3/2/2017 7:14:22 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Will you still think he's different?
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3/2/2017 7:21:21 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
What if he doesn't? Will you change your opinion of him?
3/2/2017 7:21:49 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Here's my question,today Trump was in Virginia to dedicate a new naval ship named after Gerald Ford and he told the audience he wanted to build a lot more,aren't ships of any size shape or form sitting ducks in this age of guided missiles and rocket shooting drones?
Ships and a large navy don't really make sense any more.
3/2/2017 7:22:35 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Foreign Policy
Trump’s statement that he is the representative of America, and not the world, is a revolutionary break from the neo-con/neo-liberal J()()ish imperialist consensus established under the deplorable Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. This part of the speech was met with audible groans from both the McGraham Cuck Inc. wing and the (((Democrats))). The idea behind Trump’s assertion is simple: it’s not our business how other countries choose to govern themselves, and we should make peace and alliances wherever American domestic interests and convenience intersect with foreign powers (an allusion to Russia).
The age of J()()ish led foreign wars appears to be over, with Trump’s direct condemnation of the $6 trillion Bush and Obama have wasted in such endeavors. That was more so a jab at Bush II, who recently emerged from his Dunce corner to attack Trump. America’s 43rd President, and the first ever mentally retarded person to reach the Oval Office, mustered the courage to come out of hiding thanks to clamors from effeminate (((liberals))) who are nostalgic for his “politeness” (that apparently outweighs the millions of people the J()()s in his regime slaughtered for no reason).
The only mention of Israel in the speech was a low point and deserves criticism, but at the same time, he deserves lauding for only mentioning this irrelevant rogue state once. Trump’s continued demonization of Iran is uncalled for, and talks of sanctions over their ballistic missile program is unnecessary (they need to protect themselves from the Saudi-Israeli terrorist alliance). Any campaign against ISIS the US conducts will inevitably include Iran; how Trump will reconcile this contradiction remains to be seen.
Overall, Trump was strong and revolutionary on this front.
3/2/2017 7:25:05 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
What if he doesn't? Will you change your opinion of him?
Absolutely. If he takes us out of all foreign wars I'll even vote for him in 2020.
3/2/2017 7:29:55 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from The Minister of Propaganda:__
Here's my question,today Trump was in Virginia to dedicate a new naval ship named after Gerald Ford and he told the audience he wanted to build a lot more,aren't ships of any size shape or form sitting ducks in this age of guided missiles and rocket shooting drones?
Ships and a large navy don't really make sense any more.
So, we should disband the U.S. navy merely because all of your family were too lazy and/or chicken sh*t to be sailors?
3/2/2017 7:42:56 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Don't see the point in loading them on war ships to become sacrificial lambs.Seems like a complete waste of taxpayer money.
3/2/2017 7:44:33 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Don't see the point in loading them on war ships to become sacrificial lambs.Seems like a complete waste of taxpayer money.
Why not go old school and line up across a field and shoot each other with muskets.
3/2/2017 7:47:13 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
In my opinion a strong navy went out of style with the 20th century.
3/2/2017 7:51:04 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Maybe 0BUMa and Hillary shouldn't have armed ISIS so well then, huh?
3/2/2017 7:52:07 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
In my opinion a strong navy went out of style with the 20th century.
Well the US Navy does a lot more than just make war. Every time there is a natural disaster who comes to aid? the US Navy. Volcano's, Tsunami's, Earthquakes, a lot of people in this world don't think much about the United States until there are US Navy ships off shore providing aid. Something no one ever seems to get from other nations.
3/2/2017 7:59:55 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!
Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department was actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.
Clinton as repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.
WikiLeaks is about to prove Hillary Clinton deserves to be arrested:
Aiding and abetting the enemy = Treason.
3/2/2017 9:16:33 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Wouldn't cargo ships be more suited in bringing aid to people than war ships.
3/2/2017 9:18:58 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Trump evidently threatened Schumer with getting arrested for pedophilia; Schumer is throwing Hillary under the bus.
3/2/2017 9:21:10 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Can't seem to kill that fascination of yours for pedophilia can you longboogers??
3/2/2017 9:23:53 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Coos Bay, OR
53, joined Aug. 2010

3/2/2017 9:24:25 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

61falcon:Can't seem to kill that fascination of yours for pedophilia can you longboogers??
Would you like some cheese with your whine?
You know who supports pedophiles? You know who never says anything about pedophiles and/or pedophilia?
Answer: OTHER pedophiles.
Like you, for example. 
And now, pedo Schumer is throwing Hillary under the bus to avoid getting arrested for it.

[Edited 3/2/2017 9:25:58 PM ]
3/2/2017 9:31:07 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
Countries around the world don't respect the US anymore. And why is that? Because Obama let piss ant Iran get away with taking our soldiers captive. Stupid Obama, was stupid enough to fly $1.5 billion in cash on pallet to them? Then free up $150 billion in bank accounts. No more.
How stupid are you? Mr I don't pay any taxes at all?
Will you still think he's different? 
3/2/2017 9:33:05 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Countries around the world don't respect the US anymore. And why is that? Because Obama let piss ant Iran get away with taking our soldiers captive. Stupid Obama, was stupid enough to fly $1.5 billion in cash on pallet to them? Then free up $150 billion in bank accounts. No more.
How stupid are you? Mr I don't pay any taxes at all?
Not stupid enough to fund immoral wars.
3/2/2017 9:38:07 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
jilly at least we know that Obama returned Iran's money to them and paid off their debts with their money,the Bushwhacker loaded billions onto planes and flew it to Iraq and lost every dime of it, with no explanation of who or what got it.
3/2/2017 9:41:11 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Countries around the world don't respect the US anymore. And why is that?
We just elected a TV reality star?
3/2/2017 9:42:35 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
We just elected a TV reality star?
Not the first rodeo clown selected, and he won't be the last.
3/2/2017 9:44:35 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
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Not the first rodeo clown selected, and he won't be the last. 
Definitely not. But then countries didn't just now start to lose respect.
3/2/2017 9:47:30 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
Falcon, the US taxpayer has paid $6 Trillion to fight radical Islamic terrorism. And here you come justifying this shit? Are you that stupid?
I suggest you Google Mahmud Ahmadinezhad?. Tell us all what research you find you complete moron, pending.
jilly at least we know that Obama returned Iran's money to them and paid off their debts with their money,the Bushwhacker loaded billions onto planes and flew it to Iraq and lost every dime of it, with no explanation of who or what got it.
3/2/2017 9:48:55 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
In case you haven't noticed jilly the last war we were in, and were actually on the winning side was WW2,we fought a draw at best in Korea,lost in Viet Nam and have been fighting for 15 years in Iraq and Afghanistan both of which could still go either way.
3/2/2017 9:49:06 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Falcon, the US taxpayer has paid $6 Trillion to fight radical Islamic terrorism.
If it makes you feel any better, we've also spent 2 trillion to fight the war on drugs. Just look at how well that is going. Illegal drugs are impossible to get and almost no one does them.
3/2/2017 9:50:57 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
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All coming up through Mexico, stoner.
If it makes you feel any better, we've also spent 2 trillion to fight the war on drugs. Just look at how well that is going. Illegal drugs are impossible to get and almost no one does them.
3/2/2017 9:51:31 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Any money that went to Iran was there's not ours.It was money they invested here and was frozen when we broke off diplomatic relations with them.
3/2/2017 9:52:33 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
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All coming up through Mexico, stoner.
Not all. Most illegal marijuana comes from this country. Mexico leads in heroin and meth.
Hey, maybe is we spend another 2 trillion, no one will do drugs and they will be hard to het.
3/2/2017 9:52:46 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
bullshit, you're a patsy falcon. Do the research I told you to do.
3/2/2017 9:54:11 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
We should have stayed out of Europe during WW2 and instead just kicked the Japs butt for what they did at Pearl Harbor.
Hitler would have beaten Russia and marxist Communism would have ended before 1945.
Palestine would still be Palestine.
I could go on and on and on. 
3/2/2017 9:56:39 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
jilly you do realize when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan there was no talk of radical islam,that has come about as a result of our invasion.
3/2/2017 9:57:51 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
by the way, and I'm sure you have no clue, Ahmadinezhad is running for president again. But go back and study his history and report back to all here what a great guy he is. Stupid f**k.
bullshit, you're a patsy falcon. Do the research I told you to do.
3/2/2017 10:01:44 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

Jacksonville, FL
52, joined Jul. 2014
jilly you do realize when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan there was no talk of radical islam,that has come about as a result of our invasion.
How convenient that you forget that there was no ISIS until Obama abandoned the Sunni majority in Iraq to the tender mercies of the Shitte controlled government in Baghdad.
3/2/2017 10:06:50 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Because the Texas Bushwhacker signed the Status of Fiorces Agreement with the Iraqi government in 2008 which said we would withdraw all U.S.forces from Iraq by December 31,2011.Obama lived up to the agreement Bush made.
3/2/2017 10:34:19 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
Extremist Islamic do not hate USA because is Christian country or because of white people... Mexico and rest of Latin America all way to Chile are Christian countries... Canada is Christian... Australia, New Zealand... many countries... but Islamic extremists not hate those countries like hate USA.. why? Why? Why?... those countries not play police with the whole world and do not fight wars with all world... USA liked to do that... After war world 2..
Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iran, Afganistan, Iraq... Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. Not start wars... why USA start so many wars???
3/2/2017 10:39:34 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
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Really marcas, that's why they ask to recite versus from the Koran,, kill Christians, burn down churches, behead children and sell women into slavery. Except for that, they are angels. Whose mission is to kill infidels.
Where do you people come from?
3/2/2017 10:44:15 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Israeli J()() Arrested for Joining ISIS

Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/03/01/dangerous-phenomenon-israeli-man-charged-with-trying-to-join-isis.html
An Israeli man has been arrested for allegedly trying to join the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria, the Israel Securities Authority announced on Wednesday.
Valentin Vladimir Mazalewski, a 40-year-old Belarus-born father of five from the Arab town of Shibli in northern Israel, allegedly bought a one-way ticket to Turkey so he could cross the border to Syria and join the jihadist group, security officials said in a statement.
He was arrested Tuesday and charged Wednesday in the district court of Nazareth.
Mazalewski immigrated to Israel from Belarus in 1996. According to ISA, he converted to Islam in 2000 after meeting his current spouse, an Israeli Arab from Shibli, during his army service.
In their statement, the ISA described Israeli citizens leaving the country to join the ISIS ranks in Iraq and Syria as a “dangerous phenomenon.”
In point of fact, Israel appears to be a rather intolerant country.

The Israelis are just protecting their asset Simon Elliot AKA Abu Bakar Al Bhagdadi Caliph of ISIS. Having a undisguised J()() in the ranks of ISIS might give away the true identity of the Caliph and compromise the greater Israel project which is to gain by subversion and conquest all the real estate between the Euphrates and the Nile.
3/2/2017 11:11:34 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
Say exact verse on Koran where it says exactly what you wrote to me here!
3/2/2017 11:14:27 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
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marcas, look at the ISIS videos. I don't need to explain shit to you. you can either deny proof in front of your eyes, and you haven't seen 99% of it, or you can try to perpetuate a charade.
3/2/2017 11:18:32 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
jilly you do realize when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan there was no talk of radical islam,that has come about as a result of our invasion.
they refuse to admit cause and affect
they keep on wondering why people would flee their war torn countries and then they wonder why they are willing to give their lives ???
3/2/2017 11:36:27 PM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
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I don't have to give them the benefit of doubt. They've showen their a** in Egypt, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afgahanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somlia, and other places.
Now you may want to stick your proverbial intellectual head up your you know what and ignore facts, but I will stick them in your face every step along the way.
3/3/2017 12:43:08 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
You did not read it what I write it carefully... and you also not have it ability to say it EXACTLY WHERE ON KORAN IT SAYS " TO KILL CHRISTIANS "
3/3/2017 6:35:16 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
I don't have to give them the benefit of doubt. They've showen their a** in Egypt, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afgahanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somlia, and other places.
Now you may want to stick your proverbial intellectual head up your you know what and ignore facts, but I will stick them in your face every step along the way.
Actually, what's been shown in those countries is U.S. imperialism. That's why the Muslim hatred promoted by America's ruling-class never extends to Saudi Arabia. It's not really about Muslims and it's not about religion. It's about America's gangster-capitalist one-percenters owning and controlling all of the world's lucrative markets. Saudi Arabia isn't on the list of "evil Muslims" because they are the BFFs of America's gangster-capitalists.

3/3/2017 6:44:50 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
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marcas, look at the ISIS videos. I don't need to explain shit to you. you can either deny proof in front of your eyes, and you haven't seen 99% of it, or you can try to perpetuate a charade.
Why would you go to ISIS for accurate interpretations of Islam? That would be like looking to the West Borough Baptist Church for interpretations on Christianity. The Muslims I work with don't consider ISIS good muslims. They consider them violent f**ked up human beings who have perverted their religion. Thank goodness Americans are f**king dumb.
3/3/2017 6:46:53 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Why would you go to ISIS for accurate interpretations of Islam? That would be like looking to the West Borough Baptist Church for interpretations on Christianity. The Muslims I work with don't consider ISIS good muslims. They consider them violent f**ked up human beings who have perverted their religion. Thank goodness Americans are f**king dumb.
If Americans weren't so dumb, how would ISIS get so much tax payer monies?
3/3/2017 6:49:23 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
If Americans weren't so dumb, how would ISIS get so much tax payer monies? 
I just find it kind of humorous that most of our problems are our own fault, but we have to blame everything on someone or something else. It's drugs, or terrorism, or illegal immigrants...... it's never our fault. If we would actually take responsibility for some of the problems we created, we might even be able to fix them. But the stupid runs thick.
3/3/2017 7:03:44 AM |
When Trump Expands Foriegn Wars? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Our whole political process is would be politicians running against the bad policies of past politicians*.
*Often times both politicians are the same person*