2/27/2017 11:49:11 AM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
Approx $20 Trillion Dollars...
The general idea of government and the way Treasury bonds are meant to play a role...
is it immediately allows the government to spend before the taxes come in...
While I have never seen Federal Treasury Bonds being sold...I have many times been to state bond sales...and it is not a crowded room...
The concept is solid...
At the creation of the Federal Reserve it was prohibited for the Federal Reserve to own US Treasury Notes...(debt)
As we entered WWI the federal government knew it would no longer be able to make good on the principal and interest so they changed the regulation to allow the Federal Reserve to essentially PRINT the money to make the bonds good...settle the guaranteed interest and principal...only now we owe that to the Federal Reserve...The Federal Reserve is still not allowed to directly purchase the debt from the Treasury...just make good on the bonds we never pay back...transferring the debt to the Federal Reserve...
Over time the US Federal Government has raided our FICA fund...it is now stacked with almost $3 Trillion Dollars of our national debt...
You have foreign countries currently holding lots of Treasury notes on guaranteed interest, which the Federal Reserve will print money to make good...You have massive ACTIVE bonds paying from 6.27% (1998) to 2.78% (current)
Which will also be bought by the Federal Reserve...
We simply monetize our debt pay interest on it at current rate for bonds that FICA and the Federal Reserve hold...The interest we pay annually toward active bonds is what the Federal Reserve gives back to the Treasury...
All we ever do is Service the debt...it is part of our mandatory budget...
AFTER we pay that...and other mandatory programs...the rest is Discretionary budget...Which pays for all the other expenses...Administrative to Military to Food Stamps to MediCAID and SSI...all comes from our federal withholdings...
Social Security (FICA) which includes SSDI is funded from our FICA payroll taxes...
Medicare is also paid for by a specific Medicare tax...
FICA is Capped at $118,500K
Medicare has no cap...but gets avoided by those who are paid via capital gain incentives...
The debt will NEVER get smaller...
it will only get larger...and the larger it gets...as interest rates rise...so does the amount of our federal withholding taxes that service the debt...
Soon the Federal Reserve will be printing money to make good on the debt the Federal Government stole from FICA...and they will also own that debt...
Eventually the Federal Reserve will own an enormous amount of our debt...and be making interest at current rate...set by the federal reserve...on that debt...
Welcome to the New World...
[Edited 2/27/2017 11:52:49 AM ]
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2/27/2017 11:57:30 AM |
The US National Debt |

Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Sep. 2016
The FED is the biggest scam in the history of mankind. They print money out of thin air and loan it out with interest.
2/27/2017 12:52:37 PM |
The US National Debt |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
The Federal Reserve has been highly profitable in recent years,in 2012 it paid $88.4 BILLION in profits tom the Treasury,in 2013 it paid $79.6 BILLION and in 2014 it paid in $95.7 Billion.The FED is a huge money maker for the taxpayers.
2/27/2017 12:56:48 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
The Federal Reserve has been highly profitable in recent years,in 2012 it paid $88.4 BILLION in profits tom the Treasury,in 2013 it paid $79.6 BILLION and in 2014 it paid in $95.7 Billion.The FED is a huge money maker for the taxpayers.
That is the interest we pay annually on Active Bonds...
which eventually the federal reserves buys...
The Federal Reserve...any way you slice it...COST the tax payers money since they were allowed to purchase returning bonds...
2/27/2017 1:58:24 PM |
The US National Debt |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
That is CASH MONEY they turn over to the U.S.Treasury each January.
2/27/2017 6:59:48 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
That is CASH MONEY they turn over to the U.S.Treasury each January.
The Federal government paid almost $229 Billion in interest alone for 2015...
The Federal Reserve gives the Treasury back the interest on the active bonds...because they do not own them yet...that is where that 95 billion came from in 2014...
by 2025 the interest alone will be approaching 900 billion annually...most of which goes directly to the Federal Reserve...
[Edited 2/27/2017 7:00:33 PM ]
2/27/2017 7:11:01 PM |
The US National Debt |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
If nothing is done to pay down the national debt our country's economy will collapse. We may have fifty years or so.
2/27/2017 7:12:47 PM |
The US National Debt |

97, joined May. 2011
Your summation of this motherf**king ponzi scheme is apt, thorough and insightful...
I wish I could add more!
I hope you choose to write a briefer synopsis, run this thread monthly or weekly or at reg'lar intervals at least. AND keep jamming reality down the necks of the hopelessly gullible...
They NEED it!

2/27/2017 7:14:28 PM |
The US National Debt |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
If nothing is done to pay down the national debt our country's economy will collapse. We may have fifty years or so.
Good news for us, we will be dead.
Sucks for our children and grandchildren.
Kicking the can down the road is the left wing way.
2/27/2017 7:33:06 PM |
The US National Debt |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Welcome to contemporary Capitalism, requiring massive amounts of debt in order to survive.
Banks borrowing money (that is backed by nothing but the productivity of the country's productive workers) from the government at 0%, then turning around and loaning it to those productive people for 3% - Classic Capitalist profit extraction.
You know what's really wild? Trump and the right-wing have you convinced that workers need to accept all kinds of austerity (years-later retirements, no pensions, less healthcare protection, etc etc) in the name of "economic growth". You know the easiest way to get more economic growth? More debt spending!
Trump recently announced thousands of new government employees "guarding the border" (during a supposed hiring freeze??), and a 54 billion dollar increase in military spending "When we most desperately need it" (why??)
Clearly the new administration has no concept of fiscal conservatism, or living within your means. Why would they? They come from the Olympian stratosphere of contemporary capitalism. They are used to just going to the bank whenever they want a new toy, taking out a loan, and writing off the interest as a business expense so they can avoid paying any tax and let main-street taxpayers pay the way for the billionaire to live like a King.
2/27/2017 7:39:29 PM |
The US National Debt |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
Welcome to contemporary Capitalism, requiring massive amounts of debt in order to survive.
Banks borrowing money (that is backed by nothing but the productivity of the country's productive workers) from the government at 0%, then turning around and loaning it to those productive people for 3% - Classic Capitalist profit extraction.
You know what's really wild? Trump and the right-wing have you convinced that workers need to accept all kinds of austerity (years-later retirements, no pensions, less healthcare protection, etc etc) in the name of "economic growth". You know the easiest way to get more economic growth? More debt spending!
Trump recently announced thousands of new government employees "guarding the border" (during a supposed hiring freeze??), and a 54 billion dollar increase in military spending "When we most desperately need it" (why??)
Clearly the new administration has no concept of fiscal conservatism, or living within your means. Why would they? They come from the Olympian stratosphere of contemporary capitalism. They are used to just going to the bank whenever they want a new toy, taking out a loan, and writing off the interest as a business expense so they can avoid paying any tax and let main-street taxpayers pay the way for the billionaire to live like a King.
So taking in more illegal trespassers than we can afford is being physically responsible.
Do I have that correct?
Go cry me a River when your shit starts to make sense.
2/27/2017 7:44:35 PM |
The US National Debt |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Although I was abundantly clear, I wouldn't expect you to think rationally enough to understand.
No, illegal aliens aren't the reason you are $20 trillion in debt.
The reason is, simply, that Capitalism runs on debt. For capitalists, debt is both the easy way out (financing) and an opportunity to make money without having to do anything in exchange (interest and rent charges.)
2/27/2017 7:46:17 PM |
The US National Debt |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
Although I was abundantly clear, I wouldn't expect you to think rationally enough to understand.
No, illegal aliens aren't the reason you are $20 trillion in debt.
The reason is, simply, that Capitalism runs on debt. For capitalists, debt is both the easy way out (financing) and an opportunity to make money without having to do anything in exchange (interest and rent charges.)
So Obama raised it 10 trillion to help out capitalists
2/27/2017 7:51:04 PM |
The US National Debt |

Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Sep. 2016
We could pay off ALL of our debt tomorrow if we wanted to.
Just print it up and pay it off.
Just understand that a loaf of bread would cost about $20 or more.
2/27/2017 7:59:37 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
Welcome to contemporary Capitalism, requiring massive amounts of debt in order to survive.
Banks borrowing money (that is backed by nothing but the productivity of the country's productive workers) from the government at 0%, then turning around and loaning it to those productive people for 3% - Classic Capitalist profit extraction.
You know what's really wild? Trump and the right-wing have you convinced that workers need to accept all kinds of austerity (years-later retirements, no pensions, less healthcare protection, etc etc) in the name of "economic growth". You know the easiest way to get more economic growth? More debt spending!
Trump recently announced thousands of new government employees "guarding the border" (during a supposed hiring freeze??), and a 54 billion dollar increase in military spending "When we most desperately need it" (why??)
Clearly the new administration has no concept of fiscal conservatism, or living within your means. Why would they? They come from the Olympian stratosphere of contemporary capitalism. They are used to just going to the bank whenever they want a new toy, taking out a loan, and writing off the interest as a business expense so they can avoid paying any tax and let main-street taxpayers pay the way for the billionaire to live like a King.
Only the banks do not borrow it from the government...The government borrows it from the Federal Reserve which is privately owned...in a round about way as they are not allowed to sell directly to the federal reserve...
2/27/2017 8:11:30 PM |
The US National Debt |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
So Obama raised it 10 trillion to help out capitalists 
Yes, exactly!
National Debt way up, American stock markets (where the idle capitalists get most of their income) way up. You don't think that was a coincidence, do you?
2/27/2017 8:14:32 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
All one has to do is look at Greece to understand, creating a Gov't jobs program whereby 50% of the population works for the Gov't...doing what?, that such a system is doomed for failure is not a good idea. Yet, that is precisely what Democratic Liberal Progressives are preaching to solve societal ills. Not staying in school, studying hard, not doing drugs, and keeping your pants on.
Democrats = Hollywood, i.e. create a culture that glamourizes sex, drugs, and song lyrics that reinforce every bad decision you can make in your life. Hollywood are such hypocrites...they get up and pretend they are so holy and they pitch their twisted a** shit onto you TV screen in 'prime time' for only one reason...to get RICH on your stupidity.
Approx $20 Trillion Dollars...
The general idea of government and the way Treasury bonds are meant to play a role...
is it immediately allows the government to spend before the taxes come in...
While I have never seen Federal Treasury Bonds being sold...I have many times been to state bond sales...and it is not a crowded room...
The concept is solid...
At the creation of the Federal Reserve it was prohibited for the Federal Reserve to own US Treasury Notes...(debt)
As we entered WWI the federal government knew it would no longer be able to make good on the principal and interest so they changed the regulation to allow the Federal Reserve to essentially PRINT the money to make the bonds good...settle the guaranteed interest and principal...only now we owe that to the Federal Reserve...The Federal Reserve is still not allowed to directly purchase the debt from the Treasury...just make good on the bonds we never pay back...transferring the debt to the Federal Reserve...
Over time the US Federal Government has raided our FICA fund...it is now stacked with almost $3 Trillion Dollars of our national debt...
You have foreign countries currently holding lots of Treasury notes on guaranteed interest, which the Federal Reserve will print money to make good...You have massive ACTIVE bonds paying from 6.27% (1998) to 2.78% (current)
Which will also be bought by the Federal Reserve...
We simply monetize our debt pay interest on it at current rate for bonds that FICA and the Federal Reserve hold...The interest we pay annually toward active bonds is what the Federal Reserve gives back to the Treasury...
All we ever do is Service the debt...it is part of our mandatory budget...
AFTER we pay that...and other mandatory programs...the rest is Discretionary budget...Which pays for all the other expenses...Administrative to Military to Food Stamps to MediCAID and SSI...all comes from our federal withholdings...
Social Security (FICA) which includes SSDI is funded from our FICA payroll taxes...
Medicare is also paid for by a specific Medicare tax...
FICA is Capped at $118,500K
Medicare has no cap...but gets avoided by those who are paid via capital gain incentives...
The debt will NEVER get smaller...
it will only get larger...and the larger it gets...as interest rates rise...so does the amount of our federal withholding taxes that service the debt...
Soon the Federal Reserve will be printing money to make good on the debt the Federal Government stole from FICA...and they will also own that debt...
Eventually the Federal Reserve will own an enormous amount of our debt...and be making interest at current rate...set by the federal reserve...on that debt...
Welcome to the New World...
2/27/2017 8:18:39 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
We could pay off ALL of our debt tomorrow if we wanted to.
Just print it up and pay it off.
Just understand that a loaf of bread would cost about $20 or more.
You do not understand that is not how it works...
The federal reserve can only print money to purchase back matured bonds...
then that debt is transferred to the Federal Reserve...an we the people pay interest on all Treasury notes the Federal Reserve holds at current interest rates...
WE also pay FICA interest on all the Treasury bonds it holds at current interest rates...
We pay interest on active bonds based on the rate guaranteed at the sale of the bond...
next year the Federal Reserve will print money to buy the matured bonds from 1998 at 6.27% interest...Those are the oldest active bonds...then we will start paying interest on those bonds to the Federal Reserve...
2/27/2017 8:22:52 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
All one has to do is look at Greece to understand, creating a Gov't jobs program whereby 50% of the population works for the Gov't...doing what?, that such a system is doomed for failure is not a good idea. Yet, that is precisely what Democratic Liberal Progressives are preaching to solve societal ills. Not staying in school, studying hard, not doing drugs, and keeping your pants on.
Democrats = Hollywood, i.e. create a culture that glamourizes sex, drugs, and song lyrics that reinforce every bad decision you can make in your life. Hollywood are such hypocrites...they get up and pretend they are so holy and they pitch their twisted a** shit onto you TV screen in 'prime time' for only one reason...to get RICH on your stupidity.
Approx $20 Trillion Dollars...
The general idea of government and the way Treasury bonds are meant to play a role...
is it immediately allows the government to spend before the taxes come in...
While I have never seen Federal Treasury Bonds being sold...I have many times been to state bond sales...and it is not a crowded room...
The concept is solid...
At the creation of the Federal Reserve it was prohibited for the Federal Reserve to own US Treasury Notes...(debt)
As we entered WWI the federal government knew it would no longer be able to make good on the principal and interest so they changed the regulation to allow the Federal Reserve to essentially PRINT the money to make the bonds good...settle the guaranteed interest and principal...only now we owe that to the Federal Reserve...The Federal Reserve is still not allowed to directly purchase the debt from the Treasury...just make good on the bonds we never pay back...transferring the debt to the Federal Reserve...
Over time the US Federal Government has raided our FICA fund...it is now stacked with almost $3 Trillion Dollars of our national debt...
You have foreign countries currently holding lots of Treasury notes on guaranteed interest, which the Federal Reserve will print money to make good...You have massive ACTIVE bonds paying from 6.27% (1998) to 2.78% (current)
Which will also be bought by the Federal Reserve...
We simply monetize our debt pay interest on it at current rate for bonds that FICA and the Federal Reserve hold...The interest we pay annually toward active bonds is what the Federal Reserve gives back to the Treasury...
All we ever do is Service the debt...it is part of our mandatory budget...
AFTER we pay that...and other mandatory programs...the rest is Discretionary budget...Which pays for all the other expenses...Administrative to Military to Food Stamps to MediCAID and SSI...all comes from our federal withholdings...
Social Security (FICA) which includes SSDI is funded from our FICA payroll taxes...
Medicare is also paid for by a specific Medicare tax...
FICA is Capped at $118,500K
Medicare has no cap...but gets avoided by those who are paid via capital gain incentives...
The debt will NEVER get smaller...
it will only get larger...and the larger it gets...as interest rates rise...so does the amount of our federal withholding taxes that service the debt...
Soon the Federal Reserve will be printing money to make good on the debt the Federal Government stole from FICA...and they will also own that debt...
Eventually the Federal Reserve will own an enormous amount of our debt...and be making interest at current rate...set by the federal reserve...on that debt...
Welcome to the New World...
It has zero to do with government jobs or the Hollywood elite...
we are talking about the Federal Reserve...and its role in the national debt...
Try and stay focused...lol
2/27/2017 8:33:21 PM |
The US National Debt |

Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Sep. 2016
You do not understand that is not how it works...
The federal reserve can only print money to purchase back matured bonds...
then that debt is transferred to the Federal Reserve...an we the people pay interest on all Treasury notes the Federal Reserve holds at current interest rates...
WE also pay FICA interest on all the Treasury bonds it holds at current interest rates...
We pay interest on active bonds based on the rate guaranteed at the sale of the bond...
next year the Federal Reserve will print money to buy the matured bonds from 1998 at 6.27% interest...Those are the oldest active bonds...then we will start paying interest on those bonds to the Federal Reserve...
That is how it is SUPPOSED to work!
2/27/2017 8:36:40 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Oh yes it does nuff. One teaches a societal culture every minute of every day on TV. The other makes you feel you are a victim. This has everything to do with progressivism and Hollywood.
2/27/2017 9:25:12 PM |
The US National Debt |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
since 2012 America has 9 million more ppl, and Obama produced 6 million jobs, don't forget he cut full time jobs and made more part time jobs.

2/27/2017 9:27:31 PM |
The US National Debt |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
since 2012 America has 9 million more ppl, and Obama produced 6 million jobs, don't forget he cut full time jobs and made more part time jobs.
No. Obama did not do that. Your beloved private sector did, as they successfully convince you that you should be trying to compete with China and Haiti on worker compensation to "bring those jobs back".
2/27/2017 9:32:05 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Tom Perez, former head of the BLU (ask me if you don't know what that is..hint measures the unemployment rate), corrupt. liar. the new head of the Democratic National Committee.
2/27/2017 9:44:46 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
Oh yes it does nuff. One teaches a societal culture every minute of every day on TV. The other makes you feel you are a victim. This has everything to do with progressivism and Hollywood.
The two things you list have NOTHING to do with the role the federal reserve has in our national debt...
2/27/2017 9:46:59 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
I would agree with you on the Federal Reserve nuff. Where did all that money go under Obama's Federal Reserve?
The two things you list have NOTHING to do with the role the federal reserve has in our national debt...
2/27/2017 9:50:29 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
I would agree with you on the Federal Reserve nuff. Where did all that money go under Obama's Federal Reserve?
The two things you list have NOTHING to do with the role the federal reserve has in our national debt...
What it gets spent on is not the topic either...
whatever it gets spent on...the national debt just grows...we never pay anything on the principal...
I personally do not care HOW they spend it as long as they do not spend more than we take in.,...if they balance the budget and STOP deficit spending...then they can build a wall, buy condoms...give away food stamps...just so long as they stop deficit spending...
[Edited 2/27/2017 9:51:17 PM ]
2/27/2017 10:00:15 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
nuff, I care greatly what borrowed money is spent on. I have no issue borrowing money on assets that produce a long term benefit and increase productivity. I do have an issue with borrowing other people's money to invest in toilet paper however.
What it gets spent on is not the topic either...
whatever it gets spent on...the national debt just grows...we never pay anything on the principal...
I personally do not care HOW they spend it as long as they do not spend more than we take in.,...if they balance the budget and STOP deficit spending...then they can build a wall, buy condoms...give away food stamps...just so long as they stop deficit spending...
2/27/2017 10:07:34 PM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
nuff, I care greatly what borrowed money is spent on. I have no issue borrowing money on assets that produce a long term benefit and increase productivity. I do have an issue with borrowing other people's money to invest in toilet paper however.
What it gets spent on is not the topic either...
whatever it gets spent on...the national debt just grows...we never pay anything on the principal...
I personally do not care HOW they spend it as long as they do not spend more than we take in.,...if they balance the budget and STOP deficit spending...then they can build a wall, buy condoms...give away food stamps...just so long as they stop deficit spending...
You are okay with borrowing money that never gets repaid...I on the other hand am not concerned with what they spend the money on as long as they do not borrow the money...can not spend more than you bring in...
If they actually repaid the debt, then I would worry about what they borrowed money for...since they refuse to repay the debt...they should not be borrowing a penny...
[Edited 2/27/2017 10:08:27 PM ]
2/27/2017 10:18:16 PM |
The US National Debt |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
nuff, would you spend, out of your own pocket, to create the interstate highway system? No you wouldn't. But is it long lived and asset that 'promoted' the general welfare for all? I think it did. Contrast that with spending on toilet paper. What does toilet paper produce. Nothing actually, it actually creates more liabilities.
2/28/2017 1:00:00 AM |
The US National Debt |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
So taking in more illegal trespassers than we can afford is being physically responsible.
Do I have that correct?
Go cry me a River when your shit starts to make sense.
yet how much monies do the companies make from hiring workers who they keep off the books and in the dark???????????
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade
Unauthorized workers are paying an estimated $13 billion a year in social security taxes and only getting around $1 billion back, according to a senior government statistician.
Stephen Goss, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration (SSA), told VICE News that an estimated 7 million people are currently working in the US illegally. Of those, he estimates that about 3.1 million are using fake or expired social security numbers, yet also paying automatic payroll taxes. Goss believes that these workers pay an annual net contribution of $12 billion to the Social Security Trust Fund.
The SSA estimates that unauthorized workers have paid a whopping $100 billion into the fund over the past decade. Yet as these people are in the US illegally, it is unlikely that they will be able to benefit from their contributions later in life.
In the latest episode of Immigrant America, VICE News documented how most US dairy farms depend on the labor of unauthorized workers, as they simply can’t find enough Americans and don’t have a way of hiring foreign workers legally
Farmers claim that they’re following the law the best they can under the circumstances. Michael, a farm owner who asked for his last name to be withheld, argued that his unauthorized employees don’t get a free ride. He told VICE News that they pay taxes and are hired in accordance with the government’s I-9 requirement.
Unauthorized workers usually demonstrate their employment eligibility with fake IDs and fake social security numbers. Once hired, these “questionably documented” workers, as Michael calls them, end up on the payroll and have taxes automatically taken out of their checks, like any other employee. That money then goes to the federal treasury to fund programs like Social Security and Medicare.
You can read more about the SSA estimates of the unauthorized population’s contributions to the trust fund here.
2/28/2017 5:25:29 AM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
nuff, would you spend, out of your own pocket, to create the interstate highway system? No you wouldn't. But is it long lived and asset that 'promoted' the general welfare for all? I think it did. Contrast that with spending on toilet paper. What does toilet paper produce. Nothing actually, it actually creates more liabilities.
Look Dumbass You can try and pick and choose what you think warrants deficit spending all you wish...
It is a terrible idea when the government NEVER PAYS THE MONEY BACK...we just perpetually pay interest on a debt that only gets bigger...
if you do not see the problem with that...you are too stupid to be in this conversation...
That is the whole problem...And the federal reserve is why it is possible to do what they have done for over 100 years...
2/28/2017 6:27:51 AM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
Cost: ($228,669,000,000)*
CBO estimates net interest payments on government debt, the government’s cost of financing the debt held by the public, will be $229 billion for FY 2015. CBO expects the government’s interest payments to rise sharply during the coming decade. Current interest rates are very low by historical standards. When interest rates return to more typical, higher levels, federal spending on interest payments will increase substantially. Net interest costs are projected to more than triple from $229 billion in 2015 to $808 billion in 2025.
Net Interest on Federal Debt: $228.7 Billion
Your taxpayer share $2.3 Thousand (based on my income)
3/1/2017 6:48:58 PM |
The US National Debt |

97, joined May. 2011
Cost: ($228,669,000,000)*
CBO estimates net interest payments on government debt, the government’s cost of financing the debt held by the public, will be $229 billion for FY 2015. CBO expects the government’s interest payments to rise sharply during the coming decade. Current interest rates are very low by historical standards. When interest rates return to more typical, higher levels, federal spending on interest payments will increase substantially. Net interest costs are projected to more than triple from $229 billion in 2015 to $808 billion in 2025.
Net Interest on Federal Debt: $228.7 Billion
Your taxpayer share $2.3 Thousand (based on my income)
The national debt is the reason the fed'ral reserve has been extremely reluctant to raise key interest rstes...
If they crash the ability of the fed'ral gubment to repay its debt, then the rest o' the world will lose interest in the (not-so) almighty dollar bill...
3/1/2017 8:32:27 PM |
The US National Debt |
Gresham, OR
47, joined Dec. 2016
the Senate under Harry Reid never passed a budget and the repbulicans in the house passed a budget that Paul put together harry Reid tabled every budget that they sent to the Senate
3/2/2017 6:09:24 AM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
the Senate under Harry Reid never passed a budget and the repbulicans in the house passed a budget that Paul put together harry Reid tabled every budget that they sent to the Senate
They appropriated the funds spent...
we have not had a balance budget since Clinton ab=nd thet is the only time in my whole life we ever had a balanced budget...
And the senate is actually not the ones responsible for the budget...The house is...
[Edited 3/2/2017 6:09:43 AM ]
3/2/2017 6:15:25 AM |
The US National Debt |


Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
the Senate under Harry Reid never passed a budget and the repbulicans in the house passed a budget that Paul put together harry Reid tabled every budget that they sent to the Senate
Republicans did not BALANCE the budget...so it does not matter...
All money spent gets appropriated...whether it is done in a single budget or multiple spending appropriations...
Republicans controlled the House from 2010 forward...they approved all the spending appropriated...So they approved the debt...