Morganfield, KY
46, joined Feb. 2017
Anybody on this site into ripping dvd's or re-encoding mp4's?
I have 3,000 mp4's and am re-encoding with the H.264 codec and mp2 ACC audio codec.
I'm currently using HandBrake which is free software but, I'm looking for something a bit more professional to retain aspect ratio but yet, gives me a smaller file size.
Anybody know such a program or have any tips?
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Clearwater, FL
56, joined Dec. 2010
That's all Greek to me my friend!
Morganfield, KY
46, joined Feb. 2017


Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Morganfield, KY
46, joined Feb. 2017
Um, no.
If I wanted to see you with farm animals I would simply ask you for your selfies. I'll pass on the website link.

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Ummm no.... If I wanted to see your human card I'd run up a flag pole.
Morganfield, KY
46, joined Feb. 2017
Whatever f**ktard. Just quit posting in my thread.
I started a serious thread about an intelligent subject and you have to show your immaturity and ignorance by posting like you do.
It's people like you that give these sites a bad reputation.
Just because you have blue stars doesn't mean you are a chat site guru.
Anyhow, I'm not acknowledging anymore of your posts.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Acting the fool in a chat site.
One things for sure. The internet has no shortage of people like yourself.
Good day.
[Edited 3/16/2017 11:25:41 AM ]