, the Washington Post may have inadvertently disclosed the source of the leaks in the White House.
Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
“At the time of the calls” means these officials were in office during the Obama Administration.The search for the leaks has been narrowed - it was nine Obama officials who leaked the calls.
It is also interesting to note that in 2013, it was revealed that Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post and Amazon, had secured a contract for $600 million with the CIA to build a ‘private cloud’ for the CIA to use for its data needs.
Hmm, Jeff Bezos/Washington Post and the CIA in a quid pro quo relationship? White House "agencies" discussing "intelligence matters" with a newspaper?????
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2/17/2017 3:40:39 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
In their breaking story about Michael Flynn's contact with Russian officials, the Washington Post may have inadvertently disclosed the source of the leaks in the White House.
Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
“At the time of the calls” means these officials were in office during the Obama Administration.The search for the leaks has been narrowed - it was nine Obama officials who leaked the calls.
It is also interesting to note that in 2013, it was revealed that Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post and Amazon, had secured a contract for $600 million with the CIA to build a ‘private cloud’ for the CIA to use for its data needs.
Hmm, Jeff Bezos/Washington Post and the CIA in a quid pro quo relationship? White House "agencies" discussing "intelligence matters" with a newspaper?????
That swamp stinks and the water is deep!
2/17/2017 3:43:06 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Bloomingdale, GA
50, joined Sep. 2016
Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, has began fumigating the Dept. He has fired several of the obloma holdovers.
2/17/2017 3:44:23 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Trump secretly twists babies heads off too!
2/17/2017 3:55:07 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
The problem is they didn't lift the seat before they leaked.
2/17/2017 4:40:30 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
In addition to the nine 0BUMa officials still taking orders from Barry....
Exclusive #PEDOGATE Interview With DHS Insider: “By long-kniving Flynn, they exposed their hand. Now, Trump has full executive powers to investigate the CIA & Mossad.”
“Let me explain how threatening PedoGate is… Who wins? Trump. Putin. Americans. Russians. The world…. Who loses? Israel, since they no longer can blackmail our politicians, the same goes for the CIA. The Shadow Government loses.
Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate. Our insider prefers to call it PedoGate and what he told us blew our minds!
We are so fortunate that members of the Intel community like our work and feel they can trust us. We have been trying to get to the bottom of PizzaGate for months and the answers we got from our DHS insider stunned and shocked us. Here we go!
Q. So, in the Intelligence community, how chaotic is the atmosphere now?
A. In my 34 years of Governmental service, I have never seen anything like it. It’s the bifurcation of the entire intelligence apparatus.
Q. It seems the intel community has it in for Trump – is this your feeling?
A. There are many Trump supporters within the FBI. The CIA, however, is against Trump because Trump threatens to ruin their game in the middle east.
Q. Can you elaborate?
A. CIA and Mossad work in tandem with British intel. The goal for the CIA was to replace Assad with a puppet and to topple Iran so we could access their oil. Israel works closely with it’s “sister”, Saudi Arabia, to help this dark cause.
Q. So it seems like the intel community has it in for Trump. How can he protect himself?
A. Trump has a tremendous opportunity here, but needs to circle wagons. The travel ban included 7 countries chosen by both Jared Kushner and Rudy. Why did it not include Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Turkey or other countries that hate us? The seven nations mentioned were chosen by Israel, that’s why. And the unspoken alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabia should be exposed. They are brother and sister. Jared Kushner needs to be careful with what he says and to whom. But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard, and it gets the blood suckers drained from the swamp. There are as many pedophiles on the Republican side as there is with democrats, but Trump is in a unique position to truly “clean up Dodge”, so to speak. I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests – in time. Trump’s legacy could be truly great if he was to purge the CIA, stop the extortion, prosecute the pedophiles and reinstate the death penalty for pedo’s convicted a second time. Pedogate is his path to greatness.
Q. How does Russia fit into all this?
A. The CIA and Israel are responsible for the creation of Isis. Isis was created specifically to weaken Iran and destabilize Syria. It worked for awhile until Putin shored up Assad and bolstered Iranian Qud forces. The real reason you see such anti-Russian fever from both Schumer and McCain, Graham and Feinstein, is because the operation has blown up in our faces.
Q. Is Israel behind the anti Russian sentiment?
A. Yes. Israeli intelligence is furious with Trump, and will do anything to keep Trump from working with Putin. Understand that if Trump and Putin work together to defeat Isis, they are actually defeating a CIA/Mossad creation, and furthermore, Syria and Iran grow stronger, which the Saudis and the Israeli’s fear. Their goal was to divide Syria and ultimately destroy Iran’s regime. It is not just an oil grab, but a much bigger attempt at moving the chess pieces to allow Israel and Saudi Arabia to dominate the entire Middle East.
Q. So they demonize Putin and try to tarnish the Trump administration?
A. The Deep State is at war with both Trump and Putin. Understand that when Israeli intelligence hears “America first” from Trump, they go apeshit. Israel has bribed, extorted and intimidated our politicians for decades and suddenly this upstart billionaire threatens to ruin everything.
Q. You mention the word extort. Does that relate to Pizzagate?
A. PedoGate is only a modern term associated with a long history of Pedo-blackmail connected to both Israel and the Intel community. There is a full court press to stop PedoGate from being looked at because if people knew the true motives behind the pedophilia epidemic, they would do more than march on Washington. They could actually seed a revolution, with the spark coming from decent American parents who want to protect their kids. Our politicians are compromised. The senior analyst nicknamed “FBI Anon” alluded to this in his exchange with folks on 4chan and with you.
Q. What do you mean compromised?
A. Do you notice 2 central themes running through the MSM lately? Those themes are “Fear the Russians” and “#PizzaGate is fake news“. Both tropes come from the same place.
Q. Can you explain?
A. How do we exert power? Via fear. Do you ever wonder why both Democrats and Republicans fall all over themselves to kiss up to Israel? Odd, since Israel is the size of Rhode Island… The fact is, many of our politicians – on both sides – have been compromised by CIA and Mossad for years. It’s actually not admiration they are expressing for Israel, but fear. Notice Lindsay Graham and Chuck Schumer repeating the same salute when it comes to Israel. How does that even happen? The American people are finally seeing that there is no two-party system, butone big shadow Government pretending we have political dichotomy.
Q. So PedoGate is real and “they” have to get Americans to disbelieve it?
A. Let me explain how threatening PedoGate is… Who wins? Trump. Putin. Americans. Russians. The world…. Who loses? Israel, since they no longer can blackmail our politicians, the same goes for the CIA. The Shadow Government loses. But, the people win.
Q. Can you give me specific instances of politicians being compromised by Israel?
A. Sure. Lolita Island. Jeffery Epstein, a billionaire convicted of pedophilia received a soft sentence. His island was rigged with video recorders. Many politicians have been compromised. It was a Mossad/CIA operation. Contact ex-senior CIA CCS, Robert David Steele. Bob knows and has even spoken about this with numerous reporters.
Q. So an ex-CIA senior agent named Robert Steele is on record saying Epstein’s island was a honey trap to lure our most powerful politicians into a extortion scheme?
A. Yes. There are videos of some of the most powerful players in the most humiliating positions. If this gets out, not only are the politicians ruined, but the extortion game is over and suddenly, the influence CIA and Mossad wield over Washington, is gone.
Q. Wow ! Now its all making sense.
2/17/2017 4:46:07 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
I think I saw ScareFatObnoxiousandStupidToo along with his retarded buddy FoulCoon pissing in a US Postal Collection box! Is your mail soggy and smelly tonight?
2/17/2017 4:54:04 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Awesome interview. Kick a** Donald!
2/17/2017 5:14:51 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Awesome interview. Kick a** Donald!
People really need to understand how the problems of America are all caused by the same people. The pedophiles, the bankers, the unions, the IC (CIA / Mossad / MI6), the media, the crooked politicians (on both side of the aisle), the Hollywood celebrities that sold their soul to Satan for fame, they're all the same people.
All of the same tribe.
Yeah, ... THAT tribe. The 13th tribe.
2/17/2017 6:21:55 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Chamonix Mont Blanc
59, joined Jan. 2017
From CNN June 7th, 2012
Intel chief wants more lie detector tests to deter leaks
The move would be aimed at government employees who hold top-secret clearance, including employees at the 16 intelligence agencies he (James Clapper) oversees, but also at other departments, such as State and Defense, which have employees with access to similar information, according to the intelligence source. But the scope of Clapper's efforts would not include White House officials who also are privy to classified information.As of now, not everyone with that clearance level is required to take this specific polygraph, which, the source said, would have questions added to it, including whether the employee has passed information to journalists or other unauthorized recipients, for example...
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, is calling for new provisions to be added to the intelligence authorization bill, including requiring congressional notification of authorized leaks of information, and finding more severe ways to crack down on those who are not cleared to disclose information but do it anyway...
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, has blamed the White House of intentionally leaking classified information to burnish President Barack Obama's national security image five months before the presidential election...
But now that Republicans are in office, it's okay to leak to the Washington Post...
2/17/2017 6:25:34 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Yup, I agree. It's gonna change. I have faith in Trump and his people. It will help when they all fall in line, or into the UE line and are replaced with people care to do their job and MAGA.
2/17/2017 6:29:23 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
But now that Republicans are in office, it's okay to leak to the Washington Post...
Liberals have no morals ....
2/17/2017 6:30:00 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Who said Flynn made the phone calls to the Russian ambassador from the White House???Nothing in the WaPo article says the calls were made from the White House or in fact what hour of the day or night they were made??A lot of supposition is going on in this thread.
2/17/2017 6:38:51 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
But now that Republicans are in office, it's okay to leak to the Washington Post...
I France!
Looking forward to your opinion.
I say we send trump to Versailles & give him the Marie Antoinette treatment.
After all, he is a fan of torture....

2/17/2017 6:41:44 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Who said Flynn made the phone calls to the Russian ambassador from the White House???Nothing in the WaPo article says the calls were made from the White House or in fact what hour of the day or night they were made??A lot of supposition is going on in this thread.
How the hell would Flynn have been given access to the White House while Obama was still in office?
Did he ring the doorbell & say "Can I use your phone?"
Who thought this one up?
Must be an acid trip.
2/17/2017 6:45:17 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I'll be back.... gone to check the rent receipts for Trump Tower renters. 
2/17/2017 7:14:33 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Yup, I agree. It's gonna change. I have faith in Trump and his people. It will help when they all fall in line, or into the UE line and are replaced with people care to do their job and MAGA.
I have faith in Trump and his people. It will help when they all fall in line,
interesting choice of words.......and if they don't fall in line?......
2/17/2017 7:20:24 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Here is a big reason for the leaks:
Obama admin expanded NSA's wiretap power just before leaving office, and it's raising a lot of eyebrows
While media attention was focused on then-President Barack Obama's mass pardons and commutations of sentences during the final days of his administration, he did something else that received little attention -- but had a far more negative effect.
In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government's 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
The DNC wanted to spy on Trump administration so he opened the power of NSA
[Edited 2/17/2017 7:21:16 PM ]
2/17/2017 7:31:20 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Who said Flynn made the phone calls to the Russian ambassador from the White House???Nothing in the WaPo article says the calls were made from the White House or in fact what hour of the day or night they were made??A lot of supposition is going on in this thread.
Strawman fallacy detected. A whole lotta assumption is going on in your post. Nowhere did I say or even imply that Flynn made the calls from the White House. I had only quoted part of that Washington Post article. Here's more from the same (caps and bolds are mine) -
Official concern about Flynn’s interactions with Kislyak was heightened when Putin declared on Dec. 30 that Moscow would not retaliate after the Obama administration announced a day earlier the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian spies and the forced closure of Russian-owned compounds in Maryland and New York.
Instead, Putin said he would focus on “the restoration of Russia-United States relations” after Obama left office, and put off considering any retaliatory measures until Moscow had a chance to evaluate Trump’s policies.
Trump responded with effusive praise for Putin. “Great move on the delay,” he said in a posting to his Twitter account. “I always knew he was very smart.”
Putin’s reaction cut against a long practice of reciprocation on diplomatic expulsions, and came after his foreign minister had vowed that there would be reprisals against the United States.
Putin’s muted response — which took White House officials by surprise — raised some officials’ suspicions that Moscow may have been promised a reprieve, and triggered a search by U.S. spy agencies for clues.
“Something happened in those 24 hours” between Obama’s announcement and Putin’s response, a former senior U.S. official said. OFFICIALS BEGAN PORING OVER INTELLIGENCE REPORTS, INTERCEPTED COMMUNICATIONS AND DIPLOMATIC CABLES, and saw evidence that Flynn and Kislyak had communicated by text and telephone around the time of the announcement.
I gave the link. You could have read the entire article yourself.
2/17/2017 7:33:00 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
And your point is?
2/17/2017 7:35:10 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Rain, he only reads what fits his agenda.
2/17/2017 9:44:08 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
And your point is?
His phone call was recorded & encrypted. Not "alternative facts" just plain FACTS.
Geez. You people can't see the nose on your face.
The entire lot of them should be put on trial for treason - punishable by DEATH.
I will assume one of his right wing nut job supporters will pick him off long before any formal charges are brought against him.
It will be yet another conservative temper tantrum.
And trump is the one that wants to take mental illness out of the coverage of the ACA.
DO IT!!! Please. Do remove that coverage. It's only the righties that will suffer from that part of the coverage being removed.
And don't forget to give them their AK47's first!
Cup - this was directed at the OP.
I just quoted you to get to the point.
[Edited 2/17/2017 9:45:51 PM ]
2/17/2017 10:06:44 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
His phone call was recorded & encrypted. Not "alternative facts" just plain FACTS.
Geez. You people can't see the nose on your face.
The entire lot of them should be put on trial for treason - punishable by DEATH.
I will assume one of his right wing nut job supporters will pick him off long before any formal charges are brought against him.
It will be yet another conservative temper tantrum.
And trump is the one that wants to take mental illness out of the coverage of the ACA.
DO IT!!! Please. Do remove that coverage. It's only the righties that will suffer from that part of the coverage being removed.
And don't forget to give them their AK47's first!
Cup - this was directed at the OP.
I just quoted you to get to the point.
What the hell are you talking about? These just plain FACTS are from the Washington Post, one of the bastions of mainstream media.
2/17/2017 10:14:41 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Where would ANY Obama administration people have had contact with Flynn, if not in the White House,do you think maybe they hang out in one of the local gin mills together??
2/17/2017 10:18:11 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Where would the NSA advisor go to brush up on his security advice??Certainly not the White House.
2/17/2017 10:22:30 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
NSA headquarters is in Fort Mead Maryland,very close to Washington D.C.
2/17/2017 10:27:50 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Where would ANY Obama administration people have had contact with Flynn, if not in the White House,do you think maybe they hang out in one of the local gin mills together??
Where would the NSA advisor go to brush up on his security advice??Certainly not the White House.
INTELLIGENCE REPORTS, INTERCEPTED COMMUNICATIONS AND DIPLOMATIC CABLES. On April 17, 2012, President Barack Obama nominated Flynn to be the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. I think they know how to gather intel on anyone, even you.
2/17/2017 10:45:44 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
It’s a bloodbath at the State Department
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report.
Staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as well as counselor were shown the door Thursday, according to CBS News.
Many of those let go were on the building’s seventh floor — top-floor bigs — a symbolically important sign to the rest of the diplomatic corps that their new boss has different priorities than the last one.
The staffing changes came as Tillerson was on his first foreign trip — attending a G-20 meeting in Bonn, Germany.
An Alleged Spy Ring – Why Rex Tillerson Was Right To Clean House
Published on Feb 10, 2017
ANALYSIS: Tillerson Was Right To Terminate Obama State Department Holdovers - See Why
2/18/2017 2:17:07 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Many do not realize that Flynn and Maddis are both Democrats.
there is a power struggle in Washington, D.C. between President Donald Trump and the spies in the CIA and NSA.
Last week, The Horn News first reported that former President Barack Obama loyalists — many hidden within the intelligence community — are doing everything they can to sabotage Trump’s presidency.
It has been called a “shadow war”
During the early stages of the Trump transition, Obama spies in the intelligence community were reportedly worried Feinberg might be tapped to head one of their agencies. Rumors once abounded that the Trump supporter might be tapped to lead the CIA.
Liberal television pundits were incensed when WikiLeaks was sharing leaked information about Hillary Clinton’s emails and details from the DNC hacked emails. They repeatedly said the leakers, and perhaps even WikiLeaks for sharing the information, were engaged in criminal acts.
Now, that a Republican is the target of alleged claims about this and that which were leaked, the liberal pundits on television and in the press couldn’t care less about how the information was obtained.
Any liberal career politicians or so-called journalists who thought President Trump was not going to push until he got to the source of the leaks were fools. Our president will not only find out who illegally acted to try to destroy his administration, but he will make sure they are punished to the full extent of the law and exposed publicly for their treasonous actions!
2/18/2017 3:00:30 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Trump Revolution Ends in a Whimper
By Mike Whitney
February 17, 2017
The Flynn fiasco is not about national security advisor Michael Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador. It’s much deeper than that. It’s about Russia. It’s about Putin. It’s about the explosive rise of China and the world’s biggest free trade zone that will eventually stretch from Lisbon to Vladivostok. It’s about the one country in the world that is obstructing Washington’s plan for global domination. (Russia) And, it’s about the future; which country will be the key player in the world’s most prosperous and populous region, Asia.
That’s what’s at stake, and that’s what the Flynn controversy is really all about.
Many readers are familiar with the expression “pivot to Asia”, but do they know what it means?
It means the United States has embarked on an ambitious plan to extend its military grip and market power over the Eurasian landmass thus securing its position as the world’s only superpower into the next century. The pivot is Washington’s top strategic priority.
The pivot is Washington’s top strategic priority. As Hillary Clinton said in 2011:
“Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests… Open markets in Asia provide the United States with unprecedented opportunities for investment, trade, and access to cutting-edge technology…..American firms (need) to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia…
The region already generates more than half of global output and nearly half of global trade…. we are looking for opportunities to do even more business in Asia…and our investment opportunities in Asia’s dynamic markets.”(“America’s Pacific Century”, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton”, Foreign Policy Magazine, 2011)
In other words, it’s pivot or bust. Those are the only two options. Naturally, ruling elites in the US have chosen the former over the latter, which means they are committed to a strategy that will inevitably pit the US against a nuclear-armed adversary, Russia.
Trump’s National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, wanted to normalize relations with Russia. He rejected the flagrantly hostile approach of the US foreign policy establishment. That’s why he had to be removed. And, that’s why he’s been so viciously attacked in the media and why the threadbare story about his contacts with the Russian ambassador were used to force his resignation.
This isn’t about the law and it isn’t about the truth. It’s about bare-knuckle geopolitics and global hegemony. Flynn got in the way of the pivot, so Flynn had to be eliminated. End of story. Here’s a clip from an article by Robert Parry:
“Flynn’s real “offense” appears to be that he favors détente with Russia rather than escalation of a new and dangerous Cold War. Trump’s idea of a rapprochement with Moscow – and a search for areas of cooperation and compromise – has been driving Official Washington’s foreign policy establishment crazy for months and the neocons, in particular, have been determined to block it.
Though Flynn has pandered to elements of the neocon movement with his own hysterical denunciations of Iran and Islam in general, he emerged as a key architect for Trump’s plans to seek a constructive relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin
US foreign policy is not developed willy-nilly. It emerges as the consensus view of various competing factions within the permanent national security state. And, although there are notable differences between the rival factions (either hardline or dovish) there appears to be unanimity on the question of Russia. There is virtually no constituency within the political leadership of either of the two major parties (or their puppetmaster supporters in the deep state) for improving relations with Russia. None. Russia is blocking Washington’s eastward expansion, therefore, Russia must be defeated.
The inexperienced Trump– who naively believed that the president sets his own foreign policy–has now learned that that’s not the case. The Flynn slap-down, followed by blistering attacks in the media and threats of impeachment, have left Trump shaken to the core. As a result, he has done a speedy about-face and swung into damage control-mode. On Tuesday, he tried to extend the olive branch by tweeting that “Crimea was taken by Russia” and by offering to replace Flynn with a trusted insider who will not veer from the script prepared by the foreign policy establishment.
As for Trump, it’s clear by the Crimea tweet, the sacking of Flynn and the (prospective) appointment of Harward, that he’s running scared and is doing everything in his power to get out of the hole he’s dug for himself. There’s no way of knowing whether he’ll be allowed to carry on as before or if he’ll be forced to throw other allies, like Bannon or Conway, under the bus. I would expect the purge to continue and to eventually include Trump himself. But that’s just a guess.
The hope that Trump would bring an element of sanity to US foreign policy has now been extinguished. The so called “Trump Revolution” has fizzled out before it ever began.
In contrast, the military buildup along Russia’s western flank continues apace.
[Edited 2/18/2017 3:00:47 AM ]
2/18/2017 8:48:23 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
DOJ is going to indict Obama for Treason and Sedition.
2/18/2017 6:32:02 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010

2/18/2017 6:46:44 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
All the above but I want a public hanging instead of prison! After conviction of course!
wink wink!
2/18/2017 6:49:04 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Jesus CHRIST you b*tches need a new argument.
2/18/2017 6:58:22 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Jesus CHRIST you b*tches need a new argument.
You can have all the Mandingo you want!
Did you ever see the moving Mandingo? The full uncut version! 
2/18/2017 6:58:59 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Michael Flynn was appointed by Obama to be the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 before being forced into early retirement just 2 years later for being critical of that same administration's handling of the Iran deal and terrorism threats.
In April 2014, Flynn became publicly critical of the administration's handling of the Iran deal as well as its efforts to coverup classified documents recovered from the Osama bin Laden raid that allegedly proved Iran's close relationship with al Qaeda.
Knowing that Flynn was going to release the secret documents around the Iran issue (pallets of cash), which would blow up their myth that it was a good deal, the Obama NSC started selectively leaking damaging and incomplete information about him.
When Flynn was chosen by Trump as National Security Advisor, Obama loyalists knew that they were at risk of being exposed and took steps to preemptively discredit him at all costs.
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton seems to have skated away from her obvious and blatant acts of corruption and treason.
Two sets of rules eh?
2/18/2017 7:14:03 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
You can have all the Mandingo you want!
Did you ever see the moving Mandingo? The full uncut version! 
I'm not the one that's all over it, c*nt! You d*cksucks just keep coming back to it!
2/18/2017 7:30:50 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
I'm not the one that's all over it, c*nt! You d*cksucks just keep coming back to it!
I asked you if you saw the movie!

There are 2 versions out. The uncut version is far better.
[Edited 2/18/2017 7:31:31 PM ]
2/18/2017 7:35:35 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
NO! Let me run right out and look for it!
2/18/2017 7:50:26 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Roseville, CA
50, joined Jul. 2009
If the leaks provide information on currupt officials... Then I say keep on leaking...
2/18/2017 9:33:48 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
If the leaks provide information on currupt officials... Then I say keep on leaking...
You must be talking about Hillary Clinton.
2/19/2017 12:48:26 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Michael Flynn was appointed by Obama to be the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 before being forced into early retirement just 2 years later for being critical of that same administration's handling of the Iran deal and terrorism threats.
In April 2014, Flynn became publicly critical of the administration's handling of the Iran deal as well as its efforts to coverup classified documents recovered from the Osama bin Laden raid that allegedly proved Iran's close relationship with al Qaeda.
Knowing that Flynn was going to release the secret documents around the Iran issue (pallets of cash), which would blow up their myth that it was a good deal, the Obama NSC started selectively leaking damaging and incomplete information about him.
When Flynn was chosen by Trump as National Security Advisor, Obama loyalists knew that they were at risk of being exposed and took steps to preemptively discredit him at all costs.
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton seems to have skated away from her obvious and blatant acts of corruption and treason.
Two sets of rules eh?
zzzzzzzzzzzz you failed...........Obama is no longer POTUS, Hillary is no longer in office and the circus clown picked a man who was already in contact with Russia before he was sworn into office.......
stop blaming Obama for Trump's lack of political experience.
just makes you look pathetic
2/19/2017 1:18:35 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
zzzzzzzzzzzz you failed...........Obama is no longer POTUS, Hillary is no longer in office and the circus clown picked a man who was already in contact with Russia before he was sworn into office.......
stop blaming Obama for Trump's lack of political experience.
just makes you look pathetic
Don't blame me for your political ignorance; just makes you look moronic. 
2/19/2017 3:44:42 AM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Virginia Beach, VA
19, joined Feb. 2015
Hopefully the leaks will continue. Trump liked leaks when they were concerning Hillary. Paybacks a b*tch huh. lol
2/19/2017 3:57:07 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
Trump couldn't be dumber
2/19/2017 4:24:59 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from failguy02379:
zzzzzzzzzzzz you failed...........Obama is no longer POTUS, Hillary is no longer in office and the circus clown picked a man who was already in contact with Russia before he was sworn into office.......
stop blaming Obama for Trump's lack of political experience.
just makes you look pathetic
What's pathetic is pretending 0BUMa and Crooked Hillary are blameless.
Max Keiser: Obama signed NDAA in December that legalized propaganda by US government to US citizens--CNN, NYT, BuzzFeed are legal propaganda now
Max Keiser: “Wolf Blitzer should do himself and everyone around him a favor and blow his brains out live on CNN.”
Personally, I'd PAY to see that! 
Lou Dobbs – The FBI quietly dumped more Hillary Clinton emails last night. 300 pages were put out, showing that Mrs. Clinton was regularly sending confidential and secret information to someone outside the government.
Paul Joseph Watson@PrisonPlanet
Media Was SILENT When Leaked Audio Revealed Hillary Wanted To Rig Foreign Elections. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/02/audio-media-silent-leaked-audio-revealed-hillary-wanted-rig-foreign-elections/ …
LOCK HER UP!………Seriously!
2/19/2017 4:27:55 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
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FEBRUARY 18, 2017 9:52 PM
(Angry Patriot Movement) – At this point, its pretty clear that anything the Democrats accuse Trump of doing, they have actually done themselves. Hillary Clinton’s campaign was actually the one having inappropriate conversations with a foreign government.
While still campaigning for president, one of Clinton’s campaign aides was contacted by the Chinese Ambassador to set up a secret meeting. (via WikiLeaks)

Image via WikiLeaks
Within the trove of Podesta’s emails, as released by Wikileaks, is an email from Kurt Campbell, explaining to Podesta and other Clinton aides that the Chinese Ambassador had recently told him they would be having a meeting. It was oddly demanding.
The email read that Ambassador Cui had been very demanding towards the Clinton campaign, and set a lot of stipulations. He wanted the meeting to be off the record, at the campaign aide’s house, with other aides, and about US-China affairs.
It almost sounds like the Chinese Ambassador is used to getting his way with Clinton and her campaign. The most disturbing line is that the Ambassador, “indicated that he wanted to pass along some perspectives.” To me, it sounds like the Ambassador wanted to set Clinton’s potential government’s policies towards China.
Now its no surprise that the Ambassador would want to throw in his chips with Clinton. It was clear that then-candidate Donald Trump was going to be a lot harder on China and their currency manipulation than Obama was, and than Clinton would have been.
What is surprising is that the campaign aide did not just dismiss the idea out of hand. Instead, Campbell entertained the idea that he could meet with the Ambassador, and that some other Clinton aides would be coming along.
From the email it is not clear exactly what they discussed, if they did follow through with the meeting. However, the meeting was obviously important to the Chinese, which means it was not Clinton’s campaign’s place to discuss the matter.
Detailing what they would hypothetically do if elected is undermining the current Administration. It doesn’t matter that Clinton had Obama’s blessing, it would still be against the law.
In comparison to this, Michael Flynn forgetting to mention to Vice President Pence that the Russian Ambassador had made a minor but inappropriate move, and he had immediately rebuffed it, doesn’t seem wrong at all. In fact, it demonstrates just how out of bounds the Clinton campaign’s actions here are.
Of course, you won’t be hearing about this meeting on the news. It could have undermined American national security, it was certainly inappropriate, but that doesn’t matter to the media, because it makes Clinton look bad and Flynn look great.
2/19/2017 5:18:30 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Soooooo, why do you feel that THIS would have been illegal?
2/19/2017 5:21:30 PM |
Washington Post Helps Narrow the Search For the Leaks |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
and his email address was a Yahoo account?
